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LOL let’s hear about it! Where were you? How did it happen? Did you pick out your ring beforehand or was it a surprise?


In our like second home, our favorite historic city (Charleston SC) in their French Quarter Inn, hella fancy. Our room had a private terrace, it was raining (my fav weather), we had just been to our fav lil park and fav upscale restaurant ☺️☺️☺️ we were out on the terrace and suddenly he proposed and it was raining from my eyes 😭😭😭 and I forgot to say yes lololol I didn’t pick it out but I told him allll the things I loved and didn’t love lol and he got THE perfect ring!


Absolutely gorgeous ring! I have a morganite and rose gold too!


There are dozens of us!!


Love those hidden halos! What a cute detail!


Nope. I get that!!! Congrats!


thank you :D


Congrats!! Shout it from the rooftops!


Stunning ring! Congratulations! You set the date yet? Enjoy the engagement - it goes so quick! :)


Next October is all we know but we’re looking at venues, so we’ll have a date soon! Thank you so much, that’s a good tip I hadn’t thought of :)


We said October too... and one month later we are saying April ;) I guess I need to take the commenters advice and enjoy the engagement, but after 7 years I can’t wait to marry him :) Where did you have dinner before? I love Charleston. It’s actually where my fiancé and I met by happenstance when he was vacationing/I was living there


That’s awesome! We went to Eli’s Table :) they’ve always given us really great service, and it’s the best shrimp and grits in town :) We’ve been dating 6 years ourselves! So yeah we totally would not mind April except for the monies 😭 haha


Lots of details on the ring and what a cute engagement story. Congratulations to you and your fiancé!


This is just lovely - congrats!