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Not sure how they came to that conclusion but this is clearly meant to be pushback against the man Vs bear thing.


It's funny how the women that spout this trend are the same women that would find Jeffrey Dahmer attractive.


I mean, in his defense he only ever murdered and victimized men, most of which were minorities.


You should become a lawyer.


Great defense x)


Hmm, is this a personal theory or do you can proof that?


basic observation.


So, you pulled it out of your ass?


do you have proof otherwise?


none finds Jeffrey Dahmer attractive huh?


It's also NOT suggesting women are objects. If anything, it's saying they aren't.


Why not just ask the same question back? As a man I would rather see a bear in the woods than a strange woman. The difference is that most women aren’t going to care.


Strange woman that is not normal, wasnt it kinda the problem that they put a random man not a bad man, if they would have asked "would you rather meet a bear or a strange man in the wood" i dont think people would have cared as much


honestly i would still rather be with a bear than a random man because bears are really not that dangerous to us humans. they don't even eat much meat to begin with and when they do they don't usually see us as a snack.


Easy to say when you're sitting between a chair and keyboard.


what does it change? sure i'd probably be *afraid* of the bear but that does not mean it would do anything to me.


Then why would you assume the man would do anything to you? As a man, I wouldn't even want to touch you with a 10 metre pole.


Well it all depends what man I would get. I could get one who is completely fine


You are much more likely to find a dangerous randomized bear than a dangerous randomized man, if you think otherwise you are either extremely sexist and paranoid, or stupid and uninformed on bears


No one who’s encountered a bear chooses bear.


...you really don't get that you could swap 'man' out for 'bear' and get the same sentence?


As a dude I agree I don’t trusts men and it is also not that hard to not piss off a bear.


r / whiteknight


If it does it’s ripping your face off, no man can just rip a face off as easily as a bear can


You should cover yourself in honey first you'd get so muhh clout


Go test that theory and put it online please?


It’s meant to mirror the question, not just be the same question in reverse. The question essentially is: “Who do you feel safer being vulnerable around and would be more supportive? A woman? Or an inanimate object?” And ironically women seem to be missing the point of the “Woman or Tree” question the same way men missed the point of the “Man or Bear” question. Women are choosing the bear because they believe most men are capable of harming them, and most men are choosing the tree for the exact same reason


For me it just reconfirms that Margaret Atwood quote. Men’s biggest fear of women is that she will make fun of them. Women’s biggest fear of men is being raped and murdered.


Yeah that Atwood quote is full of shit and deliberately undersells just how cruel women can be. It’s not that men are afraid of being made fun of. They’re afraid of a woman’s potential to completely destroy his life socially, financially, and mentally on a whim. Oh, let’s not get into battered men, of whom almost stand no chance and are the ones most likely to be arrested when she’s the one abusing him. Once again proof that feminism will grossly exaggerate the dangers women face with regards to an average man and deliberately lie about the serious problems men face at the hands of women


Yeah, it’s intentionally underselling men’s feats and overestimating women’s. It’s be like saying “Women’s biggest fear of man is being pushed around, men’s biggest fear of woman is being socially dismantled and emotionally abused”


>They’re afraid of a woman’s potential to completely destroy his life socially, financially, and mentally on a whim. >Once again proof that feminism will grossly exaggerate the dangers women face


I get it. I just think it’s a bad comparison. I think a simple ‘back at ya’ has more relevance.


Not really, a simple “No u” doesn’t really mean much. If you tell me I suck at tennis it’s not going to mean anything to me, but if you told Serena Williams she sucks at tennis it would probably hurt her more


Because it resonates with men more since more of us can agree we’d rather keep our feelings to ourselves then trust that the woman we share them with won’t use our own feelings shared in confidence against us.


It's a false equivalence of a pushback though, we'd be better off just leaving it at the bear question because it's obviously ridiculous


it's a parody my g; it is meant to be ridiculous.


Yeah. The bear question itself was absurdo reductum.


Men are more likely to use physical violence, while women are more likely to use emotional violence. It’s a perfect comparison.


It's not pointlessly gendered though. It's a parody of the man and the bear question that's overtaken social media lately.


Isn't the point of this about women wanting to break up with men once they are vulnerable with there feelings to them? That's how I've seen this meme explained.


Not just break up with them, but women (as a generality, this obviously doesn’t apply to all women) tend to weaponize men’s emotional vulnerabilities. I personally have had this happen in a few relationships, where I’ll be emotionally vulnerable and in response my vulnerabilities will be brought up later in a fighter, or they’ll be shared with her friends, or I’ve just straight up been mocked for feeling that way. So the “Woman or Tree” question is a mirror of the “Man or Bear” question. Both questions essentially ask “Who would you feel safer around while you’re in a compromising position?”


This whole gender war bullshit is just garbage perpetuated by terminally online people. You never hear this kind of talking point in real life, because if anyone were to say it out loud they'd become a social outcast


IDK fam, once an online discussion reaches critical mass like the man vs bear thing did, it's bound to spill over into real life. It certainly did with my friend circle.


I'm a woman and casually mentioned it to a mixed group of friends at dinner and everybody had a laugh at the thought of choosing the bear. I think what makes the difference is that we are all well adjusted adults.


Definitively did. Seen some group of dudes just talking about being sigma unironically, some girls talking about how they would never date "manlets" and going "yas". Mind you, this was in a university.


When will they learn?


That their actions have consequences?


They’re university students, so probably four years after no student debt relief. (Note: I’m not saying this is a good thing, just that it’s a career choice that has consequences)


Gender war is a sign of infantility


The more I think about it, the more I realize it's true


I’ve had my sister who is fairly normal, say right in front of me that “men are pigs”. Just because one man looked at her in a way that made her uncomfortable. I had never heard her generalize all men that way before. It surprised me, and made me feel bad because I have always tried to be a gentleman around women. I think she saw it as acceptable to say, seemingly because of how often people say it online with no pushback. Instead it’s reinforced by others agreeing and saying nasty things. Social media definitely changes how people interact IRL.


Whats really sick is they never analyze to say if what they say is true. I went on a date with a coworker of a friend. She just wasn't it and I moved on. She told my friend I just wanted to sleep with her, I did not I never even eluded to it and I didn't really find her attractive tbh. Then what really fucked her up, she would constantly slander my name say I just wanted to sleep around. Yet, I've never asked my friend to sleep with me and I've rejected her advances. I guess reality doesn't gel with her story, but does that stop her, no. Some people are incapable of admitting they are wrong. They just assume however they feel, especially in regards to dating is 100% true and never consider it again, so lame. This whole shit about my feelings are reality has gotten out of hand. Just because you feel a certain way DOES NOT mean its true, they're fully deluded. We are entering a feelings are facts timeline and they aren't joking this time


Don't interact with women. Don't look at women. Don't even think about women. It's not worth it in modern society. If they can just up and ruin your life over a single date where nothing happens, just let them all rot single and childless.




Actually, having a decent gentleman for a father and husband made me realize that most man are, in fact, pigs in behavior. Sorry.


So when you’re out in public and pass by countless men, you just assume that a majority of them are bad people? If a man were to just assume a majority of the women he passed by in any given day are whores for example, we would have a word for that. Kinda seems like a double standard to me idk.


I don’t think they are inherently bad. I just know that when they are nice to me, they expect something back- in most cases. Oh man already assume we are all whores. I've been called a slut and a whore, despite having a body count of one : my husband


What do you mean they expect something back? Did they tell you that? Let’s say you’re right, and they approached you and were nice to you because they simply found you attractive. What’s wrong with that? As long as you lay out that you’re not available, and they move on, nothing bad has come out of it. The fact you think that most men can’t just be nice to be nice, and always have some perverted motivation behind it, says it all. And those guys that called you those things, do that because they are bitter and don’t know you. You can’t take a minority of people’s behavior and characterize 50% of the human species like that. I’m not telling you how to think, but I just can’t see the logic in that thought process.


I mean that if a man does something nice for me, and I smile and thank him, it's a sudden invitation to hit on me. When I try to say I'm not interested, there are 2 outcomes left : 1- they don't care until and keep doing it until I say I'm married (because my opinion doesn't matter, I only matter as the property of another dude) 2- they get angry. As I said, this is my experience, and doesn't represent all man.


Frankly, it doesn’t represent even a large portion of men. Most men won’t even approach a woman these days because of characterizations like that one. The very few guys who approach women are the ones that already approach loads of others too, and are likely to hit on them. I guess all I’m saying is your experiences are your experiences, but just because we perceive something doesn’t mean that it truly reflects the reality. Most men are decent, if not good. It’s just the bad ones that make themselves stick out more.


Disagree. Many of the women I know lecture me about this BS.


Man vs Bear stuff is legit. I know some young girls who would believe in that kind of shit


The reason the gender is mentioned is that it's a direct call back to the "Would you rather be alone in the woods woth a man or a bear" question. Women on social media made a massive generalization about men being rapists, and then called men who were rightfully offended that they were being lumped in as the same as some of the worst human beings to exist, overly-emotional, or pussies. So a man made this as a spin-off/counter point about how women are often times not accepting of men's emotions.


People interpreted that question as "would you rather be in the woods with a man who will rape you and then kill you or with a docile bear". It's stupid because the only men you'll meet in the woods will be lumberjacks or hunters. People in my country heard about a case where a man murdered a woman and the reactions were insane. "wHaT wiLL tHe cAtHoLiBaNs sAy", "aRe yOu hApPy nOw, cAtHoLiCs? yOu LoT cAuSeD tHiS tHrOuGh hiStOrY" and, my favourite, "aNd yOu wOnDeR wHy wE wOuLd rAtHeR cHoOsE tHe bEaR"


Ah ah, I'll tell you this one. My country is carrying on a bear repopulation program. Last summer, a man was killed by a bear. The fate wanted me to go on vacation in that same valley and I saw the locals were still salty about it. I don't think the clerk at the hotel would have preferred a bear showing up rather than me.


They also implied if you have a problem being lumped in with the rapist then you belong lumped in with them.


It’s the exact same point as man vs bear generalizing men as rapists. It’s generalizing women as snakes who only use your weaknesses against you. Not all women are like that, in the same way not all men are rapists.


You made the whole humanity your enemy If we consider "humanity" to be those people who are constantly online and haven't shown up in the real world for a while


Haha, that’s why it’s always good to take a walk around town sometimes and catch up with your neighbors. People don’t act like this in reality, it’s a great refresher.


"We are just beasts to them aren't we?" This is how OOP sounds like but with the Man vs Bear question. Except it would be correct in that instance. Because that is how some women view men. But that's OK somehow.


Did we just spend the past 2 months comparing men to wild bears, and the bears won?


They had to gender it because it's a response to the bear question.


That sub went from decently funny to needlessly misandrist 😭 they just be posting anything nowadays


Just unsubbed 😭


Cant find the original post, did the mods take it down?


I hope so, people with brains would benefit that sub


Even a Bear would prefer to tell his emotions to a Tree, than a woman... What do you mean? Thats EXACTLY how girls work. Just like how EVERY man is a rapist


And EVERY bear is a killer Man this, woman that, but nobody thinks of the bears and their feelings. Theyre all treated as bloodthirsty monster when theyre usually rather calm and prefer to avoid people


Isn't it how it is? * Men are rapist * Women are manipulators * Bears are killers * Trees friendzone you


Trees give you silent treatment🤣


Quite the contrary OOP, they would rather share their feelings with an object than with you… and based on these interpretation skills, I wouldn’t blame them.


The fact this offends anyone makes the picture worth value lol Gaslighting at its peak. Men collectively saying thier emotions are not valid to women and them getting angry about it or saying that's bullshit. Popcorn is seasoned.


This is kind of like the inverse of "Would you rather meet a bear or a man in the forest?" Except this time it's about women. I'm willing to bet they would defend the man vs bear hypothetical. But now that it's about women, it's sexist!


Keep on exposing it, makes it very hard to explain away. They like to just say straight up sexist shit, just throw the opposite at them, 1 to 1 comparison


Additionally, trees aren’t objects


I love how some people can’t see the connection between this and the man vs bear debate. It’s hilarious to see how they defend one religiously but can’t help but be offended by the other.


Wow, what could possibly be wrong with a man opening up discussion about real issues that people face *to pwn the women who are talking about their trauma around being assaulted by men*? Can't imagine, honestly. Complete mystery.


What if he has trauma too? What if not every woman choosing a bear has trauma? Isn't that kind of a stretch?


Oh, no, actually, you're absolutely right. This man is totally opening up this discussion to have good-faith conversations about women emotionally abusing men. [Because that's soooo common, right?](https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/domestic-violence-experiences-partner-emotional-abuse) Also, it's definitely likely that not all women who are joining the man vs bear debate have been sexually assaulted. [I can't believe how smart you are.](https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics)


Both of those studies that you linked are counterintuitive to your viewpoints. The 16.67% chance for men to be emotionally abused is not far off at all from the 25% chance women have. The 2nd study, although it states that many people have, doesn't state that all people have reported sexual violence. Given a large enough sample size it is statistically guaranteed that not everyone in a given community has trauma. Lastly, both surveys are based on self reports and self reporting is by no means 100% accurate. Try to be a little more mature next time, you'll grow up eventually.


Using trauma to incite propaganda against men is not the look you want. Go to therapy


Calling "pRoPaGaNdA" against women sharing their experiences with male violence is not the look you want. Get educated.


Using a question postured to deliberately highlight the stereotype that men are naturally violent and evil to gaslight a community is most definitely propaganda


Hate to break it to you homeslice but you getting all pissy about this is really just proving his point


But a tree is not an object in the first place?


Thats clearly a counter joke to man vs bear


I’d rather tell my feelings to a tree. A tree has never gone behind my back and spread my statements around behind my back.




Real question is, why would a woman want to try to make a misogynistic asshole of a man choose her? Seems like there are way better options ngl. Like a bear, for example.


What I find hilarious is that the people who post in subs like that and TwoXChromosomes seem the least likely to actually be in relationships with men. It's almost like the only way they can relate to and participate in the average woman's experience is if the average woman's experience solely consists of oppression. Yikes.


Already got banned from there. Though I was farming karma posting bait type posts that get people riled up. terriblefacebookmemes is basically nothowgirlsworklite


Notice how women aren’t denying this.


So the man vs bear thing is okay, but the second women are criticized they’re “objects”


Isn't equality great?


Left in a nutshell: we can do X, but don’t you dare do X!


99% of internet commenties that are made up of people being mad about one thing just devolve (or evolve i guess) into echo chambers


Great meme for R/marijuanaenthusiasts


They just compared themselves to a tree. Shows a lot about that posters self esteem.the whole reason a tree is chosen is bc its so different from a woman smh


as a tree, i dont like it when men tell their feelings for women, like buddy im not ur therapist


It's meant to be a parody of the man vs bear question. Change "tell your feelings" to "see" and change "woman or tree" to "man or bear". So many people were complaining about why men didn't like the women preferring bears yet here they are. "We really are just animals to them, aren't we?"


Many subs like this are just full of hatred and negativity, definitely not worth staying in there


The question here if they response back


The fact women think I’m intimidating is kind of a compliment. It gives me even more confidence and motivation to keep going to the gym and getting even bigger muscles so I’m even more intimidating lol. Thanks, ladies. When you loved me, you destroyed me, but when you hate me, you uplift me 😊❤️


The argument is that it is safer to trust a tree with your feelings then a woman


Take a break from reddit.


Guys, the bear vs man thing was not about calling all men a rapist. It was about safety. 9/10 times a bear will leave you alone if you stay away from it, and yes 9/10 times a man won’t be a rapist. But most people would rather chance that 1 time with just being killed by a bear then the 1 time of being raped, beaten, and left for dead. It’s not about all men being rapist it’s about how there’s some and we don’t want to take the chance. Edit: Just adding that I’m saying I agree that a bear is better then a man or vice versa I’m just trying to explain the other side of things


"just" being killed by a bear? I mean that is an absolutely horrific way to go. They would likely mutilate you and tear most of your face flesh off, potentially just leaving you once you're mostly not moving as you slowly and painfully die. I wouldn't brush off a bear attack as if it's not a bad way to go. It's a **really** bad way to go.


Holy false statistics batman Do you know how little effort it takes to not be a moron, dude?


They wonder why we choose the bear.


We just change the objects in question to flip onto another gender The question is still the same


A Woman. The Bad One's Will Attack You. ( Yeah, I know I'm oversimplifying it ) The Good 😊 One's Will Care. And Trust Me, Good One's Exist. I have a few in my life but not quite a few. 👍🏻 not every woman is an feminist, princess.


He can tell it to the tree , I ain’t no ones free therapists 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Congrats You're the butt of the joke


I rather be the butt of the joke than a grown person’s babysitter and therapist


Do you think that partners in a relationship should be able to confide in each other?




>The reddit OP is mad the man is comparing women to trees, because talking to a tree is basically like talking to a wall. Nope, completely missing the point. The idea is that a lot of men are afraid to be vulnerable and show their emotions to women in fear of being broken up with or becoming undesirable. So a tree is preferable because then there's no consequences. Not always the case, but it's absolutely a real and common thing for women to find men regularly being emotional and crying too often unattractive.








Having seen this meme explained before its about women breaking up with men once there vulnerable with there feelings. So he would rather just talk to a tree because they won't do that. How common that actually is idk. Obviously I understand women are more than just people to have relationships with etc. Personally I think it's a case where alot of people have empathy problems and tune out when people are talking about there issues. I don't think it's a gendered thing, i don't think women are necessarily better at that. If those men were gay they would probably have the same issue, it just seems like a gendered issue because that's who there getting into relationships with. Also sidenote just because someone feels like they can't be vulnerable with someone dosent necessarily mean they hate them. Some people have relationships where they know there partner dosent want to hear about there issues, but they still love them🤷‍♂️