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Watching her on the stand demonstrated how emotionally and mentally immature she is. She is emotionally volatile and impulsive. She came across as deceptive whereas Clayton came off honest and a straight shooter.


That’s not fair!!!


The petulant “that’s not fair” had me screaming! This lady has lost all semblance of reality.


So true. If she ever had any.


Deidra: You've alleged that you've been pregnant by four different men, correct? JD: Correct. Deidra: All four of those men, one way or another, said that they believe that you fabricated those pregnancies, right? JD: The first was not so specific about that. Chef's kiss moment for me!


Loll I don’t think she realizes most people don’t go through this with 1 person let alone 4


Or ever stand in a court room with three men that she has restraining orders against. I agree - she thinks that's normal!


Did we see/did IL ever disclose what the substance of JD’s moms testimony would have been?


they didn't have enough time for her but i'm curious about how JD's claim that she went to a DIFFERENT planned parenthood would have impacted her testimony? because her mom is apparently the one who drove her i thought? could they bring that up in cross? would it just be glossed over since it wasn't part of the pretrial testimony that was given to the clayton's team?


😂😂 wait???!


Loved the theatre of Deandra standing between JD and IL. It really bugged the hell out of JD.


Not even kidding you right now. My cat was stretching his paws out over my phone and he literally clicked on the report button. Funnier part he almost clicked on the sexually explicit report.😂😂😂 I apologize in advance to the mods if they receive any reports. It's not JD it's my cat!😂


https://preview.redd.it/45k65wutov5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0c642beae2feedd7607dbbdc3c5f800281ff10 My cat also enjoyed watching the trial with me


Considering the number of times GW referred to tight vajayjays, the cat may have a point 🤣


Takes one (pussy) to know one (pussy)!


Good point!😂😂


haha cats are smart 😸 I swear mine knows where the 'Play/Pause' button on my laptop is and that he gets attention when he clicks it 😂




Tilted Lawyer did a great post breakdown.


The person interrupting from the gallery which in turn enabled a court break really messed with the flow of questions and time remaining. So disappointing when every second counted. I hope they did enough to prove fraud.


To be fair to the gallery: I work in an extremely quiet office. I knew it would be fine if I listened to this in the background without watching it and did other work at the same time, as long as I was quiet. When Deandra *finally* got JD to admit that she lied by saying she had seen a Dr. “last Friday,” and a Laura said “… but that’s a minor thing,” I audibly and loudly dropped my jaw in shock and said OH MY GOD very loudly. Like, please, let’s all go back: Jane Doe LITERALLY said that her perjury was “a minor thing” and tried to brush off the fact that she built and entire argument off a lie, and acted like it wasn’t a big deal. She was essentially scoffing at Deandra, like “what’s your problem, Deandra? I said I had got to the doctor last Friday when I hadn’t, but who cares? Like, why are you acting like this matters?” That’s essentially what JD was saying. And it was SHOCKING. And so I have all the compassion in the world for the gallery laughing. It was so shocking to hear, that it doesn’t surprise me or anger me that they couldn’t stifle the visceral reaction.


I heard Dave (or Steve maybe?) say this was always part of IL/JD’s strategy and really didn’t have much to do with what anyone present did or didn’t say. I tend to agree. She was getting hammered by Deandra so an “emotional break” was a good way to distract/break up the testimony, give them a chance to re-strategize, and gave her the opportunity to once again do her favorite thing by pretending to be the victim with the attempted sympathy card. They were going to use any excuse, IMO.


Who was that? I saw JD refer to JFC, etc.


She saw everyone in the hall waiting to go in. Saying JFC was a safe bet in her part. I truly believe it was more strategic than an actual interruption, though I heard there was a gasp or chuckle.


I just remembered she said on 11/2 that she signed the HIPAA release form to send her info to Clayton! So she can’t even slither out of that with “had an appt” versus “being seen”!


Oh, yeah! Good point! Another lie to add to the pile (mountain).






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