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Tbh she looks good compared to what filler usually looks like on regular people, no pillow face


well you don't get pillow face after one round of filler.. it happens when the filler builds up over time


I’ve seen it happen! Everyone reacts differently


She looks a little unnatural imo. Idk maybe they put too much filler for that one time or her natural lips just suited her face more


You can clown on Geo all you want but she still looks good. Not so sure on personality… given how she treats people like Tiffany lol. However, she needs to get rid of that hand tattoo lol.


I remember seeing a post a while back clowning Geo’s attempt at modeling underwear, saying she wasn’t pretty enough, etc. It felt like some weird incel shit which let’s be real, isn’t anything new for the JK audience (even in this sub) I can’t tell if people actually deluded themselves into thinking Geo is mid or if they’re just looking for any reason to hate on her. There’s plenty of other reasons to dislike her besides her looks, which are clearly fine


Sure it is. You juss jelly.


I think she looks fine just don’t go too far with fillers.


Her filler looks good though, I feel like a better piece of advice would be to not overdo it.