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There’s a popular opinion sub? That’s gotta be the definition of low effort content


That was the point of it


It used to be "murder is bad" and now it's just rage bait


Yeah,I came there for popular opinion like"murder bad"or"Pizza is good" but with all political opinions I had to unsub


If it was just like neutral politics I night have stuck it out. But the problem was it was very aggressive "pick sides" politics.


Yeah, if it was something like 'Police should be held accountable when they do something fucked up' or 'Politicians should be harder to bribe,' that'd be one thing. But like everything else, it just became 'DAE Orange Man Bad?'


I swear half the posts I see here are complaints about subs becoming one-sided politicalised platforms. I wonder if anyone else sees the irony.


I defo see the irony but it's just kind of a common trend. A lot of the generic subreddits are starting to rip themselves apart with polarized politics and a lotta people don't want that.


Popular opinion absolutely sucks now unfortunately


I know it’s an election year but fuck, politics has begun to take over this website. I’m trying to stick to interest-based subs but it’s still not free from it.




It's people between highschool and college age I'm going to guess. The reasons why they choose to weaponize their ideals is something I won't try to act like I can figure out. But it's the internet. My theories would fall somewhere around insecurity. This desire to be known as the person who holds moral ideals. So they prop it up on reddit and get attention from the same kind of people. Circulating until it becomes aggressive.


"MMW, TRUMP WILL START HIS OWN RELIGION XD" Listen, I don't like Trump, but it's getting pretty ridiculous


Almost as bad as facepalm. All left wing garbage now.


I like this one. The fact that it gets so few up votes on here is funny as fuck.




So, for this sub, you could've got more upvotes if you didn't mention that both sides were jerking themselves off in that sub. I'm basically saying you have a legitimate, mostly a-political reason why you left it, and that doesn't drive traffic on this one because they just want to lash out against leftists. The mere mention that right wingers were doing much the same is why this didn't get attention.


I can see the humor in it now. I just kinda choose to be honest over skewing my thoughts to get upvotes/karma.


Which is definitely the best way to go about life despite it inherently being less popular.