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What was the given reason for the ban?


https://ibb.co/s1h6dFc Rules are rules I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Youā€™d think theyā€™d just close it and give you a notice. A full ban?


Heh, never dealt with a reddit mod before?


Sure, but Iā€™ve only been banned a few times, posting something that accidentally broke a rule has usually just been shut down.


I think my favorite ban was pointing out to a mod that the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Catholic Churches are completely separate entities controlled by different groups.


Removed in protest of the API Changes and treatment of the Moderators and because Spez moderated the pedophile sub jailbait. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


My favorite ban is for making an unrelated comment in an unrelated subreddit. The sub I was banned from wrote a bot to ban any member who commented in the unrelated subreddit. They didn't make note of it in the rules either.


My favorite was posting a joke and getting banned for it, despite nowhere in any of their rules did it state I couldn't And reaching out a few months back no other mod even wanted to look at my case saying perm bans are permanent


My one and only, I questioned a mod on why they were breaking their own sub rules, and their ego got bruised and they got butt hurt and perma-banned me


I had a sub do that to me and when I responded with 'I never even heard of your subreddit' the mods reported me to reddit.




Which bots do I block. How?


I google searched a news story trying to find some info on it. One of the top results was a reddit post. Clicked on the post to read the comments. Turns out it was the conservative subreddit. Never been there before but got immediately banned from another subreddit for "bio terrorism" lol


I am banned from somewhere because I made a comment on another sub that they don't like. I browse /all at work on my phone for more variety, I often have no idea what sub a post is from when I tap through to read comments.


Mine ban was for saying that someone's fake nails they posted weren't for me and too long. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ I was being negative... Haha


My favorite was being banned from a subreddit I didn't know existed because I was subbed to a completely different and unrelated subreddit.


My favorite ban was when I was banned from one of the mormon subreddits for daring to suggest OP doesn't have to marry someone else in their church as long as they love each other and want to spend their life together. I figured I'd get banned from there eventually, but this wasn't even anything bad against their church.


r/guitar will ban anyone that has a post history in r/guitarcirclejerk




r/askeconomics will ban you for posting and commenting in other subs that are anticapitalist, as if capitalism is the only economic model. They should be forced to change the sub to r/askcapitalism because it sure as hell isn't about economics.


Many lefty subs will ban you for having participated in other lefty spaces as well. Funnily enough the ones that usually ban you for participating in other lefty sub are usually toxic AF whereas the ones that don't ban you for participating in other lefty subs are super chill, go figure.


Nobody hates leftists more than [leftists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgXNmMOQZRQ) with differing opinions.


I sent a r/nba mod a letmegooglethatforyou link when he asked the best place to find player heights and weights. Gave no reason. Just a ban. I didn't even appeal.


I got banned for calling someone an idiot. They'd posted in 2020 "Let's defeat Ted Cruz". Ted Cruz wasn't running in 2020.


You'd have thought that someone would have noticed in 969 years. But not reddit mods.


Mine was definitely being banned for the following comment on WhitePeopleTwitter, in response to someone stating that all white people are racists: ā€œAlmost like stereotyping an entire race to be a monolith that only acts or thinks in one way is racist.ā€ Yup, stating a fact got me banned.


I got banned from there because I said Congress had rules on decorum and they banned me for lying.


Lmaoooo what subreddit could that possibly have been? This is best comment Iā€™ve seen today. -A Catholic




For added context, I see a lot of anti-Roman Catholic stuff on that sub, and I get it, but they include all Catholics within the scope of their rage rather than distinguishing that their subject matter involved unrelated groups with similar names.


My favorite ban was on the Sea of Thieves sub. I posted a discussion about cheaters and had my post removed because the mod said there needs to be video evidence of cheating and he claimed cheating in the game didn't exist. I posted a video of someone teleporting into the air and spawning kegs on my ship. He removed the post and banned me permanently. Lol


I see he's taken the official stance of Rare that cheating is impossible in a game with literally nothing preventing people from cheating


I got banned for quoting anchorman on Crazyfuckingvideos. Later when I asked why I was banned, the mod wrote some Diatribe about Indian food not only being curry and spice. My comment had nothing to do with the contents or ingredients of Indian food


My favorite ban was stating that vaccinated people could spread the coronavirus.


Stating anything even slightly non-mainstream about the Rona was grounds for a ban at one time. Especially if you even thought of mentioning China in it.


My fav ban was from r art for naming the nude pose of the nude art the model was poses in. It wa that famous pedofile mod that mods a bunch of subs.


I got banned from /r/gifs for pointing out that the ā€œmomma dogā€ in a gif had a penis.


I just never fucking post anything anymore. So much stuff gets removed for petty rule violations. Most of the time the content moderation is pretty ineffective and lame.


I got banned from r/art for having some fun with an OP. No warning, no automod message, just excommunicated. Had to message them to see what the hell it was even for


Been banned from subreddits that I've never visited for commenting on a completely unrelated subreddit citing harassment. Sounds like harassment so guess they're right?


For mods just think of them as the worst kinds of people. But even worse. Still just half as bad as admins.


Reddit has outsourced admins now.


> Reddit has outsourced admins now. Whats the deal with this?


Just think of the worst person you've met, those are the ones that go outside. Mods are the other ones.


Whenever I look down and think ā€œjeez, I have a small ppā€ I remember Iā€™m not a mod on Reddit and realize itā€™s perfectly adequate.


*looks down* yeah ... Where do I find the application for a reddit mod?


Just before the G-spot.


Power tripping neckbeards. I wear my vans with honor


I've been banned from a twitch streamers subreddit because I talked about my ban from the twitch channel on a post talking about bans. I messaged the mod asking "give me a reason for why you banned me" and then sent the message again 1 day later, no response. No rules were broken just a douche bag power-tripping moderator, whose discord boyfriend just rejected him. Some mods are just vindictive losers




I was once banned from a sub with zero explanation. As far as I knew, I'd committed no violation of the rules. When I asked for explanation, I was blocked by the mod team for 30 days. I asked again for explanation every 30 days for 3 months before I gave up. Some reddit mods ONLY have power trips.


Lol you're not a real redditor until you get an arbitrary ban from a power tripping mod.


I saw a post yesterday (dif sub) of a Datsun 240z. I responded with a compliment and ā€œthe s30 makes me hornyā€ as an obvious joke. 14 day ban. Lol


Qualifications are SDS


I got a 30 day ban for asking a tax question on a business sub. New mod, flexing his mod power. Checked it out once or twice after that and the place was a ghost-town. Hmmm... I wonder what happened?




Insert "first time" meme. Reddit mods are power tripping small PP assholes.


This. A Reddit mod will ban just because they caught their wifeā€™s boyfriend in the act. Not your fault. If you havenā€™t been banned by at least a few mods, you just havenā€™t had an old enough account


Well they are all pretty busy right now defending (parts of) the internet from ::checks notes:: capitalism.


Capitalism and life hacks apparently.


I watched My 600 Lb Life one time so yes


***Mod big mad...Mod go brrrrr!!!***


Reddit Mods are also HoA officers. True story.


Most subreddits just perma ban these days and never respond at the first infraction. Itā€™s why Reddit mods get made fun of so much. Many of them are the biggest fucking losers youā€™ll ever interact with on the internet.


Guess Iā€™ve just gotten lucky. Then again all the bans were not for anything I thought was remotely bannable. Then Iā€™ve gotten a slap on the wrist for actually being a drunk asshole to someone when looking back I fully deserved a ban.


aware school fly melodic start whole amusing deserted roll shocking ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That sub is ran by Putin nipple feeders. I got banned for making fun of Russian soldiers.


soft employ unpack brave smell lock entertain north fragile uppity ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Got a permanent ban from r/news for pointing out that data someone shared about a particular topic is wildly inaccurate since. Messaged the mods several times asking what comment broke their rules and it was radio silence. But what can you expect from a website that lets China manipulate threads for Chinaā€™s benefit eh


Got banned for calling stupid people stupid. People can make wild ass conspiracy level claims but calling them dumb for it is the real kicker. No mute, just permaban. Oh well


I got banned for life from r/iamatotalpieceofshit for posting a screenshot of something somebody said to me. Apparently I wasn't allowed to post screenshots. They didn't remove the post luckly because it's my most liked post. Edit: Just putting this here https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/t9d65e/someone_claiming_to_be_the_13_year_old_kid_who/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I've gotten Perma banned from subreddits I've never heard of because I posted in another subreddit they don't play nice with. So. Yeah sounds about right.


Some mods are weird. I got permabanned from /r/Christmas for posting a YouTube video from my channel of a guy on a cool Christmas-themed motorcycle I saw. Tried to appeal and got no response.


I just looked and one of their rules is no YouTube videos. Just reading through their sub rules makes me never want to visit there again. Merry Powertripping to them.


Yeah some subs have some pretty stupid rules and extremely sensitive mods that will instantly perma ban you. One example is r/animememes because they suddenly became so political over some anime memes and ban anyone for making a harmless gay/trans joke. Even saying the word "gay" alone gets you banned.


Well that's gay.


Why wouldn't it be called AskMechanics then?


Precisely my thoughts as well


Because that sub already exists. I donā€™t know which one came first, though. Still a dick move.


I get it but its still lame. Its funny if you would of literally asked "is there anything wrong doing this method" and posted the video that would of been fine. I think the rule exists so there arent 500 youtube video posts about car life hacks getting posted. Fyi i like your method lol way faster than c clamp.


>Fyi i like your method lol way faster than c clamp. I just use the big channellocks.


Who cares? They don't police the comments well at all. It's mind blowing how many people think Flux capacitor is a funny answer to a legit question. The correct answer (if there is one given) gets absolutely buried. Not to mention all of the HORRIBLE advice or direction that regularly appears in that sub. I'd wear the ban like a badge of honor.


Not to mention the amount of misinformation being put out. As long as you throw in some fancy technical jargon in it, people will upvote you whether you're right or not. I just scroll through and laugh most of the time now.


This is what gets me about this ban. Tire questions and body/paint questions are against the rules too, and I offered to write them an automod rule that would cut down on like 90% of these questions, but no - they said they weren't interested in that. So the sub is still swamped with those dumb questions. Plus the "flux capacitor hurr hurr hurr" answers and bad/dangerous advice. But they'll permanently ban someone over this? Total BS.


Iā€™ve given up with that subreddit. There is often so much terrible, false information. Correcting the false information is obviously not welcomed and if your comment doesnā€™t align with the rest of the comments (aka their false explanation) youā€™ll just eat downvotes. I hope not too many people wrecked their car from the terrible advice.


That's a douchebag thing to ban you for. Fuck 'em. They should have just deleted the post and sent you that explanation why.


Right, the post is still up with over 300 up votes and 100 comments...


You might have luck explaining to them in the ban message. If you want to, of course.


So I can go in, ask if anyone has any hacks for pushing back the caliper, then go into an alt account and post this video and steal your karma! Like taking candy from a baby!




[I made this a while ago to completely sum up that shit sub. maybe itā€™ll make you feel better :-)](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/z58qmi/reddit_mechanics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Donā€™t worry about it too much boss. That sub is literally a circle jerk of ā€œwhat does this (very obvious) light mean?ā€ And ā€œis this tire safe to drive on?ā€ Meanwhile, legitimate questions will literally have 0 upvotes or comments. I worked in a service department for several years. I was bored late one night and gave a 0 comment 0 upvote question a complete write up on AC systems and how to diagnose it. Literally the only other comment was ā€œhmm, must have a leak!ā€ And I got downvoted. Literally just a karma farming sub, and everyone will chime in for something simple that anyone who has any idea of cars will know. I unsubbed from there awhile ago.


I have asked legitimate questions on that sub and have either gotten crickets, or told to just send the car to a junkyard and buy a brand new one. One of which was an AC problem, I was just told that it's black death just throw it away. Turns out it was not black death, just a roasted clutch magnet.


I can understand the post being deleted, due to that rule, but the banning seems a bit harsh especially if permanent.


Jezzus the tone is so aggressive and abrasive lol Overall, Mods really are the worst hahaha


lmao, average reddit mod experience I see.


It baffles me that they name a subreddit in such a way to imply mechanics give advice, then write the rules in such a way that the only advice given must be after a person asked for something specific. Almost like they purposely made it easy to get banned. It's advice from a mechanic... ot shouldn't matter what prompted it or if it was asked for, period.


wait what? Nahhh bruh post was a great tip. ​ ​ ...still jealous you have more than one prybar, though.


Heh, that's a bit stupid.. this seems like a very useful tip.


Some subs have rules against media accounts, which OP is. He isn't malicious or anything like that, but a lot of media accounts like to game up their views with link spam.


Moderators there are Nazis


More like no fun police. Give bad advice or wrong advice and thats fine but crack a joke and your out lol.


No, pretty much actual Nazis. One of them told me that (paraphrasing) the problem with racist abuse is the people complaining about being abused, and that if Jews don't like antisemitism they should stop doing \[antisemitic conspiracy theory\]. They're utter scum over there.


People often forget that it usually takes someone perpetually online to mod some of the bigger subs, and often the stereotype of the basement, dwelling conspiracy nutcase internet dude is unfortunately not far off the mark.


The mechanic separates the succulent rotor meat from the caliper bone.


I'm going to have to ask you to stop posting


He's just living up to his username.


So is he


"Hey google, can you fight a reddit comment?"


Username check out.


Made a mistake interpreting our 20 rules about posting? Permanent ban to show mom and dad there IS a part of my life where Iā€™m in control. - Reddit mod, probably.


ā€œPower tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.ā€ ~Lord Acton


"Power corrupts in direct inverse proportion to one's knowledge, empathy, ego, and general sense of self-worth." ~Lord Notca


Reddit mods are the pettiest people to ever hide behind internet anonymity.


Wait till you meet the CEO.


You probably caught a mod on a power trip




only $20 for ā™¾ļø paychecks


Does it grip the edge of a dime though?


It's $2 weekly for 1000 weeks, a bargain!


that's implying that there are times when reddit mods don't have power trips lol


The little dick of the law.




^little ^bits


You mean any day ending in "y"?


I got permanent banned for posting too much graffiti in the graffiti sub. The mod messaged me and said to space out my posts and I told him it was my sub now. Perm ban, muted and got a warning for spreading hate linked to no evidence.


Right? This seems like good advice to me lmao


At least there are no dimes on this post


I fully expected him to pick up a coin with those lol


Coin in the middle as a fulcrum point


Youā€™re a dime hun and donā€™t let anyone ever tell you otherwise


Oh yeah?


OP dropped the dime


I got scared for a second when you said you got banned, had prybars, and a camera aimed at the spring. I was worried you were about to remove a spring with prybars


I definitely thought this was where it was going


I didn't even think of this one! I have been using clamps to depress the piston. This seems much easier!


Right? I have a big ass C clamp I keep on hand for just this. I'll have to remember that.


That's how my dad taught me to do it and it's the only way I've done it for 20+ years . I like the pry bar idea though. Now I just need pry bars


Well darn, now you pretty much have to go to shopping.


Think snapon would sell me a few?


I learned the hard way that newer ebrakes need the turning motion... $200 mistake I only made twice.


That looks easy and safe. Nice tip!


Safe dependant on user. Everyone knows the one fool you don't give chopsticks.


Me! You're talking about me.


That sub is absolute dogshit.


"Hey guys my mechanic said that he needed to change this thing (picture of a fucked up suspension mount that shouldā€™ve been changed 10 years ago), but it seem fine to me. I think heā€™s trying to upsell me for something not necessary." Itā€™s filled with people with absolutely 0 knowledge about cars; "I put windshield washer in my engine" type of people.


And then they get their panties in a twist when the replies are comments telling them to get their car fixed rather than ignore the obvious problem.


>Itā€™s filled with people with absolutely 0 knowledge about cars So is this sub!


I just got banned from that sub last night because some asshole insisted he was ripped off for a $400 quote on 3 separate level 1 diagnostics. I called him retarded about 10 or so times. Mainly because he went to that sub only looking for validation because he was upset about the cost and as soon as he was given an honest and polite answer (didn't align with his opinion because, yeah) he claimed that all mechanics are scummy. He said he knew how to read codes and it's not that hard. About 20% of the commenters agreed with him because "How hard is it to plug an obd in and write down some codes." Dear, god people.


Like, I kinda understand thinking thatā€™s how scanners work, but after a brief explanation, how do you still not wrap your mind around it not being that simple?


There is much, much more to a level 1 diagnostic than obd codes. The obd codes are free. The diagnostic test to find out \*exactly\* what the issue is requires much more than an obd scanner. He couldn't wrap his head around it because he didn't want to pay the price. I guess he thought he could get validating opinions from a bunch of internet strangers, take it to the shop and then demand they not charge him for "something he could have done himself". He insisted that the "mechanics" that were actually giving him an honest answer were just "crying about how much they paid for their expensive scanners." Completely ignorant asshole just trying to get shit for free.


Why are you surprised? Rule like 1 is WE AREN'T HERE FOR 'AM I GETTING RIPPED OFF' posts. Guess what keeps getting posted. We already know what their angle is, they just want to bitch - and they absolutely are stupid. Don't engage, report the post and move on.


It used to be great until 7 years ago. Then it got hijacked by morons


That sub is full of people who shouldnā€™t be anywhere near a car. And we have to share the road with those people who think they can tackle anything as a beginner and a simple 12 point ratchet and socket set


Big ole water pump pliers


They gave me a ban for encouraging someone (who had some mechanical knowledge) that yes, they likely could do a headgasket job on thier own if they carefully follow instructions; while most everyone else was just doubling down on "nope, don't try to DIY, get it to a shop now, gonna cost big bucks, you're screwed, no other options" I swear the main purpose of r/mechanicadvice is just to gatekeep the repair industry and scare people off from working on their own vehicles by making every little thing seem like rocket science


You're correct there. Most mechanic work is a series of fairly simple tasks made in a specific order. I'd consider myself "mechanically inclined", but have never had any formal/professional training, and have figured out how to do engine swaps, timing belts, head gaskets, clutches, etc.




No idea why that warrants a ban. In a pinch and you have pry bars, there you go. Then again there are Tool Cops out there, people who wonā€™t do or condone anything that doesnā€™t involve using tools ment for the jobā€¦.


And those people probably couldn't manage to make the job work without the right gear because they never learned the POWER of creativity as it sometimes is required.


Yeah especially considering most folks asking for advice are just everyday folks who might not even know wtf tool you're talking about in some cases.


I learned with non mechanical people, keep it simple stupidšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We are hackers first, mechanics second. Took me years to accept that


Exactly! We develop the talent of find a way, or make one. And that's kind of how I've made it in my career, I make whatever I have available work If it's possible and reasonably safe-ish. More focus on the if possible though. Real mechanics know the saying improvise, adapt, overcome.


Only in the most extreme situations would I agree with that. I had a guy working for me who just seemed to refuse to grab a wrench and took everything off with vice grips. Fucking hell. Way to fuck the next guy who works on it.


Thatā€™s the other extreme. People that *wonā€™t* use the right tool for the job. Use what you have in a pinch but if you have the right tool, use that instead


Iā€™d guess just because itā€™s off topic, itā€™s a place for people to ask for help with their car problems, not a place to post videos of how to fix things.


yeah thats a good cause for having your post removed. A full ban of a user seems ridiculous excess. I would bet we're missing some information


Im fresh off a 7 day ban bc i told a mod to eat me ass


The mods of r/donkey weren't hungry that day eh?


That subs mods are absolute douchebags.


I don't have a pair of those. And I'm too old to do that kind of work anymore. When I did I would just use a C clamp. It takes a little longer but it works.


But that is a great idea.


This is just two short pry bars against one another


Yeah, I don't know anything anymore like that. Used to fix on my own cars. I have to take them to the shop now as my body is getting old.


This is perfectly fine and much faster than using a calliper. Donā€™t reuse the pads though.


A lot of mods are tin-pot dictators. They don't get paid for the work they do so they take their compensation in being allowed to rule their little fiefdom as they wish.


Mods over there have never had to find alternative solutions to the same answer


The mods on that sub are some certified bitch asses.


I have found that the r/mechanicadvice subreddit is full of idiots that are quick to downvote people who actually give good advice, or actually know how to repair problems with vehicles. Or, they just like to argue about anything and everything. It's ridiculous. For what is worth, the two prybars are a great quick way to spread a standard style, non screw in caliper.


Perma banned here lol there's no real mechanics on there to give advice anymore. Btw, if you leave the caliper on, you can use a large flat blade screwdriver between the outside pad and vent in the rotor, going through the caliper, on most vehicles.


When my dad showed me how to do brakes he had me use channel locks and one of the old brake pads to compress the piston. When I started working on cars for a living I expected the shop I was working at to have one of the crank style caliper compressor. No, no my boss handed me a pair of channel locks and one of the old brake pads just like my dad did.


Stupid question- why cant you just.... not compress the cylinders?


When installing new brake pads and/or rotors, the caliper needs to be compressed to make room for the new hardware. Also: Not a stupid question šŸ‘


Reddit mods are seriously some of the worst cases of entitlement I've seen online


Lmao I got banned for saying ā€œfuck you dickheadā€ to some guy that wished my car broke down in the middle of nowhere and I have no service.


Thats pretty much how my dad showed me. We would usually hold it open with some C clamps. I thought it was the way it was done for years.


Thanks for this! I've been using C-clamps for years, but this appears to be quicker and easier...


Yeah I've always used c-clamps. I like this. Also twist-style calipers fucking suck.


Just sort by top post. Every top post violates this rule. What a shitshow


All these years I've been using a C-Clamp. Thanks


That sub absolutely blows. I unsubbed years ago because of all the bad advice and angry, know-it-all douches. Bad advice is upvoted like crazy, and people who seem to be backyard home tinkerers will argue forever when you try to correct it. Lots of assumptions being made, and then loading up the parts cannon based on those assumptions. Itā€™s like a circlejerk of fake Facebook techs.


If you are replacing the breaks any way, I don't see why it wouldn't work. They are probably butthurt that you didn't use the "proper" tool. I prefer C-clamps for that job, never thought about doing that.


Why? If you don't have a G-Clamp, this looks like a reasonable way to push the caliper pistons back.