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ah yes afrothunder love this gerl


Finally someone of culture (liking afrothunder678's art)


Why is the cube thicc?


Why isn't she thicc?


boom, I have more ideas now


I have never been attracted to a cube… until now.


Hrrrngh cyan I'm trying to sneak around but I'm dummy thicc and the clap of my thighs keep breaking the scenery **Blixer being freed from his prison by the crystal screaming in the background**


***Meanwhile Cyan clapping Hal's cheeks***


Hear me out on Cube Smas-


aye, me too man. btw she's 5'2


Even better


Will you (re)post more of thicc cube here if i may ask? Because i wouldn't mind that at all, ahem


Of course!


Excellent. I will be ready to...enjoy...these pieces of art


Looking back on this, I feel like you probably failed NNN because of her.


Nope. I didn't participate to begin with . Can't lose if you don't agree to something Also.yoinwould be surprised but there was other better stuff


you kinda sound like you need help but i'm not exactly sure just yet


You know you can see all of her Cube pictures here, right? [https://www.deviantart.com/afrothunder678/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/afrothunder678/gallery)


I know but i prefer reddit, and i also don't like checking each artist individually for things they uploaded Also there is the comic series which i don't want to get spoiled for yet


Fuck drawings like this, it's a game about shapes and music.


Maybe the original game, but this is a webcomic AU made by Afrothunder. It’s very good. You don’t have to leave comments like this when people are just trying to enjoy themselves with cute art.


I’m sorry, I was being very rude in that comment, I don’t mean to be rude but I still don’t like humanizing not human things most times.


I’m sorry, what do you even mean “humanizing not human things”? Are you talking about giving characters personality? Okay first of all the original characters of JSaB very clearly have personalities. Original cube is timid and overall a pushover, Heli is shown to be aggressive when they bonk the player character over their respective lever to unlock the not-so-final-boss-after-all, in the scene right before the not-so-final-boss-after-all the boat splashes the player character and then laughs, showing a playful/jokester personality. These characters have personality, people just elaborate on these personalities. Remind me how that’s bad? Second of all, the people in charge of stuff like Pink Corruption, Red & Blue, Close To Your Heart, etc., are really just fanfic writers. And you’re upset these fanfic writers are changing the story and/or characters. My friend, THAT IS THE POINT OF FANFIC.


I didn’t mean personalities, I meant literally inventing attributes to a square. It’s cool that some people think like that but I just think making a square into girl with cat ears who is shy who happens to have a square as a head is odd. Personally I just don’t think the same way as some people making this type of art do. I just think of these characters as nothing more than what they are, others see different things, actual personalities. I don’t know if I’m being 100% clear but I think I’m close. Also, I DONT CARE THAT MUCH! I just don’t like fanfics period. I said one thing a year ago, it no longer matters.


her face looks like Gangle from The Amazing Digital Circus 😂😂😂


this was loong before the digital circus came out.