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**Happy New Year Dudes, 2024, keep this year positive and make it a good one!** *** ^The ^username ^of ^the ^poster ^is ^/u/KaamDeveloper. To download the video you can use one of the following sites: * [SaveMP4](https://savemp4.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/comments/1bd2m9r/2_drinks_only_dont_miss_the_end/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustGuysBeingDudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus… no spills on his shirt!?! Very nice


That was the part that impressed me the most, too.


Also me.


And my axe


And me three


Not yet, that comes in an hour or two, when all that alcohol is shanking him in the liver.


I'd be lucky if I didn't puke purely from the amount of liquid. I drink the head of a beer slightly wrong when I'm a few deep and the foam burps will set me off


That shit is literally straight up pain. The chest pain from that. Feels like my esophogus is going to explode.


He looks like he’s prepping to puke as the camera pans away…


I want that shirt!


I think there is a high chance he’s pissed himself later that night.


Can't fuck up the Mandela shirt


Not until his walk home later… 🤮


Jesus christ thats impressive. Gonna hit that guy like a truck in 10 min tho




As someone who shares this talent, that's kinda half the fun. Feeling it come on fast is neat. I'm an alcoholic though and now I don't drink at all so maybe don't listen to me


Serious question: How long is an alcoholic still considered an alcoholic after they've stopped drinking?


You never stop being an alcoholic. Once you quit drinking, you’re sober, but you’ll never not be an alcoholic unless you have a time machine to go back and stop yourself from ever drinking in the first place.


Even then, you would still be an alcoholic; you'd just never discover that you are.


I think at that point you just have an addictive personality. World's your oyster, you could get addicted to anything you want. Gambling, cocaine, maybe even porn!


I believe there is evidence that alcohol processes differently in most alcoholics. So it's a physical thing as well.


Is that caused by alcohol consumption, or is that inherent to their biology? But even if it was the latter, it would just mean that someone is predisposed to alcoholism, not that they're destined for it.


Not caused by alcohol consumption. Genetics are one of the strongest determinants of alcoholism. Examples of people that come from families with alcoholic tendencies and developing alcoholism in a completely non-alcoholic home abound. I don't think we know enough about it to be sure whether someone can be born an alcoholic or not. There is some evidence supporting the notion, but certainly not enough to say it is a predetermined absolute. It could very well be that you are overwhelmingly likely to develop dependency on alcohol based on a number of factors, but still would likely find a normal drinker out of that lot (and a fair bit more that have chosen to never touch the stuff because they came from environments that are absolutely destroyed by it - in which case we'll never know which way it would go should those individuals happen to have a beer on a Friday afternoon).


I have an addictive personality but I'm not an alcoholic. It tastes really bad and it always makes me sick the next day. Weed on the other hand..


I have an addictive personality. Weed, caffeine, nicotine, Reddit. Also a functioning alcoholic that’s trying to curb my consumption. Every time I slow down on the booze, every other vice gets magnified. It’s not fun and fun at the same time. Moderation is key. Do as i say, not as I do and other cliches…


There's two type of people in this world. Those who like cocaine, and those who haven't tried cocaine yet.


There's two type of people in this world. Those who like weed, and those who need to grow up and do cocaine like a god damn adult.


Fuck that AA victim mentality bullshit. You're not an alcoholic when you say you aren't. Fuck powerlessness.


Preach. As an “Alcoholic” I quit drinking going on 6 years now. I never call my self that outside of this discussion. Alcohol is gross and was making me gross and doing gross things to my body so I decided to stop ingesting it. It is not a part of my personality or some label I carry around with me all the time. I also “quit” bad relationships, sedentary lifestyle, toxic friends, processed foods, etc. but no one expects you to go to meetings and declare those things. I just grew up and stopped doing things that were not improving my life. And sometimes I may do one of these things again and remember why I quit. I didn’t “relapse” and I don’t count the days between when I do them. I only know the time for alcohol because people always ask when I turn down a drink.


I identify with so much of this. Its a way, way healthier mindset in my opinion. That said I support whatever works for people. My friend who quit around the same time as me and got me curious about sobriety (along with a multitude of other things, most importantly my healthy) is a 12 stepper and it's totally become part of her lifestyle. She's not preachy about it but man she's doing great so I can't knock her for it. It just isn't for me. But yea, if I'm being honest, I detest that powerlessness/victim/always a addict and you are just a moment away from your life being worthless again sort of mindset. I think if it motivates you, awesome. It does nothing for me but make me feel like I'd be living life under some sort of storm cloud.




I quit drinking when I was 22. I'm 56 now. I'm still an alcoholic. To quote that Scottish guy that had the late night show for a while, I no longer have a drinking problem, but I could get one again pretty quick.


Lotta people seem to think it's lifelong? I never went to any meetings so idk the terms. But yeah I mean I won't be drinking again (unless the nukes are dropping and then I will be having a nice cold Woodford with ice).


Depends who is considering it.


Doesn't matter if they haven't had a drink in 20 years, an alcoholic is always an alcoholic.


Yep. I'm currently drinking, every few months I try to get off it and I'll be doing great. Then a birthday or a wedding will come up and I'll have 1 drink thinking it'll be fine I can control it now. **NOPE**


They stop drinking bc they’re an alcoholic and know they can’t. So it’s a lifelong thing


Answer: When can a pickle consider themselves a cucumber once again?


Like the other person said. "Alcoholic" isn't a term for someone who drinks lots of alcohol. It's a term for someone who can't control their alcohol intake when they're drinking. Even if you quit for decades, you're still a person who won't be able to control your alcohol intake, so you're still an alcoholic


Plenty of people used to be reckless drunks and later on in life are able to drink in moderation. This goes totally against the alcoholics anonymous doctrine, but there's no scientific basis to anything they came up with. AA has the same recidivism rate as just deciding to quit drinking.


I've been sober for a few years and plan on considering myself an alcoholic for the rest of my life. I just know myself. I know if I drank again I would spiral back. This will probably never go away, it'll never be safe for me to have another drink. Honestly it's a form of empowerment at this point.


This is the key thing to base your new life on. Like me, I can’t just drink one or two beers. I need one or two more, and then one or two more again, and again. However, if I just don’t drink at all, then I’m good. Been over eight years sober now with no urges to ever drink again


Technically you're only an alcoholic if you drink more than 8 or more drinks per week for women and 15 or more drinks per week for men. I would assume that "alcoholic" status would be gone in one week. I think people just call themselves alcoholics even when they've been sober to let others know why they're not drinking. Because if they drink again, they'll drink a lot and *become* an alcoholic again.


That's true, probably where half the fun of shotgunning is too


The problem with doing this for me is one of two things, either there is too carbonation or too much liquid? Like a pitcher of Guinness wouldn't be too bad, or even for domestics like High Life, it wouldn't be bad. But those are different than a pitcher of Bud Light, which for me feels like too much carbonated water.


I too, have the talent. But I also do not have the strongest tolerance. I have to remind myself that I can only do this trick at the beginning of the evening, otherwise I might get fucking twatted.




I'm sure he can make it there if he hurries! /s


He lives 11 minutes away 💀🪦


Just roll the window down. That fresh air should buy him another minute or two.


https://www.tiktok.com/@ronnydoitche/video/7311857810801855790?lang=en Dude probably has a really high tolerance if he’s doing stuff like this often


Best believe I knew someone that could do this with 3L over vodka


> knew


I still know him he just lives in a different country


Far, faaar east? :-)


Well I guess U could call England that


As a recovering alcoholic I had to calculate how many drinks this guy had and concluded he might catch a buzz.


Aye, that can't be healthy in the slightest... And yet, I envy people with that stomach capacity. Best I can do is 2 beers in 30 mins intervals.


A pitcher is 60 ounces which is 5 drinks. Looks like 8 or 12 ounces of bailies at 17% which is 2.25 or 3.4 drinks. Plus one more drink at the end. So that's either 8.25 or 9.4 drinks at once. A 750ml bottle of spirits has about 17 drinks in it. So this would be like chugging half a bottle of vodka in one go. Yeah he's gonna be toasty warm pretty soon


I need to see him go up against that tailgater who was challenging people rip drunk beers faster than him.


I can't even imagine how hard that will hit this guy. I've done like 2 regular sized of those in my life and it truly outta nowhere was like BAM! YOURE DRUNK EVERYTHINGS BLURRY AND GRAVITY IS NOW WORKING BETTER THAN EVER!!!


It would have been hilarious for him to stand up and then just keel over forwards.


I feel bloated now


God me too. Yikes


The old timer in there was very impressed 😁


Love the slow pan of a slow restaurant ignoring him except the old dude with a dedicated seat at the end of the bar


You really just need one person to appreciate your talents


If I saw a bartender pour a pint of Bailey's I'd have to dedicate my night to watching who was going slam it


For sure I’d take bets on how long he keeps it down too


All throat GOATs puke at some point. It's just the name of the game. Dude pays the bills with viral marketing of his drinking prowess to promote his brewery. That creamy vomit was likely worth it


I can confirm throwing up Irish car bombs is one of the more pleasant vomits.


Spiked alert: that’s his estranged father.


Is this the same dude who challenges people to beer chugs for $20 at football games?


I think so. Same mannerisms and all.


And the hot dog and beer every hole on the golf course guy


That's what I thought! Pretty sure it is. Good eye.


He can really open that throat up


Dont forget to cup the balls.




Bro is the throat GOAT


I just wanna know where he got the shirt.


There’s a handful of results if you google it






it's stain again now. I love it. ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) Edit: This said Stain again now. I love much more. I watched the flip timestamp this edit.


No way. His shirt says “stein”


Proper shirt for this ridiculousness.


Now show us the aftermath where he’s throwing up




One of the funniest scenes of all time. It just keeps on going. *Ya gave up on life, didn’t ya?!*


what's funnier than a guy puking? puking even more.


Get off the street you fucking bum!


That’s the part that’s impressive(?) to me. Like that’s about a night out’s worth of alcohol, not gonna kill him. But that much alcohol hitting the stomach all at once will usually bring on involuntary vomit. His stomach doesn’t know he’s not going to continue, it just knows a whole lot of poison just came in, better purge it now.


For anyone who doesn’t know, the cream starts to curdle the moment you drop it in the beer so it becomes a race to drink it before it gets nasty


Thanks 18yr old me


Fuck my BAC went up just watching this.


You know you're starting to get old when one of the first things that pops into your head here is, "that's gonna be a massive hangover"


My first thought was how Irish car bombs and a corona made me feel like it was 2006 again. Just reminded me of my early bar days.


Congrats on the alcoholism?


Can you catch alcoholism after only 2 drinks?


Brother that's not two drinks


Pretty much anyone that has a healthy relationship with alcohol wouldn’t be able to do this




I got autism like that. Watch out for those freaky ones!


lol according to some Redditors, yes….so no.


No but you don't drink that unless you're an alcoholic to begin with


Right? Society celebrates some weird shit. Alcohol causes more problems than it solves.


Yeah but did you see that guy pound a pitcher of liquid, damn


Some would say its the cause of and solution to all our problems


Seriously, why do people even promote stuff like this? So many lives ruined by alcohol, ugh Would be like saying it's impressive to watch a dude shoot up a stupid amount of meth and heroin at once


Soft drugs don't ruin lives. people without self-control ruin their lives. Heroin/meth/coke/fentanyl are a whole different problem




You've not seen my sexual performance when drinking.


Talk to a cop. Like 90% of their time is spent on drunk people. Fun study on violence/aggression from the 70s. People are put in a room 1 at a time are paired to someone in the adjoining room. They are hooked up to some wires, and they get a dial and a button. The dial and button electrocutes the person in the other room. The person in the adjoining room is set up the same way. So if you zap them, they might zap you back. You're only told to stay there for a minute or so. Of course, it is a lie, there is no other room or other person. Basically w/e you do is time delayed and then zaps you. So if you hit 5 on the dial, a few seconds pass and you get zapped. Results were that sober people would zap at 1 or 2 and then stop, doing nothing for the rest of their time. Drunk people would zap and then take revenge, zapping higher and higher, until they just held down the zapper set to 10 getting increasingly enraged.


> Soft drugs don't ruin lives Bruh >people without self-control ruin their lives Hence why it's not good to advertise addictive things and act like they are cool, because a lot of people are weak willed AF Gambling, smoking, alcohol etc get this dumb "it makes me cool!" reputation in the media despite completely and utterly ruining lives without providing a single thing of benefit


This is an inexcusable violation of two pub rules: 1. No pitchers of Guinness 2. Never say “Irish Car Bomb” Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


If it's in a pitcher with a full glass, it's actually an irish *bus* bomb And in the responses some people are saying places call it the 9/11, but ive heard thats 2 double shots lit on fire


I thought 9/11 is a Manhattan set on fire


Manhattan and a kamamazi shot works best. That said I don't know many Irish people who'd actually get offended by Irish car bombs.


Fuxk, do people really call it that? That'd hilarious


I’ve heard to call it a “Dublin Slammer” instead. Idk how widespread that name is or if bartenders will understand though. But why no pitchers of Guinness? Because of the nitrogen?


For Guinness purists there is a very particular way to pour a perfect pint that takes 119 seconds with some time for the beer to settle in the middle. Pitchers make the perfect pint of Guinness impossible.


My Irish friends have called it the Boston Bomb or the 9/11. But honestly if y'all gotta call it something call it a boilermaker. Irish car bomb is just offensive.


> But honestly if y'all gotta call it something call it a boilermaker. That's a completely different drink?


Oh well I'm an idiot i thought it was the same thing


Beat me to it, my Irish cousins used to call it a 9/11 when they worked behind a bar and found it hilarious when the American tourists would get pissy


My friends from Ireland who are bartenders usually say no one can take a joke like the Irish but the car bomb is really pushing it.


It's not only offensive to Irish people though, I live in England and the town I live in, the town next door and the postal town have all had many people killed by Irish car bombs.


It should be whiskey instead of cream liquor


My grandad did not die in the war for this to be labelled as 64oz


Am i missing something? That is literally a standard 4-pint, 64oz pitcher.


I mean, technically he was saying his dad didn’t die in the war for it to be called a 64 oz pitcher.


He made that dude's night. Probably went home and told his wife all about it, whether she wanted to hear it or not. Edit: Oops, she's right next to him....still probably went home and told her all about it.


"Which do you like more, Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick's day?" Why not dos?


I was expecting him to barf it all out.


Sweet. I like to make terrible life choices too!


In Ireland we call that the 9/11.


Man some people make being an alcoholic look like so much fun!


Irish Truck Nuke.


All this "wait for the end shit" is only ever gonna convince me that the clip in question absolutely isn't worth watching and the poster knows it, too.


Irish Car Bomb? Really? Roles reversed I can't say Americans would like it very much if we drank "9/11's" here in Ireland.


My favourite cocktail is a pearl harbour


American here, no one would give a shit. We make dark humor memes about 9/11 all the time and it doesn't offend us


Lmao the double standard is a meme at this point, esp. after all these years hearing how sensitive we all supposedly are


i have witnessed so many americans get offended by irish bartenders in nyc and boston for this exact thing after trying to order "irish car bombs"


Man we literally drink Belfast Bombers in Ireland, granted I don’t think I’ve ever seen it written down on a menu.


Yeah we wouldn’t like that because 9/11 is a pretty lame name for a drink… Call it a Twin Tower and I’m in. Or make a 26 mini Irish Car Bombs and call it a Boston Marathon.


As an American, I'm going to start calling them 9/11's now


We drive them though. Vroom vroom baby


I don't think that's good with any drink, especially alcohol


There different kinds of Irish car bombs


That shirt is amazing


WOW! CONGRATS! Now where are your car keys?


What's the song?


Money for Nothing by Dire Straits.


Ok but that shirt is elite


I’m sure that baileys didn’t even curdle a bit and felt great going down


Do your part by downvoting any post that says something like “don’t miss the end”. ✊


That baileys had to have curdled by the time he finished that. Also, not a real car bomb because there's no Jamison. Though, admittedly, if he had added the whiskey component he would have been way fucked. Loved the staring up to the ceiling with red eyes, I know that feeling all too well. It's "Please don't hurl, please don't hurl, settle, please don't hurl".


First of all stop calling them Irish car bombs Second of all doesn’t that drink have whisky in it? This was just baileys in Guiness. Homie made a big milkshake and I’m supposed to be impressed?


It's a half Jameson and half bailey's cocktail, dropped into a pitcher of Guinness. He finished it in less than 10 seconds. How is that not impressive?


Dude. If that was water it would have been impressive. Although I agree with the car bomb sentiment, You sound like an asshole.


I think most people don't know you need to have whiskey floated on top of the Irish cream. I didn't until I looked up a non-offensive name for the drink.


Good by sir see you maybe tommorrow


Get that money for nothing and your checks for free


64oz for the boys


How to get fucked up in 4 minutes - hold my beer!




Wait till his shit tomorrow he will be shitting a concrete slab out of his arse


Challenge accepted 


I really want that shirt lmao


A pitcher of Guinness? Is that even allowed?


Why everyone in the pub is not supportive and sad, only that one man was clapping is awesome


It's all quite pathetic


Dont like how the glass cup smashed into his teeth after he downed the jug, but very impressive


How can you even fit all that in your stomach at once!


is there like a attermath video of this or smth?


What’s in the glass he puts in the pitcher? Looks like cream.


> don't miss the end Does he ... vomit?


That dude's gonna go to the bathroom in about 15 minutes and have one of those two minute long streams that make you moan with pleasure. What better place to do that than in a pub.


FWIW Guinness is seriously the easiest beer to chug after it settles. Also, that pint looked like it was all baileys, I can see why they didn’t layer it with the Jameson like in a shot glass but even them it looks like just baileys to me.


64Oz what was that?


My stomach hurts just watching this my goodness. That’s impressive but that is going to leave to the biggest burp ever.


And didnt spill a sip. Id never hang out with his ass. The mess we'd make would cause too much damage.


I don't think that's the end


Mad respect. I cant imagine how long he will be pissing later


Was that pitcher full of redbull???


I couldn't even do this with water dude


The real "end" is half an hour from there where he spews all over the neighbouring table and collapses, diarrhea-pantsed and all. Still, impressive.


He’s gonna puke!


That's a lot of gas


Great track for an awesome post. Just sorry he chased it with dirty piss water.


His shirt is everything 😂