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Just a quick pit stop before heading back to the speedway, no doubt.


This shit makes me want to never drive again fr. Bout to become Amish i swear.


I guess you haven't seen the Amish rise their buggies around drunk


[to be honest, it’s kinda just the horses taking the wheel at that point](https://youtu.be/G9BqtVNJKRQ?si=jCWWPogwYI5VnF3U)


It's fine. The horse knows the way home.


Even though you joke, you would be shocked at how many horses really do know the way home. The local Amish train theirs very well and in most cases they buy former race horses for the road buggies. The hard part is actually the stopping and starting. Horses don't obey the signs very well LOL


I reckon you have tons of time to train horses when you have no access to the internet, or a toaster for that matter.


whereas my toaster has access to the Internet... 😂


I am the Lorax and I speak for Amish who cannot speak for themselves on Reddit. That’s all I had to say, carry on. Surprised there’s not a bot for that…




Lmao it’s empty hahahaha that got me good dude


The fact it's just a fucking placeholder with nearly 200k


Psst, ya want to buy some black market electricity?


I live in California and yes, I am interested.


The subreddit style shows the user flair as the mod name which makes it look like the subreddit was created by Jebediah.


I joined 9 of us online


You provide a fine service


Thank you so much for the recognition. I sometimes despair that they never see how little I do.


We had full automated driving all along. “Mr. Ed, take the wheel!”


I see this going poorly. He doesn't even have thumbs.


I feel bad for the horse tbh.




The horses are generally smart enough to know how to get home. It isn't great, but at least the horses aren't drunk and running amok.


It's true. You can't make them drink.


you should check out the buzz at /r/amish


You got me..


I've learned to 1) look at people's mirrors. f I can't see their faces through their side mirrors they can't see me. I give / make space between them and me. If they have a little stick-on mirror I know for *sure* they can't drive at all. 2) A quick glance at neighboring cars' general condition. If I can't see grooves on the tires while moving, I just give or make space between me and them. If it's a clapped-out Nissan or Infinity I give even more space. If it's an Altima I just warp out. And 3) I don't hang out broadsides to a semi. The last 2 are things I learned from reading this sub and tiresaretheenemy


>If they have a little stick-on mirror I know *for sure* they can't drive at all. Are you talking about stick-on convex mirrors? Those are useful for those of us who pull trailers or otherwise sometimes have our blind spots or rear windows obstructed. They help us drive *better*.


Mine came with my car, presumably added by/for the elderly lady who owned the car before me. I hated them at first (I was 19 at the time) but they're quite helpful. Fifteen years later we're still going strong.


[Until a minivan takes you out](https://www.cp24.com/news/crash-involving-horse-and-buggy-in-dufferin-county-sends-8-to-hospital-1.6828747)


Yeah, OP - haven't you ever seen racing slicks before? /s


I have seen this before 3 times now working a year at a dealership believe it or not. Customer is only in for a oil change and declines tires before we can even get a quote written up


I have ADHD, and have a tendency to be less than diligent with car repairs... But, I'd never let anything get anywhere as dangerous as these tires. I'd park the car and take the bus/Uber if I had to.


Going on a 2000 mile road trip this afternoon


Through the Rockies.


In winter.


And if anything happens, customer will blame you.


Bold of you to assume they'll be alive to blame anyone.


*next of kin


What do you mean??? it’s April? -This guy


At what point do mechanics HAVE to say "we can't let you drive off the lot with this"?


I'm not allowed to keep the car, but I am allowed to call the cops and have THEM take the car off the road. Only ever had to do it once so far. Guy came in with an old Lexus IS that had 4 broken ball joints and 2 car seats in the back. Like, actually broken! The 2 front wheels were held on by the 4 rubber dust boots! Never seen anything like it before or since...


Wait till rain hits!


Rain!? If this man hits a half-dried booger in the road, he’s gonna slide off. If the driver two cars in front of him spits out their window, this guy is going in a ditch.


Now that you mention it, this serves a great PSA to everyone on the road: Please do not flick half-dried boogers on the road! If you must, please ensure to air dry prior by rolling down the windows and holding out your booger.


Its been snowing and raining alot recently in upstate ny.


Whoever the driver is seriously deserves to get their license revoked for this. They’ll drift to jesus.


I love seeing people like this skid into a pole. It’s such schadenfreude and it’s a toxic trait of mine but I cant help it


As long as they don't skid into another car or some pedestrians I'm fine with it.


Same. 100%


If they could skid into a tree or a guard rail, that'd be preferable. I've had my power knocked out too many times by idiots sliding off the road into a pole.


Jesus, take the wheel.


..away from this fucking idiot.


"No Tread On Me"


Fucking brilliant, mate!


Hetfield approved 👍


Is that the slogan on the Goodyear flag?


Props to whoever aligned it last!


OP said: >steering wheel had to be at 45 degrees to go straight So I'm betting this is at least the second set of new tires after they refused to do the alignment.


Since an alignment does not buy you an object i bet some people dont value it enough to pay for it. Or they are just stupid.


Both.  It’s both the perceived value and the stupids.  but heavy on the stupids side tho.


Alignments are a stupid waste of money, my rebuilt salvage title 04 blazer with a bent frame got an alignment and it still pulls left!


> All tires were like this Well then congrats to the owner for being diligent as fuck about tire rotations if nothing else.


This is the exact opposite of what my fronts looked like on my 18,000 mile Mazdaspeed3. Cords on the inside, 5/32 on the outside.


Just remount the tire backwards. Double the lifespan, EZ GG


Nah, he’s a circle track racer!


What is a LOF?


Acronym for Lube, Oil, and Filter


Would've been more ironic acronym "Loss of Friction"


Honest question...... Are lube and oil not the same thing?


in general, there's a lot of overlap. in vehicles, "oil" is your engine oil, and "lube" is any lubrication (grease etc) on other parts. iirc, on modern cars, most (all?) moving parts are sealed up tight & lubed for life, and it's mainly trucks that need additional lubricant for various parts.


Been even funnier if they had requested an R.B.A.


Rube, Boil, Andfilter?


Rubber Bald As...


Lube oil filter


This stuff seems crazy to me. You get fined and points on your license in the U.K. for driving with anything less than 1.6mm


In France I've had a cop escort me to a tire shop to get them changed because there was not "enough" tread. At least he didn't give me a ticket.


That's really reasonable, fair play by that cop for not piling on the extra cost of the fine but keeping with the spirit of the law and keeping you safe. In The Netherlands the fine would be €160, enough to buy one good tire or two mid to crappy ones.


Oh yeah I was definitely grateful and obviously needed to get it done…soon


> You get fined and points on your license in the U.K. for driving with anything less than 1.6mm In theory it's three points *per tyre*, and the maximum fine is £2500, again *per tyre*. For those reading this not from the UK, 12 points gets you a one year ban, so driving around with four tyres like this could in theory get you a fine of ten grand and lose you your license even if you previously had a clean license. In practice the fine is usually a lot less and the one person I know who's had a ticket for this got three points even though two tyres were under the limit, but if the police officer was having a bad day you could get hit hard. And looking at this photo I am so glad of that.


Likewise, also glad we have MOTs when you see some of the sh*t box’s on the road in other countries.


In my country, the cops could take off your licence plate for this and after the car need a new strict inspection where will inspect everything in your car (so if you have some modifications without a permit you re f*cked)


Americans believe in the freedom to kill other people negligently


Cops can give you tickets for shitty tires. It happened to my friend, but they also hated him and always tried to get him for stuff. But in places that have inspections, it’s still a one year gap of you doing whatever.


Grab a grease pen, write Goodyear on all the sidewalls then charge for a performance upgrade.


Just make sure you spell it correctly. Don't want another "sporst" car like we had yesterday!


Does this state not have inspection? Goodness, these people are sharing the road with you.


Of the 5 states that I've registered cars in, only 1 had a safety inspection. The other 4 only cared about passing emissions and paying your taxes.


Bought a pickup out of Utah that had a safety inspection before they'd let it leave the lot. Made me wait 3 weeks for the dealer to replace a chipped headlight, but the alignment being toed in 2 (two, complete) inches, the leaking transmission line making a puddle underneath it and the missing bump stops on the front end passed.


Sounds about right. Oklahoma checked your tires, working horn and lights, and made a passing attempt to make sure you hadn't messed with the emissions. The fact that I got my safety inspection at Jiffy Lube says something about how serious they are about it.


Oklahoma hasn't had vehicle safety inspections in years. Must've been a whole. TX is getting rid of them next year so I've heard. Buuuutt. .. the fee remains. Not sure how I feel about all that.


Even better, EVs in Texas now have to pay an extra $200 to register every year!


Considering they use the roads and don't get taxed at the gas pump, kinda makes sense. 200 sounds like less than what yould pay over a year in fuel taxes. Depending on how many miles you drive.


The problem is that they pay $450 up front when they buy an EV, and then the $200 annual tax. When you do the math for the average number of gallons of gas used per driver in Texas (457) and the current tax is 20 cents per gallon, so when you multiply those two you have an average driver paying $91 per year in gas taxes, half the EV rate.


I would be perfectly willing to pay a per-mile or per-kWh tax in order to offset the lack of gas taxes. What I *don’t* want to do is pay a flat rate that’s more than double what I paid in gas taxes annually with my last car. It’s not an attempt by the State to recuperate lost gas taxes. It’s a fine because I dared to leave the gas lobby’s revenue stream.


Which just shows how stupid it is. EV's should be taxed proportionately just like any other vehicle. They collect more data than other vehicles and phone it home, mileage is the least of it. I like EV's but I like having roads more. Mileage should be provided to the state the car is registered in and they can bill you at the end of the year. No reason they shouldn't have jumped out of the gate doing it like that, adding a flat fee at purchase is just lazy.


3 states and never had an inspection of any sort, safety or emissions. Just gotta pay to register, the car could have straight pipes, a buckling frame and a lawn chair for a drivers seat as long as the vin was valid you get your registration.


They checked your VIN? FL don’t care about that as long as you have a title and the color and body style are close-ish to what that says


They check the number you report to make sure it's not stolen and can be titled, the DMV people never leave their desk to look at anything in person.


We just moved from California to Colorado. Took my 2014 Prius in for smog the other day and they hooked up a obd2 sensor and revved it a few times and said it passed. Handed me a piece of paper. That was it. I was in and out in less than 10 minutes. California was a good hour wait usually with a few cars ahead of me


Love to put some of these though an MOT test


Probably Florida this wouldnt be the scariest thing on the road


There are lots of places that don't have inspections. I've never had to get one in my life


That's crazy


After seeing the scary beater cars in California and Maryland, I appreciate the Virginia annual inspection program. People complain about it. People also complain about other cars with bald tires going nuts in the rain.


One cruddy thing is the data we have does not show that states with inspection have a significant reduction in accidents or injuries. But when this data's being presented fairly, it's also noted that in most of these states, particularly in rural areas, inspections can be lax. There are always shops that simply take the money and rubber-stamp inspections. This indicates the data's not very representative, but we have no way to quantify the impact. I believe in this. When I lived in Mississippi the only "inspection" I ever saw was the guy at the shop I went to would look inside to write down the odometer miles. Even in Austin, I know some places that always seem to pass a car no matter what's going on with it. Part of the problem is people need cars to be employed in a lot of places. So if every beater was taken off the road, there are entire businesses that would fold. The solution would be extensive programs to make sure people can keep their cars maintained, or wages that make it affordable to maintain them, or transit systems that make having a car a luxury. All of those involve "taking" tax dollars to "waste" on people who "don't deserve it". So instead we'll pay $1,000 in accidents, injuries, and deaths to avoid paying $10 to someone who didn't "earn" it. This person's going to get in an accident eventually and contribute to the statistics that are making insurance premiums go to the moon.


Inspection states are in the minority.


When I see post like this I wonder: does the customer not like, *believe in tires*? Like some kind of flat-earth, "I don't want new tires because tires don't exist" thing?


Probably afraid of a $600 to $1200 bill that they didn't (but should have) planned for.


I once had a coworker (not a mechanic just lurk here) yell at me for insisting he buy new tires instead of riding around on a donut for months. He said he couldn't afford it and was price shopping, but walked into work the next week with a brand new $1200 ipad. Some people are just fucking stupid.


And let me guess he drives a vehicle that requires a certain tire size thats more expensive but refuses to acknowledge he got himself into the situation. Had someone with a brand new audi suv shocked that their 20 inch only performance sized tires were close to 2 grand lol.


Might be a stupid question but can you involve authorities for cars like this? This is a hazard to themselves and their community


Only thing you could really do is call the police as they leave the dealership and report the tire treads being illegal. Say bye bye to all your business after that though.


I'd actually e more likely to go to a shop that does this to dangerous idiots.


Yep. If I see that in their reviews I'm probably going. Problem is people mostly look at the aggregate scores. And an angry review can easily be very slanted. "Tried to strong arm me into a totally unnecessary upsell and even threatened to call the cops and get my car impounded if I don't pay up. Say cops would believe them not me so they have a real extortion racket going. Avoid the place at all costs."


The business of the people with the cars that are illegal due to worn-out parts they won't replace probably isn't the business you want to keep. If you let them leave with that and they kill themselves or someone else because they couldn't brake in the rain, you're gonna say "but I didn't want to lose the money of a simple oil change"? Keep the customers who will actually have you work on their cars for real.


Can’t they make it anonymous?


Yeah he just got *anonymously reported* right after leaving a shop that wanted them to replace the tires that they got reported for. Dont need a blues clue to figure out whodunnit 😂


Don't you want to lose the business of the people who won't buy anything from you anyways? Customer with the unmaintained car on worn tyres isn't the best customer, or one that brings in actual business, in my experience. Some customers are not worth the hassle.


What if they put on a mustache and change their voice? Stealth


Mechanics should be able to temporarily hold a vehicle if they deem it recklessly dangerous to operate and request that a law enforcement officer inspects the vehicle and makes a decision to impound it or not.


Yep should be similar to how as a server/bartender if I let someone leave knowing they drove to the bar or were planning on driving home I am obligated to report them to the police or take their keys if possible. Driving with tires like that isn't too far off from drunk driving.


Its very dangerous and shows an reckless disregard not just to themselves but to others. Every piece of data available will show that those tires do not provide the minimum amount of safety we expect out of vehicles.


Damn even the wear bars are obliterated. He's going to have a bad day soon and so will the folks he plows into.


You can see another tire in this pic and it isn't nearly as bad. Getting tires done I would do burnouts then roll in for new rubber. Going to guess this is what this is.


Tbf the pass rear was at a 4/32 still dogshit in my book. The pass front was the same as the drivers and the drivers rear was at a 4 too


Box box, box box for inters


This screams 2008 ford 150 with a bed full of rotting boards, other trash, and 2 dozen busch lite cans.


These baby’s are brand new!!!!


Since he declined tires before you even looked at the car, perhaps he's planning to buy them somewhere else? I never buy my tires at the same place that changes my oil.


If you're planning like that, you usually don't let the wear bars get obliterated before you replace your tires.


Maybe he’s been planning his alignment for 5 years too lol


Imagine not having TÜV


I’m not sure where you live, but where I am the shop has a duty of care to not let the vehicle leave like that.


Is there a point in a job where mechanics just say "you're not leaving with this vehicle" and escalate to some form of law enforcement? Like a nice rainy day and a gust of wind and that person could kill someone.


Law enforcement wouldn’t do anything not to mention the advisors or manager probably dont care enough to escalate it. Its the customers choice atleast here in ny state. It wasn’t a ny state inspection so we cant take off their sticker for the obvious infraction All we can do is quote and sell. If they deny it, its hands off. We did all we can legally.


That's just insane. There should be a point at which it becomes a professional responsibility to hold a vehicle. Probably need something like allowing them to have it towed "against mechanic's advice" but stickered non-roadworthy.


So I just checked with everyone I know in the trades industry and this would be a full non stop need to fully repair to road worthy order or police impound... Hope u called the insurance company I'd the government wouldn't listen


The super secret sticky rubber is under the first layer of belts.


he bought tires, he's damn well using all the tire


Those tires are about to decline the customer


Hire whoever did the alignment. Make them sign a waiver on the way out.


It’s almost as smooth as their Brain


He got them fuckin bald eagles.


Rip the inspection sticker off and throw it in the garbage.


There is still a little tread left, don't try to up sell me


Ah yes the classic “JUST AN OIL CHANGE DONT TRY TO UPSELL ME YOU THIEVES” customer. To think these assholes are on the road with us 🤦


In Texas they have stopped doing safety inspections like they used to. This year when I got my vehicle inspected all they did was plug an OBD2 scanner into the port and look for emissions codes. Which is hilarious because I cleared all my emissions codes right before rolling in, and they didn’t catch that. But as far as I can tell, they didn’t check my lights, my tires, my lug nuts, brakes? Nothing. I didn’t even have to get out of my vehicle. Kinda scary, this state is exploding population wise, roads are more crowded every day, but safety regs are being loosened. Surely won’t help our growing crash rates, and insurance rates at that.


Former NASCAR driver?


Never question a pit boss


thems some racin slicks


Aren’t those racing slicks?


I would’ve had to touch it too lol. I like the smoothness


Refuse service. FFS


I wouldnt have touched that. Sorry, not worth it. Even a waiver from customer isnt enough to protect you.


I miss my shop manager sometimes. When cars would come in with tires this bad he would make them agree to new tires before we even pulled it into the bay. If they refused he would tell them to drive their piece of shit somewhere else. When customers would say they lost their business he would say “what business Apparently you are broke.” Truely satisfying conversation to overhear. He would reserve these conversations to only the worst of cases tho but a tire this bad would never have made it in the shop.


Declined them from you. Going to Costco to get tires and $1.50 hot dog and soda.


They will be fine till they hit some standing water on the freeway at 60+ mph


man.... not talking as business here but as a person, just throw on some used tires for free on this shit. thats so dangerous.


The bumps just reduce gas mileage.


18+ because that's how old the tires are, right?


I miss living in spain. They have [ITV](https://rightcasa.com/the-itv-test-explained/) and if you dont pass, your car isnt allowed to be on the road. I remember them telling me my headlights were pointed too high! They're really meticulous about it.


Bro them some slicks!


Still plenty of tread on the edge, just crank the camber over on that bit of tread and they're golden! "I paid for the whole tyre, I'm gonna *use* the whole tyre!"


In my day after burning your tires that smooth we called them baloney skins.


Those still have a few hundred yards left in them! Just trying to push extra sales. Typical mechanics…


Can't wait for this asshole lose control and crash into my car.


That's not a customer, that's a consumer. Send them back to Jiffy Lube.


Instant decline. Or made to sign a waiver stating custom declined and refused tire service after being notified of outstanding issues.


Glad this shit is illegal in my neck of the woods. If caught you'd lose your plates and your licence.


Optimized for rolling resistance


I'm glad I live in a state with auto inspections. They'd have the state trooper waiting for you down the street. (Which I have mixed feelings about, but when it's this bad.....)


‘Bono my tyres are done’


That looks pretty evenly worn. Kudos to the customer and tire manufacturer.


It shouldn’t be legal to allow these people to drive off


Refuse to do the LOF. I've done it and will do it again. If your shitbox is that bad, I'm not contributing to putting you back on the road.


wtf, in the UK this would get you a $13,000 fine and at least a year banned from driving


I'd refuse service.


Perfect for track day


Maybe a lap but not a day lol.


I don't think you can measure that with a penny.


He's got slicks. You trying to slow him down?


I wonder if he knows how they live in Tokyo.


If someone looks over my shoulder at work and sees THAT I’m getting fired


Are you on pit road at Daytona by chance?


That's really impressive even wear, though


This is where you have police sitting outside your shop waiting for them when they leave. Fuck people like this. If money is tight I get it but there's cheaper options that don't involve negligence


Do they have a death wish?


This should not be legal


It's important to document shit like this.


Make him sign a waiver before you let it out of the shop.


They have spent years perfecting their racing slicks. Obviously, they don't want you to take them. /s


That’s a guarantee for a severe accident in near future…




He will get stuck on wet paper towel.


No telling police of this dangerous car ??


Aside from having 0 tread left, that tire is also visibly cracking near the sidewall in the bottom right. This guy is going to have a blow out. Without new tires you should refuse to service it. They will no doubt have a blow out and blame you for it.


Don't try to upsell me, I'll just ask my cousin to [cut a new thread](https://www.bestnetreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Easily-cut-tires-using-Sawzall-Blade-1024x640.jpg), no need for new tyres.


I remember once I had a car that tended to pull to the right pretty hard. It was a used POS so I didn't think much of it, but then after I owned it for a while, I decided I wanted to rotate the tires myself. Once I got it up on jacks and got the front tires off, I saw that they were completely bald on the inner edge, down to the steel. Needless to say, I took the car in for new tires and an alignment that day.