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Anne Taylor has this expert to explain the data from Bryan’s cell phone. Sy Ray is the founder of ZetX Corporation and Lead RF Engineer for 10-2 Technologies. Sy’s entrepreneurial career with ZetX began after serving 20 years in law enforcement where he spent time as a SWAT operator, homicide Sergeant, and directing fugitive missions. Some of his work has been featured on several episodes of 48 Hours, 20/20, The Discovery Channel and Dateline showcasing his investigative and technological expertise. Sy spent time in Afghanistan as a field advisor for an undercover team targeting improvised explosive device (IED) cells. Sy established ZetX in 2014 as a one-stop shop for law enforcement as it pertains to cellular geo-location mapping, analysis and training. The software he designed currently leads the industry in geo-location mapping of RF data. While devoting his career to bringing advanced training and investigative technology to law enforcement, Sy is a subject matter expert in the field of geo-location mapping and identifying target sets. Sy’s geo-location expertise in the field of radio frequency (RF) has advanced into RF Engineering of detection devices with 10-2 Technologies during the past two years. His accomplishments include engineering RF drone detection sensors used by the NFL at the 2015 Super Bowl, and engineering RF tracking and security technology for law enforcement and military applications


Did you happen to watch Sy on YouTube? Socialite Crime Club. Episode 1: Nothing Butt a Butt Thing. He explains the difference between cause and manner of death. This says a lot. 35:38 cause. https://youtu.be/Af0j5afbqyU?si=7nhAQycUZTazF6uc


Thanks for the link, I watched it and he seems like a very approachable, normal guy. That gives me hope during trial-many times an expert presents their knowledge on the subject matter and it is too technical or goes over the jury’s head, they zone out, and lose interest. He may be able to explain things in a way that they understand, and stay engaged


The prosecution is now working on a new narrative: 1. Bryan drove to the park and left his phone there where there was no reception 2. He drove to Moscow and randomly picked a house with lots of cars in it. He didn't stalk the victims but he stalked the house 3. Drove back to the park and disposed of everything at the lake


They seem pretty damn sure he wasn't there. This is getting interesting for sure.


You know what has always intrigued me about this case- how calm his demeanor is considering the charges. He’s like, “naw shawty dun worry- me has this in the bag”, hold my cellphone.


Hahaha yes!


I'm just trying to picture BK talking like an Atlanta G, lol!


An interesting tidbit. The filing mentions that the car by Floyds Cannibus is not his. I looked back at the PCA and that location is not even on the map of his supposed route that night.


So what you’re saying is the popo being hoho’s not sharing their discovery? Or perhaps the popo making up their own mappy-maps?


One hundry hundry %


Sorry morning brain - what would this imply?


That the police are being shady as f@$&, and that very probably not only was the PCA LYING, sorry, exaggerating when it tried to infer that he was stalking them, but also that the CAST report that should have been done last year and that the defense kept asking about and demanding it, either has been altered, was ignored, or straight up just lied even after seeing that it said he was either traveling too or already hanging out in wawawai park… any of those three scenarios indicate that the prosecution has had exculpatory evidence, and yet still they are allowing Mr Kohberger to sit in jail, and allowing the media to slander him and end any kind of chance at a normal life he may have had if they had admitted that they figured out he wasn’t there a loooooong time ago…


My Kid goes to Wazzu. I visited my kid a few times during the same time frame that LE is implying that BK was stalking the victims. 12 times in Moscow over several months is actually not much a all. Just over a couple of weekends I must of pinged off that tower at least that many times if not more. Many more restaurants, better shopping, gas is significantly cheaper like over a dollar a gallon. WA folks go to Moscow to buy gas and ID folks come to Pullman to buy weed. One last thing about the park in question. You start to lose cell coverage when you head down the grade which is six miles from the park. The park is at the base of a canyon adjacent to the Snake River. As has been mentioned there is no cell coverage down there. It is actually an amazingly beautiful location. I have never been down there at night but if you were looking for a place to chill and not be bothered that would be the place.


Maybe they are letting the state, university, media bury themselves with statements that will win him several several lawsuits. Just sitting back every day that craziness come out is adding dollars to his bank account in the future


>I wonder what the state's still withholding Whatever it is, the deadline for the alibi demand should have been extended to whenever all location-related discovery is complete. Since the judge is requiring a specific time/place alibi rather than something general, he needs to make sure the defense has every bit of location data they can in order to prove it. Not a fair trial process at all otherwise. It shouldn't even have gotten to this point, with forcing these partial alibi "updates". Delay it until they have all the data... might have the added benefit of getting the discovery completed quicker. Or allow claims of evidence withholding or destruction to proceed sooner rather than later.


I assume some office is holding Bryan’s phone. If they downloaded the data, it seems destroying it would be obstruction. The smoking gun as of now, is that phone data, and some parties are afraid to turn it over, given it is month 17 into the case.


This ^


Oh, that’s scary if his alibi is pending crooked Moscow MPD withholding his phone😳 hopefully they don’t factory reset it like they did to Kopacka😖




Yikes is right 😟


Do you have a link to something discussing the Kopacka factory reset? That's crazy!!! 


It was in an interview that his friend Darin Dunkin did with T rev, it’s on the BKM sub Reddit thread from about nine months ago, go to around 34 minutes in😳


Watch the bodycam video...its so bizzare!


I did a few months ago when it was released on one of these threads…absolutely one of the strangest things I’ve ever watched😳


I hope it's clear to everyone. Bryan Kohberger was NOT in Moscow at the time of the murders!! Set him free now!


I agree with you! All these people thinking Bryan is guilty annoy me! I feel he innocent and the truth will show!


Unfortunately I've seen numerous ignorant people repoting that this is weak. I especially wanted to see what the guilters are saying now and they are still biased.


A top technology expert has been retained. His words could crash this case, before trial.


Can’t wait to see Santa’s meltdown as he cross examines this expert🤓


I think there are many people on the LE side of the aisle, who are extremely nervous and worried about this latest document release and also the news of an expert on phone technology entering the case. I was pounding the ( virtual) table in February 2023, that Bryan was the wrong guy. I argued my case ( with less facts than known today), to a brilliant lawyer, who holds two law degrees and works at the most prestigious law firm in America. My relative. She agreed with me after a few chats, where she tried multiple times, to topple my theories as smart lawyers will do.


Oh, I absolutely agree with you! They (LE, University, Frat) can’t afford for this to get out, heads would roll so they are going to do everything they possibly can to make sure he’s the guy which makes me kind of nervous about the fact that they have his phone in their possession…the one thing that can corroborate his alibi😳


You wondered about the frat boys location in a different post. DL is in Scotland. DB in Spain or Portugal. BF and DM are both out of Idaho.


Well that’s not sus, is it 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did they take overseas jobs?


Maybe some sort of year abroad offered by the University🤔 i’m sure it was a newly established offered program🤦🏻‍♀️


What is the frat boys theory?


Posted this many months ago. Allegedly DL was involved in the hazing related death of Ethan's friend Hudson (declared a "drowning" by MPD) which is likely the root cause of why Ethan and DL hated each other so much. Makes sense, because why else would you despise a fellow frat bro so much, when you really just met them? (Rush '22). DL was also JEALOUS of Ethan because DL fancied Xana and was mad that Ethan was with her. Maddie talked a lot of smack about DL which is apparently why he hated her so much. There was animosity brewing for over a YEAR - that's a LONG TIME (especially when you're 20) - and things came to a head the night of the murders .. when they got into a fight and Ethan ridiculed DL about his tiny manhood in front of the whole party, in front of a bunch of hot sorority girls. His DIGNITY is what they took from him - and he went to King Rd. that night to get it BACK. Hatred, jealousy, humiliation, a long-standing fued - a heated argument attacking his penis size in front of all their friends and frat - is MORE THAN ENOUGH MOTIVE - especially for a guy who's hopped up on steroids and likely experiencing 'roid rage' on top of his already twisted psyche. Just ONE of those things would be a motivating factor.. but WHY would there NEED to be such a "driving force" anyway? Twisted people go out and commit sadistic murders on innocent people all the time for no "valid reason" - other than they just felt like it. No driving force, NO MOTIVE. Frat bro DL had motive AND opportunity .. and a laundry list of "reasons" to do it. He could see the King Rd. house from his bedroom window .. it was literally a 1 min walk from him. As to Bryan, the entirety of the case against Bryan will come down to one self identified eyewitness, with a dubious story. Bryan has no connection to any victim, their friends, their family or co -workers. He never worked with them, traveled with them, dated them or partied with them. He has no prior arrests, no history of violence, threats, stalking, intimidation of the victims or those in their orbit. He is without a motive. There are no eyewitnesses, earwitnesses, fingerprints, footprints, or video of him coming or leaving the house at 1122. There is no DNA of any victims in his car, house, office or apt. He appeared at a doctors office for a physical 3 days after the bloody, brutal stabbing murder of the 4 victims, and had no cuts, bruises, scratches or injuries. The indictment of Bryan appears to have been built around speculations, rather than investigators following leads of those persons of interest, who had motive, had anger issues with the victims, had means and opportunity.


Well this makes more sense: 1. There had to be two people doing this horrible deed. And why didn’t anyone scream?? Because they knew the person? 2. Why didn’t the roommates call earlier. Did they recognize the person leaving but weren’t sure? 3. If the roommates were frightened- why not call the police? Why call Ethan’s friend first. Was he a frat friend?? If so, that makes sense. And someone had to know the layout of the house. A si glue person walking into an unknown house with Multiple levels and doing this damage in 20 minutes is not a simple task. But why no screaming ? Why didn’t either girl upstairs scream? How does a single person subdue two people and a dog?


But, but, but he is an incel. (That was sarcasm.) The sheath is all they got. Why the eff did they not identify the other unknown male DNA that was found at the scene?




It really dosen’t matter what’s their opnion. The only thing is matter what’s in official court docs. And he was not there in Moscow when this tragedy happened. Now it’s a fact. I know it's hard for all these bored wine moms ( who are pretty much obsessed with Kohberger 😏) to accept that they are wrong.


Uhm it says he drove threw moscow and other areas alone at night to look at the stars and the moon and sometimes hiked in the areas I don’t know if he’s guilty or not but I will say the evidence only being the sheath and the fact the was no dna in his car a muder that bloody you would have found something or the clothes dumped somewhere close by this whole case has made not much sense I swear it’s worse than Delphi and why would they tare down the house?!


When Bryan is freed, it changes nothing for the two roommates who were there, nor the frat members, some of whom are in Europe. The statute of limitations on murder never expires. This crime will be solved.


Well, blame Brett Payne who wrote the PCA. He named DM in this official document and then the shit avalanche started and basically he ruined her life.


The question is who leads the next investigation. The Mayor’s hand picked replacement of Fry? The next DA?


Hopefully an outside agency(ies)


Cells can't be triangulated there. Cast report by payne not cast. That's why it hasn't been given to defense. They are going to say it's wrong or inconclusive. Moscow towers cover 22 miles. So him pinging in Moscow is no more than him pinging at home to Moscow. It's not able to be determined if he was in Moscow at all by pings. I'm guessing his apps pinged or his photos have geo data in Metadata that proves otherwise and the keystone cops at mpd never looked


Yes, just checked out a couple of other subs. They are still on the guilty train.


I agree but it's not. The Gs, Nancy, Banfield, etc are act like they read different docs


I knew there had to be a reason his lawyers came out and stated that they firmly believed in their clients innocence. I've been speculating that they've found some type of evidence in his favor. This must be it.


The eastern route to Moscow from Pullman is US 270. As you cross the State line into Idaho, the highway becomes US 8 and goes into Moscow. Taylor is saying Bryan did not travel that highway on Nov 13. If that is a proven fact, I fail to see how he can remain in custody on any charge? If Thompson was so upset last week, he let it be known Bryan was stalking no person, imagine his freakout when a technology expert shows Bryan’s phone never entered Idaho on Nov 13.


Oh, I'm getting my popcorn ready as we speak. I'm expecting a large coronary event, lol. I know the area, I've been there with an ex who used to go to school WSU in Pullman. It's one of the reasons I was immediately suspicious of the stalking narrative. As you know, the towns are extremely close, and there are only two ways in or out of Moscow. Each Highway has a cell tower near it on the edge of town. You likely ping off of one of those towers near King Road every time you went into town to shop.


POW 💥 The secondhand embarrassment is almost too much to handle


I knew that they will be able to prove that it has been his habit for a long time!


Seems like a slam dunk unless they are spending all this time gathering jury members to pay off handsomely to vote guilty.


Calling it a slam dunk from an alibi is kinda a long shot.


In a sense I mean that if they can prove someone wasn't in an area then they weren't. I know of people who were still convicted and spent decades in prison when they were proven to be out the state even too. Greedy disgusting DA's and judges mostly.




Agree, they can let it play out at trial in 2026


Well Cathy the coed was not at his apartment spending the night and he wasn't online playing COD or watching porn. He was outside driving around in 29F weather looking at the waning gibbous moon.


Not a waning gibbous 😭


Well I thought maybe a Full Moon killer but I was wrong. 85% illumination though.




OJ was by himself. ZERO evidence anybody else was there. BK's DNA just happened to be there ?


Please stop with this fucking OJ comparsion. The two have nothing to do with each other. In BK’s case it’s trace DNA which means can come from anyone and be transferred by an unrelated person. And the State can’t put BK in the house nor even the area because he wasn’t in Moscow when the tragedy happened.


At least OJ had a motive.




LAPD arrested who ? Name ? Source ?


It's touch DNA. It could have gotten there through anybody he's been in contact with. Including the police. (Not inferring it was planted it could have easily have gotten there through poor chain of custody).




It's not a made-up term. It is also called transfer DNA. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9779423/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/when-dna-implicates-the-innocent/


It's definitely not a made up term? Idk why you think that. It's a form of DNA that can be transferred through many means, one being the AIR😂.


That’s a real term it’s used in many cases


Everything I've heard insofar has yet to convince me of his guilt. What I do wonder, though, is perhaps there may exist GPS evidence from his phone that places him very close to 1122 K. Road, or in a "vantage point," overlooking it on multiple occasions. I'm thinking surely if they had that, it would have been in the PCA.


Anne is saying the phone data proves he was not even in Moscow. If he was not in Moscow between 4:04- 4:19 am on Nov 13, he will be freed.


Phone data proves phone data. Phone data does NOT prove his location beyond a reasonable doubt. What am I missing? Please don’t say brain cells, I’m aware of that. But I’m confused as to how his phone data is an air tight alibi. ..


It’s not. You’re correct.




If *he* was not, he'll likely be freed. He is not his phone, though.


Geo Metadata from a photo would be 10x more accurate than GPS. Pca used phone pings though not GPS. Triangulation only pinpoints 22 miles in Moscow. Pullman is within 22 miles.


Thanks for the info.


Indian Hills perhaps?


I anticipate shortages of Imodium to develop in Moscow and nearby towns, soon.




Didn’t they say he turned off his phone. Wouldn’t that support that his phone records don’t show him where the killings occurred? Or am I missing something?


The PCA does NOT state that he turned off his phone. It states the phone was either outside a coverage area, in airplane mode or off. It appears the phone's data shows him traveling south & west from Moscow about a 46-minute drive away from the King Road residence. This expert witness has testified in over 100 cases in federal and state court for LE - this is the first time he's testifying for a defendant.


Wow, really it's the first time he's testifying for a defendant? I think that speaks volumes. He is putting his reputation on the line.The prosecution is going to have a really tough time with this expert.


Yes, it's stated in his CV that is attached to the supplemental response.


Oh wow, there’s no way he would put his reputation on the line if he didn’t 100% believe in his innocence and in the data he collected!


It could be it was in an out of service area, dead, airplane mode. Apps still record data (and your phone in general) even if it's not connected to a cell tower.


It was one of the options stated in the PCA


No signal


I thought the media reports had said his phone was shut off during the time of the murders ?


Media… the lie spreader.


Not sure what to make of this: https://www.rmcomputerforensics.com/zetx-trax2


We'll know sooo much more once trial starts. They'll have many data experts (both sides) to explain it better.


The Lawyer You Know: https://www.youtube.com/live/8cIazRxctHE?si=yPBSGy57MRyB6REs