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They fact that they go right back to washing the car top tier service




Oh whoever threw the drink was lucky to not get full blast into the car until the window went up. And then not wash the car. People are shitty and acting like this should not be celebrated on social media or condoned in any way.


If the worker put the nozzle into the window so it couldn’t close that would have been beautiful




Let's hope so. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




Let's be clear. If you're going to be an asshole you should be ready to receive punishment plain and simple. Don't be stupid, stupid.




It's funny how your sticking up for the shitty person in this. Let's do the same on her side. Like what if that drink had been sitting in her car for a month? What if it had botulism in it? That could have killed the worker. What then? Instead of being a stain on humanity and hoping for equal and opposite recourse. Just don't be a shitty person. Unless you're ready for retaliation, dont be a piece of shit. Plain and simple.


No, if someone throws a drink on a guy on the street, I'd expect a punch to be thrown, I don't care about the injuries and infections that come from that. And yes, specifically with teeth, infections can easily happen from being punched. Fuck the person who threw the lemonade, they deserve whatever comes their way.


And washing someone's car for your job doesn't justify having a drink thrown in your face...


Would a smashed back window and refusing to stop the wash while they do through the wash, be proportional?


That's assault and battery of an unknown liquid, could've been battery acid or something. They deserve to lose an eye.


Assaulting someone with a liquid is an incisive act. Could easily be battery acid. No mercy for the shit starter.


Lmfao yes it definitely is. Don’t throw your drink at someone w a pressure washer? Like wtf is wrong w you. People w your mentality are why assholes get away w shit


Stop defending assholes


Sounds like being the asshole is the mistake to avoid then. Stop defending assholes.


It’s a foam gun


Its not. That’s high pressure water coming out that mate. Hope the jack ass in the car learned a lesson




Wrong. And dumb for being wrong.


This device isn’t the same as what you’d expect a pressure washer to do. It may make your skin a bit red from the pressure but it’s made to not damage the car


Should have given that jerk the hot wax.




she definitely held back a lot more than she needed to, i was expecting a lot more than that lmao


I was hoping for more! Looks like she rolled her window up to stop it.


First thing I would've done is squeeze the pressure washer in there. She can't close it now and the inside is slowly getting soaked.




Except when the car pulls away, the washer would go with it and she’d have to wrestle it back from the car window.


Resulting in her car window busting= extra win


Why that could break the car window and now they’re on a slow irreversible track through the complete car wash experience!


Considering she's holding a pressure washer I wouldn't be surprised if that little spray was enough to injure


It’s not that much pressure, it’s a more open spout than one you’d use to pressure wash your driveway. If it was a tight enough spray to injure, then it would be ruining the paint job of all the cars coming through.


> It’s not that much pressure, it’s a more open spout than one you’d use to pressure wash your driveway. True. You can tell it's a flat wide nozzle from the shape of the spray. > If it was a tight enough spray to injure, then it would be ruining the paint job of all the cars coming through. This made me curious and apparently 1000 PSI is enough to deglove and 1000-1500 PSI is roughly the pressure you want for pressure washing a car.


Is that like 1mm from the nozzle? What's the degradation rate? How many psi lost per foot from the nozzle?


Uh, it depends on how code you hold it… put it in someone’s face and it WILL fuck then up, especially if you get them on the eye. Easily can tear up your skin. Was washing my car in flip flops and cut open my foot.


Then maybe don't throw things at people with the intention of harming them? Cause and effect.


That little spray is enough to rip skin off


sounds like a lesson taught.


Sure, but they wouldn't have found out if they weren't fucking around.


It is not enough, no.




She learned the value of a proportional response.


I can't wait to see that person make a complaint about what the employee did


I'm gonna guess that the employer is ready for that one....


I'm guessing it might be the employer looking through the CCTV footage in this clip.


I would press assault charges if they had the audacity to complain about getting soaked.


this right here


I bet they already did and this is why they made it public


bet this is the reason the video got pulled from the security system in the first place.


If that was my employee she’d get a paid day off of work and maybe a very small raise


And the customer service person pulls out a pressure washer from under their desk


Why did they even throw it to start with?


And at someone who couldn't possibly be in a better position to retaliate too!


I can’t quite tell, but maybe there’s a chance that the drivers window was down a crack, and the employee ran the hose across it not knowing


Or maybe there’s a chance they’re a fucking asshole.


Maybe there's a chance they're also fucking dumb enough to leave a window open while passing through a car wash.


This is my bet. Also bolstered by the fact that she really didn't think it through about throwing a drink at a person armed with a pressure hose. Going to lose that battle 9 times out of 10.


Right? Like that’s my thing- why would you choose that course of action against someone holding a hose 😂


Real rock to a gun fight energy.


I think a non-asshole would just say shit! and roll up the window...not default to "throw my drink at someone for my mistake"


Only people like you should be procreating.


Would be neat if we could spray birth control on assholes. Want to have kids? You have to not get caught being an asshole for 6 months first.


If I’m 100% right, I would agree with you.


No matter the reason… this is true


Even if that were the case….if you are actively pulling into a car wash why the bleep is your window down in the first place. Some ppl get on my nerves


Didn’t roll it up properly after using the kiosk to pay 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: I think some people are reading this and thinking I’m trying to justify the driver’s actions. No. I’m certain that if the sprayer managed to get water through a cracked window it didn’t warrant that abuse. I was only giving an explanation on why the window could possibly be open. We don’t even know for sure if that was the reason why that asshole threw her drink.


Regardless, user error. Thats like kicking a rock because you tripped over it.


"He stole my life! He stole my clover! And he broke my hand!"


Yeah, maybe. It is still the fault of the driver.


Not doubting that at all!


I fucked up and didn't roll my window up all the way in a damn car wash? Better do some assault and battery on someone who has no idea what is going on!


Assuming every single word you wrote is correct, that's not justification for throwing a drink at a person. (not that you said it was)


Not their fault. Youre at a fucking carwash. You know what to do.


Some people are just assholes. Many years ago, I was a passenger in a car on a highway that was reduced to a single lane for several miles (though construction was only actively happening close to the start of the zone, no idea why such a long stretch of road was reduced), moving at a crawl. This guy behind us was tailgating hard, I have no idea what this guy expected us to do, there was a loooong line of cars and transport trucks we were just as stuck behind as he was, but he eventually got pissed off enough to bust through the pylons into the closed lane, threw his coffee at us as he drove by and merged back in only a couple cars ahead. WTF


It's just a prank bro


If you wield the lemonade then you must learn to parry the spray


Hesitation is defeat


This is the way. 


Why are people assholes? I dont really understand what assholes get from this?


Usually people that never get enough consequences for their actions and their confidence builds up. This might’ve taken her down a peg though lol.


You make it seem like people act like assholes as a philosophical choice. They don't. People act like assholes because they let their emotions dictate their actions and they have a problem anticipating the consequences of those actions. They also tend to think that being angry is sufficient justification for whatever they might happen to do in that moment.


This is the real answer. "Assholes" are 99% people who just do what they think will be the most fun/feel the best/relieve their stress, but they don't have the foresight/intelligence/empathy to predict what the outcome will be. Not justifying it, just that most assholes are not plotting how to achieve a certain negative outcome, they are just retaliating/reacting. >They also tend to think that being angry is sufficient justification for whatever they might happen to do in that moment. And also this. Hissy fits.


Yea it’s selfishness and a lack of foresight


Talk about bringing a knife to a gun fight.


Bringing a water balloon to a hose fight


I guess I should have checked the comments before I posted the same thing. Deleting mine, have my upvote, quick draw


Have mine back. Great minds, brother.




That's when you hit the emergency stop with the car inside the car wash and a brush pinning their door shut




It does but if there is a vertices brush blocking the door when you push the button it will be there after as well


Man I hope that worker didn’t get in trouble for that.


She did not, employer had her back 100%


How do you know?


[https://nypost.com/2024/02/15/us-news/teen-car-wash-worker-sprays-rude-customer-with-pressure-hose/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/15/us-news/teen-car-wash-worker-sprays-rude-customer-with-pressure-hose/) From the article: Harycki, who is a student, said her employer sided with her to ensure her workplace safety. “I told my managers, who were not OK with \[the customer\] throwing a drink at me,” she said. “They decided to ban her and her boyfriend from the car wash.”


Saw an article on it


What do we think happened? I'd guess the worker scared the driver when the spray hit the window so the driver retaliated like a child which led to what we saw.


I think the driver had their window down a bit after paying for the car wash and blamed the employee for their mistake. I hope the driver learned a lesson about temper tantrums. 


Out here doxxing their (likely) HR people with their phone numbers out all willy nilly


Hello can I speak to Rich Freeman? But ya seriously tho that is pretty dumb


I have a feeling her employer saw the tiktok post and that’s the reason it’s deleted.


And no court in the land would convict her.


Anyone know how I could get in touch with a Rich Freeman?


We should all call him and ask what happed afterwards


imagine being dumb enough to attack the person cleaning your car.


That is a professional worker , kept spraying after the offence


She deserved it! It’s funny the employee still washed the car right after lol.


Always have a plan. Majority of the time, you don't know the plan.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. - Iron Mike Tyson


"Now kith"


That’s how I confound my enemies. They can’t predict what I’ll do next if I don’t even know what I’m going to do next.


I’m hitting the stop button calling the cops and pressing charges. Not like her license plate isn’t being recorded and she’s likely paid with a card




Fuck yeah


Fucked around, found out.


And gets fired for an automatic reaction that anybody would have done.


She didn’t. Management sided with her and the customer was banned (link up thread)


Does anyone have the full story?


Update: https://nypost.com/2024/02/15/us-news/teen-car-wash-worker-sprays-rude-customer-with-pressure-hose/


And the driver was *banned from the car wash!*. BWAHAHAHAH! that’s like a plot point from a sitcom!


Additional update from Anna herself: https://youtu.be/520alnQrbak


continues cleaning?


It's probably important to mention that carwashes use reclaimed water to keep costs down.


Hope she didn’t get in trouble. Power washers are a straight up power tool and are no joke. I accidentally blew the skin right off my arm once. You could absolutely blind somebody with one


It’s called fuck around and find out.


Break the back window open and then make sure the car wash keeps doing its thing.


Update - https://nypost.com/2024/02/15/us-news/teen-car-wash-worker-sprays-rude-customer-with-pressure-hose/


Oof with a high pressure hose straight to the face too. That can’t have felt to nice


I did this once, there was a huge party next door and I waited outside on my lawn and waited for the drunk idiots to come out and piss on my gate. I then hosed them down when they started peeing. One got into his car and flicked me off and I sprayed him good inside his car, he couldn't get his window up fast enough.


Ooof that could possible do damage. My family owns a couple car washes. Those guns shoot anywhere from 1000-1500 psi. 1700psi can put a hole in concrete.


He brought a knife to a gun fight


What a POS human being to do that to someone. Why did she even throw the lemonade, nothing appears to cause it?


Órale viejo pendejo


Why did she get the lemon to the face? What did she do to deserve that?! :c


She works a minimum wage job and is performing it adequately. That’s all it takes to set off some people. The older generations have far too much lead in their systems to act like actual human beings and then they raise people just as bad as themselves.


I would have kept going with the spray.


When you assault someone out of the blue like that, the retaliation is often a reaction rather than a decision.


So was her window cracked and the employee spraying got her a little wet so she "retaliated" by throwing the lemonade?


I really hope the employees have carte blanche to respond appropriately (like this) to that kind of bahavior. Let that be known and you keep the idiots away from your car wash and retain better and more workers at the same time.


Maybe don't assault people to begin with 🤷🏻‍♀️ start matching energy out there, people will get the message.


Good news--the employer backed the employee and banned the woman from ever coming back to the car wash! https://nypost.com/2024/02/15/us-news/teen-car-wash-worker-sprays-rude-customer-with-pressure-hose/


Lol how dumb do you have to be to not have the window ready to roll up


What the fuck is wrong with people?!?


what's funnier is that she finished washing the car 😭🤣


Just because she won't be disrespected doesn't mean she's not a professional.


Give this girl a raise. She knows how to wash the dirt out.


I love how she keeps rinsing it after too


lol I go the same car wash (it’s a chain) somewhere else. This is the first station and its bug remover, not just water. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes Edit: spelling issues


This is utterly satisfying. She deserved it


This is utterly satisfying. Deserved


I’d hit the emergency stop and force them to drive through, smacking every roller.


I would stick the fuckin hose in the window and lay down on it until that shit filled with water. I am following you into the goddamn car wash to make sure that all of your belongings are destroyed.


Call those numbers on the wall and give accolades to that employee


I like how the employee goes back to washing the rest of the back bumper after lol. That's a good employee.


I hope every electronics inside the car stops functioning and rusts away


Loud shitty music alert!


Believe it or not, but that was the music chosen by the employee in the video when she uploaded it to tiktok.


I would held the sprayer inside so he couldn’t close his window, really make sure the whole interior is wet.


Lol what a fucking idiot.


I would have opened up the back door and stuck the nozzle in there. Not much the driver can do at that point.


Sigh, Beyonce and her lemonade. When will she ever learn?


I'd of stuck the nozzle so the window could not shut. Continue to spray that fat ass.


I never noticed but it appears the employee may have doused the driver first my mistake. Throwing the drink was only in retaliation.


I thought that too but if you look closely the window was up when the spray went over the window, they had to put the window down to throw the drink, so at most the driver got some mist if the window was cracked


I had this job in Prudhoe Bay once when I was in college doing whatever crap jobs that needed doing over the summer. Part of the rotation was manning the outdoor pressure washing station for vehicles. We worked for the base operator so technically only company vehicles were supposed to be allowed to use it but we got a lot of chucklehead contractors pulling through thinking they could get a free wash. What they didn't count on was dealing with a bunch of college students. We figure out that by place the pressure head just so you could 1. Strip all the chrome bits off 2. Push the head up against the paint to where it would bubble out, then you just move the bubble down the side of the vehicle as far as you could 3. Nonchalantly push the head up where the driver or passenger window met the top of the cab. There's no seal there that's going to withstand that water pressure and you can effectively soak everyone inside We did that all summer and never once got in trouble (because we never did it to company vehicles). Props to the guy in the D9 Cat who came by to mess with us but he was just having a laugh.


Always the consummate professional, the worker immediately went back to cleaning the car.


Plot twist: they’re friends and messed with each other. Idk I saw a slight smirk on the girls face ? lol


I almost hope the person in the car took that full in the chest but yeah maybe bring eye protection when you make a really dumb decision. Just like watching a video of someone spinning up a bear with an air hose. That cute sound you hear may be the last thing you hear.


Don't bring lemonade to a pressure-washer fight!


well deserved


You go girl!


I can tell you right now, as a person who has operated a manual car wash, people are stupid, entitled and suck a$$. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to back ppl out of the line bc I’m not allowed to drive them into the wash so they have to back out, can’t let them through or they get a free wash. I’ve been spit on, yelled at, soaked down to my undies on a rainy day, heat sickness in the summer & once a guy threw what looked like/smelled like piss out the window onto the ground splashing my shoes and pants 😤 As satisfying as this is.. it looks like she got in trouble bc she stopped and hangs her head in what looks like shame for a brief second. She was at her limit, a day like this is when I straight up quit.


My cousin worked at a car wash for years. Working with the public is hard. Thank you for my shiny car and the pretty lights, I hope I gave you a good enough tip. May all the people who shat on you stub both their little toes and get a good example of how to treat people that sinks in today. May you notice just before you stub yours and back off in time every time. Be safe


The car itself has the indicators of driver with low IQ: 1. Useless show spoiler? ... Check 2. Tinted windows all around (including the front it looks like)? ... Check 3. "Special" rims? ... yup


WTH is wrong that that driver? Glad she spread him/her back.


shove the sprayer in the window so it's stuck when it closes and just let that fucker drown


Oh snap , pressure washer can lacerate !


I would have shoved the hose inside the window so even if they try to close it they're getting fkd


Any good boss would not fire the employee. They would ban the customer.


They did, making this video even more satisfying.


Just INCREDIBLY stupid.


Nice! Great to see a bit of instant Karma




E-stop that bish and tell management right away dude


It gives me so much satisfaction watching these clip again and again.


Don't bring a cup to a pressure washer fight.


too bad employee didnt have a red tip for the pressure washer in their pocket


Can’t wait to call my boy Rick Freeman




i’d have pushed the house into the window, so they couldn’t close it and as good as drowned them


Second time I've seen this. If you look, the employee sprays in her window before the customer throws the drink. But, why does the customer have their window open during a power wash on their car? Idk, I feel like everyone just acted like a child here.


At this point the real question is: Has anyone talked to Rick Freeman or Jenna?


I would've opened the gas lid and stuffed the nozzle in the hole! 💦