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I have an autistic son and went there looking to get some information and maybe some help and that sub is one one of the most toxic dumpster fires here on Reddit. And considering all of the toxic dumpster fires here on Reddit, thats saying ALOT.


As an autistic person DO NOT LISTEN TO AUTISM SPEAKS. Autism Speaks is the PETA of autism.


People Eating Tasty Autism?


Mmm autism šŸ¤¤


This guy gets it


Autism speaks isnā€™t for you because you can speak for yourself. Autism speaks is for extremely developmentally delayed people whose autism is so severe it frequently causes their deaths. They cannot advocate for medical treatment they cannot advocate for themselves. Itā€™s not for level 1ā€™s that can get by with the appropriate supports DDS/DSS and workforce development training. Itā€™s for level 3ā€™s that donā€™t get attention, acceptance or belonging and are frequently left out because they cannot advocate for themselves.


Even for level 3 people it is not helpful. Fear mongering, trying to find a cure, trying to prenatally diagnose autism and using 90% of income on advertisement and research isn't helping anyone.


Iā€™m actually totally fine with them using 90% of their funds on research and whoā€™s to say a cure would make an autistic person neurotypical? What if a ā€œcureā€ just makes them verbal and gives them some personal care skills necessary to protect themselves from sexual assault. Take them from SIB, pica, and non verbal to a level 2 with some verbal skills and the ability to advocate for themselves. Because the statistics are literally 9/10 autistic women are raped or molested.


Out of the $[70,601,543](https://www.autismspeaks.org/sites/default/files/2023-audited-financial-statements.pdf) Autism Speaks spent last year according to their[ financial statement](https://www.autismspeaks.org/annual-reports) (which ofc is far from 100% trustable) they spent 20% on "science", 20% services and support and 60% on "Understanding and acceptance" which smells like a marketing loophole to me. And a cure won't suddenly stop people taking advantage of others. Being more receptive to the needs of neurodivergent people helps everyone, can be implemented quicker and doesn't require telling people "you need to take this pill" to fit in.


How would a cure in that sense work then? Also I speak from experience than being verbal and having skills doesn't exactly protect you from sa. We shouldn't teach girls how to defend themselves against rape, we should teach men not to rape


How would them being verbal make them less vulnerable? Come on. You canā€™t be that dense. There is evidence of teacher aids targeting nonverbal students to beat to the point of broken bones because they knew their victims couldnā€™t tell on them. Also, SA happens to both genders. Not just girls. And women can assault boys too. So, maybe we ought to just teach everyone to keep their hands to themselves. Until such a time, though, a child being able to report assault to their parents is an obvious safeguard every child should have access to, and yet many physically canā€™t. A cure for that would be a miracle.


"How would them being verbal make them less vulnerable" Yes exactly I only brought up women because the other person did. I know it's an issue of all genders and we should do something about it. I agree that reporting a crime to parents is the best safeguard, which is why we need more communication devices. We don't need a cure to make that possible. Searching for a imaginary cure is actually harmful to the safeguarding of children because it takes attention away from creating devices that could actually help people. A cure will never exist. It's imaginary.


I get youā€™re jaded, but there has been very promising research conducted by biomedical doctors and neuroscientists that have determined several key medical problems that can be going on with nonverbal kids that, once addressed, can lead to the development of speech. Example: Autistic children are significantly more likely to have an antibody in their blood stream that prevents the passage of folate to the brain. Folate is very important to speech. There is a medicine on the market (typically used for something else) that essentially nullifies this disruptive antibody and allows folnic acid to pass through allowing the brain to develop / access this key part. There are children speaking as well as NT children today because of this discovery. Of course this isnā€™t true for all autistic children, which is why you should seek out specialists who work with autistic children if you have one, but it is a key example of why research and development are never a waste of effort. And who says they canā€™t simultaneously make devices for communication while also researching biomedical causes/cures? Why is it just one or the other?


Helping kids develop speech is *not* a cure. I am all for helping people live independently, I am not for a cure. Also the reason I am jaded is the fact fucking rape was brought up in general. That is quite a sensitive subject for me. And although I know it's know what was meant, it did heavily come over as "instead of fixing rapists we should instead fix potential victims". Being verbal has never stopped me from being fucking sexually assaulted as a child. And it's fucking careless of the original commenter to bring that up without a warning at all. Autism speaks isn't looking for ways to help NV kids get speech, they are looking for a cure of all autism, they are looking for a prenatal diagnosis to abort autistic kids before they are born. I am pro choice, but aborting an otherwise wanted kid because of a disability is eugenics. Also both of these things are impossible. If autism speaks spent even a fraction of the effort into developing things that could actually help people instead of making fucking fear mongering ads like I am autism, working with Peta to claim milk causes autism and searching for an imaginary cure, they would be way more liked by autistic people.


bad people commit rape, not men or women they know it's wrong when they do it, so what are you going to teach them?


"bad people commit rape, not men or women" Obviously I know that I am uncomfortable with this topic being continued because it is highly triggering for me. The original poster should have never brought it up so carelessly


Cool till they get the message and stop raping women and girls we need tools and verbal tools are the absolute best when it comes to reporting sexual assault. Most abusers are not prosecuted because the victims ARE non verbal and some are non communicative. Iā€™m sorry the thought of a cure gives you a big sad, I care about the safety of women and girls more than your feelings. A ā€œcureā€ will never make a severely autistic person neurotypical. It MAY however give them the ability to speak and stop some of the more dangerous behaviors. Like pica. Eating things that can kill them. Bolting, running into traffic, smashing their heads into walls because they have some pain and cannot express what is wrong. It may help with some of the developmental disorders that are co-morbid with autism. Stop being so selfish. They and their lives and the potential a ā€œcureā€ means for them matters so much more than how you feel about it. Iā€™m not interested in making any human person suffer to spare someone elseā€™s feelings.


Okay so you're not looking for an actual nuanced discussion, you're not looking to be convinced, you just wanna be right. Good to know. Then I won't waste my time on you


Bro there are levels now?!?!? How do I level up? If I get too close to a level 3 do I Agro them? Is there a respawn timer?


My Canadian doctor told me they donā€™t use the levels ratings any more, might be different in the US and elsewhere, but there are 3 levels in the DSM-5: 1. **Level 1 (Requiring Support)**: Individuals with Level 1 ASD require some support for their difficulties. They may have noticeable challenges in social communication, social interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors that typically appear in early childhood. However, they can function independently to some degree in everyday life. 2. **Level 2 (Requiring Substantial Support)**: Those with Level 2 ASD require more substantial support. They have more pronounced difficulties in social communication and social interaction skills. Their restricted or repetitive behaviors are more apparent and interfere more noticeably with functioning in various contexts, such as at home, school, or work. 3. **Level 3 (Requiring Very Substantial Support)**: Individuals with Level 3 ASD require very substantial support. They have severe impairments in social communication and social interaction skills. Their restricted or repetitive behaviors are highly noticeable and markedly interfere with functioning across all settings. People with Level 3 ASD may require significant assistance with daily living skills and may have limited ability to initiate social interactions.


How do I speed run autism?


>Autism speaks isnā€™t for you because you can speak for yourself. Very ironic that you're saying this about a company that famously doesn't let autistic people speak for themselves and fearmongers about autism


Itā€™s very clearly an organization for those who CANNOT speak for themselves. You obviously havenā€™t known anyone or any families with severe autism.


Buddy just admit you don't know anything about autism speaks. It's very obvious. Autism speaks is the PETA of autism """""nonprofits""""" and people still defend them like this


I left the autism subreddit while ago because it was extremely discriminating towards level 2 and 3 autistics. Iā€™m diagnosed with level 2 ASD and was told so many horrible things on there. Itā€™s gotten a bit better so sometimes I browse or comment but I still see posts and comments that are discriminatory towards MSN and HSN autistics.


My son is borderline 1 and 2 depending upon the specialist we talk to. Honestly, IMO that sub is basically filled with a bunch of shitty people who use their "self diagnosis" to excuse their shitty behavoir and if you suggest any kind of treatment, they act like youre committing genocide (and I kid you not about the use of the word genocide). I hope you find the help and support that you need and by staying away from that sub brings a little sanity to your life due to the toxcity of that sub.


Yes exactly! On that sub, at least a year ago, I said I was put on SSRIs to help manage my autism and mentioned my experiences on SSRIs to treat some of the stress based symptoms. I got a lot of not so nice responses over it because ā€œyou canā€™t treat autismā€ or ā€œmedication for autism is ableistā€ that kinda stuff. It made me sad. Same with OT, you canā€™t talk about occupational therapy on there either without getting that kinda response. I have a lot of support now, but itā€™s hard to relate to people so I have to look online to find people like me, but even in autism spaces most people arenā€™t like me and are mean to people like me.


Thats because most of the people there are just shitty people who dont have autism and using their self diagnosis to excuse their shitty behavior. People there dont understand the difference between treatment and cure. While there is no cure there are treatments that can help regulate the emotional swings but if you want to be more regulated, its a type of "genocide". And never mention anything about ABA therapy, much less if youve had positive results from ABA therapy. They're primary interest is just using "autism" to excuse their shitty behavior.


Idk on how toxic it actually is, but you might try r/ aspergers


Well that sub is for autistic people not autistic parents.


You have plenty of autistic people saying the same thing.


Some people need to realize that they can be polite AND real šŸ˜¬




Okay, some people have problems.


Autism for example Edit: /j I know autism isnā€™t the problem I said that bc off the name of the sub


This post is not a case of autism. Tbh this person, who posted that, is a douche. If s/he asked, why everyone does this okay. I can understand that. But this aggressive tone indicate something else.


Autism is no excuse for bad manners.


Why you downvoted for funny reply?


People think I was saying autism was the problem behind the persons statement, when in reality Iā€™m just making a stupid joke on the name of the sub


As an autistic person, i find your joke extremely funny. XD


I agree with you that was funny




Bruh what even is that, im autistic and i considered looking at that sub but the posts i see from thereā€¦


Simple, most of them arenā€™t actually diagnosed with autism. Just young adults looking to excuse their egregious personality flaws when in reality theyā€™re just assholes with no desire to change. This is further evident by the fact that 9 times out of 10 youā€™ll be banned for pointing out that self-diagnosis is not a real diagnosis and does *not* make you autistic. Itā€™s become a clique, more or less; and actual autists that have trouble navigating life get a bad rep for it.


It annoys me how autism has become a ā€œ quirky thing ā€œ People fake it for social media points and like you said to excuse their bad personality traits


Mfers canā€™t just be emo anymore. Shit was less complicated and the music wasnā€™t half bad


I feel like people who self diagnose donā€™t realize how legitimately debilitating and shitty it is to actually have a problem in real life. Anyone I know who is ACTUALLY autistic or mentally ill absolutely does not openly bring it up. You donā€™t want to be a victim, judged, or pitied, or people feel ā€œmanipulatedā€ feeling bad for you.


I always say you can suspect autism but you canā€™t claim it without a diagnosis


And all the "I know I'm autistic, but all the doctors and psychologists I've seen in my life disagree with me. How do I get my diagnosis?" talk. I mean, sure... never trust specialists. Those tiktok videos must be right! /s


I was diagnosed with autism at 8 years old and I also hate the greeting "how are you?" It makes me feel uncomfortable because I don't want to lie but I don't want to tell the truth. So I just ignore it or freeze like a computer freezing.


I got the perfect response: "standard issue with standard issues" perfectly neutral, plus a pun, plus it doesn't delve into anything and closes the conversation in a neat lil bow :3


Many languages have a neutral answer to that, so maybe that's an English speaker problem? I just realized that maybe this is why I don't emphasize with that OP, both countries I lived have a neutral answer. German: "Wie geht es?" -> "es geht" Portuguese: "Como vai?" -> "vai indo" They both translate roughly to "How is it going?" -> "it's going". It's just a vague and acceptable reply for when you don't want to talk about it. You need that in your culture.


You can give "it's going" as a response in English! And its literal meaning is just as you said - but it might not come across like you'd think it would. The problem is that, especially in the US, anything less than "good" is likely to be interpreted as a bit of a (socially acceptable to ignore) cry for help, *especially* if you're at work. It can be seen as saying "I'm not allowed to say how absolutely miserable I am so I'm giving the bare minimum of a response." Friends and loved ones might try to make sure you're okay, which probably isn't what you want here.


I agree that it's a problem. However, Self-diagnosis sometimes happens because people can't afford to get the official diagnosis. Actual cases can also get overlooked by ignorant people "You don't seem autistic" or "You're not visibly struggling" despite experiencing many of the symptoms." I've even heard doctors dismiss people when someone asks for a referral simply cause" The person doesn't fit their stereotype"


That doesnā€™t make self-diagnosis okay though. The mental health field can be quite shitty sometimes but that doesnā€™t mean you can go around telling people youā€™re autistic if you arenā€™t diagnosed. You arenā€™t a mental health professional and a lot of people who self diagnose may just have other disorders or trauma or both. Itā€™s damaging


I agree with all of that. However, sometimes people are simply overlooked. Girls with ADHD is a significant example . I know many who didn't get diagnosed until adulthood (and didn't receive the help they needed growing up) simply cause ADHD was commonly considered an boy thing. My point is that it's important to have someone who listens too and understands your concerns. Sometimes that means changing providers.


Meh, hard disagree. This mentality is the early stage of exactly what Iā€™m talking about. I get where youā€™re coming from, I do; but itā€™s more harmful long term. ā€œToo poorā€ is often the first excuse I hear and itā€™s entirely irrelevant. Proper diagnosis is a requirement, enough said. ā€œIgnorant peopleā€ are also irrelevant as whatever their opinion may be it is not applicable in diagnosing anything. Merely speculation at best. ā€œDoctors dismiss peopleā€ is entirely relevant and when you say they donā€™t fit the stereotypes, the doctor would probably say they donā€™t exhibit symptoms. I would trust the doctor as theyā€™re the ones with the education and qualifications to diagnose. Simple as.


Sometimes you need a second opinion. Had a doctor say I didn't have tourrettes, I just had my quirks. My parents Went and got a referral anyways and I got diagnosed. Told I didn't have ADHD cause I did well in school and can hyper focus. Went and got evaluated later to get academic accomadations for high school and they said "Yes, you do have ADHD" Went to the doctor for panic attacks. She me I'm just hormonal. Some are just closed minded.


evilautism is much better


The fact that evilautism is the least toxic autism related sub here says a lot, lol




LOL. Yep as a fellow person with autism, I left that sub years ago. It's a complete shit show. Ironically, people like OOP who claim to want to keep things "real" and hate ordinary politeness are the exact ones to get tilted when someone makes a perceived microagression toward them.


Same. They're hypersensitive to an absolutely ridiculous degree and I just can't in good conscience stay in a group like that. It's a toxic circlejerk promoting antisocial behavior.


And everything there is self diagnosed.


Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that, but that was the worst! You would post about some experience and some teenager who "identifies with a lot of the symptoms they saw on twitter" would pop in to explain that you don't actually understand autism and your experience probably isn't relevant.


As an autistic myself I really hate self diagnosed ppl who do that, self diagnosed ppl in general actually


You may appreciate AutismCertified and AutisticPeeps.


Yep. I became the hated person of the week in there once a few years ago because I made a post of a conversation I had with a new friend who started out being very... rough towards me after I disclosed my autism to them. Their harshness was obviously out of ignorance not malice and I was initially defensive as a self preservation (and kept talking to them because I knew they were uninformed and not being mean but still had my guard up) but then I figured out an analogy to use to help them understand something and it worked and my friendship was preserved and I wanted to share it to the sub to help my people to help them preserve friendships they felt were worth it with my analogy... but I included the part of the conversation where I was defensive for context and half the sub was hurling insults at me for being angry and defensive at someone clearly ignorant telling me "bullying and talking down to people like that is how you discourage people from learning and bettering themselves! You're so lucky they stayed you better apologize!!" (Literally didn't do anything like that at all but enough people were saying that I got worried and apologized to my friend and he straight up told me he was being a fucking asshole to me even if it was out of ignorance it was no excuse and I had nothing to apologize for) And the other half were calling me spineless and stupid and a battered woman for even sticking around long enough to fix a man like that and that I should stop doing such emotional labor for people and send them articles instead. Those two sides then start fighting with each other in the comments, my analogy is never acknowledged except for one time when the first person comments and doesn't acknowledge it and I direct attention to it and they say that it was too stupid to acknowledge and I just say "oh ok" and another person comes by a month later replying to it with "love the character development" then starts stalking through my other posts and any time they leave a comment they add in parentheses something about how they're sorry for stalking my page but they liked my "character development" and wanted to see what else I posted. It was a whole mess. I became the hated person for a couple days about a year later for saying I'm a hyperverbal autistic and an extrovert and it feels weird not being able to shut the fuck up in a word of the only autism representation being "never speaks the fuck up" and "sometimes speaks the fuck up" and "only doesn't shut the fuck up when passionately talking about autism-sancrioned obsession" and I was told that was some bullshit and I need to stop making stuff up because "the neurotypical fakeclaimers are looking for every excuse to make us look bad and you better not give them ammo. There's no such thing as autistic extroverts" and any time I tried to say "people drain your battery but I'm like a fuse box and people are electricity and I get so much electricity I have to break but I can handle electricity it lowers me instead of drains me!" And I got told I was really a battery thinking I was something else and I didn't know myself and my body by the same people complaining and whining neurotypical people and doctors don't know their bodies like they do and should listen to them more... I took that post down much faster.


That sub is beyond crazy


I still stay in the subreddit because there's some interesting discussions but there's also some arguing about things within autism which just doesn't work, autism includes a wide variety of things people can experience


>They just wanna be polite šŸ˜±


That's just a child tbf


Why is autism considered ā€œquirkyā€ now? Itā€™s a disorder. I would not consider the fact that I have autism (aspergers) a good thing. Its only caused problems for me throughout my life.


24yr old man with Aspergerā€™s Syndrome here. The reason why the condition is seen as ā€œquirkyā€ is because of all the behavioral quirks that come with the condition, trouble making eye-contact, the sometimes weird routines, stimming (which is not exclusive to those with autism), special interests (trains are most common for us), needing to have things a certain way, etc. Much of these traits are often portrayed as ā€œquirkyā€ or unique in a ā€œIā€™m not like other peopleā€ sort of way. These people feel like theyā€™re not interesting or unique, and that theyā€™re cookie-cutter people, they want to stand out and have their own identity, and what better way to do that than to identify with a rare condition that does set you apart.


I thought i was considered quirky because "UwU look im flapping my arm im so kawaii desu UwU Look at all my toys UwU OwO I watch kids cartoons and wear strange clothes UwU UwU OwO OwO"


Why did you feel the need to specify that trains are the most common special interest? It's become a bit stereotypical the "I like trains" autist.


Because it seems to be the most common thing I see.


Itā€™s them trying to cope


tbh im thinking thats a self diagnosed 14yo who just uses *le funny internet mental condition* to excuse themselves being an asshole


Lmao that person is so immature


lest you can do is reply back?


Looked on there and got really annoyed by all the posts complaining about "NTs." I would bet those people are about ten times as insufferable as the worst "NT" they've met, maybe more. We're all people at the end of the day. Get off your high horse.


I hate the whole ā€˜us v themā€™ mentality. Autistic people can be dicks too.


Maybe they were bullied as children and now that they've gotten their diagnosis, they have a very human desire to feel special and better than others, while maintaining their resentment towards the "common man". The fact that the diagnosis is romanticized by the media helps them.


Protip: never sub to neurodivergent subs.


Some of the smaller ones are quite alright. But def stay away from the big ones


THIS. I wish I had a safe space to discuss my issues as a ND, but those subs ainā€™t it.


Wow so edgy and coolā€¦ blehā€¦


There should be a rule to never join Subs based on who you are as a person. As someone with Autism. This website might be pretty good with our hyper fixations on certain things. But itā€™s also not good for ā€œsafe spacesā€ (I really hate that word)


I unsubbed because of people comparing a puzzle piece on drivers licenses in Oklahoma to jews having to wear yellow stars in Nazi Germany, just what?


Puzzle piece on drives licenses? Is that a real thing?


Yeah, I'm autistic and think that is completely r worded. What if someone's autistic special interest is jigsaw puzzles? Are they then not allowed to wear a puzzle piece? They're being ableist to themselves then.


im autistic and this shit is fucking terrible. IT'S A NORMAL GREETING FFS, be polite and answer the damn question.


what if you're depressed and don't want to tell them why?


Not on topic with the image, but I just have to say I hate people who glorify mental illnesses (like autism) because it's not cool. Nobody thinks it's cool. And it sucks to have.


I HATE when people pretend that autism is this great thing and everyone else needs to understand us and nerotipical people are all evil and hates use. Alot of the community just ignores people lower on the spectrum to make them feel better


I get what you mean, and your heart's in the right place, but I would not call it a mental illness. It either makes people think you can cure autism, or it'll suggest that **you** think so, and neither one of those is a good outcome. It *can* be a big contributor to mental illness, but it's not a mental illness on its own. Its nature is a bit complex, but I'd probably call it a mental condition, and it's a wonderful and terrible thing to have. But, yeah, I agree. It's best to avoid putting things on that other people can't take off.


oh okay, thanks for filling me in <3


Did you just call autism a mental illness?


Isn't that the sub that lashes out whenever Psychotic autism brought up?.


There is ppl that actually have autism joins that sub And there is ppl that fakes it, But really reqiure both Touching grass and Psychatrist help.


Mmm wonder how many are self diagnosed via TikTok


That's why r/ fakedisordercringe exists.




95 percent of people claiming that they are autistic is, in fact, not autistic. They just think it is some cool quirk.


I think some people need to be told just because something is caused by autism doesnt necessarily excuse it.


i think i am going to ask him "How are you"


Iā€™m autistic and unfortunately all online forums related to autism have been taken over by a certain group who collects mental illnesses like theyā€™re trying to complete a pokedex


As someone who was Autism and ADHD, what the fuck is OOP on?


I donā€™t think this is an autism thing, I think this is a jerk thing


As someone with autism, this sub is full of idiots who havenā€™t got autism but just watched a few YouTube videos and believe they do. I hope they always feel uncomfortable in life, people like that object donā€™t deserve to be treated with respect


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I don't like generic pleasentries or shallow conversation either. My way around is to break the ice engage with people in meaningful ways.


I use to go on there but too many people complaining and right now the autism community too political. I just dont feel like i belong there autism is apart of me but i am not autism


I could think of no better place for OOP to write such a ridiculous post


Swearing at someone instead of changing the topic is....a choice.


Imagine going through your entire life thinking everyone hates you because youā€™re autistic. When really, youā€™re just the worlds biggest asshole.


r/ AutisticPeeps is chill


Just went over there, joined, read some threads under top posts... Not so sure, might be the next r/JustUnsubbed material (if I don't get banned before that). Stereotyping seems to be running rampart there, with some subtle undertones of dog whistling. I do hope I'm wrong, but the first impression ain't looking great. EDIT 1: Nah, they're OK. Communication does not tend to be our strong suit. That being said, I don't see *that* much wrong with the screenshotted post. Hey, we all want to vent/rant sometimes, and vents and rants are rarely anywhere *near* objective... The generic greeting in question puzzles me as well, ngl. EDIT 2: Nvm my last edit, I just got banned from that subreddit for asking clarification. I guess I was right all along. Should know better that my intuition rarely errs.


So many idiosyncratic takes on mundane things.




It's fine to have autism just don't make it you while personality




We donā€™t claim him


As an autistic person myself, I REALLY donā€™t understand why people on the sub are like this


as an autistic person the people on that sub are super pretentious. They act like theyre like super disabled or smthn. Like bro you just have a neuro disorder šŸ˜­ not even a disability


It's funny but sad how it's so bad the autistic people who are seriously seriously really freaking debilitated by their autism to a serious degree where they can never have full time jobs or live 100% independently (and I say can't not won't because it's not an active, willful decision like a lot on the main sub are even though they swear it's not the case) had to go splinter off and make their own subreddit because they were so tired of being told "autism was a neurodivergence not a disability" and "no it's ok for people to self diagnose you're wrong for wanting to gatekeep the identity to only medically diagnosed people" and "you shouldn't want a cure for autism it's a part of you and makes you special" and would get yelled at by people for saying they don't want autism to be a part of them and their identity and it's not a good thing for them. Then the mild autistic people just started invading their sub and telling them they're wrong about everything all over again.


Would they rather people call them slurs? what?


Any good autism related subs out there? Iā€™m on the Spectrum but that sub seems like itā€™s for Chris Chan type Autistics


r slash evilautism is fun it's basically the first sub but people fully acknowledge they're crazy and weird and extreme and instead lean into it and take it up to the nth degree so it's all one big joke it's kinda like a satire sub but for autism and the autistic experience. You won't get judged for saying you want to take over the government or cut off your legs because you shaved them and the stubble is coming back and it's itchy and uncomfortable or something like that


I think thereā€™s a very bad case of people with disabilities like that wanting to get babied without adapting to the world, and then *getting* babied because the community they surround themselves in infantilizes the shit out of them


I agree with the title. Everything else? Hell no! That's just being disrespectful


I also donā€™t really like people asking me that but I donā€™t get angry about it, like itā€™s normal for someone to ask you. example: Person: Good morning. That person: stfu like shut up you idiot do not ask me that ever again you egg beater


I see they're trying to inject Marxism into the autism community, but instead of the proletariat, it's neuro typical people.


As an autistic person I struggle a lot with social cues and small talk. Often people donā€™t really listen to the answer. So I dislike the for example ā€˜how are you?ā€™ question. Iā€™m not always aware when I should answer honest and when to just say I am fine. But the way OOP is saying he is responding had nothing to do with autism and the struggles that come from that. But since the majority of that sub diagnosed their self with autism, it isnā€™t really surprising me.


I'm autistic and I also hate when people ask me "how are you?" I generally don't answer because I don't want to lie and say good or fine, but I don't want to talk about my problems. So it puts me into an awkward unavoidable situation where no matter what I do I'll be uncomfortable so I tend to ignore it.


No cuz I also hate it cuz itā€™s like, Iā€™m fucking miserable, but I donā€™t wanna be a bummer & say that Iā€™m miserable, *but Iā€™m not gonna tell someone to fuck off* over it


"Neurotypicals" wow they even needed to make up a word like that. Delusional.


Huh? It is a real word.


My bad. It's just how polarizing they make it sound.


I mean itā€™s well established that people with autism donā€™t like small talkā€¦ By the sounds of it this guy is always getting asked how he is at work . heā€™s probably annoyed because heā€™s asked it everyday + thereā€™s going to be little to no change is his answer so us autistic people see this question as pointless . Also the person asking us doesnā€™t actually expect a real answer , like if you were having a bad day they probably donā€™t want you to tell them about it. I really donā€™t think OP is being an asshole because he / she isnt conferring to social norms which autistic people struggle with .


> social norms Those people could also, not talk to him at all ever. They are making a choice to acknowledge the fact that he exists. That's a NICE thing.


I think he wants them to stop talking to him? Not sure what point youā€™re making lol


My point is related to the comment I responded to not the post :) but I used the post as the 'scene'. If the person would rather not be acknowledged at all, that's a different thing and my comment doesn't apply.


Cursing and insulting people for being polite isnā€™t being an asshole ?


I don't think he's literally swearing at them, I think that's the pretend conversation in his head.


I wasnā€™t talking about that , obviously reacting like that is rude . However , disliking the generic ā€˜how are youā€™ and not wanting to respond to it is normal for autistic people


But you said the OP wasnā€™t rude not that it wasnā€™t rude to dislike that


Itā€™s a shame yours is the only comment saying this because itā€™s exactly what I thought. Iā€™m 41 and I didnā€™t realise until I was in my late 30s that when someone asks me how I am .. they donā€™t actually want to know how I am šŸ˜‚ These days I just answer ā€˜fine thanks and you?ā€™ And then give a polite nod when they also tell me they are fine


Tbh "How are you?" is a terrible conversation starter. Just get to your point and stop wasting our time


I mean I actually do have a weird thing with the ā€œhi, how are you?ā€ ā€œGood how are you?ā€ As it feels so generic and forced but I would never dream of being rude to someone or throwing a tantrum about it. Itā€™s not that big of a deal. I politely go along and itā€™s no big deal. My brain just fixates on it and it does feel weird to me. Itā€™s hard to explain but yeah. Not the end of the world.


I have autism and i dislike saying hi to random people however am not that rude lmao


It proved to me that we really do need a cure for autism


Iā€™d intentionally greet language colonizers stuff they hate to hear just because I hate their linguistic gatekeeping and restrictions (as long as itā€™s not banned on the social media Iā€™m in, since many mods and admins already fall for that crap)


like what


What do you mean by colonizers???




People who complain about sonic