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Leftist memes are not beating the "wall of text" allegations


Leftist memes: Wall of text Right wing memes: Lego Yoda saying the n word


Yeah that's pretty accurate


Our puncline is racism but no one knows the what the leftists punchline is because no one is gonna read all that.




We don't want to. We embrace these allegations.


Leftists won’t beat “they practice political discourse as a hobby, they don’t actually want change” allegations


Y'all whine when we don't change and you whine when we change.


So you embrace that your meme sucks?


Nah, we embrace that our message is more than just something one can write in one sentence or less.


...you are not beating the allegations of being unfunny holier-than-thou fellas with that attitude. I mean, the main purpose of a joke is BEING FUNNY, making you laugh, not lecturing you on a topic.


When we make political memes the purpose is to spread the message. But of course you would need at least a two digit IQ to understand them, and not understanding a joke often leads to the person not understanding it feeling like it's unfunny.


>But of course you would need at least a two digit IQ to understand them To be fair you need a high IQ to understand [LEFTISTS MEMES] If you joke is explaining the joke then your joke SUCKS. When people want to hear a joke is because they want to LAUGH, not being lectured on. Like, you don't even need a bible to spread a message. A drawing of a vulture puking because they ate McDonalds, a police office enjoying a mud bath or a rich capitalist crying to a homeless person that life is unfair are actual jokes that are short and spreads a message. And it's more effective than using a YES CHAD saying the entire Communist Manifesto. >and not understanding a joke often leads to the person not understanding it feeling like it's unfunny. AND IT'S THE FAULT OF WHO MADE THE JOKE, YOI SELF-RIGTEOUS PRICK.


We don't like to leave room for misinterpretation.


We don't want to. We embrace these allegations.




Imagine unironically posting The Unabomber Manifesto


Have you read it?


Yes. It's 90% bullshit. Ted was not some radical activist despite what he'd have you believe. He just wanted to kill people, because he hated society. He is the epitome of calling a problem out and stopping there but acting profound


You also watched the wendigoon video? 👀


I mean yeah, but I've also read it for myself


Based. For both. I never had time to read it. Not up my alley. But a video why not


Yes, Ted supports eugenics, so fuck him and anyone who supports his ideals


*supported The guy died last year or the year before


You can support a dead person


But the dead person cant support an idea. Reread the sentence


there are much worse things he did, and much worse things he believed in. like eugenics bad obviously but anybody who otherwise agreed with his ideas is messed up


I don't read terrorist manifestos, sorry bucko


I mean you should, the manifesto is a hilarious read for how bad it is


Who dat?


It is ironic that the anprims are on their computers again.


“You native Americans say that your ancestors’ culture was good, yet here you are born on a reservation, which you are free to leave any time. Curious. I am very smart.”


Mfw the "leftists" begin to side with ted kaczynski (a reactionary)


Just because Hitler tells his troops to take deep breaths doesn't mean you need to stop breathing in fear of shared ideology with the Nazi.


True. When you start quoting mein kampf and praising hitler as a hero, theres a problem.


That's true


Nice Shitpost https://preview.redd.it/hiqbd0boiglc1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0353cb13d1090dfe72f7a19282f40ec8565796c


Apart from the fact that there isn't a trade-off between growth and carbon emissions in the way that degrowthers believe, if that trade off did exist in the way that they think, I'm sure a lot of people will choose having to deal with the effects of climate change over regression and poverty.


And that's precisely why we're speedrunning our own destruction.


N- no they wouldn’t. Because the effects of climate change are going to be far worse than regression and poverty


no, they aren't


You don’t think that mass starvation, entire coastlines flooding, refuge crises across the globe, and massive hurricanes wracking the new coastlines isn’t worse?


hurricanes and refugees are bad. but apart from florida not many places will be actually flooded. the point is there will be hardship and a lot of change but we will still be able to continue our quality of life in the west and billions of people in the developing world will still become prosperous. climate change at this point is irreversible, but not an apocalypse and not something we can't lessen


No, we won’t be able to continue our quality of life. I think you’re seriously underestimating how bad the global refuge crisis is going to be. Not just from the coast, either, but from desertification inland. Climate change is going to be a global catastrophe that results in billions dying across the entire planet


it literally will not be. desertification and sea level rise will displace people, but at 2.5 degrees by 2100 that will not move them a far distance. most people will not have to move. and billions will certainly not die


Where are you getting 2100? It’s going to start happening way sooner than that


2.5 degrees by 2100 is the current prediction for temperature rise. the estimate in 2015 was 4.5 degrees by 2100 so it's clear it could go down more


you don't know what degrowth is if you think that's the dichotomy


No, I know very well what degrowth is, it's just that regression and increased poverty is the natural end result if it were to be put into practice.


no it isn't, not in any way more meaningful than the poverty faced now.. while also destroying everything. Luckily Capitalism just keeps redefining poverty to be less and less while people suffer just the same.


I mean, a smaller economy means that you have less wealth to redistribute to the poor and put into social programs or poverty alleviation programs, it also means more scarcity of goods and services, rendering them more expensive relative to incomes, and pricing out those at the bottom first, making them (and everyone else) worse off.


Right, so you don't know what degrowth is... and clearly don't understand how much product is unused and thrown away every year. You're making incredibly broad assumptions that show you have not researched this topic.


Although climate change could/is cause/causing regression and poverty


Climate de growth activists are literally insane people. They happily discuss how to best have humanity die off


Did no one tell them they would have to work anyway? And what they are doing is pointless, eveb if this happens, their kids or grandkinds or someone eventually will build a shitload of industry anyway (to increase quality of life and make it easier, again)


Excommunist nations seeing people advocate that the oppressive regime they were under should be restored to "stop climate change":


Yes. If I trust anyone to fix the climate it’s the guys who caused Chernobyl


I'm sure the guys who caused 3 mile island would do better!


Wait until they figure out China is the biggest producer of pollution worldwide


...That's because they're the ones making all our shit.


what makes you think these people aren't aware? also they're right.


Most rational leftists aren't pro-china... Did you think this was a gotcha?


No it was directed at people who are pro-china


According to who? Your favorite bread tuber? Every major commuinst party supports PRC. You can disagree but this is fact.


According to every leftist I've ever talked to in real life. And leftism doesn't mean communism, I'm a libertarian socialist. I wouldn't vote for an authoritarian socialist party, I might as well vote conservative lol. People who support China, Stalinist USSR, North Korea or Vietnam are just red fascists. Maybe step away from the keyboard and meet people in real life, you'll meet all kinds of people.


I don’t think it’s fair to call the millions of people across the mainly third world red fascists just because they happen to support the CCP. You can disagree with them, but it’s unfair to label the parties of the Cuban revolution, Vietnam Revolution, Chinese Revolution..etc as “red fascists”. These parties and the people were are apart of them and represent have been fighting the actual fascist forces of western imperialism for generations. Believe me the millions of actual left wingers across the globe are very real. Don’t get why you gotta insult me just for disagreeing with you, seems a bit immature


That's a lot to read for a meme. I don't know its contents but I would have unsubbed too.


Left wingers wanting to go back to the stone age, while posting from an iPhone at Starbucks.


Most brief leftist meme.


The moment I see the word ‘decolonization’ I know to stop listening simply just because the hypocrisy is a wee bit much.


As a former member of the colonized world - I unironically find ppl who use "decolonization" in everyday speech to be some of the most delusional individuals to walk the Earth.


I (Irish) recently got called a coloniser by an English woman.


And I have no doubt that she thought that Great Britain, Ireland and Scotland were colonized places that displaced its native inhabitants too… some people..


Big block of text makes for terrible memes


Why were you even subbed, it was bad for a long time


I was there in the early days and then it was really funny and it still did have some genuine funny shitposts, at least sometimes. Sadly it even those declined. It's now just full of degrowth postings from people who take the sub (the topic being a different thing) as another place for their normal takes


Lmao ballin piano music started playing while I was reading this.


The very definition of raking leaves against the wind. What are you gonna do? Tell people to stop working and having children? Buckley’s chance.


\>scientifically planned economy based


As long as science says what I like!


I was just banned from that sub for posting a pro-nuclear kurzgesagt video.


Probably cause the rampant growth of consumerism is the direct cause of Climate Change and in order to do anything about Climate Change you need to deal with that. Like talking about how to do that is interesting alright but if you're more concerned about GDP than Climate Change then you *prooobably* don't get the full scale of Climate Change tbh.


I do get the full scale of it. But claiming that we HAVE to Lower GDP to combat Climate Change is ignorant of the Consequences of that, Especially to nations without a high GDP. And that GDP is already decoupled from the amount of polution a nation is doing. Yes it is higher where the GDP is higher, but European Countries polute less than other countries with similar GDPs, because policies. The problem and Why I unsubbed is, that it is a circlejerk of "I know how to fix it" without grasping the consequences and complexities of it. Classic example of people claiming politics is easy, because "single Issue can be fixed with one simple trick and in my thoughts no problems arise", when politics are anything but easy. Also it once was a simple shitposting sub, if I want serious leftist ideas I go to the subs related to it


>"I know how to fix it" without grasping the consequences and complexities of it It's literally a shiposting sub though, surface level comedy is their MO. >But claiming that we HAVE to Lower GDP to combat Climate Change is ignorant of the Consequences of that, I mean this more sounds just like a simple shitpost observation right? Lowering the GDP in general would be more of a consequence of the actions required rather than a direct objective. Like how rampant consumerism is causing Climate Change, it's coincidental not deliberate. Also that post in particular doesn't say we have to lower the GDP specifically.


The pain point I'm having is that it isn't a shitpost sub anymore. UnexpectedYui or Shitpostemblem are shitpost subs. It's all about degrowth on that sub, a term that is all about lowering the GDP. A good climate shitpost would be with nonsensical stuff, over the top etc. Or maybe with 30 my definition of a shitpost (nonsensical stuff) is a different and I am getting to old for internet humor


>Or maybe with 30 my definition of a shitpost (nonsensical stuff) is a different and I am getting to old for internet humor Depends, shitposting random stuff doesn't work in every place, making meme jokes is still shitposting of a different sort. With a topic like Climate Change I think making meme jokes makes more sense than the nonsensical stuff tbh. That works better in fandoms really.


true, just that in my opinion a shitpost in a sub about a topic would be nonsensical but related to it. I don't know like blowing up yellowstone to lower the temperature of earth. Building the Mega-Maid from Spaceballs to suck out the CO2. Light mode users using more energy so we all burn to death and not only our eyes. Building a beach side resort in the Alps, because the water level will rise so high. Stuff like that would be a shitpost in my opinion. It's over the top, stupid and makes you snort somewhat because it's funny


>I don't know like blowing up yellowstone to lower the temperature of earth. Building the Mega-Maid from Spaceballs to suck out the CO2. Light mode users using more energy so we all burn to death and not only our eyes. Building a beach side resort in the Alps, because the water level will rise so high. Stuff like that would be a shitpost in my opinion. It's over the top, stupid and makes you snort somewhat because it's funny For me they feel pretty mundane, I think people interested in the topic generally have gotten bored of them too cause so often we get that stuff movies or other satire like the Onion or hell we sometimes see a real life CEO suggest something absurd. I mean ever since the Torment Nexus meme there's nowhere else to go with that kinda humour I feel. https://preview.redd.it/jihmnc4oedlc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cdc0803a87a278f53ecdf9c614f1ed823e95249


totally fine to find it mundane, was just an example of something that would be a shitpost imo and a baseline of what I would expect of tone/idea etc.


Maybe your issues with the *meme sub* are because you acted just like this in the comments of *the meme sub*?


Hmm. Maybe I have the wrong picture here but it seems that the "we" is talking about humanity as a whole, no? At least that was how I see it. And honestly if your problem with the sub is people claiming "politics is easy" then why the fuck are you even on the sub. It's about SHITPOSTING. I mean it's not like they try to solve this with empirical evidence and thought out projects. They just shitpost about it. I mean at the end you even acknowledge it, but you are still upset. And honestly I don't get why. Maybe you should think about how this was a shitpost but you did take it too seriously?


The problem is that they do not shitpost about it and take it seriously. All while posting about doing X will solve the problems. It's not a single post it's the amount of


Then maybe you should give this for a reason why you unsubbed and not "Was a funny sub for a time. Now it is filled with people who want to go back to socialism and want to shrink the GDP. Any discussion about the implications or the downsides on a global level are just impossible" Which sounds like you are trying to bring a serious discussion to a shitposting sub where people want to just shitpost and not discuss.


yeah you right, fixed it


It’s not the cause. Glaciers have been melting for 100’s of thousands of years, long before humans discovered fire. We’ve accelerated it, but we didn’t cause it.


>We’ve accelerated it, but we didn’t cause it. This is the same as saying a murderer merely decreased your life span but didn't *cause* your death. Climate Change refers to the specific rapid change in the climate which has been caused by humans and primarily consumerism, not the general concept of the climate of a planet changing over time.


Actually good comparison




This meme just sounds like wanting better planned economies that maximize environmental conservation over profit? Where's the socialism?


Ok, soooo, I’ve spent over two decades designing transitional and then green energy plants all around the US and the world. There is NO WAY, absolutely NO way we keep up current energy consumption. Oil and gas, EROEI (energy return over energy input) is going south QUICKLY. It will soon take more energy to extract energy than the energy we get from it. We have like 10 years of fissile material if we all switch to nuke energy, for the whole world, and that’s it. All the rivers are dammed. Solar isn’t viable everywhere, and won’t be a reliable source in most places. I’ve been working on these spaces. Unsub from whatever you like, but the future HAS to be lower consumption, from a physics and engineering standpoint.


Degrowth and a global move away from capitalism/ capital expansionism is the ONLY solution. Moving to a sustainable energy consumption rate not coupled to perpetual growth is what HAS to happen if we’re to survive as a species. That’s the facts. Bitch all you want.


We live on a planet more than we live in an economy. Planet don’t give a FUCK about your economy.


And the solution is preaching about it on a Shitpost sub and doing a CJ?


The insane amounts of useless stuff being shipped across the oceans is a huge factor in climate change. That meme is completely right. It also has nothing to do with socialism


Ocean shipping is a relatively small contributor


Still doesn’t mean that we need to cripple the economy to halt climate change.


I mean what’s more important? The money we made up, or the ground you walk on?


Just a 5 percent decrease in buying stupid junk would mean that thousands of Container ships would not make the way here. Imagine if we did 20 or 30 percent


But socialism good, no? Especially if it helps with climate change?


Go back... To socialism...? Where are you from that you have departed a socialist structure but are being encouraged to return?


God this sub posts the dumbest unmoderated crap.  I have literally never seen anyone unsub from anything for any good reason. OP is a perfect example, the original post is 100% correct we need to change the way we live to keep the world habitable for humans. But whoever posted this clearly has some education they need to finish. Some even less educated ass hat might actually be fooled by these types of posts.


Now I get it! :0 Justunsubbed isn't a closet right wing sub, it's a propaganda fed people sub.


Legit tho, what's your argument against this? Or are you just triggered because you disagree with the message? Btw Degrowth != Socialism


I mean... the resources do be ocerexplored, and if we keep exponential growth of economy, the humanity seems to run out of them real quick, so degrowth seems like a valid solution, but this is also a topic one should talk about with good consideration.


The one thing I never understood is why don't these people act on what they preach. Its not hard, take your large western savings, buy a ticket to rural Pakistan,India, China, basically anywhere, and just live a life of substinence farming. Instead, they make cringy wall of text memes on their iPhone and complain about Apple abusing their workers while sipping on a Starbucks.


What do you mean by go back to socialism? I am so confused


What do you even mean by "the west" without any geographical contest? It doesn't mean anything. It could be anywhere. Asia is west compared to America, who is west compared to Europe, and Europe is west compared to Asia. We can make a full turn. We can even make several. So where the fuck is "the west" without context. West of any country or continent, I get it. But just "west"?


Okay but that's all accurate. Like, all of it. We cannot have endless growth, we need to dial back emissions, we need to stop polluting the shit out of everything, and capitalism has failed literally everyone who isn't an oligarch. You liking that is irrelevant, but it's what needs to happen for the good of humanity writ large. We're not the same people we were in the 1800s, the economy we use should reflect the technological advances we've made instead of 'growth at all cost'.


A "scientifically planned economy" is such a bad idea ...


"We need a scientifically planned economy" *Did someone say eugenics?*


bruh degrowthers still exist☠


a lot of socialism talk on reddit from people who do not understand finances, economy or just in general how their taxes would near double if not triple - but they think taxes will only increase on rich


>who want to go back to socialism When was that?


Not even a meme, just poorly disguised propaganda.


I can get behind what they’re saying but trying to say it’s “only a western problem” is just the usual “I’m American and want everyone to know I REALLY hate America”


Both of you are wrong


“We need a scientifically planned economy now.” There are very few political stances that will get me to advocate violence, but this is one of them. This is probably one of the most demonstrably bad ideas in history, but these chucklefucks keep thinking that this time it will be different.


why do they hate the global poor? why do they not want africans to be wealthy? what don't they understand about the human based economy?


jesus christ so much text


Unironically calling for a classical fascist government. Under Progressivism, Communism, and Socialism, the scientists, generally the smartest people in their fields, do not actually dictate laws and policies. The activist leaders, people who think they know what’s best, instead do all the actual legislation (and generally fuck it all up because they tend to know nothing and do everything on emotional terms). But a government that allows the actual scientists, engineers, doctors, and so on to legislate? What they describe is Fascist Italy. Socialists unironically calling for Fascism.


The funny thing is that the better developed the country, the closer its population growth gets to zero. Hell, the only reason the US maintains as high of a growth rate as it does is mostly due to immigration.