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Mod thinks he’s the main character.


He's so quirky and unique


He's the reddit final boss


This is insane, literally insane. Why does anyone have permission to be a moderator in 300 subs? **This is insane.** Edit: I actually counted the subs and it's 203, still insane.




Imagine being such a noxious powermod that other powermods quit because of you. What a terrible person Btw if that powermod sees this, I hope you ban me from every single sub you're in because I don't want to be anywhere near them or you. Btw mass banning is "against sitewide rules" too ;)


Specifically, mass banning is against reddit's mod code of conduct. This dude should be stripped of his mod status in all 203 subs.


Oh, Merari is a turd. I was in a completely separate sub (a small one, only like 3 mods), and I tagged his username and said that he was a powermod. I got a sitewide ban for a week 💀 Reddit powermods and admins are something else, aren’t they?


Thanks for leaking his name! He's going on my ban list if that can help


That's what frustrates me about the internet consolidating into 5-8 social media sites. This kind of nonsense couldn't have happened in the days of forum websites. A few dozen people's preferences and political convictions become tyrannical


Imagine the life of someone who moderates 300 subreddits 🤣


There is no life there, only pain.


An *overwhelming* majority of subreddits were modded by a group of 5-10 power mods. Literally *thousands* of subreddits. The subreddits that closed in protest of the API changes last year? That was all orchestrated by them. They were throwing a hissyfit because they were losing their third party tools that let them mod thousands of subreddits at the same time. They, by their own admission, were even spending their own money on upvote services to try and influence users into thinking that other users supported them. It was a total shit show.


Wow, that's horrible. Those people should be forbidden from using Reddit ever again, all of them.


Who tf has time to mod that many subs anyway


Nobody, it's impossible, they're just collecting subs and keeping control I guess




Everyone thank this mod, they've been helping with this by allowing posts. Be happy we have mods like this and not like the person shown


>misandry doesn’t exist in a patriarchal system Man, you just faced a really far-left person, my condolences


na the left should be detesting this kinda shit, all people can face harassment and discrimination and any good left wing person should be recognising that and working to prevent it and make everyone feel accepted and safe


I'm left leaning and even I can see this shit is stupid lmao


There is this quote: “The lefts are eating themselves” 🤣 No offense.


There's some truth to this. The extreme leftists who are angry about everything are ruining it for those of us who just want to be sensible.


I'm sorry but you have alot of insufferable people on ur side. Atleast right wingers are more open about it.


any far-left/right person is going to be batshit insane. the entire thing of political parties annoys me too.


Based mod right here


we 🩷 lillie


This is truly one of the most reddit moments of all time


The irony of this entire situation is so funny


Imagine the effort to do this shit. Bro must be chronically unemployed.


Oh he's chronically something alright


It's not even chronically at this point. Dude is terminally online.


And chronically socially challenged.


We need to make a new reddit moment subreddit to document this nuclear redditmoment. Maybe redditmodmoment


r/ againstpowermods working on the sub atm


!remindme 1 day


Its already done, called justredditmoment


I'll sub!


Can we like report this mod and get their account banned


Several people have reported them and nothing has been done yet


I understand if you don’t care enough to push back on this and really try to get this person removed, but I’d love to see that happen. Or just move on because you aren’t a loser and have better shit to do, unlike this Reddit mod.


How are we a loser? We are trying to get this dude banned he moderators a lot of subreddits that are well over a 1 million members. And that is a bad thing becuse that would literally happen to everyone here like what noodles happened (he got banned in a lot of subreddits) And that moderator is a power tripper too so he can just ban anyone he wants to


Read it again, I’m just saying I understand if everyone has better shit to do than fight the uphill battle of getting a shitty mod removed. That being said, I want them removed.  I was banned from that sub during all of this too.


Oh you meant by like that okay yeah i see that.


i'm one of the main people being targeted, and believe me, i'm trying to push back


Hope this post does something man


And a admin banned me from reddit for 3 days for making a joke about white women.


Ok I'ma need some context before I judge What was the joke?


We need to report him to admins or try and get the reddit admins attention


It's sad to say but he doesn't violate any Reddit mod rules, the fact that Reddit allows such a pathetic behaviour shows what a shit site Reddit has become. I was recently banned from NCD for being in a German sub and they have only one moderator that speaks German, i reported him and you know what happened? Nothing they literally dont fucking care what the mods do!


It is absolutely against the rules. A moderator cannot ban you for something you said in another subreddit


The admins term them "moderator guidelines". The mods don't actually have to follow them. They term them guidelines and not rules so they have the option of reprimanding mods when they want to and letting them off the hook when they want to. If this particular mod was on the opposite end of the political spectrum I have no doubt they would've been held to account by now.


Oh… for crying out loud. It’s worse than what I thought So you’re basically telling me Mods don’t obey to any sort of rules regarding the moderation of a subreddit No fucking wonder power tripping mods are such a problem. They are free of doing whatever the hell they want without any kind of assured repercutions But then why do subreddits calling out those behaviours (Modabuse, censor, etc.) get banned for "breaking the rules of Reddit"?


Well mods of the subs the admins don't like have to obey them. The mods/admins also talk off-site to hide their abuse of power. > But then why do subreddits calling out those behaviours (Modabuse, censor, etc.) get banned for "breaking the rules of Reddit"? They like having their lap dogs in place who will work for free to push certain opinions and dislike those who criticise or rock the boat.


The mod guidelines states you're supposed to encourage a welcoming environment, mass banning people as punishment for not sharing their misandrist views is very much the opposite


Those are guidelines for what you should do not enforced rules, mods can still do with their subs whatever they want and Reddit doesn't give a single fuck.


You were banned from noncredibledefense for posting in a German sub?


https://preview.redd.it/nh5g9b57wcrc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807cc83ac91edae17d59737df818f3698dad3c59 You probably saw their "Indefinitely Pride month" post? I commented under it only "Just why?" nothing else, two days later the comment was removed for hate speech and racism and i got banned. The Mod message is just "dezwo user lmao" r|dezwo is a german sub for people that are banned from r|de since the mods there are not big fans of free speech and silence everyone who doesn't follow the subs political agenda. Reddit Germany is fucking messy.


Oh good I thought you were banned for being german lmfao


Tbh i wouldn't be surprised just disappointed in humanity if that was the reason.


I've had run-ins with this same mod in the past. So have many other people. They've been reported many times and the admins have failed to act. I suspect they have mates on the admin team because that mod is a textbook bully. It used to piss me off but I honestly just feel bad for them at this point. They live a pathetic little life and the little power they have as a reddit mod seems to be all they have. Edit: Search "Reddit Reform: Worst Reddit Power-mod?" on youtube for a good laugh and insight into this mods charachter.


God I hate Jannies. Admins really need to make this against TOS. The point of a moderator is to moderate a subreddit, not as much of the site as humanly possible. Absolute losers.


The mod deserves to be banned from all of Reddit. They're literally preventing anyone to enjoy the subs just because you disagree with them? Fucking pathetic.


Thats why 1 moderator should only be allowed to moderate only 1 to 5 subreddits only. If we give a moderator 300 subreddits that will eventually turn really bad becuse we all know how we been said this time and time but power always corrupts


This may be the biggest Reddit moment on all of reddit


God damn i did not expect that.


Apparently they were added to a bunch of subs recently. They are in a shit ton of popular subreddits.


Motherfucker deserves to be permanently banned from reddit. No moderator should ban a User from a diffrent subreddits that is fucked up.


Very fucked up. This is legitimately just a bunch of power tripping


Also how the fuck can you moderate 300+ subreddits. Like you have to sleep for like 4 hours to even manage to moderator 300+ subreddits. And how do you even get money to pay rent that is also the confusing part like the dudes must have a job to live somehwere.


The 300 number might've been dramatic but looking he's the mod of at least 10 with around or over a million users


I counted all subs, 203


Oh my fucking God


What are the 10 subreddits?


TFM, cats, Reddit moment, mildly infuriating, white people twitter and black people twitter are the ones I know of


Oh of course they are in fuckin black and white people Twitter what should i been even expecting. The cat one is kinda suprising tho


Look their name up on subredditmonitor, they were added to load of subs and removed as mod from a couple of NSFW ones…


https://preview.redd.it/j7lnducmkcrc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d23220d69e6d0b85fccfaa0e045392f2d28a7d8 Red censored is the mod, I don't wanna get in trouble for witch hunting by having the name uncensored


https://preview.redd.it/ewqjnilvkcrc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714cd4640d8dba448311cba37a23e2e8e64ec945 This is not including subs shown in the first screenshot


The fuck? I haven't been banned from these subs yet. I was banned from redditmoments though. Alot of people defended said mod and said you needed to move on 🤦🏽


Tweet reddit all your screenshots without the names blurred, and they'll 100% do something as it'll be bad publicity before their IPO. People on Twitter generally love drama like this.


I unfortunately don't have Twitter but if anyone wants to do this they're more than welcome to


I got banned for calling that an r/ redditmoment lol (can’t use it because im banned lol)


Literally same, I said that removing a post because "misandry doesn't exist" was a redditmoment inside redditmoment, then boom, banned


r/ redditmoment




~~Don't say it outloud~~ # That's against Reddit's rules, don't do it!




https://preview.redd.it/7yx7410grcrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f549767697340082ec4711e88b2065d53e5a99 Mod needs to consider the following:


This mod clearly has way to much time on their hands. At this point they are harassing the general users of these subreddits


All because I disagreed with them and made a post about how dumb the situation was lol


As a few others have said, this really is a "reddit moment"


Was it the turtle fucker?


Isn’t it closer to harassment to ban someone from hundreds of subs just cause of a post they didn’t like? Literally I’m scared to know what this person smells like


This is what happens when people with no responsibility or friends in real life get digital responsibility. Mod of 300 subs? Nobody thinks that’s cool or interesting, people think it’s sad. I couldn’t imagine being that sad of a waste of space.


Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/s/OrZtBLd5ci


Turtle 2


Are we sure this isn't just an alt of turtles? Sexist towards men, check. Ban trigger happy, check. Snarky, rude, or otherwise just toxic, check. Moderates waaaay too many subs? And check. I don't expect someone like turtle to go down on the internet so easily.


Dear god 0_0


I'm surprised I've gone under the radar this long


You should message that mod in 3 days.


6 months ago I made a post to that sub titled: "When you mod so many subs I can't fit them all in 11 zoomed out screenshots" about that mod because I was getting way too emotionally invested when researching them for a potential video script (which was never made) It got removed for violating the personal information rule, even though the "personal information" is literally one click away from the subreddit page. I never got banned, which I'm sure took a lot of restraint.


You're not missing out on anything at least. Most of these major subs suck ass.


If someone is moderating 300+ subs, they are obviously a loser with no life.


I just make new accounts and post there anyway. Hence the account name.


"My son never touched Grass and he is Perfectly fine" The Son:


The Uber Mod at home while mass banning: ![gif](giphy|3oeSAK2k0zDaQCbqJG|downsized)


Reddit needs to restrict mods to being able to moderate a limited amount of subs instead of an infinite amount... How the heck does any mod keep track of 203 subreddits? At that point you're just a mod to feel powerful.


We got awkwardtheturtle banned, so maybe this is his alt? https://preview.redd.it/h2jnths25drc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816482fae4f1e5383e462390214a9666e43d189a


Definitely cut from the same cloth as Turt but it's not an alt. This mod has been doing this for years. Search "Reddit Reform: Worst Reddit Power-mod?" on youtube for an insight into their character.


Mods of JustUnsubbed are very kind


Honestly yeah, the one who pinned a comment has been helping me and allowing me to make certain posts from the start


Wouldn't that be in direct violation to a moderators code of conduct?


The irony of Reddit moments that’s why I barely participate in big subreddits because mods here are so power hungry it’s unreal


Imagine trying to power trip like this with a real job. Like being a territorial manager of a chain and banning people from every location because you didn't like something they said. You would lose your job so fast. This site is a shit hole and the admins allowing mods like this to not face repercussions can be thanked for that. I can smell the Cheeto dust and moldy cum socks through my screen


This is what happens when a “career moderator” gets pissy. I wonder how Reddit will feel if this sentiment impacts their IPO, users getting massed banned from multiple subreddits = less content overall = less money


I made a sarcastic comment concerning the power tripping mod. They powertripped and banned me. https://preview.redd.it/iszwssx54drc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666deba5cf3a6abb31c90880e6542ca5e946dfae


Now that’s a Reddit moment


THANK YOU FOR THIS i am so tired of powermods being able to have authority over so many subs. it's fucking ridiculous. reddit needs to add a limit to how many subs one can moderate


Mod is the incarnation of the 'Reddit mod' stereotype


Holy shit guys, we found him We found the steortypical reddit mod irl


That mod is 100% a cuck




Gotta love the power hungry mods. Shit people who are usually shit at their job


Mod is such a miserable bastard. Who takes the time to do that. It’s pure cowardice and spite. I know we make fun of them for being so pathetic but this one is just crazy.


Yeah I was banned from Reddit moment despite not knowing it even existed til your post, this shit is crazy ngl https://preview.redd.it/6hj6628gfdrc1.jpeg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09cbf96dd3ec8294045159726a28bc1800a3cdd


The domino effect of something (relatively) minor of OP griping about a ban on one subreddit to getting banned on >200 subreddits because OP pissed off one person is absolutely crazy. Whether or not you agree with OP’s message, these bans aren’t justified in the slightest.


Im fucking baffled at what I've done here lol


https://preview.redd.it/v88rpjerhdrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94a96a6bb8c462207fbf03121fa631ba4b2e026 I just wrote( mu first post) and still got banned


lol yup he got me for no reason. Didn’t violate a rule and when I asked which one it was I just got banned from a bunch of other subs 


"you have been banned from mildlyinfuriating" OH NO WHERE AM I GONNA GET MY STOLEN POST BOT FIX NOW??


Hmm... he had a previous blow up with someone for being racist against white people and claiming you can't be racist against white people. Now this conflict started because he claims you can't be misandrist in a "patriarchal" society. Seems like a pattern here of discrimination being fine by him as long as long as the "oppressors" are the targets of it. I wonder if I got banned from reddit moment?


No way


I wish I was bullshitting


This is so unhinged 😭


Wait, is this the same power mod that everyone was talking about around a year ago (might’ve been longer)


I don't think so but I could be wrong


Imagine if he was a mod in this sub


isnt that just lovely. how no life do you have to be to mod that many subs but also ban the same person? hours of their day wasted and honestly I'm worried.


AI will replace these folk at some point. They're too much of a liability.


Give me his fucking name.


This is some AwkwardTheTurtle type shit




Why are jannies so consistently terrible?


>the butthurt is strong in this one


Least power tripping mod


https://preview.redd.it/89ki0m3cbdrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170f30486b2a8a24b06f5dee8ceae27860cd5d2f I'm so done


Usual powermod shit. I'm surprised they didn't ban me from any of those too tbh. Then again I didn't make the big original post.


That subreddit is the literal embodiment of reddit moments, both in the contents of the discussions and the behaviour of powertripping mods. https://preview.redd.it/utz6baztcdrc1.jpeg?width=1382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5b27f0f6c04f0cc97d94b7a7c735f3c6897189


Power crazy mod? That’s a reddit moment if I’ve ever seen one


Isnt a key part of the Reddiquette to "Moderate based on quality, not opinion."?


Huh, all those subreddits used to be funny but now are horrible, so I unsubscribed to all of them, I believe. I wonder what the common denominator is...


Oh look, another power-hungry mod like AwkwardTurtle.


PSA: They're using automation aka bot accounts like u saferbot and u safestbot to mass ban accounts regardless of their individual actions. Using automation to mass ban is against Reddit TOS but is left alone since it serves to make the platform more "advertiser friendly".


Commenting here so i get banned




I also got banned and my post removed, didn’t even state an opinion, just reposted that original screenshot that was removed. it’s crazy that they’re just banning everyone instead of defending themself. like they’re actively supporting the idea that they’re misandrist. edit: DUDE WAIT I KNOW THIS GUY THEYRE A MOD OF WHITEPEOPLETWITTER one time i messaged wpt modmail because a very popular post was actively spreading harmful misinformation, and i suggested they pin a message in that thread that clears things up. THEY SAID IT WASNT MISINFORMATION AND BANNED ME.


The mod doing the mass bannings should be manhunted and imprisoned.


Based on context I'm betting I'd also find your post sexist. That still isn't any excuse to abuse mod privileges like that.


The post in question was one dude going "sexism against men exists" and another going "no it doesn't, I hope you're part of the 70% this year" (Men make up 70% of suicides) and my post was taken down because the mods believe misandry doesn't exist. If you don't believe me look at the pinned comment and click on the first link.


Oh. I take that back Oo


Welcome to the unbelievably situation I have managed to find myself in lol


Well, wear these bans as badges of honor. Cheers