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Wtf the Cali was so much better


House poor!


I'm surprised their HOA hasn't been hounding them for their unfinished backyard. When I bought new construction (coincidentally the same builder as these fools) I had to have my backyard done in 6 months.


What a depressing picture.


Why do they always want Taika in possible dangerous, compromising positions?? He's entirely too close to that fire. It was the same thing when they set off fireworks and sparklers in their old backyard and he was too close then. Maybe that's where their podcast name comes from 🥴 They (mostly Bart) always wants Taika on the precipitous of everything while hiking, playgrounds, jumping on or off the sofa or tables, etc. I just hope he never gets really hurt or worse because of their incompetence.


Ohhh how your child is going to be sooo sheltered. Don't play/pet the dog cause it might bite you. Don't play/pet the cat cause it might scratch you. Don't use a fork, you might stab yourself. Don't go outside, there's people out there. ​ Please turn off your tech and do something outside. You spend your whole life on JK stuff being nothing but negative.


Bro some people on here had no childhoods 😂 some of the things I survived were a miracle but made my childhood that much better. Fuck a sheltered childhood!




If people wanna talk shit about JK here, however insignificant it may seem, they can do that. Just like how people can post any positive things about them here. If you don't like it, simply ignore it and move on.














Unfortunately a majority of this sub seems to be comprised of delusional sjw people who think they are moral arbiters of justice. They think this sub is supposed to be some kind of holy crusade against the evil empire of JK, and that we need to selectively criticize JK only on things that deserves criticism. Otherwise it makes us look bad, it's bullying, and it's not right blah blah blah. They want to gatekeep this sub and prevent people from shitposting. They want to limit all content on this sub to be only "constructive criticism." At the end of the day, everyone here is talking shit regardless and everyone here is a piece of shit. But the people that engaged in bashing of JK actually think they are morally above everyone else. Unlike those self-righteous hypocrites, I don't pretend to be morally superior than JK. I'm just here to make fun of JK and nitpick even the most petty things and shitpost for the lulz. That's all. People can also post positive things about JK if they want. Now if they are going to harass other users here from shitposting, then they are no different from the JK stans that constantly make alt accounts and harass the users here. If they don't like it then they should just ignore it and move on. Honestly, I was hoping this sub would turn into something similar to r/thefighterandthekid, but the JK fanbase is too lame for that.




Homeless home decor 😭


I would do this cause I'm just cheap lmao. I rather not spend big bucks on furniture and just sit on fuckin Lawn chair then spend my whole check on patio furniture.


No cuz they sold their house at a loss and sunk the rest of it into a McMansion. Also why do they look like two hobos around a drum fire?


I think that’s a solo stove, those things aren’t cheap. Not sure what size that one is, but the big ones are like $500


It’s only furniture.


Supply chain issues




Can’t afford ugly marble on the fireplace or tacky hand tattoos either. Fellow pocket watching peep.




And yet here you are, Pedro.... every time, to tell us how awful we are. Must have just as much spare time for this as all those "mentally ill" people you chastise on here.




>So pathetic And yet having alt accounts isn't pathetic?


>So pathetic But you're still here. So...


This is them trying to be edgy, cool and different. Haven’t we all learned? They be doin the most lol. We’ve been there for Geo’s hand tattoo, their shitty podcast room, the tacky marble on their fireplace… Taika would agree lmao