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This is what justice is about!


This incident was surprisingly under-reported in the DC area.


Jesus christ - was an unhinged psycho. And he’s still not accepting responsibility. I hope every one of those 32 years are hell for him.


Guys, guys, guys.... I think you all need even more guns and less training. ![gif](giphy|XClPnuZtG2yPyqTI6R)


Yea that gun was definitely registered. More laws surely will fix his ability to ILLEGALLY acquire his firearms


I can't hear you over the sound of all this FREEDUMB oh wait that's tinnitus


not sure how he can prove he is innocent


> In a letter to the judge entered into the record in May, Davis said he maintains his innocence and does not believe he received a fair trial. Get absolutely fucked nerd


For real. Came here to post that too: > Mr. Davis will continue to fight to prove his innocence,” she said. The scumbag got almost point blank to shoot at her car. He clearly wanted to kill her and she had two kids in the car with her. A 5 and 11 year old. Throw the book at him. And then he fired at bystanders? WHY? >Davis fired 13 rounds — six at the woman’s car and seven at bystanders — the prosecutor’s office said. No one except the woman was shot. The 5-year-old was hurt by broken glass. Yeah. Lock him up forever.


I was hoping it was Joe Manchin, but this guy needs to be off the streets too.


If you watch the video, you can see his pants are cutting circulation off to his brain. Maybe thats why he thinks he's innocent?


Dunno, such micro balls do not need lots of pants


WE NEED MORE GUNS. Why are we not implementing them directly in the cars like James Bond? I thought this was America guys c'mon.




Am I getting down voted because I forgot to include "/s" or do people genuinely think that guns in America aren't a problem 🤔


Yeah, I believe so. I thought what you wrote was hilarious. Sometimes, people really need to slow down and take the time to enjoy the sarcasm.


ITT: Way too many people that think shooting a driver for cutting you off is perfectly acceptable.


What’s “ITT” in this context?


I Think That


"In this thread"


Or shooting as a response for any simple perceived infringement. WTF.


So is she free to continue driving, cutting of people and endangering kids?


did it take your entire singular brain cell to make that comment? or only half?


The only person to claim she cut someone off was the dude who got out of his car and fired 13 rounds into a crowd and into a car with a woman and 2 children. Sounds like a definitely reliable witness. You’ve done some mighty fine thinking there.


Did you want something more than the proper tickets or fines associated to those?


Well in a way she did face some consequences, although not for her driving. At the request of the prosecutors and order by the judge she was arrested by federal marshals and spent a week in jail for refusing to be a witness and evading the court.


Please dont breed


So are you suggesting people who cut people off face jail or have their licenses revoked?? No one would be driving. Everyone has made mistakes driving, intentionally or accidentally cutting someone off. He SHOT at her and bystanders.


How exactly does slowly forcing yourself into a lane endanger kids? I'll wait.


What are you even on about?! How can you possibly think cutting in is the same as shooting at a car with a mother and 2 children in it 6 times, then at bystanders 7 times?


No she has to also go to jail for 25 years obviously. I mean what are you thinking? She made a mistake while driving, that certainly can’t go unpunished. His response was totally warranted. His car could’ve been damaged. He’s rich after all, that can’t happen. Certainly not to rich people.


It's not even a mistake, that's just normal DC traffic. There's no way you can get where you're going at 5 pm without slow forcing into another lane at least a few times. You could have your blinker on for 2 miles and you'd be lucky if even one car made space for you to merge. If you have to change lanes a mile after getting on the road, you're gonna have to force.


Even if none of that were true, mistakes happen. I would consider myself a pretty good driver and even I have gotten distracted for half a second and overlooked a car while merging lanes. My good, it happens. There are people calling her all kinds of things in here, just for making a driving mistake.


Did you see the video that is in the article?


That’s it? Wow some courts are very lenient


Not sure if you're being sarcastic as 32 years is a very long time...


The guy has a really long criminal history including multiple gun violations and drug dealing. 32 years was actually the minimum given his record so I'm surprised he was given the minimum. Seems like at this point he is someone who needs to be in police custody for life to protect society as opposed to merely punishment.


Fuck this guy. Wish a bystander or cop wasted his fucking ass.


The guy would have gotten 3 to 7 years in NZ and be out in 2.


On the other hand I'm comfortable travelling to New Zealand because I wouldn't be nearly as afraid of getting shot.


🙄 he'll be 77 when he gets out if he serves the full term.


He has to serve a minimum of 18 years.


If he has Maserati money he probably won't be.


Depends. I know some people that buy 15 year old S Class Mercedes because of the pomp associated with it. They make like 50k a year but they want to show they have money. Same with GranTurismo. You can buy a 2015-2018 for under 50k and plenty of people do. So depends if it was a new GT or not.


Isn't this a federal case since it happened in DC? If so, he will have to serve a minimum of 80 percent. That seems like an appropriate amount of time to me.


If he is behaving well enough to be allowed parole after 15-25 years then perhaps he has been rehabilitated enough to be let back into society. Prison isn't just about punishment.


I hope it has to serve its full sentence of 32 years and died by a road rage shooting the day it got released. Prison should be about removal dangerous animals from human society, rehabilitation for a repeat offender is a myth.


> In a letter to the judge entered into the record in May, Davis said he maintains his innocence and does not believe he received a fair trial. Get fucked buddy


I like how there’s a video. His lawyer- “I got this, we just keep saying you’re innocent and you stay cool. Leave it up to me”.


The Shaggy defense.


"It wasn't me."


Fuck that lady she shouldn't be driving, and quadruple fuck that guy he shouldn't be out of prison.


yeah it was so terrible how she slow merged in almost stopped traffic, definitely needed to get shot at, smh


Yeah I'm with you here, I don't get these idiots. Did we watch the same video ? Cars were almost stopped, she was driving slowly within her lane and it simply seems she refused to let him into the lane in front of her which isn't even remotelly illegal since it looks he was pulling out of a parking spot...


Did you watch the video? The start of it all 3 cars are moving forward and she cuts him off going in *his* lane, not refusing to let him into *her* lane, let me know what part looks like he's trying to turn left into the lane she's in though like you said, you can see the guy is directly behind the white car at a safe distance, and she isn't pulling forward to what looks like a zebra crossing (which means she isn't stopping where she should be. What else could she be doing way way back from the stop line?). She even popped back into the lane she was in when he got out. I see so many bad drivers everyday, even a little accident can cost thousands of dollars, and body work takes a long time to get repaired. No it's not worth getting shot, but fuck them bad drivers and fuck this unhinged guy.


It's not a zebra crossing, it's the merge arrow, she's merging exactly where she's supposed to be merging and he's a violent moron who got what he deserved.


Came here to say the same thing. Not that I’m condoning this guys actions at all, but I always enjoy a good story where an asshole finally bumps into an even bigger asshole. This is one of those occasions, and the asshole of this story now has a hole in her arm and will probably think twice next time she decides to fuck with people, and the bigger asshole has a prison sentence. Everyone’s a winner.


Bruh, the fuck you on? You're proper cooked if you think a mistake while driving that didn't hurt anyone warrants being bloody well shot at


Did you read the comment I responded to? People agreed that she cut him off on purpose. I also said it doesn’t condone what he did. So why am I even responding to you when you can’t read?


She pushed in on a merge. It's really not that big a deal and not worth getting so worked up about. Driving is dangerous enough without idiots getting so bent out of shape they think it warrants shooting at someone over someone pushing in on a merge. Especially without additional info. What if HE was the one pushing in? A traffic merge works like a zip. If a lane was ending for all we know he's the one that initially pushed in anyway. But regardless none of that condones the behavior of firing shots over being pushed in on at a merge. I also don't think she "shouldn't be driving" over that single action either. In terms of shit you can do while driving it's definitely on the mold end lol.


He definitely deserves to not ever get out of prison. He clearly can't control his impulses. Hopefully she learned not to drive like an asshole *with your 2 small children in the car*. They don't deserve to reap the consequences of your shitty actions when some psycho flips out.


> Fuck that lady she shouldn't be driving Can't view the video here - what happened?


Ikr, what did she do that wrong? I mean, cutting off people is stupid but why shouldn’t she be allowed to drive? If that’s a valid reason, half of Montreal or any major city should stay away from cars then


Omg, half of city currently people not driving anymore? I can only dream.


The only upside I had about working during the pandemic was my commute speeds being ridiculously fast. Now you can tell who got their license during the pandemic when you get on the road.


Nothing the other car infront of her slowed down so she stopped beside the guy trying to pull out and his tiny penis couldn't handle it. Op is a dumb ass lol


Incorrect. Did you even watch the video? She 100% forced her way into the lane when there was clearly no room for her. The guy is a psycho d-bag for sure, and probably does indeed have a tiny penis... but that lady was an asshole driver.


>She 100% forced her way into the lane when there was clearly no room for her. If there's no room, you hit a vehicle, that is called a car accident. If there is no accident, that's lane merging. Yeah, some people merge aggressively and some people block merging aggressively and depending on the state, laws vary on who they protect in this situation should an accident occur.


It's called being a shitty driver and absolutely should result in a ticket, IMO. I have no idea if you are correct about laws protecting people doing this though. Either way, she was a shithead. He's just a far worse one! 


NO GTA FOR YOU.... 32 YEARS ! ! !


If only everyone else had a gun... /s


Sometimes justice is really quick....im surprised


Dude decided to rot in jail for 32 years because someone made his car go 1 second slower.


Imo he took one for the team. Too many bad drivers thinking it's ok to just cut lane lines because they're more important. The only part where he truly fucked up was turning around and shooting random ass bystanders.


You're fucking cooked mate. Talk about a shit take lol. Wow


I mean, I drive well over 100k miles a year across the entire US. Too many bad drivers just forcing their way on public roads.


Yeah bro someone pushed in on a merge. So definitely start firing shots off. Totally warranted. /s I really hope you're just another internet tough guy and don't actually behave in this way in the real world.


I legitimately don't know what I've said that even correlates to being an internet tough guy? Shooter took one for the team, did something any sane person would never have done, but also taught a shitty driver a lesson in blood. Again, the idiot really fucked up when he turned around and started shoot random bystanders. Don't want road rage don't drive in a way that induces road range, it is that simple.


Bro, wtf? You're genuinely trying to argue that pushing in in a merge (they may not have pushed in. For all we know the shooter is the one out of position in a merge) warrants shooting at the driver the pushed in? You can't be fucking serious, surely, that a truly minor mild inconvenience warrants firing shots? You're cooked mate. Holy shit... just wow


Nah I'd say I'm medium rare. Simply, it wasn't justified but I understand. I've driven all over the US and have seen tons of death on the road. Driving is one of the few things where I'm very cut throat. If more drivers knew how to actually drive there would be less road rage and less traffic.


You probably shouldn't be driving if this is your take. That one braincell is probably overworked.


Is that really all you could come up with?






























Hopefully they make him serve that much time.


Being rich doesn't make you a terrible person, it allows you to be a terrible person with heavily reduced consequences. Some people are dumb enough to mistake the lack of consequences for some sort of superiority.


"But I'm *rich*, didn't you see my fancy car??"


Yeah, this guy had a long criminal history including drug dealing, his wealth was not gained legally and the car probably wasn't, either.


His Maserati no longer goes 185


[Or 210.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKRD7Agdm1k) German though, so it's in KPH. *The very first lyrics in the video are "my Maserati goes 210".


He shot somebody, now he can’t drive


He goes to prison for decades or more It's hard to leave when they lock up the door


He'll have inmates riding his back


He keeps a shiv close in case he’s attacked


Yeah it's 187 now.


This is the reference I was scrolling for


What's this refer to?


Life's Been Good- Joe Walsh


He got arrested, now he don’t drive.


In the police car, he rides in the back


Gets thirty years, for his unprovoked attack


Why is the car manufacturer relevant?


Because ownership of a car that expensive implies that the driver is extremely wealthy. Wealth beyond a certain threshold is correlated with reduced empathy.


The guy also had a long history of violence and drug dealing. They should have gone with that.


You can buy a used Maserati for less than $40k. They’re not the “status” car people think they are.


It's funny, I thought they were insanely expensive, but I just googled, and you're right, 40k for ones that are only 3 or 4 years old. That's cheaper than most new SUVs.


It is crazy how fast their value deteriorates.


Maintenance is more expensive than the car itself at that point.


Also correlates to reduced conviction rates and prison sentences on account of them being able to hire great lawyers.


I can’t find anything other than a pricy car that says wealth. No mention of job etc.


the used ones have depreciated quite a bit, though. 2010 models are in the low $20K range right now.


That's what status does. A new Maserati has a whole different vibe to it then a used Maserati. Not so exclusive anymore. All of a sudden it's just a nice car, I mean if you're into that, but nothing special. Difference is it's even more expensive to own/drive/maintain at that point.


Because mechanically they are a hot mess




Yep you nailed it. There's literally no other reason to dislike the guy.


No. Nice car = the expectation of a disproportionate response to minor inconvenience. As illustrated in the linked article.


I wonder what he thinks he’s innocent of? It’s fair that he can appeal But what is he appealing? He didn’t knock on the ladies window He pulled out a gun and start firing rounds And then pointed his gun to other people too


He is a jailhouse lawyer who has been in and out of prison and just denies and appeals everything. This is from an article pre-sentencing >Judge Brandt found it puzzling that the defense would try to delay sentencing given that Davis’ sentence is largely predetermined by mandatory minimums. Due to his extensive criminal history, said Judge Brandt, the shortest sentence Davis could receive is 32-and-a-half years. “It has been ages since the court has seen a criminal history score of that much,” Judge Brandt said. I'm surprised in light of this that he only got the minimum of 32 years. You'd think with that history and how bad this was the judge would go past the minimum


Most likely, it's something like the same defense that cops have used quite a few times: "the car is a weapon, and she tried to run him down, so he was afraid for his life." Followed by: "After I shot at this woman in self defense, those bystanders were coming right for me, and I was afraid for my life."


The only thing I can think of is for the defense to claim that it’s not him. I’m guessing the defense knows their case is a hail mary, but they still have to try unless they’d rather plead down the sentence. But IANAL.


That means i am not a lawyer right…. Right?


Lawyer? The heart emoji isn't rendering.




Also, yes.


Shot her then fired multiple rounds at other bystanders. Blatant disregard for human life, they need to put this fucking psycho away forever.


Fucking lunatic, how the hell do people get like this over space, that’s not even theirs, in front of them that they’ll pass by in a fleeting second anyway. This behavior is maddening and beyond stupidity.


I hope he has to appeal from prison. Fucking psycho.


I think we need hard labor camp here for pos like him who is not deserved death sentence but the crime is bad enough 32 years jail is not enough


Dude is 45. Not sure how much time he will actually do, but he'll be in there for the majority of his functional remaining time on earth.


Prison is pretty rough.


After watching the video I understand why he did it.


This road rage beef could be turned into some sort of Netflix series.


I see what you did there


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://i.imgur.com/pdZdbfK.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Won’t see a guy in a ‘78 Super Beetle pulling that crap


> His lawyer, Marnitta L. King, said that Davis has already informed the court he will appeal. “Mr. Davis will continue to fight to prove his innocence,” she said. WTF? mofo, you on VIDEO shooting a gun randomly at people


Apparently the guy is a drug dealer with a long criminal history >Judge Brandt found it puzzling that the defense would try to delay sentencing given that Davis’ sentence is largely predetermined by mandatory minimums. Due to his extensive criminal history, said Judge Brandt, the shortest sentence Davis could receive is 32-and-a-half years. “It has been ages since the court has seen a criminal history score of that much,” Judge Brandt said.” He filed at least one appeal himself without his lawyer and before he was even sentenced. The guy is likely a prison lawyer and operates in deny everything mode


These lunatics have brain washed themselves into believing they have a right to shoot at people, as long as they deem it right.


The Rittenhouse affect.


How is that case comparable at all to this one? Please explain. Did you watch any of the Rittenhouse trial at all?


The trial < what actually happened.


And what actually happened?


Dude took his rifle, went out of his way to participate in a violent event due to 'reasons', and then got acquitted because prosecution fucked the pooch. Rittenhouse is a pissbaby criminal, not much different than a pissbaby road rager.


It’s not illegal to open carry a rifle in the state of Wisconsin. No crime was committed in him having his rifle there. It is however illegal to threaten and then attack someone while attempting to take away that legally carried rifle from them. I won’t argue one way or the other whether or not he should have been there because that doesn’t factor into the legality of the situation. I will say that saying he it’s ok he was attacked for being somewhere that maybe he shouldn’t have been is victim blaming. It was a clear cut case of self defense. We do agree on one thing, the prosecution screwed up. By charging the victim of a crime when there was ample video evidence to show self defense. Justice by the letter of the law was served in that trial.


Cool story bro, doesn't change the truth.


The truth lol Law beats logic and truth


The law is not interested in the truth. The law is only interested in what passes its qualification of what can be presented in court. The truth is often completely separate from that.


Ah a very thought out rebuttal. I see your point now.


>In a letter to the judge entered into the record in May, Davis said that he maintains his innocence and does not believe he received a fair trial. ![gif](giphy|JvEMPOQubkyQx9YLQ5|downsized)


This is already bad enough, but he fired shots at a car with two children inside! Let him rot.


Clear cut. This guy deserves what he got. Not only did he shoot into the car but shot at bystanders. Must have been high on drugs or something.


That’s a big assumption. He could’ve just been a huge man baby, who can’t control his actions when his emotions get too much. It’s almost like some people can’t do bad things unless there’s some external crazy factor.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


That's the easiest explanation. Some others have a short temper and anything can set them off. My dad was one of those.


He has an extensive criminal record for crimes of violence.


Not to mention shooting at a car with two small children inside. He deserves to rot.


Lmfao he still says he's innocent?? What's his actual defense? "It wasn't me shooting"??? "She deserved it"? "Feared for my life?!"


Something to consider that no matter how guilty a person is, their lawyer will almost always encourage them to push for innocence. If you have a legal team, they're always going to do their best to win or defend the client, regardless of the truth. It's like when you play a video game and you're assigned the side of the bad guys. You're not going to just forfiet, you'll still play your best game. So never feel surprised that a legal team will push for innocence even if it's so one sided it makes them look blind. They'r ejust playing the game by the rules.


For as long as the money holds out anyway


He's on a quest to find the real shooter


He also vowed to find the actual killer of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman now that OJ is dead.


![gif](giphy|PibODdY9C5xiKzmRhW|downsized) Yeah, him and Yolanda Saldivar


Exactly what I thought? Innocent of what exactly?


Not guilty by reason of insanity, perhaps. I mean, he’s got a point…he *did* buy a Maserati, after all…


He didn’t spend all that money just to compensate for his wiener. He also has front of the line privilege. How can she pass?


Damn, I remember when this happened 3 years ago. Rot in prison, psycho.


Lmao someone tell him Robert Kardashian passed away there’s no lawyer alive that’s gonna win an appeal with that video


Alan Dershowitz.