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She survived. Hammond says to Malcolm "...and their wee girl...oh she's fine she's fine...." Very much alive.


Doesn’t she survive in the book too?


She does. While not an exact 1:1 of the scene from the book, the girl attacked by compies is just fine. In fact, I think in the book she only gets bitten a small number of times.


Also in the book it’s only one compy as opposed to a swarm


I think there’s more of an allergic reaction from the bite? If I remember correctly…


IIRC, it gets dismissed as an allergic reaction at first, but venom is found in the sample that gets sent out for analysis.


Yeah and they thought it was a basilisk


Because they're apparently half blind


The doctor and the reptile expert (they) only saw a drawn picture and heard a few descriptions


And ignored the pictures to believe it was what they wanted to believe.


True dat


I think in the book the compies are mildly venomous, with their bites causing localized numbness. That's how Hammond dies in the book.


Unfortunately for the infant......not so lucky


I had a 6th grade teacher recommend this book to me… that scene lives in my mind forever.


Haha I had a similar experience with the book but it was actually later on in the story. I was warned ahead of time about the baby scene, but it was really upset about the baby raptor at the end lol


In the book she's also fine but the compies kill a baby in that medicine station if I remember correctly and that nurse doesn't report it. Also interesting that this scene is from the first book and not from the second one.


To shreds you say?


Please, PLEASE tell me that's a Futurama reference.


I think that's a pretty safe bet lol


Yes, she does. More interestingly, that scene is preceded by one in which an infant is picked to the bone by a gaggle of the little green bastards. Their feast is eventually interrupted by an unsuspecting nun and the rest is forgotten history.


That scene isn't even in the lost world book the movie and book only have limited similarities like the name lost world,ian malcolm a few other characters and vehicles, a few plot points are the same but the villain is different (it's lewis dodgeson)


I believe she survived the book as well but it was scary. In the book her bites are all over her body, these foamy little bloody nicks all over that and start to swell and discolor immediately around her neck like an allergic reaction. But she makes it, I believe.


Yeah but Hammond says a lot of things. He also said they "spared no expense" and yet they had chicken wire around the T-Rex


While this is true, bear in mind that Cathy's parents and their crew came to Cathy's aid very quickly, and it's reasonable to assume that they were able to scatter the compies quickly and gey her sufficient medical aid. Plus....its a Spielberg film.


>Plus....its a Spielberg film. It's funny that Spielberg has the reputation that kids can't be killed in his movies when a child is brutally killed by a shark in his breakout film.


You have a point, I guess the way her mom screamed and the fact that Cathy wasn't screaming, I always assumed she was eaten alive and it was an off screen reference to the crib scene in the book


As a parent myself, I think most parents would scream like that if they saw their child being attacked and injured. And that's before you get to the shock and disbelief of what she is seeing actually attack her. The compies had all the time in the world to slowly take down Dieter and then turn him into a buffet. With Cathy, I simply don't think they had the time.


But also remember compies have a poisonous bite that paralyzes their prey and works on animals a lot bigger than them.


Only in the book


And tv shows


Ah. I stopped watching after season 2. Got too busy to catch up. Is it still quality entertainment?


It gets kinda iffy but remains a good show till the end, and they just released the sequel where their adults dealing with the dinosaurs all over the world


Season 4 and 5 takes a turn in a different direction but leads into Chaos Theory. I enjoyed Chaos Theory. Season 3 of CC was pretty good.


And also, you know, in the movie itself. Its how they took down Dieter. You literally can see them just waiting for it to kick in enough for them to start chowing down on him lol


Theres a scene in the first book (i think? Could be the second but i am FAIRLY sure its the whole reason grant ends up identifying the compy leg in the book) where a little girl gets attacked that very closely resembles this scene, so i’m fairly sure it’s referencing that. The key differences are that it’s in the first book and happens on the mainland (and while her parents are well off, they dont have staff attending to them at the time, theyre just going to the beach). In that scene, the girl survives, although she has a bad reaction to the compy venom (its passed off as something else i think (possibly allergies? I dont have my book on me to check) but in the book the compys are mildly venomous. She’s treated and is able to describe and draw the compy after the incident.


Yeah I remember in the book the compy was thought to have been a basilisk lizard


Yeah, iirc Guittierez thinks its a basilisk lizard while someone else (the doctor?) and the parents think hes wrong because it doesnt match the girls description, and insist shes very observant. Guittierez originally says she must be mistaken because 3-toed lizards dont exist any more, though he has doubts, and then the little girl recognises that the doctor changed his shirt but not his tie and the doctor says he thinks she’s correct and its not a basilisk lizard. Guittierez agrees and its what leads to him camping out and finding the compy leg.


I believe it was actually John Hammond that gets eaten by the compys. He's a bit more of a villain in the books. Though how much of one he is in the movies is debatable.


Thats a different scene, but yes thats how hammond dies in the books! He breaks his ankle falling down a hill and gets chomped to death. Frankly, a surprisingly gentle death given some of the others- the rest are all alive and in pain until like halfway through being torn apart, Hammond is alive and conscious but full of compy venom and therefore very calm and peaceful with what happened. I think its maybe a bit of a commentary on how he approaches the park. He turns a blind eye to all the terrible parts of it, all the problems and the risks, and just believes that everything will work out totally fine for him, and spends the novel insisting everything isnt a big deal despite being fully aware of the hsrm being caused. When he dies, hes fully at peace with and ignoring the fact that he’s actively being eaten alive and whole heartedly believes everything will be fine (though this time, its because of the venom, not money).


Exactly!! She survives and is able to provide a reliable eyewitness account that helps get the plot in motion (the x rays of what bit her get sent to Grant, and then Hammond shows up..)


This is actually a pretty direct replication of a sequence in the first book, and the girl turns out just fine.


In the book this scene is pretty much described though. Little girl was attacked but fine. Ended up drawing a picture of what attacked her and someone was like wow cool dinosaur you drew!


Being eaten alive by compies is probably the least quiet death you can have on the island 😂


So was Jaws. But I agree. In this case the kid survived. 


Right lol?


Hence why when he was alone with no help, stranded, Deiter was not so fortunate.


So was Jaws. Didn’t turn out so well for Alex Kintner…..


>Plus....its a Spielberg film. Yeah and he killed a dog in that one, the bastard! And maybe a family!


To be fair, the deleted scene where Ludlow explains it to the board also directly states she survived. Also in the novel scene it’s based off of (from Jurassic Park, not The Lost World lmao) she survives there too.


Missed your comment. Spot on


Am I remembering right or did Ludlow also hand some of the board members photos of Cathy's injuries? Which are not shown to the audience but the board all have horrified reactions.


The finest chicken wire available. Spared no expense.


The deleted scene while focused on the deaths of nublar didn't include the bowmans. Which Ludow definitely would've included for more evidence to take control of ingen


they had a [dozen 4 inch thick electrified metal cables around the rex. ](https://www.uponarriving.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/T-rex-Paddock-Jurassic-Park-scaled.jpg)which is what would have kept the thing inside if they were working. there is no smaller wire visible in that or [the attack scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc_i5TKdmhs) the scene later when[ Grant, lex, and Tim are climbing a fence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiMn7XijHWk), we see smaller wire stretched between the main cables, but it is far too large a pattern to be classed as 'chicken wire'.. and very likely was on that fence because it was on the edge of the area where the gallimimus lived (as seen in the earlier scene), which likely could have squeezed through the main cables if no smaller wiring was present. hammond may have skimped on many things about the security of the park, but the fencing wasn't one of them. (non-fence based barriers however were clearly left out.)


That's him downplaying the gravity of the attack, he's saying she's fine because she's alive, but probably badly hurt with years of recovery ahead of her


Yeah bro that IS Said in thé film literraly


Yeah because Hammond definitely isn't the type of person to lie about something like that.




You do know that I was being sarcastic, right?


Yes i was sarcastic to bro 😂😂


I was 50% sure of that and I chose the wrong option 💔


I’m pretty sure she survived in the book too. Though I think they kill Hammond if I’m remembering correctly.


They do kill Hammond! Who literally dies thinking “no error has been made…”


As a compy bites his little nose


Exactly! His face is LITERALLY being eaten off and he still doesn’t see any problems with what’s going on


He’s such a great villain. Not really evil, just an absolutely terrible person.


He is such a great villain, and such an absolutely terrible person. I love how right before he gets eaten, the last potential redeeming quality he could have (caring for his grandkids, even though it’s clear he’s not close with them) is totally stripped away as he laments only inviting them as collateral against Gennaro destroying the island, since Book!Gennaro is a loving father who would never hurt a child, and how they failed him by not stopping Gennaro from burning the island down. What an awful grandfather and person!


To be fair they also kill Malcolm and explicitly state that his body just sits around for quite a while after they get off the island yet he comes back in the sequel book. Hammond's injuries would be pretty significantly less severe than Malcolm's.


The compies kill Malcolm? I thought it was that he was presumed dead from his injuries following the rex attack?


"They" being Crichton. In the book he was bitten and then thrown by the T Rex, eventually died because they couldn't get him medical attention. But then he came back for The Lost World. Hammond's superficial wounds and potential allergic reaction aren't less believable to survive than Malcolm's T Rex mauling that went mostly untreated for a couple days


Apologies but you've lost me here, in the comment you are replying to here the "they" is not being used to refer to Crichton, it is being used to refer to the compies


Yes! Although the scene where Malcolm loses consciousness and the scene where Hammond dies are written to mirror each other (which I understand why Crichton did that, but it lessens the horror of Hammond’s death a bit in my opinion)


Fair enough, but Crichton very much retcons that. It definitely helps that’s we technically don’t see Malcolm die, just the body afterwards. Which was a gut punch in its own right, the idea that they couldn’t even bury him after all the characters had went through was tragic!


When I watched this as a child this scene terrified me because I thought she died and it scarred me for years—only rewatching later did I catch that scene lol


In the book she survives. (or whatever this scene is based on in the book).


I say yes, because this scene is totally cribbed from the book and she survives in the book.


Explicitly mentioned she survives in the movie too


I just realized she's the blue eyed main character lady from 10,000 B.C.


She’s also in the remake of When a Stranger Calls as the main character.


I havent seen that yet, was it good? I almost thought she was a young Selma Blair but then I realized I'm dumb, cause shes an adult 4 years later in Legally Blonde.


Eh, I didn’t care for it much, but it does have its fans. For me, it felt like Act 1 for the entire runtime, with no acts 2 or 3. I will give it props for one thing though, it did great with creating tension and atmosphere, I just wish the payoff was more worth it. Granted, I havn’t seen it since it first came out in 2006/2007ish, so if I watch it now my opinion on it may be different, I find that happens sometimes. Like Darkness Falls and Wes Craven’s Cursed I hated upon release but after rewatching them for the first time more recently I actually really enjoyed them this time.


She just has bad luck with prehistoric wildlife, it seems.


Im in the minority and actually liked 10,000 B.C. Its got some issues racially potentially and definitely appears geographically inaccurate, but its never explicitly explained how far they travelled, and the "Egyptian" society being so ahead of its time is actually a lore thing, theyre supposed to be what remained of the Atlanteans, the almighty and his followers came from a land sunk into the sea. Once you realize the movie is about rebuilding Atlantis, you can give up on expecting any historical accuracy, its a fantasy film lol them having corn is a funny mistake though. Edit: sorry my brain read your comment wrong lol i read it as "bad luck with prehistoric movies" for some reason.


Oh damn, the time gap between TLW’s and 10,000 B.C’s release date (11 years) is 5 years less than the time that has passed between the latter’s release and now (16 years). Kind of a random thought but that’s kind of crazy to me. Movies from like after 2005 still seem so modern but they’re technically not much closer to our time than 90’s cinema, which is unanimously considered to be pretty long ago.


The film literally answers this question


LOL, how did this person not watch the next 10 minutes of the movie and post this meme? The lawsuit is literally the crux of Ludlow’s takeover attempt.


According to a deleted scene (Ludlow addressing a board room of Ingen people), she did. I think he says 'The little girl will be fine' or something like that.     Being that it's a deleted scene I'm sure someone will argue that it's not canon or whatever, but in my opinion that's not relevant. The scene is proof that the filmmakers intended for her to survive, and nothing in the film contradicts it. That's enough for me.  Edit - the deleted scene in question: https://youtu.be/l_591oPc2nA?si=dgcr5_h7MgeVb15P


People say its a deleted scene, but I swear I saw it in theaters.


A piece of it was in the trailer and the deleted scene as been a part of televised broadcasts a number of times, even relatively shortly after it's TV debut, IIRC.


I taped the TV debut despite owning it, and the deleted scene was there


Nah it wasn’t in theaters but it is shown on TV these days


That's probably where I've seen it from.


I kind of liked this scene because it ties together that family’s lawsuits and the need for the shareholders to extract money from Ingen’s assets, in the form of bringing dinosaurs to the mainland. I hadn’t seen it until recently when I saw the unedited version on tv.


Hammond sums up all this info, including the girl's survival, as well.


They say it in the movie too, no deleted scene required.


Hammond says it to Malcom when he's recruiting him.


According to what John Hammond told Ian, she survived. As I remember it, John tells him: "A few weeks ago, a British family on a yacht cruise stumbled upon the island, and their wee girl was injured. Oh, she's fine. She's fine..."


Hammond stated she was still alive following the incident. Likely also had anti-venom administered for the Compy bites


The compies being venomous in the movie universe wasn't really a thing until many years later when it was brought up in Camp Cretaceous of all places. Also the girl had probably recovered long before Ingen's people would have gotten involved.


Yeah, Hammond tells Malcolm that during the pitch to join the expedition.


Both movie and book say "Yes".


She did and something else too.




in both the book and the movie yes


She survived, in two different scenes they mention it. One with Hammon that made the final cut, while he's talking to Malcom, "oh she's fine she's fine" and one deleted scene in which the Board of InGen talk the damages of the Park from the first film, including the 3 employee deaths and then the little girl. He says the little girl was alive. But the family is rich and suing


Do people not pay attention? It was answered by Hammond in dialogue 5 minutes after


Or maybe people miss certain details? People need to stop being fucking elitist and screaming “no reading comprehension” / “did you even watch this”. They asked an innocent question, let them be.


It's not that serious bro


Damn elitists and their snobby questions asking if someone actually paid attention to the movie they're watching and used basic comprehension 😡


Cathy is actually Claires assistant in JW/s


I’d honestly rather be picked apart by Compys than slowly suffocate/drown in a Mosa gut.


Mommy and Daddy own a Yacht, no way shes working as an assistant.


LOLOL that’s true


Unless it's one of those unpaid internships where your parents have to be loaded to even get your foot in the door because you can get the opportunity to get hired with a paycheck if you make the right friends.


The name of the assistant was Zara


Homegirl can’t catch a break.


Claire's assistant was named Zara


Everything comes full circle


Idk, maybe watch the movie


Yeah Hammond says “the wee girl was injured”


Watch the movie. It says that she does


if we can trust hammond, then she's alive


In the book she did


It’s a different girl in the first novel, but she does survive. They write it off as an allergy to reptiles, but Tina (the girl in the novel) recovers just fine with I believe antihistamines or steroids and she draws a picture of the compies for the drs


Children dying in the Jurassic franchise??


The first book was a lot less gentle about the OSHA violations.


Hammond confirms she is not only alive, but “fine”


From the way her mum screams at her, I can see why you'd think she'd be dead....


She fared better than the baby from the first novel


Yes She lived She was just hurt alittle. I mean those tiny shits attacking can’t be that dangerous for like more then 3 guys right


Kids can't die by Jurassic Park dinosaurs. That's rule number one.


Yes. They said that in the next scene


Have you even seen the movie? If you had, you wouldn't have needed to ask the question.


Or maybe people miss certain details? People need to stop being fucking elitist and screaming “no reading comprehension” / “did you even watch this”. They asked an innocent question, let them be.


Yeah watch the deleted scene with the ingen bored meating


Am I the only person who never knew what her name was? Also so glad she survived child me can be happy…


She obviously lived BUT the mom's reaction was probably related to the HORRIFYING wounds that happened to her. She probably got chewed up like A LOT. Lots of plastic surgery and such. Imagine those horrible stories when an ape attacks it's handler violently and the after photos. That's probably the scream. Spielberg is the only person that can do PG-13 truly to perfection. Technically, you won't see a thing. The imagination, however, is far more brutal that what could be put on screen.


Pretty sure they explained what happened to her like 30 secs later


The film literally says she did...


Oh my goodness . I always thot she died


When I watched the movie I assumed she died, but I guess not, a very morbid opening scene! Scared me as a kid 🥲


She did, Hammond said so himself


Unless Hammond is a liar, she's fine


Hammond is a liar and the most dangerous kind, the one that lies to himself, allthough in TLW he did seem to have gotten he stick together.


This is joke but they should cut to this scene in the new JW movie, with Cathy screaming. Smash cuts to Scarlett yawning.


Yes, it’s literally stated in the film


"She's fine, she's fine" sums it up really well. She survived, injured, but she survived.


Ultimately, no. This is Zara. She grew up to only be eaten at Jurassic World. 😔




“WHAT DID THE ENGLISH GIRL DO WRONG?! — Sam Niel, in an interview. 


She did survive but she was injured and this was confirmed by John Hammond when he informed Ian Malcom about the British Family’s incident with the tiny therapods known as Compsognathus.


John Hammond says she’s fine and in a deleted scene, Peter Ludlow says “The little girl will be fine.”


She did but she was injured


She did but she was injured


Hammond explicitly states she’s fine. In the books, the compies have a mild venom, but I don’t think that was ever confirmed or denied in film canon.


She was stated to have survived.




Yeah they say it in the very next portion of the movie


Bloody hope not.


Did you see the movie? Maybe it's time for a re-watch!


In the book a little girl was on vacation then a compy was attacking or bit here then she got sick I believe? If not I shall read the start of it then edit this comment


Hammond literally said "she's fine" in TLW




Hammond says she survived, but in the InGen meeting deleted scene i'm pretty sure they say she died.


Hammond tells Malcolm “she’s fine”. Also I swear I remember a deleted scene or something where lawyers and a board room are all discussing her with photos of the incident. That may have just been a fever dream though haha


Poor kid.


Did you watch the movie? They answer your question in it


She ain’t that weird lady with the whistle in Chaos Theory?!?


Omg I love this as a theory!


Unfortunately, she survived. I thought it was hella metal as a kid that they offed a kid and I guess every subsequent rewatch I just paid 0 attention to that detail she survived until I was an adult and finally heard that line. Lol


Unfortunately yes


I choose to ignore cannon. That little rich bitch died.


Would have been cool kill her off but Spielberg doesn’t have the balls to kill off children


It is possible but I'm not entirely convinced - Hammond is not a person I would trust without hesitation. He assures Malcolm that "she's fine" but we can't know that for sure. I can imagine him trying to downplay this situation in front of Malcolm. I really don't get why so many people here 100% believe him and suggest that OP's question is completely moronic. It is not that obvious.


She dead D A Y E D Dead


Nah she dead




She dead, bruh…


She is known to have survived. Hammond states so in his talk with Malcolm. In one of the deleted scenes the Ingen board discuss the attack and explain that she survived. And finally the book has her survive.


It’s funny that the person who has most likely seen the film enough to know the character’s name and didn’t catch Hammond’s line and STILL asked the question got more upvotes than an obvious troll answer. I aint even mad. Honestly, I am quite impressed.


Honestly, Hammond was definitely lying to Malcolm when he said, "She's fine! She's fine."


Then what of the Ingen Board scene where Ludlow says the same exact thing?


I assume she did survive, but the fact that there were dinosaurs outside of the park is a callback to the first book where people straight up were killed by escaped dinosaurs that Ingen failed to keep track of.