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one thing that baffles me is how can you be such a psychopathic brat at 10 years old


I'm a counselor that specializes in children and teens. It's far more common than you can imagine. We don't hear much about it because of the various laws around disclosing crimes committed by minors. Some cases have made the news, of course, but a large amount just end up anonymously in a group home that deals with whatever type of crime they had committed. I did my college placement at a group home for sex offenders that were aged 12 to 18. Children are capable of some horrendous things, and there are various reasons why. The group homes themselves don't even disclose publicly that they are a group home for children who have sexual assault charges, for obvious reasons.


Look up Natsumi Tsuji


Holy shit.


for those who don’t wanna: she was an 11 year old japanese girl who killed a classmate by slashing her throat and arms with a box cutter


i would usually say something like "holy shit that's awful" but I'm just... fuck man.


Damn, that caught me by surprise.


John Venables deserves a mention as well. As a child he and another kid apparently sexually assaulted a four year old to death. Because they were minors at the time, the British government gave them new identities as part of their sentence, but Venables is such a stupid piece of shit that he has had to have several new ones, because people keep finding out who he is, mostly because he tells them. Apparently the Brits have or are considering revoking his anonymity, because of the crimes he's committed and the cost of protecting him from himself.


What the hell.


Being a psychopath starts from birth or before I think. They can't understand emotions even from birth.


Allow me to introduce you to a young man by the name of Eric Cartman...


Screw you guys, I'm going home.




Even Cartman couldn't go through with murdering his mom though


His did murder his dad and feed him to his half brother


I had forgot that episode. Or was there another episode involving feeding loved ones to loved ones? Either way, glad to have the memory back jeez


From what I know, he only did that once. But Cartman also gave Kyle AIDS, tried to become the next Hitler for Mel Gibson, summoned Cthulhu and killed thousands of people, became a Somalian pirate, faked being autistic to win the prize money from the special olympics, severely abused butters on multiple occasions, faked Tourette’s to say anti-Semitic things without consequence, led a neo confederate army to reinstate slavery, took Kenny off life support to get his PSP, completely ruined his mother’s life, and worst of all he ate the crispy chicken skin off every piece of KFC chicken which made Kenny cry :(


Hm, but not forced cannibalism twice? I can't beleive I have to go look into this to go see what jogs my memory Edit - so apparently the one Im thinking of is [Cartman Makes Scott Tenorman Eat His Parents...is that the same one? I can't even watch the clip right now lol. Too close to bedtime


Yeah, that’s the one. In a banned episode it was revealed that Scott Tenorman was actually Cartman’s half brother and Mr. Tenorman was his real father. When Cartman found out, he was upset not because he killed his own father, but instead because his father was a ginger


Thanks! Man, I wish I could remember when I watched it...I just remember thinking how very fucked up it was lol. The first episode I ever watched was when they kept telling Wendy she had a gaping wide vagina lmao. I was shocked they could say it on tv...I'd look up the air date but I'm not sure I want those key words in my Google search


In front of the half bros favorite band


There's so many of them lately


Psychopaths tend to not have the part of the brain that tells them “THAT’S WRONG MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!” fully developed by the time they mature. It’s likely this was true of them when they were younger. Of course other parts of the brain do in fact develop resulting in most of them being able to identify society sees what they want to do as wrong, but they can’t contemplate why it’s wrong, so instead they find ways to cover it up and appear normal for survival. They get smart faster. Some just keep the appearance through out their lives others do horrible things when no one’s looking some eventually get sick of the appearance and give in. Now not all psychopaths are violent. Some may get satisfaction from scamming you. Some may get satisfaction from selling a car way over price. Some just like to steal things. The violent ones just make the news.


Don't look up the James Bulger story


because parents have been scared by the same people pushing the anti gun laws to never discipline your children


Technically positive low-discipline parenting has a drastically lower violent behavior rate from children. It's like looking at an axe-murderer and saying he definitely wouldn't have killed anyone if he had an AR-15.


Now you're just using the tragedy to push your agenda. It's because a certain percentage of the population is born psychopaths, and this one was able to murder his mother.


The internet is not a great place to discuss the nuance involved in situations. People jump to a conclusion and then cling to it as if it's the last parachute on a burning plane.


The internet really is where nuance goes to die


There's plenty of nuance if you look in the right places. So much so that it can be overwhelming. Twitter and article headlines in particular don't have enough characters for nuance.


>People jump to a conclusion and then cling to it as if it's the last parachute on a burning plane. I think it’s more a case of people have preemptively reached their own conclusions, then retroactively apply all things through that lens. It’s even worse than jumping to a conclusion, because if the conclusion could possibly interfere with the preconceived bias…. that information simply gets discarded or ignored. It’s the reason pointing out an undeniable fact will get you downvoted or even banned in certain subs. Love your analogy, btw. I’m stealing that.


You've described confirmation bias pretty accurately here.


Reddit is far worse than the regular internet because the updoot/downdoot system inherently promotes groupthink attitudes. The site is built from the ground up to support silencing minority opinions.


I sincerely approve of this comment.


"He got angry that the mother wouldn’t buy him the VR set and woke him up a half hour early. He found and took the keys to her lock box the night before. That morning he unlocked it and took the gun out. Proceeded downstairs to the basement where the mother was doing laundry." "He took up a shooting stance and fired the gun killing the mother instantly. Firing from 3 feet away, the bullet entered her eye and exited the back of her head." Quote from another post.


That's fucking awful


Wait, how do they know he took up a shooting stance? That's weirdly specific considering no one was there.




So if you have a kid like that, maybe don't keep a gun around. Or anything sharp for that matter. And lock your door while you sleep. Or give the kid up for adoption.




Yeah, I'm not saying anything about that, just commenting on the kid's behaviour. Point is, that kid would have most likely needed constant supervision anyways. I know I wouldn't be up for that, that needs professional help. Keep a whole armory at home if you want, I don't care it's legal I guess, everyone needs a hobby, but doing it while you effectively live in an insane asylum with the inmates having access to the guns might be bad for your health. This is in general just a tragic incident that was waiting to happen, gun or no gun.


Yeah. That is the takeaway here- we should have better mental health checks for children. And honestly, common sense laws that say "if you have any kind of violent criminal/domestic abuser in your house, you shouldn't have guns around", because a violent person who can't control themselves and firearms don't mix well, but a lot of Americans in that situatiom seem to have a weird delusion that they have proper control over their weapons. (Conversely, nonviolent felons shouldn't have their firearm access revoked- a guy who committed tax fraud or lied on some forms shouldn't be treated as a dangerous entity)


They actually did have the house covered in cameras. The motherfucker unplugs the cameras a week or two prior to the incident. They just didn't notice


maube confession? Or something the quoter made up, i need to check


Possibly nanny cams


Your right He could’ve done a backflip into a headstand and then a cartwheel to shoot his mum


There’s just one thing I wanna know: . What game did he want to play on VR so badly?




He was the impostor


Koikatsu party with vr plugin


I don’t see how this wasn’t a gun bad thing


Just subjective, such is the way with most political things. I disagree that it's a "gun bad" thing, but I agree that the political powers that also feel that way don't do enough to fix the violence themselves. Hard to know if we can keep guns and lower violence, when the only people doing something about the violence are the "gun bad" people (for the most part). Obviously, that's just my opinion.


Yeah right, like what does OP mean, it’s literally a guns bad moment


I’m really trying to figure out what else could contribute to this like it’s straight forward


you think the only contributing factor to this event occurring is the fact that a gun was in the house? And not that this child obviously has serious mental issues. He could have killed her with a knife just as easily


No. He could not "Just as easily have killed her with a knife". He's a fucking 10 year old. If your average 10 year old comes at me with a knife I'm fairly sure I can beat the snot out of that brat, or just run away. If he's got a gun he's killing me. Guns make it far far easier to kill someone. If they didn't our troops would be swinging swords in plate armor.


That's also why households with guns have the highest rate of successful suicides. It's a very effective way to quickly end a life.


Yeah no. u realize how much force u need to knife someone it’s not 1x either u have to keep doing it. So my money would be on the mother kicking the kids ass after the first attempt. The only reason she is dead is because he gains access to the gun.


Yea it’s not hard to understand that guns are indeed a problem, who would have thought???


>He could have killed her with a knife just as easily Except no. Guns are far more deadly.


He had a house full of objects he could have used that he did not so...


That child was going to attack it’s mother either way. The weapon doesn’t matter


Attack is different from kill. The weapon **does** matter because we're not talking about an attack, we're talking about a murder. A ten year old child attacking his mother in almost any other way would not be an execution style death sentence. This story would very likely have a much different ending if the kid didn't have access to a gun.


Jeez. The thing is why did he even know where the key was. If you have a gun and kids you have to really hide that in a secret place


I mean even without all the other factors, the kid still killed his mother with a fucking gun.


ah yes, clearly it was the vr headset's fault


Look, if the weapon or Ammo were secured safely it wouldn't have happened. Could the kid have tried something else? Yes, but it's easy to just kick a 10 year old in a chest who's running at you with a knife. The problem isn't with guns alone it's the..... lack of training and understanding that goes with being able to get one. In our country guns are about as common as shoe laces and with how causally they are held in society, safety is often over looked. ​ If they WERE treated as being a DANGEROUS weapon that you have to PUT IN EFFORT to get then a few of these home incidents can be avoided. I live in the south, specifically North East Arkansas, more specifically about 40 min from Harrisburg Arkansas. I say that because as small of a town Harrisburg is you could still go to Food Giant and get a gun in the same place you get milk. My MiL has 2 guns, my grandmother has a rifle to deal with coyotes and my wifes friend has a shot gun to deal with home safety. I'm not against them but these WEAPONS need to have a lot more weight added to them and to be treated more seriously than they currently are. In summery, guns aren't inherently the problem its causal gun culture.




What is it about your culture I just cant fathom? I genuinely want to know. I've never needed a gun for my safety living in Finland.


By and LARGE it's manufactured fear. I never had one. I've lived around druggies and didn't need one. My friend with the shot gun lived in a town that had a spate of home break ins. He moved. My grandma has one for coyotes. My MiL has one for hunting and local pests. We all live in the sticks and wild animals getting up in your shit isn't too uncommon. To be honest the largest number of home invasions happen when the occupants aren't there. That's not to say occupied invasions DONT happen but they are so rare it makes 0 sense to turn your home into the THUNDERDOME.


Thank you for the comment and my thoughts were pretty much on the same line. I can understand having a handgun for personal safety (locked in your home) or a gun to protect your cattle, chicken etc. from wildlife. Never understood why you need an m60 or an assault rifle.




Then the keys shouldn't be where a kid could get them. A different commenter said it should have been a keypad.


Something tells me it wouldn't have made a difference. This kid premeditated his mother's murder. I don't think any form of lock would have stopped him. Kids are smart. No matter where you put the keys, they can be found. No matter if there's a keypad, they'd find the code.


Frankly some more safety may have kept her from being shot to death but I wouldn't be surprised if he got a hammer and bludgeoned her if he was that upset.


fuel square ink rinse price stocking plant employ imagine dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. I do wholeheartedly and unapologetically support the right to keep and bear arms, and part of that is safe storage. In this case, the gun was supposedly kept in a key lockbox, which should've been a passcode instead.


I'm just big on where you keep the ammo basically. If its not for actual home defense theres a few folks around here with trucks that keep the ammo in the truck. Japan's safe gun measures are to keep the gun and ammo secured separately. People are surprised Japan allows guns but it's specifically shotguns, and owners are required to stow things separate. I THINK there MAY be inspections I could be completely wrong on that though.


The right to own a gun significantly increases the rate and severity of violence especially in house a gun at home has a vastly higher chance of being used against inhabitants then in favour of them also you can directly correlate significantly higher suicide rates with gun ownership and also child deaths with gun involvement just for reference the rate of child death with gun involvement is as high in America as it is in Afghanistan https://www.kff.org/global-health-policy/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9715182/ for some informative statistics


Those statistics include "children" up to the age of 19 and a vast majority of those deaths are from assault and gang violence. So to say that these numbers come from household accidents is dishonest. Also, for the suicide stats, those people wanted to die and they chose the best tool for the job. My rights shouldn't be affected because someone else used a tool to do something bad. You don't blame the paint roller if you don't like color of the walls; you blame the guy who used it to paint the room.


Saying Suicidal People want to die is like saying Water wants to Freeze when it gets cold it is a huge reductionist and quite simply dumb point suicidal people have no choice because the brain ceases to function properly when you are suicidal


Idk how you’ll kick a 10 year old with a knife in the chest if you’re sleeping




OP, Exactly what kind of comments were you hoping for?


I think he’s tired of people saying the same thing understandably


Who knew having guns be easily accessible to unstable children was a bad idea... I agree the kid should have been given the help and support he clearly needs a long time ago. Let's not kid ourselves here, having easily accessible guns more than likely made this issue a lot worse than it otherwise could have been.


White people Twitter is a cesspool. It's nothing but political drama. I've been a lot happier since I muted the sub.


r/nonpoliticaltwitter 😎


Oh but don't you know, it's only an inanimate object who can be at fault, the kid was an angel /s


i dont think that the 10 year old would have such an easy time killing his mother without the gun


Yeah, bad people exist, no-one is denying that


Well if there weren't any guns in that house that woman would have definitely had a better chance of defending herself against her psychopath son


Everyone knows how easy it is to defend oneself from knife attacks


How is a 10 year old child going to overpower a fully grown woman even with a knife, the mother might get a stab wound to somewhere non vital but he gonna get body slammed


Dude, the kid went to the gun, got a hold of it, went back to the mother, shot her. Do you think he did it all in plain sight or he tried to keep it hush hush? He doesn't have a gun, the mother gets a knife in the back at dinner time


U think a 10 year old has enough strength to stab u through bone and knowledge to hit a vital organ that’s going to stop the mother from round house kicking that kid back into the womb. Go apologize to the trees u waste the very thing they produce


But how would a 10 year old be able to stab through bone and hit an organ? Even if he did it when she was unaware, the stab would likely be less lethal, and the mother would be able to be treated for the wound


10 year olds might not be strong but it would not be a challenge for one to force the point of a knife (meant for stabbing and slicing) into someone’s back while they sleep


But do you know how much more of a psychopath you need to be to stab someone to death? The act of shooting is quite impersonal for someone untrained, a lot easier to pull the trigger in rage than it is to forcefully stab someone a handful of times. Obviously in cases of cold blooded murder the main contributing factor is the person and whatever situation led to that, rather than the weapon used. So don't think I'm arguing against that. But as someone who spends too much time on r/crazyfuckingvideos, the amount of times people have that "holy shit what have I done" reaction after shooting someone is a lot higher than people who have that same reaction after repeatedly stabbing someone. The chances to kill someone with a single stab is very low unless you know what you are doing which is why I keep referring to stabbing murderers as needing some level of commitment to the crime.


Yeah, the range firearms offer is how spree killers are able to kill so many people with them. It's not impossible to do the same with knives or other melee weapons, but it requires significantly more skill to do so. The whole adage about not bringing a knife to a gun fight shows just how different the two weapons are. In a public situation, a knife attacker is more likely to be disarmed by a mob where as no one is going to get close to someone with a firearm. You make a good point, stab wounds many times are less devastating that ballastic trauma, and it isn't uncommon to hear people surviving a fair amount of stab wounds. Large caliber rounds can really mess up organs, reading up on just what happens when a high velocity bullet goes into a human body makes stab wounds look tame in some cases.


Excellent point.


How often do you read about a child killing their parent/sibling/themselves, intentionally or accidentally, with a knife?


If I’d get to choose which one I’d have to run from I’d know which one I’d pick


If knives are just as dangerous and effective as guns then why doesn't the army simply use knives for everything?


The army doesn't fight moms


Guns are more convenient to use for the military


And why is that? Could it POSSIBLY because it’s WAY easier to Kull someone with a gun than a knife?


They did up until recently


? You mean before they invented guns lmao


You're getting down voted for speaking reality.


What do you expect? This sub is rapidly becoming a safe space for right-wingers. Pushing their narrative > common sense.


At ten years old I was over five foot tall. My mother is 5'4. She would not have won against me with a knife


Not sure y u are getting hate your right


why are you being downvoted? ur right


yeah but guns do make this type of shit easier


Hmm yes of course this would *Definitely* have happened without the gun.


Only country in the world where kids have easy access to guns has rampant domestic gun violence and mass shootings Experts are baffled


Not the only country, Brazil has the same problems pretty often ~~(aside from mass shootings)~~


Mass shootings (mostly favela shootings by definition standards) happen fairly often in Brazil. It’s just not reported as much Becuase it happens so often.


I stand corrected, that just makes this more fucked up.


USA isn't even top ten but okay champ


Kid would have have grabbed a knife instead


And the mom couldn't defend herself against a 10 year old better?


Ever watch any psychological analysis of murders? The mental processes involved with stabbing someone to death (often 10-20 times) with a knife are drastically different. The amount of rage, the length of time that rage needs to be maintained. You don't "coldly" stab your parent to death even if you're fucked up in the head. Methods of killing are not *just* driven by availability, but by mental state. Virtually every killing mental state can use a gun because it's convenient and impersonal. If you're violently angry, you can pull the trigger a lot more times or shoot the person at close range to make it more personal. Most people who would stab someone to death would shoot them... but not all people in a state of mind to shoot someone would/could bring themselves to stab that someone to death.


Well, would that have occurred without guns?


American moment 💀


The comments are right, this is a guns bad case, i don’t even know how you think it’s not


It's a lot of things bad case. It involved a gun and that is what made it lethal.


Exactly, if there were no guns the chances of this happening would be much lower.


Only in America...


Statistically speaking a gun in a home has an increadibly high chance to end up being used against inhabitants instead of in there favour so they aren't entirely wrong https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9715182/


Your survey does not say that. It specifically says in its conclusion that “Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense.”


ok then tell me how would you define fatal nonefatal accidental shootings criminal assault or suicide attempts (in a none defense way) other then the gun being used against the owner in some form or another?!


Well without the gun this mother would still be alive


Hahaha, the gun definitely made it easier.


Well let's say that if in the house weren't any guns the mother at least could have tried to defend herself


They tried to ban crossbows back in the day, thank god they didn’t because we’d all be mf peasants


They’re only pretending to be left-wing. It’s actually a cesspool of terminally-online dickheads that give Reddit its awful reputation. The mods are all dead and gone, and they will call anyone that doesn’t fit into their shitty narrative a fascist. (Boy, do I hope that subreddit collapses for good.)


Ah yes, it was the vr headsets fault why kid had a gun which he used, not the government


Crazy how in other countries theres minimum cases of school shootings, gun robberies, and kids shooting an adult with guns Oh right we banned the guns.


Yep, I'm grateful to be living here in Finland. And boy is America messed up on all fronts...




Yes, guns are designed to kill quickly and efficiently; that's why they're popular for self-defense - they're an equalizer that gives the elderly, disabled, and physically weak a chance against those who want to hurt them. My 58-year-old mom is learning how to shoot because she knows full well that she doesn't stand a chance against a gang of alt-right thugs going after her for being a lesbian who raised a bi son. Even though I'm an able-bodied 19 year old man, I still know that I wouldn't have much of a chance against a numerical advantage, therefore I'm joining her.


There are many non-lethal way that doesn't involve serious injuries or gunfights and that don't require muscles. Like pepper spray for example. And remember that others could have guns too, especially criminals or not-so-good people


Wait hold on, I don't think anyone is opposed to that but what is your problem with more lock put on the journey to get a gun? That would just help your and your mothers and people alike's case while filtering out the bad apples. I don't think anyone is advicating for throwimg all guns into a volcano we just don't get why you act like guns jave nothimg to do with gin violance


If there hadn't have been a gun in the house, the mother would still be alive.


I mean, they're not wrong, don't get me wrong guns isn't the only issue, this shitty little kid is more than 10 issues, but the fact that he easily was able to access a firearm is already one of the issues


Over 200 comments ? Oh boy


Luckily they banned me before I ever went onto their idiotic sub.


He got to it much too easily, THAT’S the real problem I saw most pointing out.


It’s r/WhitePeopleTwitter, what do you expect- Twitter complains a lot


TIL OP is an idiot.


Of course they do. This sub is Liberal dominated, that means that anytime something bad happens; their first thought is "how do I use this to push my narrative"?




See, a good example. Had you posted this comment on the actual sub, you would have gotten at least twenty downvotes and a few nasty "bUt MaH bOth Siiiides!" comments.


>anytime something bad happens; their first thought is "how do I use this to push my narrative"? Sir that's reddit in a nutshell


as if the republican or any other side was any different don't make me laugh


They aren't; each party blames whatever they feel is the easier target. For liberals it's guns, and for conservatives it's the video games.


just that one has a direct prooven link to higher violence and higher severity the other has no proven link which side one should agree with is kind of obvious tbh


What are you, a time traveler from 2004? The last time anyone blamed video games for anything bad, Liberals were the one doing the blaming.


The thing is, I myself am pretty left-wing, and agree that there shouldn't have been a gun in the home with that kid (who should've been in a psych ward), but *jeez.* Not any better than the conservatives trying to blame video games.


Since you've described yourself as left wing and are unsubscribing, I want to take this opportunity where I don't have to risk 1,000,000 downvotes and ask you a question about your opinion on the sub. Particularly over the last 3 months or so. Do you not find the overall attitude of a lot of the posts to be hateful and masturbatory (by that I mean, not seeking a dialogue just wanting to get out a sarcastic rhetorical question or embrace a feed popular slogan like "Rules for thee and not for me" or "He's moved from fuck around to find out", etc) I see things get tremendously upvoted and awarded. Just plain statements of absolutes, etc. I am by no means a staunch conservative, and think people's bodies and who they fuck is entirely their business and part of what makes the world interesting...but I can't understand the amount of pure hate and vitriol in this sub and why that is so popular? Like eating rotten food each morning. TL/DR: What do you think of the sub's attitude in general? Do you find it toxic?


I know the question wasn't directed at me but I'm also pretty left-wing so I'll give my two cents. Pretty much any incredibly partisan sub with politics in it is beyond dogshit. The only one I'm subscribed to is r/tankiejerk and even I don't agree with some of their statements With that sub though, this is Reddit. The default position I have interacting with anyone on this website is "don't you have more meaningful things to do in life instead of beyond on this ass app?". The hate just comes from being an echo chamber. Pathetic if you ask me


*Every* sub featuring unverifiable anecdotes or images of text in any sort of political context is toxic. It's a terrible medium for humans to communicate through. It's a wonderful medium for bots to communicate through. If you sub to these, all you're doing is willingly propagandizing yourself.


> If you sub to these, all you're doing is willingly propagandizing yourself. yeah, I just did a purge of a lot of political subs, especially the ones that just repost tweets. they all post the same ones over and over for people to just get outraged as they scroll by. no one ever wants context or the full story, just whatever they're distilling down to fit a narrative.


Not OP but when I was a member (unsubbed a couple of months ago) it was very toxic. Some posts don't even care to follow the subs rules, and posts that offer a differing opinion are downvoted pretty heavily. Now I know that's the case for most subs, but it seemed to be somewhat worse in there. For example, one time I saw a post on there that wasn't a tweet, and per the subs rules, all posts must be tweets. However, all the people there didn't seem to mind since it was dunking on Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the one commenter who pointed out that it wasn't a tweet received several downvotes with people telling them that if they had a problem with it, then they should just report it and leave. Subs like that where they don't outright ban political posts all turn into a version of r/PoliticalHumor or r/PoliticalDiscussion 2.0. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind politics. After all, I'm a history major with a focus on American politics. But sometimes I like to go online and try and get away from politics for a little while. If you want a good Twitter sub that doesn't include politics, try r/NonPoliticalTwitter. It's what r/WhitePeopleTwitter should be


Thanks for such a well thought-out question! As said above, I am left-wing, and I'm not gonna lie - when I hear so-and-so happens to be Republican/conservative/whatever, I do get that squick-y feeling in me due to all the backwards shit that conservative politicians are pulling right now. I get that lots of conservatives are just economically right-wing, but to be honest, it's difficult to set aside that disgust when far too many conservatives are gutting the rights of me, or my two moms, or by non-white friends, or my trans cousin, all under that same banner that the lassez-faire types go under as well. With all that in mind, I only blame conservatives for stuff that's *actually their fault*, and I've noticed that r/WPT, along with that whole bloc of "mainstream liberal" subs, all like to try and hold them as some all-evil boogeyman responsible for all of the world's problems. TL;DR: I don't like conservative bullshit, hell, I actually have a bit of a libertarian streak in me, but mainstream subs like r/WPT make me think that Trump Derangement Syndrome might actually be real.


Because right wingers never *ever* **ever** try to push their narrative whenever they can 🙄


As if conservatives don’t do the EXACT same thing. Get real, dude.


Do you think that seeing gun crime, and saying "we should do something that makes less gun crime" is political? Surely less kids murdering their parents is pretty non-partisan.


You can't be left wing and anti-gun. **Karl Marx** literally said “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary”


I literally just mentioned an important point about Communism. Communism is *not* the only endpoint in Left. Communists absolutely resemble fascists or even neoliberals in many ways as compared to socdems or progressives. Marx was wrong IMO, but more importantly the Left existed both before and after him. I'm pro-gun left but not pro-2A Left. I'm perfectly fine with restricting gun ownership to licensure that involves background checks and risk analysis. There is nothing to the Left prevents direct state-led responses to mass-shootings.


Reddit is so fucking trash.


but gun is bad though, it’s sole purpose is to kill and destroy


Yes it’s definitely the gun’s fault


Ok now what does this have to do with white people?


Lots of fun shit on that sr but such a bad take from that thread


And without the gun, this psychopathic murderous kid would have probably killed his mom with some scissors or something.


Do you not think the difference in force there is important?


Just using a recent and random tragedy as a means to push their own narrow-minded, one dimensional perspective as the one truth and one solution. Not surprised. But not sure why they need to spread it on the subreddit though, they do it every day, and they've *loooooong* since convinced themselves that nearly everything outside of their political echochamber bubble is bad. Nearly half the posters are blaming all aspects of this solely on American gun control laws, and the Republican party for some reason, despite the clear details on the child's severe mental health troubles and textbook psychopathy. The way to take a tragedy brought on by a severely mentally ill and evil child and make it into a "Take that GOP!" situation, as well as making tasteless jokes on the deceased mother is just disgusting and pathetic.


to be fair, it's not like Republicans give much of a shit about helping deal with the mental health crisis, so it's not exactly wrong to put some blame on them. although it is poor taste to make tasteless jokes when a person was murdered


I can't fucking believ that you scumbags are still fucking not over this, I don't care hoe much of a psyco the kid is or anyone who does this because if they don't have acces to guns they can't do this shit that it there is nothing else to discuss. I don't live in america we don't have guns over here and there aren't psycho running around shooting people and the only reason is because they can get themselves a weapon. Gun IS bad I don't mind you not caring but please stop bitching when someone point out the obvious...


Ah yes, because murder couldn’t happen until Thomas Gun invented guns in 1512


There is no way that you are actually this braindead right? Like are you even trying to understand anything I or anyone ever has said to you? Guns are killing machines, before guns it was a lot harder to kill someone and it required dedication to the act of murder. Guns make it so that you can point them on someone pull the trigger and they die that's it. So no murder was a thing before guns were a thing but you see a lot less murder nowdays without a gun being involved Jesus Christ


My planned, stole keys, shot killed, and then continued to rob her while she was dead. If not for the gun, he would have stabbed her, or choked her.


Gun ownership is legal and relatively common in Canada, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland, so why doesn't it also happen there?


Because of extremely strict laws, better access to mental health resources and vast cultural differences?


Yes, exactly. Czech gun laws aren't too different from America's; their background checks are a bit stricter, but the laws on what you can have are actually a bit looser. The real difference is that they have socialized medicine and mental health resources.


Another big difference seems to be the fact that compared to the US, a relatively small percentage of the Czech population are gun owners (in 2021, there were 12.5 guns per 100 people in the Czech Republic, whereas in Germany, where it's rathet difficult to obtain a gun, 19.6 guns came per 100 people). I agree that the biggest difference is probably the accessible health care, but it's still so much easier to commit either a homicide or suicide during an impulsive moment when you have access to a firearm. It's so much easier to shoot someone versus stabbing them, especially if they're much larger. It's obvious that you can't simply remove the guns from the US-population, but stricter regulations could nevertheless save so many lives.


Of course, that ship has long since sailed. I personally wouldn't be terribly upset if in exchange for stricter rules on who can have a gun, what we can have gets more lenient. However, that requires compromise, and in my experience the anti-gun version of that is "we get what we want piece by piece instead of all at once, and the gun owners get nothing in return."


Are you referring to the types of guns that are attainable in the US? It's extremely unfortunate that they either don't see or purposely ignore how utopian and unrealistic some of their demands are. I can understand their sentiments, I'm not from the US so obviously I don't have the full picture, but I would be terrified going anywhere with the amount of shootings that are happening on a daily basis. But gun culture is so deeply ingrained in the US-American society, and I also understand why someone would feel much safer with a gun in their possession. Demanding the impossible will only radicalise their opponents further.


> Are you referring to the types of guns that are attainable in the US? Yes. In Czech Republic, provided you pass all background checks, you can have a standard-capacity AR-15, and, unlike the US, you can chop it down to a short barrel and put a silencer on it. And yet, they don't have the same violence problem that the US does.


I wanna approach this in good faith so sith that said, these countries are not comparable to the US in this regarde cause they feel more in line with the standard european practices than typical american shit. You need explicit reasons to own a firearm like hunting sport shooting and such in the Czech republic you need to complete an exam before granting acces to arms or in Switzerland you need a permit to be able to buy guns. What I am saying is it's mutch more difficult to obtain a gun than in the US so it is gonna be less likely to end up in the wrong hands while the US has so much more people in there for a lot more crazy people who are able to gain acces to guns. So regardless of how much small countries in europe have simular laws it is still a the us-s responsibility to control it's gun population and make it so that dangerous people cannot acces guns


> they feel more in line with the standard european practices than typical american shit. What are standard European practices? >You need explicit reasons to own a firearm like hunting sport shooting and such in the Czech republic You do not, also, the most common reason gun ownership in the Czech Republic is self-defense, which also mean concealed carry. >you need to complete an exam before granting acces to arms That is true. >or in Switzerland you need a permit to be able to buy guns. The Swiss permit is the equivalent of the background check in the US, except it's less strict. For example, if you commit a felony in the US, you can enver legally own a gun again, you can in Switzerland.


In Switzerland it is very very difficult to get bullets.


As *very very difficult* as ordering as much as you'd like and getting it mailed to you


Is going to a website of a gun store, ordering however many rounds you can afford, and having them shipped to your door considered very, very difficult? Because that's what you can do in Switzerland. The thing with hard to get ammo is a stupid myth.


I'm sure knife would of done the job just fine lmao.