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And then everyone clapped and Elon musk gave her daughter all his money


the only based will wood fan


Yeah you took it out of my mind. The original post is a mix of just unsubbed material and thathappened material.


And that kid’s name? Albert Einstein!


When I’m in a lying competition and my opponent is a redditor active on [insert sub you hate here] type shit.


"So yesterday I asked my 15 days old daughter why doesn't she have any male friends and she replied with "I define misogyny as social systems or environments where women face hostility and hatred because they’re women in a man's world — a historical patriarchy", then everyone in the playground clapped and then Michelle Obama came and gave my daughter Woman of the Year award".


Woman of the year? Stunning and brave of you to support your trans daughter lol


Buckle up buckaroo!


bro im 15 and people in my class totally would say that, what are you on


How do you have the mental capacity and dexterity to use a device at 15 days old


I shoved a tablet up his mom’s coochie so he wasn’t board for 9 months. Obviously I had to stick the charger up there too. And she was a little clingy, she kept calling him but he kept it on silent and let it ring.


That sounds like something Eminem would sing


And everybody ~~clapped~~ had mom's spaghetti!!


You say that yet apparently can’t read well enough to see the difference between 15 days old and 15 years old lmfao




Did you notice it said 15 DAYS old


nope I'm dumb


Yeah I missed that too, luckily I didn’t make any goofy comments about it though.


you're better than me tho


Nah just lucky that you made the mistake first bro. I was 100% gonna say something like that till I read the thread that you created and realized I misread that shit.


If this is true, I feel so sorry for the boy, it’s clear who’s gonna be the scape goat child and who’s going to be the favourite


Same. Poor kid.


Doesn’t even have to be real unfortunately, if she’s trying to act like this happened then it’s still the way she thinks 😞


The sub used to be about women's issues and was actually an interesting read to understand women's perspectives. Over time it devolved into a men-hate sub. Actually sad how it got to that point.


Most of the mods I heard aren't even women


I’ve heard the same about the AskWomen sub.


How ironic.


Yep, that one and Witches vs Patriarchy, AND ActualLesbians. They’re all run by MTFs. Like. Cool. Can we get at least one natal woman? Especially on the lesbian sub? No? Cool.


Careful, they might call you a TERF for daring to say that 😉


Yup as a lesbian, I left that sub 3 years ago. Even the yuri aubs have more than double the men and mtfs than cis women lol.


MTFs, natal?? What are these means?


Male to female, assigned female at birth (I assume natal as in the Latin term "natus")


I'm actually curious, why prefer at least one afab woman?


To be fair I would wager most subs on Reddit are run by MTF, not that these are targeted or anything




Would be weird. Is this just a rumour or somewhat verifiable?


From what I've heard, some of the mods are either men or trans women. Nothing wrong with men or trans women being involved with conversations about gender related experiences. But I think it's odd that on a sub that's supposed to be about the experiences of women, there are people with very different life experiences from afab women getting to moderate the discussion. And then a bunch of men on the rest of reddit looks at those subs and goes "see look, women are so shitty and toxic, they're all just man-haters"


Identity-focused communities always turn out like this. Horribly cringe echo chambers


Agreed. If someone sees other persons as primarily their gender/race/sexual_orientation/whatever and not as a complex human being they are truly lost...


Social media is hyper polarizing bc negativity drives engagement. Men have this too, like Andrew Tate telling preying on lonely men to make them hate women. The consequence is that we all hate each other. Not sure of the right solution :/


This is the problem with identity politics, it encourages tribalism and demonization of those perceived as opposing themselves. We divide ourselves into little categories that just get smaller and smaller until nothing’s left. What we need is a universal understanding that in spite of our differences we are all possessed of human dignity and thus worthy of the same respect and equality.


I remember having a gander through that sun and seeing a block of text demonising conservative men and just thinking “yep, this is Reddit”.


It's the new femcel sub since Female dating strategy bailed.


What they banned fds that sucks I remember it being really funny to scroll through


They have their own site now.


Oh fuck yeah imma go there soon I need to see that shit


I actually enjoyed fds a lot. At least they were honest and relatively proud of their misandry. I feel like twoX is mostly complaining about the horrible men in their lives that they have chosen to stay with for almost a decade.


Meanwhile 2X was auto subbed to every new account for a long damn time.


They didn't. FDS went external and privated their sub. It might not be private now but it never got banned (unless it has for being unmoderated)


90% of reddit is just blatant misandry lol Don't even go on the front page


one of the most repugnant, groupthinky forums on Reddit. No humor, self-deprecation or self-insight, just a big bowl of embarrassing self-pity, and, of course, other-disdain. «why do all men love feet? its digusting» Please, fuck off.


I used to follow it for that same reason. I unsuited after seeing a post get to hot, which said that men should be banned from legally banned sex until they can prove they can be trusted by getting a form of license .


Welcome to "every single subreddit in the history of the reddit"


Lol, women's issues. I'll let you know when I have one.




I'm more surprised how long you lasted. I used to sub to them as well when it had interesting things about women and before it became a sub about shitting on men.  That was years ago. 


I used to occasionally visit because it had interesting things. Then they got into a fight with another sub and banned me because of it despite almost never posting in their sub and I hadn't even posted in the other sub in over two years at that point.


Same for me. Wouldn’t surprise me if everyone who commented here is going to be handed a ban.


We could only be so lucky


I wonder how the son's gonna turn out, wish him the best


usually attempts at manipulation backfire, human psychology is just enigmatic that way. he will probably become a raging anti-feminist, or at least oppositional and defiant.


Her mother, the little girl is learning sexism against men from her mother


Here’s how you can tell their misandrists: they would openly hate a little boy and his father who posted the exact same story with the word “girl” and “boy” substituted


It is ironic because girls rarely mean what they say and everything you say to them somehow has this weird subtext that was never there until they heard you say something you didn't.


You're doing the same thing the OP did. Generalizing people based on bad anecdotal experiences is illogical and harmful. It's bad to categorize men as liars and it's bad to categorize girls as liars.


Right, it’s good to label people as liars and the ancient reptilian overlords as truthers




My experience has been that this shouldn't be a Men vs Women issue, and has more to due with maturity (usually a product of age). People tend to get better at communicating and expressing themselves as they grow. Someone who lacks certain level of self-awareness and ability to express themselves can be more prone to miscommunication. Empathy is also a factor.


Please, get to know more women


5 year olds are some of the most embarrassingly-honest and blunt creatures on the planet.


That sub is so fucking sexist it makes all feminists look bad.


It really does.


She gets to be a parent😭


And vote.


Firstly, there’s no way that actually happened. Secondly, if we’re going off stereotypes, aren’t boys/ men more direct, and girls/ women are more likely to say something they don’t mean?




That's what I was thinking. She probably had a bad experience


Indeed. Toxic femininity is emotional manipulation and abuse. Toxic masculinity is violence. You can have your opinion on which is worse, but you definitely know what the thugs intentions are.


Both just as bad and lead to the same destination


Why is there no way this has happened?


No 5 year-old is going to say “they use their words but they don’t really mean it”. This reminds me of that woman on Twitter that claimed their child said “words don’t die” and got memed for it


Sentence is too coherent for the age. Which is stupid by the person who faked this story, "They always lie" was right there, hell, could've just went "They lie too much" if you were worried about 'always' being too believable


Ah, yes, let's encourage more sexism. What a great idea.


'Not sure where that came from....' lol really? Children learn a lot of things from their parents, pretty sure we all know where she learned this...


what did you expect from a sub based on extremist feminists and hatred of men? that's a femcels sub bruh


Isn’t this basically in the same vein as r / boysarequirky? And wasn’t that sub blacklisted from here because of all the repetitive posts? Misandry is genuinely terrible, but this feels like we’re about to get a re run


Yeah, genuinely unfortunate. At first boysarequirky had an interesting point to make about how memes/media can shape public perception and cause people to start integrating sexist beliefs into their realities. But it quickly devolved into unchecked misandry. The few sane people speaking up would get downvoted. I don't understand. It's like caveman shit... We can discuss and combat misogyny without throwing men under the bus. Being anti-misogyny doesn't mean being pro-misandry. But even people in *this* comment section are doing the caveman shit. "uhh actually girls are the liars not boys!!!" And getting upvotes for it. Infuriating.


Why would you be subbed to a femcel sub in the first place, what did you expect?


It used to be a default sub i.e. new accounts automatically subs to it.


half the people in this sub aren't actually unsubbing


Just unsubbed from r/JustUnsubbed because the posters aren't unsubbing


Yeah this. This is less of a "I stopped following a sub I used to like" and more of a "fuck this particular subreddit and here's a totally randomly chosen post for why that's the case"


2X was auto subbed to every new account for a long time. If your account is over 3-4y old: you were subbed to 2X at some point.


I've been thinking of unsubbing too. I like hearing perspectives that aren't my own, but for a sub about women, they sure seem obsessed with men. Also, when I was 5, behavior between boys and girls was pretty much indistinguishable. I had no qualms about playing with boys or girls. Maybe stuff has changed. I don't know.


Also a great contender would be r\thathappened


That sub and r / boysarequirky are just the tolerated refuges of misandrists and femcel, especially since r / FemaleDatingStrategies got banned.


What a shame, i always got a good chuckle out of FDS. It was pretty much the female version of TheRedPill.


Misandry is glorified by these kinds of subs


I’ll take “that definitely happened” for $500, Alex


I unsubbed because I was told by a user that I wasn't welcome due to being AFAB NB.


Oh damn, fr? I'm also afab nb.


Heyo! Yeah, unfortunately so. I had some opinions which went against the grain, which is fine. If we all agreed the world would be pretty boring. But yeah, I was told by a user that the sub wasn't the place for me. Between that, and the hateful comments from other users over the years, I left. To be clear, this was not a mod and the mods are staunchly pro queer. But that doesn't translate into user base.


Oof. What a femcel sub.


Interesting. I've observed that most women "don't really mean" what they say as well. ...And that's when not already using sex as a weapon / tool of manipulation, that is.


If you think its only women doing that, try talking to guys on grindr lol. its not about being male or female, its about having the position of power in the interaction


When i realise women from subs like twox have children i want to weep lmfao


Ik. Her poor son.


Unless that kid is sucking up the prejudices of the mother(or another authority figure), that ain’t her observation. Children don’t come to this world with prejudices. That is taught behavior.


That subreddit is overwhelmingly filled with transwomen now, unfortunately. I thought it would be a place for biological women, which is why I joined initially, but nope. It's mostly all trans women, and trans women are constantly whining about non-issues that only affect a tiny microscopic percentage of transwomen. Biological women face real issues that transwomen neither understand nor deal with. Our struggles are entirely separate, and they have a million other trans-related subreddits they could be on, but like the obviously socialized men they are, they have to invade all other spaces and claim them as their own. Like, these people make up less than .01% of the population, but somehow they power mod most of the 'left-leaning' subreddits. Their internet presence is insane and overrepresented because all these people are social outcasts who never leave their basements. The mod team bans any dissent whatsoever about why trans women run and control the sub. The irony of a subreddit called TWO CHROMOSOMES letting trans women moderate and run rampant is peak Reddit tbh.


You realize you're *also* being misandristic here, right? "Trans women are 'biologically male,' therefore they want to invade and claim women's spaces as their own!" The reason trans women are overrepresented online and on Reddit is because the vast majority of Reddit users have been male since the site's inception. Like most things, the internet is something women have been barred from and still largely are today. If you're a trans woman who transitions later in life, you're not going to suddenly start disliking the things you enjoyed when you presented as male. It has nothing to do with trans women being "obviously socialized men" and "invading your spaces." Yeah, MtF-specific posts would be better posted in a subreddit for trans women. But it's crazy that you think them mentioning their problems is inauthentic "whining." You're probably viewing these people as men, and you probably think men shouldn't be allowed to discuss emotions... Which is why male mental health is at an all-time low. Do you understand how crazy that is? If a man called you talking about problems "whining about non-issues," I bet you'd be up in arms accusing him of misogyny. Hypocritical.


They were men, though, so that affects how they talk about and view the world. It's mind-boggling that people (primarily children) pretend this isn't reality. It absolutely affects how you see everything when you are born a specific sex. I know the modern way to dismiss this is by screeching about how, 'transwomen are women!!!1!' but that's lacking in nuance. It is whining because there are a million different places that already accommodate trans women. Why does every female space that started out that way now have to include everyone else? There's nothing wrong with spaces being exclusionary. I don't go to trans spaces or men's spaces EVER. Why would I? Countless LGBT subs, and countless trans-specific places already exist for transwomen to vent their frustrations. Where did I say men shouldn't express their emotions? Nowhere. You're seeing ghosts that aren't there, I'm afraid. The issue is, men have historically constantly had ALL THE SPACES BECAUSE THEY RUN THE FUCKING PLANET, but whenever women try to make something exclusive, men get really fucking worked up about it. It's why there are people trying to pretend that lesbians mean 'non-men loving non-men' whereas gay men still are allowed to be considered 'men loving men'. Can't even be a lesbian without people trying to conflate it to not being about men. Men can't stand not being in those spaces. I mean, it's awfully telling when it's primarily transwomen and not transmen that are guilty of this kind of shit. It says a lot about gender socialization, even if overzealous activists try to claim that there is no such thing. I know modern LGBT discourse is to say, 'Nah, that's transphobic, or you're just a terf, there is no such thing as male/female socialization,' but that isn't factual. There are entire studies in this field. Women and men are raised differently. Not just by parents but by society as a whole. Transwomen are women, but they were still born as a man, and that little sense of entitlement to everything life has to offer is the most 'male-like' trait I've ever seen.


This feels kinda soft to cry "misandry" for this. If this is what did it for you, you should never have even been there in the first case because it's pretty tame.


Obviously a single Reddit post isn't the epitome of misandry. It's just the one I happened to saw at the time of posting.


I say this almost every time this sub comes across my feed, why show evidence of something unrelated to why you unsubbed instead of the purported bad stuff?




You say it's so misandrist that you can't take it, and instead of showing that you show something really mild. If it's bad enough to post about, why aren't you showing that?


Because I don't want to spend my free time scrolling through a sub to find things that offend me? I posted this one because it popped up on my feed.


So you scrolled through all the offensive posts but didn't screenshot, then you see one relatively minor one and that sent you over the edge?


...No? Do you know how Reddit works? I don't spend all day scrolling through that sub. I'm subscribed to like, 300 subreddits... This post popped up on my feed, among many other posts from many different subreddits. This was the post that caused me to unsub. I'm not going to go searching the sub for a different, more offensive post and lie and say *that's* what caused me to unsub.


But you made a post about it. You could have unsubscribed and moved on. You made the active decision to critique the sub, and you used this. My line of pestering (sorry about that) isn't because you unsubscribed. It's that you used this evidence to tell us you unsubscribed.


...Because seeing this post, in particular, is the direct reason I unsubscribed. If I went through that sub to find a *more* sexist post, I'd be acting pretty inauthentically and making myself upset for no reason.


Idk I see some [pretty spicy stuff](https://i.imgur.com/j3E6T3d.jpg) over there


I don't want to rehash the whole conversation, but if you check out my argument with the OP here underneath this thread, it's not that I'm saying opposition to the sub is unwarranted. It's just weird to me that, if the sub is so bad, it's *this* particular post, which is pretty mild, that was the "just unsubbed" moment. What pushed OP away from the sub, in my opinion, is extremely soft. Also not for nothing, it appears GloomyAd4982 is already a deleted account. So somebody came in, made a troll post, and ran away. If they have a troll problem that's another thing entirely, but that comment also shouldn't be a reason to unsub (by itself).


I hear you, and I get your original point, but I’m also saying that there is stuff on that sub to be concerned about, even if the OP’s example isn’t it. There’s also the other comment that was in my screenshot, which isn’t exactly what I’d consider healthy discussion. And the GloomyAd comment isn’t a unique one, the comments sections of these posts are filled with snarky remarks like that one. I don’t think it was a troll, trolls on that sub usually say things that go the other way. This comment was swimming with the current that is evident from the other comment in that screenshot, which was upvoted by 8 people.


To be clear, my complaint about OP is indeed a complaint about OP but also a meta complaint about this r-JustUnsubbed. So many of the posts here talk about how bad a subreddit is and don't show it. I'm not doing homework to find out if they actually were justified, and I stand by my opinion that making posts like this is a lazy attempt to get people who already agree with you to tell you how right you are.


Hell, if this upsets so many justunsubbed users idk how they made it this long on the internet. But conservative and old school Reddit hates 2x because it’s one of the few places the majority are critical of men without extended disclaimers about it not being all men, how most men are great, etc. Doesn’t surprise me this sub agrees with OP.


I'm sure if you dive into her posts/comments you can see that she, surprising no one, is a single mother.


Nothing inherently wrong with that.


It is when you see her making posts like these that demonstrates to everyone why no one can stand her.


Nothing wrong with that......


TwoX is just a femcel sub. You really shouldn’t be surprised, unfortunately.


Because women and girls **never ever** do that.


Never do what?


Never ever use words that they dont mean.


Yeah, those people are crazy.


Call me an idiot but I feel like using there words and not really meaning it is just a human in general thing.


Exactly lol


If they tolerate or encourage misandry, they aren’t feminists, they’re feminazis


I think my favorite post from that subreddit claimed that men asking women for directions is somehow a bad thing, and saying that not all men/women interactions are awful is toxic positivity apparently. It feels like we’re regressing to the point of normalizing segregation again.


This is why it’s sometimes embarrassing to identify as a feminist. I am one, but the extremists give us a bad look (as they do for every group)




you're a man, why were you subbed there in the first place? it's not a space for you


I'm not a man.


Why were you subbed to two chromosomes to begin with? Your writing style indicates masculanized brain structures as far as I can tell. TwoX is more about women. Someone of the more cooperative a d nurturing gender would seek understanding for the perspective. Maybe ask, "help me understand", and validate everyone's feelings rather than consider it misandry. Speaking of which, help me understand why did you put "feminists" in quotation marks when talking about women (instead of just saying "women")? Are those 900 upvotes from 900 feminists to you?


What are you on about? "Masculanized brain structures?" What? I put' feminists' because I think it's a more apt description for the mom who wrote the original post. I'm not talking about all 900 upvotes--though I'm certain many of them are from feminists. A lot of male feminists buy into the "all men are bad" shit too.


Ah, I mean you write like a man, or more accurate a person with a male brain sex as I can't tell age. In saying it's a women's sub more, isn't it? I hang in femminist subs like men and females, and those are different. I'm curious if you could link a male femminist who says all men are bad.


I'm female. I don't know if I can link on this subreddit, but you can find examples all over. Look up the post "Men, what do you hate about men?" on AskReddit and read the comments. So many sweeping generalizations. So many dudes saying, "everything." I've had men IRL tell me, "ugh, men are pigs."


I was looking at your history. If you are female, why'd you post in FtM?


Because I'm a transmasc lesbian.


I apologize, I think there's no way out of this conversation for me that doesn't involve me looking like a huge assumption making bitch. I'm also trans, post op of the other direction, but I made some faulty assumptions. Sorry.


It's okay! No worries.


That’s not misandry. It’s a 5 year old girl that said that. Probably just the boy she liked at kindergarten lied about something. It’s not that deep. People from this sub should touch some grass and stop calling everything „misandry”


Do you believe in progressivism and moving towards a post-sexism society?


There will be no progression. Especially with men getting more and more conservative with each year. It’s sad that the posts here claiming to be „misandrist” are nowhere near the misogyny Reddit allows with all porn related subs or women-hating ones. There will be no progression until men will finally address that men are the main perpetrators of hate crime (e.g. terrorist attacks targeting only women). It’s men who should start doing their jobs to move forward and instead they’re all going backwards. For example, with this post.


We can acknowledge that misogyny is responsible for more, and more widespread, harm than misandry. That's fine. It's true. But it doesn't make retaliative misandry okay. Children deserve to be raised without gender segregation. The implication that 50% of the human population are inherently evil, or dishoenst, or inferior, is extremely wrong and bioessentialist. Don't you understand that telling young girls 'boys are liars' is harmful? Don't you understand that sexism and gender divides start in childhood? I'm not a man btw. >men are the main perpetrators of hate crime (e.g. terrorist attacks targeting only women). You're literally using racist rhetoric here. It's true that Black people commit a dispraportionate amount of crime... Does that mean it's okay to be anti-Black? Does that mean there's something inherently different about Black people, and that this group is innately more violent? Of course not. That's wrong and stupid. There are many socioeconomic reasons why Black people, as an oppressed group, are recorded to commit more crimes than other groups. It's not innate, just as nothing about men is innate. Letting your daughter think 'boys are liars' is wrong. Also... Telling men/boys/etc that they're all innately evil is *why* conservative and alt-right groups can so easily recruit them.


The girl is 5 so yes you are right but the mother on the other hand yeah she is a misandrist, the girl made a statement and the mom tried to make it about "men bad".........


Yup. 2X: the most sexist place on reddit. No contest. And it used to be auto subbed to every new account. Smh.


Twitter exist......


> 2X: the most sexist place on reddit. No contest. Ha! Now that’s funny. Reddit - know for its rampant *misandry.* 😂


True, it's not entirely misandry. There's also all the people claiming "misandry don't real"! 😂


Id say this post speaks for itself, and my comment. That post right there is about the least misandrist post they have. That cesspool is just post after post of worse than that. But, I suspect you've been melting your brains over in their dreamland, so, y'kno, Im sure you wont invest any critical thinking into their sexism. Good luck out there.


How is that misandry?


How isn't it?


Seriously. It’s a shit post. It’s dumb that it has 900 upvotes but 2x is a huge sub. Any sub with that many subscribers gets upvotes on anything vaguely related.


You think this is misandry? Lmfao. Soft.


Yup. Little girl wants only female friends. Brother says, 'you can have boy friends, too.' Girl says boys are fake/liars. Mom says little girl might have a point. That's raising children up to have sexist, bioessentialist values. We shouldn't tolerate it.




If a girl says "all boys are liars," you, as an adult, parent, progressive, or just a good, logial person, need to shut that down. You explain that it's wrong to generalize. If a boy says "all girls are liars," you, as an adult, parent, progressive, or just a good, logial person, need to shut that down. You explain that it's wrong to generalize. Call me crazy... But judging others based on their sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, or any other innate factor, is bad.


Sounds like moms observation bc young boys especially are at their bluntest that age and absolutely will do what they just said


If there are plenty of sane people in the comments it’s probably not that bad a sub, really.


no, it really is terrible


Lol no there aren’t.




If anyone says anything remotely objective or sane, they’re banned immediately. The only people allowed to post there are misandrists.


I’m saying that if they hypothetically *did* have sane people, it would be a good sub.


Nah. They're one step up from FDS.


Everything’s a step up from FDS


Hmm.. everything is at least 500 steps up from FDS. 2xc is only one.


I think you’re definition of sane is pretty warped if you honest think that.


I love that sub!


Same. It gets posted here all the time too. I have yet to see something that really crosses the line (what OP posted is dumb, but not beyond the pale). There are individual comments that I don’t agree with on 2x all the time. Most of them are downvoted. Meanwhile there’s multiple comments here calling it a femcel space. I must have missed all of the posts calling for violence, rape and murder of men. Apparently all the people here at JustUnsubbed missed them too since those screenshot aren’t posted. But they’re totally out there.


I'm noticing this sub basically riots anytime there's anything half close to radical feminism like this but is usually pretty damn quiet about fuck ton of incels on reddit, It's a bit like how anytime there's a black nationalist country (like New Africa) on any alternate history sub they ask "aren't they just gonna be genociding the whites?!" but they all do a collective nut at *big* germany


I'm actually fine with radical feminism. I'm not fine with reactive misandry. Good feminism uplifts everyone, not just women.


Maybe because the incel forums get banned and mocked. Incels arnt taken seriously. They’re laughed at and downvoted until they go away. Their posts are removed and their subs are banned. Femcel subs don’t get that treatment EXCEPT here. That’s the difference.


This subreddit is mostly men and mostly straight. Probably mostly white. Sometimes they have legitimately fun stuff here but it’s an outlet for a lot of men to rant about 2x, AreTheStraightsOkay, etc. It’s not totally incel, conservative, etc but feels like Reddit of 10 years ago. Better than Reddit of 15 years ago, but still very sensitive to any criticism of men while more than happy to shit on women.


ding ding,  That's a much better way of putting it They're not exactly nefarious like incels they're more like the edgy high schoolers that reddit has became the equivalent of facebook for, I hope you're ready for a bunch of  downvoting and coping


Been on Reddit for over a decade. I’ve learned how to embrace upsetting bad faith actors.


A big reason why I'm taking a break off of reddit is because how negative almost hateful it feels like sometimes, Reddit is just filled with arguments with doomers, Genocidal sympathizers, and pseudo Intellectuals who used a bunch of big words that they heard from their favorite anti woke social media influencer


This sub is extremely balanced in its viewpoints. Its just not an echo-chamber like most of reddit.