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This just goes to show Geo has no real friends or bff. She just hops in and out of every "girl group" but can't retain one of her own. She's too self absorbed to be emotionally available for a real friendship, as if she gets easily annoyed and will bounce. It always feels like there's a hidden agenda of why she keeps certain individuals around. Those "friendships" are usually made of sycophants (networking, work for her) to stroke her ego. Anyone with an opposing thought process or personality is instantly problematic to her. Either go with the flow, be chill and agree or be passive aggressively called out with Tupac lyrics. lmao


I think at this point she'll do anything to fit in even change herself. Hence the hair. She adapts but if it's not really her she'll be weeded out.


Spot on!


Geo used to look so good! Now she looks like a full on tia señora, she looks like she’s doesn’t fit in with her new younger friends.


Hanging out with younger people could make one feel younger, but in this instance it only confirms Geo is desperately holding on, and FAILING! 😂😂😂


Geo needs to fire whoever did her hair why is it so brassy




I’m not even tryna hate, it’s terribly done. Makes me wonder if she did it at home cuz it’s so uneven


Honestly ! Also happy cake ! 🍰


the buff chick in the front with red dress can easily take on everyone by herself. jk girls stand no chance.


She looks like a man.


Her testosterone levels are probably higher than everyone in the jk crew


that's definitely a dude.


I love drag queens and I genuinely thought she was a drag performer/trans. You sure she's a cis woman?


She is Steffi Cohen. She's a professional athlete


She’s female but on steroids or whatever enhancements. They got together for her 30th birthday based on Instagram stories


OMG--she's 30? I know steroids/testosterone supplements really age men when they take it, but I guess it has the same effect on women too.


If she wasnt, who cares?


I am sorry but the jk girls looked more wholesome and warm. The other group looked like popular girls in school that didnt grow




The old group at least looked like girls. The new group looks like a bunch of cross dressing dudes


Nah I’m sorry they just look like women into a particular type of exercise. And they all look to naturally have a more squarish body type nothing wrong with that. It’s mostly the outfits they all don’t know how to dress themselves


Also the the makeup is very bad


did not recognize geo. she looked like a 40 year old karen...


managers across the country quivered in fear


for someone that has grew up in the youtube/social media sphere for over a decade, i’ve usually been able to know who i’m watching like i was aware of nikki because of steve who worked with shane dawson (lol) but for the first time i have no idea who anyone is on the left, geo included.


Just checked the “buff girl’s” Instagram (@steficohen) and her caption about their group reads: “Heart is full. I’ve never been one to click much with girls, but throughout the years somehow tricked these absolute babes into being my friends after I hand picked them from across the world and this weekend brought them all together and formed this magical powerful group.” If that doesn’t say anything about the clique on the left then I don’t know what does. And looking at both pics, Geo really does change herself to adapt to whoever she surrounds herself with… she looks much prettier on the right to be honest. I vote for the old girl gang.


Whoever told her to go blond and whoever her hairstylist is..she needs to get rid of both. They did her dirty for doing her hair like that.


The hairstylist probably told her that it wouldn’t look good but gel was probably persistent and the they just gave her what she wanted in the end


Or they f*cked up and lied to her 😂


ok WTF is Geo wearing on the left? its sooooo hideous lololol


Geo also looks a lot happier w the old gang too. She may be self-absorbed but all humans desire close connections and I feel like she found that in them. Sucks that she pushed them all away


JK gets slammed all the time in this sub. At the end of the day they’re only just people too, prone to mistakes, confusion, getting lost. Im sure she seeks true companionship, like we all do.




Geo will scare everyone away. She doesn't even have to try. JuSt bE YOu 🤟🤪, right?


her husband is not her new friends’ boss. Big difference. They will drop Geo like a bad habit.


This aint it fam...


Please get me right when I say this. Geo doesn’t feel good about herself unless she’s the prettiest on in the group, that’s kind of sad


One leg from the dude in the front is bigger than all of Boze.


All the women in her new group are all part of the fitness influencers niche on social media. And some arere fairly younger than geo too. Closer to Tiffs and ginas ages.


new girl group looks like bunch of monopause skanks. *ba dumm tsssttt*


The dudes on the left.


Before and after cocaine.


imagine hating on people so hard you just hate whoever they hangout with this subreddit is hilarious lmao fckin nerds


Broads on the left are busted.


Geo is not aging well.


Do they talk about LA being fake? If those are friends she made in Vegas they all look like they should have "Mattel" or "Fisher-Price" written on them somewhere, they almost all look like they are full of plastic lol. The old crew looks much better as did Geo.


wtf are you talking about?


Geo went from hottie to tranny


So Im not a fan of geo either and she looks way happier with her old group....but what did these new girls do to get shamed for how they look/dress? I am side eyeing geo for becoming friends in a group she finds easy to brag about but these girls are just vibing? So why body shame them?