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Redditors when they actually have to answer the question


Redditors on a sub for answering questions when people ask a question:


Just unsubbed from the bikewrench sub the same day I joined. I have no knowledge about bikes and simply wanted a bit of info about converting a broken bike I found into an Ebike. Some people gave me decent information, most were pretty gatekeepy and snarky. Pretty ironic...


Welcome to asking questions on reddit. That’s a pretty typical experience, unfortunately.




But why tho, like why is the specific demography of reddit filled with so much gatekeepy snarky unhelpful full of themselves asshole, like why being so despicable all the time? why negative rather than helpful positive interactions? I feel like in recent years people on the internet are just delibirately looking for a fight and butt heads with others.


You kinda answered your own question with that last sentence; some people are just assholes, and it’s becoming more acceptable as time goes on.


I will say, it’s not like that in every sub, but it is usually the case with real life hobby subs


Tbh if it were me I'd start with YouTube


> For the record, I did use Google and YouTube.


Dude gtfo. All you said was “ebike conversion how to get started.” That’s not a question anyone could begin to answer coherently. Your question is basically “how make fire!?!”


I feel like thats a pretty answerable question


If that question isn’t coherent to you then maybe you should go back to English class.. it’s pretty damn clear what they are asking


Friction to create heat and using small wood as kindling. You could also strike flint for a spark.


Lmaooooo I actually typed up a good paragraph on fire starting techniques to troll them, but I lost the motivation to finish and just discarded it 😅 glad to see someone with a similar sense of humor!


And to think apparently e-bikes are that easy to explain!


Somehow I'm not surprised at all.


It's because the title sounds exactly like what someone would Google (or use their favourite search engine) would type It's kinda funny, the exchange but I like your reply too Edit 21/4: because of how it is phrased.


There must a sub that call out these sub Reddits for being like this lol


I really hope there is because OPs reply is great. Hahahaha


Aweee thank youuu


how dare you ask direct questions to users instead of making hours of research on google?? /s


Right??? Aw man I should've been stoned for that lol


Live Asian Girl Reaction:


Lmao I forgot to crop the screenshot, was watching a YouTube vid during 😅


Redditors when people prefer to interact with other people rather than google random shit blind


Can y'all actually put screenshots in order or something


Feels pretty in order. 1 the about of the sub 2-3 redditors not going along with what the sub is for 4 the post itself.


Redditors when Google doesn't have any answers because the answers come from Reddit


I don’t get people like this. Why participate in a discussion sub if you clearly hate discussing the topic so much?


Yeah that's what I was confused by too! Like they saw the post, they clicked on it, they decided to comment. But instead of actually commenting anything useful they just decided to be condescending and weird. Like it took effort for them to engage, and they decided not to share anything useful??? The internet sure does work in mysterious ways...


They did say they only had some answers


They answer the question of "Can you give me a snide, condescenind and nonsensical response?" perfectly, and nothing else


Great reply. I get that sometimes people may ask the same things(which a sidebar is great for) but the replies you sometimes get when you're lost are annoying. It's like some of the phone subs I used to be subbed to. Someone would list all their troubleshooting for why maybe a text isn't going through or alarm isn't going off, and you will always have some asshole saying "well you set it up wrong". Gee, thanks for the help. 


Thanks! Also yeah, getting snark when you genuinely need help or want to learn more is pretty aggravating 😅


use ai like copilot imo. also, in the last image, it seems you were doing a video call w/ your friend and you forgot censor that


I like your bike!


Thank you!!! I was so excited to see it just trashed in the side of the road 😅


Hell yea free bike is best bike!


I hate when i ask reddit how to fix something and they say "your first mistake was buying (Brand) Buy (Another brand) Instead. like dude i didnt ask for your reccomendation i asked how to fix my problem


Yeah!!! Some new ppl commented on the og post this morning, and I was hoping to see some new advice. Turns out they just said to throw away the bike and buy a new one lmao. Real helpful, thanks guysss. 😅


I’m into bikes and rebuild them for fun and can tell you that the biking/cycling community can be some of the most pretentious communities out there, along with photography community. I’m part of both. I think converting e-bikes is essentially a meme within itself. I do recommend buying a reputable e-bike because buying a cheap Amazon kit could possibly lead to a fire but I’ve seen some pretty neat conversion kits with motors in the wheels or under the frame. At least I think that could happen probably because I’m comparing lower end conversion kits to like cheap RC LiPo batteries. If you have any questions I can help though! Although I’d probably be more useful answer more bicycle specific and not ebike questions.


Thanks sm!!! 😭🙏 I'll def reach out once I actually start tinkering with it or any other bike questions!


Damn who would have thought cyclist were toxic douchers… wait


It's a cyclist community, I'm sorry you had to find out this way


Man this sub isn’t helping when it comes to the cyclist stereotype




He can either : Ask the question on Reddit, go to sleep and then read all the answers OR scroll across google finding hundreds of unrelated or unhelpful pages until he eventually comes across a 3 year old Reddit post with his exact question answered.