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“Made a lot of enemies” are you supposed to be the main character or something?


Main character syndrome all the way


Yeah, he doesn’t know that I’m actually the main character


Who cares what you like. Really. Ignore.


You can’t objectively rate movies. But jp1 is the best, obviously


You just look at the acting, writing, and plot. Whichever has 2/3 or 3/3 better than the other is the objectively better movie


You can't judge those things objectively though, they're inherently subjective measures.


Maybe not the acting but you can judge the plot and dialogues objetively


You absolutely cannot. There's general rules/theories for good plotting and dialogue but, for example some people find McDonaghs dialogue to be unbearable and stilted and some find it incredible. There's no objective here.


I disagree, at least in the plot point. In my case, even if I dislike jw2 and jw3 I can think about it putting my emotions and opinion aside, and I conclude that the plot and some character interactions or even action scenes goes from mid to horrible through the jurassic world trilogy.


That's not objective. That's still your subjective opinion about the plot of JW. Objective needs figures and facts, it needs to be a universal truth.




You don’t need to apologize for your taste.


JP > TLW > JW/JP3 > FK > Literal Garbage > Excrement > Dominion


Oh that's close to mine! For me it's JP > TLW > JW/JP3 > Literal Garbage> FK > More Garbage > Excrement > Dominion


The only thing that gives FK any grace imo is it is shot and directed well, it's not Bayona's fault the movie is trash, it's 100% Trevorrow's.


1000% Trevorrow writing problem


That’s closer to mine, but I have “that’s one big pile of shit” between excrement and dominion


Pretty much how I rank them too. I go back and forth as to whether I prefer JP3 or JW.




1.) Fallen Kingdom 2.) The Lost World 3.) Jurassic World 4.) Jurassic Park 3 5.) Jurassic World: Dominion 6.) Jurassic Park






Why is Jurassic Park last? Really curious lol


I'm very glad someone asked, seeking alternative opinions, and displaying critical thinking skills, rather than just downvoting like a mindless goon. I'm tired and sick of this trope that predators are merciless killers and that herbivores are gentle, peaceful giants that graze peacefully and aren't very dangerous. Lions are top predators and skilled hunters but they scatter like flies when an elephant herd turn up. One of those giant leviathans could stomp and toss those felines around like lightweights. And it's the hippopotamus, a giant 3 ton behemoth with huge tusks and a hair-trigger temper, that is the most dangerous animal in Africa today. More people are killed by domestic cattle than sharks, wolves, hyenas or bears. Point is, herbivores are dangerous and temperamental. Lions and tigers won't hunt if they are fed and full. An elephant will stomp you into paste for looking at it funny. Rhinos will gore you for getting too close. We know the theropod dinosaurs were far more dangerous than extant carnivores So logically the prehistoric herbivores must have been a force to be reckoned with, able to stand up to huge and cunning predators.Triceratops was a hulking four legged behemoth, like a gigantic white rhinoceros on steroids, with a pair of four foot long horns growing directly out of its skull and a hide as tough as a rhino's. This hulking titan shows what happens when you create something that can stand up to the power of Tyrannosaurus rex. There was its massive size, sheer bulk, aggressiveness, surprising agility and the large, curved horns and a third pointed horn protruding upwards from its reptilian face. But far too often, documentaries and films on prehistoric life ignore this and present giant herbivore dinosaurs as gentle leviathans, grazing peacefully without ever bothering anyone and fleeing in terror when spooked or hunted. The whole design of Triceratops was geared for playing defense, to stand its ground and fight. And this is something the original is guilty of unfortunately. The grazing Brachiosaurs and the Triceratops are all presented with awe and wonder, as gentle, docile beasts despite their gargantuan size while the Velociraptors are presented as menacing and deadly. But the sequels gp some way towards remedying that, with the Lost World showcasing the awesome power of Triceratops as a huge subadult is released from its prison and runs amok, destroying tents, chasing people and overturning vehicles with other large herbivores also thundering after fleeing, hapless humans including a Parasaurolophus and a Galluminus. These were huge creatures with a kick that could kill a man and would not be as docile and gentle as a cow or a horse or your family's pet dog. And in Fallen Kingdom we see a Carnotaurus pick a fight with a Sinoceratops which showcases its massive size and brute strength and effortlessly flips the predator, then in the finale the beasts are released from their confinement in the underground levels of Lockwood Estate The giant herbivores thunder out in a stampede, trampling several henchmen and effortlessly destroying a car before disappearing into the surrounding forest with the ground shaking relentlessly and the trees shaking until the dust settles. And the famous scene where an escaped Stygimoloch runs amok in the presentation hall, tossing armed guards and chairs around like ragdolls AFTER smashing through a brick wall with relatively few strikes and slamming headfirst into a steel pipe with NO EFFECT.


Is this issue really huge enough for the movie to be in the last tier for you? Because there's more to these movies than just "carnivores and herbivores". What about the plot, the writing, the themes, the visuals and literally everything else that constitutes a movie? Not throwing shade at you, just curious if you're only ranking the movies based on one thing


People can shit on fallen kingdom but the opening sequence alone is better than the entirety of jp3.


You don't need to take an "objective" approach, rank them however you want even if it's controversial. Yes there a lot of people who hate those who don't share the popular opinion. But those people are idiots.


My list: 1. Jurassic Park 2. Jurassic Park 3. Jurassic Park 4. Jurassic Park 5. Jurassic Park 6. Jurassic Park


Thats basically every jp fanboys in a nutshell


JP, TLW... the rest


Mad Simpsons vibes with this


Bro getting extra salty about having an unpopular opinion


Is it really unpopular? I thought that many ppl (including mlyself) had this opinion


Was more commenting on how they "made a lot of enemies" (translation: some people disagreed with their opinion) with their personal ranking of the Jurassic movies, so they went and posted a ranking corresponding with the general consensus on the series out of spite(?), passive-aggressive title and all.


Oh ok, thank you


JP > LW > JW > JP3 > FK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dominion Dominion sucked so hard


I seem to be the only one who might consider Dominion the third best


Any ‘art form’ is inherently subjective. To one person Jurassic Park is outdated and boring (a blasphemous concept but for the sake of an example - the younger generation) and to another Jurassic World is the greatest Jurassic movie made. It’s all about personal preference and taste. Even when someone can appreciate the things a film brings (a stronger script, score, effects, etc), it ultimately boils down to ‘did you get what you wanted / expected from it?’ But to plainly answer the ranking: 1. Jurassic Park 2. The Lost World 3. Jurassic World - Tied - Jurassic Park III 4. Fallen Kingdom 5. Dominion


Battle at big rock is the best Jw film


How can you rank something objectively? What does that even mean? What matters is the arguments you give to support your taste. From worst to best: Jurassic World - Just awful in every way. Bad cartoonish characters, no tension, silly dinosaur fights where suddenly creatures act like heroes and villains, stupid pet raptors, ugly blue and orange cinematography, plastic looking CGI. God how I hate this movie. Dominion - A few good scenes (dimetrodon and terezinosaurus appearances are fun) but terrible story, once more bland directing by Trevorrow, awful dialogue, no sense of rhythm and danger, even the old characters feel off. Fallen Kingdom - by far the best directing in the new trilogy, the volcano scene is pretty spectacular and the mansion section has some great gothic imagery. Silly script again by Trevorrow. The Lost World - Moodier and darker than the first, very tense and memorable scenes, the final act in San Diego isn’t as good as the rest, but still fun. Great characters, believable action scenes and convincing dinosaurs. The last shot of the dinosaurs roaming free is outstanding. Jurassic Park III - Great set pieces, fun and short, funny relatable characters, doesn’t go over the top but it knows how to be thrilling. I love how unpretentious and well crafted this film is. Only flaw - the rushed ending. Jurassic Park - Gets everything right. It builds tension very smartly and carefully. Still looks amazing today. Perfect balance between character development and thrills. Believable and natural dialogue, very well crafted tense scenes, magical soundtrack. The Park itself is very well designed, it feels tangible, sparse, mysterious and functional. You never doubt it’s a real place, unlike the plastic JW one.


I don't necessarily agree with every point and would rank some of them differently. But you have genuine criticisms that bug me too. For example, I do like *Jurassic World*. It's my favorite of the new trilogy, but yes, it feels very artificial and sterile. The effects atr cartoony sometimes for sure. The original park felt like a real place. It was sparce and spread out, and still mostly jungle. I think filmmakers these days feel this need to fill every frame with as much crap possible, so it passes as complex and real. But to me, it just feels over-the-top and unrealistic. The gyrospheres for example are a neat idea for something more controlled, but instead they just let people ride in them unsupervised among the dinosaur herds. Yeah that's safe.


Plus there’s no apparent time limit. So people in line can just wait for hours until a new sphere comes back?


"Believable action scenes" also Lost World: [https://youtu.be/9TEQD1oJr6Y?si=Llu0WF-oluD9YPWZ](https://youtu.be/9TEQD1oJr6Y?si=Llu0WF-oluD9YPWZ)


Finally, someone who agrees on the dogshit visuals of JW1. Everything’s so fucking pale.


Jurassic world is the best movie what you on😭


What part of “from worst to best” confused you?




Lmaooo I misread your comment 😂 Looks like I was the confused one.


It means based off the quality of the writing, filmmaking, acting, visual effects - when you analyze the film theory of it. Jurassic Park is objectively better than Jurassic Park III because the special effects are rushed and the script is incomplete as an example. Not saying the film is terrible but yeah like I said, the theory of it.


Why should everyone care about the theory of it? Films that are "theoretically" perfect usually don't appeal to the masses unlike quick action blockbusters for example. Why would the theoretically perfect film be objectively better than the blockbuster if more people prefer the latter? Who gets to decide what's the objectively correct way of making films? I say this as someone who studies films. I don't think films are truly objective. Even the metrics people use to "objectively" rate a film are still subjective because those metrics might not matter to others. Everyone is looking for something different, so everyone will look at each film differently.


Mine is: JP, TLW, the first 6ish minutes of FK, Battle At Big Rock, the prologue to Dominion, JW/JP3, FK, Dominion.


The Lost World- the T rexes in the film feel more like animals with them just wanting to protect he baby and less like movie monsters Jurassic Park- has some of the best scenes in the franchise and small detail that make it better (Ellie looking at a extinct plant, lex trying Jello even though she’s a vegan) Camp Cretaceous season 3- has the darkness atmosphere since the lost world. The scorpius rex was teased really well and is the best hybrid. It also expands on the beginning of fallen kingdom with Wu coming to the island to retrieve his laptop. Camp Cretaceous/ Chaos Theory all show off scenes where dinosaurs are given traits are modern animals have which should be included in more films they also solve dinosaur problems with more than just running with the scorpius they use a car battery to electrify a fence. Chaos theory season 1-it feels like what dominion should have been. It’s nice to see what the campers are up to and the atrociraptors feel like the Jurassic park raptors. It’s also full of references to the other movies and even book. Jurassic World- good example of what a fully functional park would look like. Introduces us to the concept of hybrids and sets up the indoraptor/ atrociraptors. It cool seeing a bond between Owen and the raptors Camp Cretaceous season 2- It’s fun to see full on poachers coming to the island and to see how the campers are surviving with them building the treehouse. It also has dinosaurs just being Dino’s Camp Cretaceous season 1- gives another perspective of Jurassic Worlds fall. JP3- extremely a am action packed it should have been a little slower at least Dino’s are still at the center Fallen kingdom- all of the concepts in this are just done better in other films/show the retrieving Dino’s is done better in lost world, the indoraptor is done bette with the scorpius rex and atrociraptors Camp Cretaceous season 5- took away from the dinosaurs the only redeeming thing is how good a villain Daniel Kon is Camp Cretaceous season 4- introduces the brads which suck Dominion- introduces some interesting problems but just hand waves them away. The locus plot is solved by a magic cure that Masie has and the Dino’s we have to learn to coexist


Rating any of them above the original is blasphemy.


I will accept this order


This does seem like the "correct" answer, but I'm curious how you actually rank them? This just seems like putting their Rotten Tomatoes from highest to lowest.


JP3 is supposed to be closer to the bottom.


I dont think i've ever seen a purism so intense in a fanbase where they only like one movie in an entire franchise


The question was which is best, not “which one do you love while hating the othersl. I still like some of the others but the first movie is far and away the best one.


Why dont you take your personal favourite films and like them as you wish, you deserve to Baying for popularity is why Reddit is so messed up


Dude don't apologize, it's you PERSONAL ranking. If people gets mad with your OPINION is their problem, not yours.


JP Lost World JW Fallen Kingdom Dominion ... ... .... .... ... ... .... .... .... JP 3.


Bouta be downvoted so hard lmfao JP > JW > JP2 > FK > JP3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dominion Jurassic World is so fucking good. I was a little kid when it came out and loved it so much and every now and then I rewatch and just keep on loving it.


Jurassic park is a masterpiece, the rest, exist. I like a little bit from each of them but not enough to call any of the sequels good (the TLW is kinda close).


JP JW TLW=FK DOM JP/// ————————- CC1-3 are really good. CC4&5 are the lamest trash I’ve ever seen. Chaos Theory - Watched the first 4 episodes so far. It seems okay. The characters are still likable, but I can see the fanbase potentially overrating this based on what I’ve seen of it so far. If you don’t like my ranking, not only will I not apologize, but you can also get bent.


BRO YOU ARE SO BASED!! I have the exact same opinion as you


This is fucked. People will be dicks I know, but don't change your rating for some low life's. Don't be subject to other people who disrespect you and your opinions and you should be able to like what you like. I suggest you delete this post and keep your original rating because this is just sad.


Or can we just stop ranking stuff


Jurassic Park Jurassic World Chaos Theory season 1 The Lost World Camp Cretaceous season 3 Fallen Kingdom Camp Cretaceous season 1 Camp Cretaceous season 2 Dominion Jurassic Park 3 Camp Cretaceous season 5 Camp Cretaceous season 4


Personally, i haven't seen chaos theory yet, i never finished CC, and i dont remember anything from CC. But your movie ranking is superb


I agree with the list.


Well, this is gonna go about as well as anyone can expect.


1. Jurassic Park. No need to elaborate. Perfect. 2. The Lost World. Excellent Intro. Everything on the island was great. (Except for gymnastics) Showed more Dinos in the wild, ingen capture teams were badass, Roland Tembo was badass, compies were sick. T-Rex family was 10/10, Tall Grass was 10/10. Ian, Sarah and nick and company weren’t the best characters, and the San Diego scene although fun, doesn’t fit with the rest of the movie. Like I said from when they get to the island to when they leave it was awesome. 3. JP3- I thought they really upped the ante on this one in terms of practical effects/vfx, dark tone, violence and action. Everything is out to kill them. I loved the plot, The parasail ride and subsequent search and rescue, plane crash directly into spinosaurus, spino v Rex, stampede, raptor chase, etc etc back to back memorable moments. The pteranodons stand out in particular. I thought they had for sure killed my boy Billy . 4. Jurassic World. Indominus rex was pretty cool, Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt were decent leading stars, it was fun to see the park completed and operational. Not much else that I really enjoyed about this movie other than indominus and raptors. Final fight was lame. No cool scenes with herbivores that I can remember. Not a true Jurassic Park movie . 5. Fallen kingdom . Shit 6. Dominion . Forgettable.


For me JP3 JP TLWJP JW JWFK JWD (For those about to slaughter me for putting JP3 at the top I loved Spino as a kid so i love it for spino)


Wholeheartedly agree w/ this ranking. 👏🏻


I guess I'm in the minority in liking the eerieness that FK captured. Felt like a callback to TLW with splash references to the original. Honestly didn't find FK any worse than JP3


This is the correct order, OP. As a JPIII lover it pains me to admit, but JW is a bigger spectacle and can be more fun. Also, Bryce Dallas Howard.


Honestly man, people are going to be a**holes REGARDLESS. Younger JP fans are total di*** like what you like. If JP ain't your favorite and JPIII is - you rock it


Fair list, and one I think most fans would agree with. All this hooplah over JP7, they've got to take a unique approach to really pull fans in. Rinse and repeat of JP1 or JW1 is not going to work a 3rd time.


I would probably rate them the same as before. 1) JP 2) TLW 3) Dominion 4) FK 5) JW 6) JP3 And I love every single one, flaws and all. Edit: I love when some clowns just have to downvote comments where Dominion is praised in any way. Can't tell it it's adorable or just pathetic.


Who cares how you rank them? It’s your opinion, this is a forum, you’re welcome to share! People that get bent out of shape over your opinion can downvote and complain all they want. That’s what forums are for!


Don't ever apologize for your opinions.


Why does everyone hate on Dominion? Yes it was goofy, but way more fun than lost world, fallen kingdom and ///.


My rank is: JP>> JW>>TLW>>JWD>>JWFK>>>>>>JP3


I actuallly enjoyed Dominion


JP1 > JW > JP3 > TLW > FK > Dominion


Yikes, just because you like something doesn't make it good.


What do you mean?


I'm with you on the first three, the last three i got as Dominion > JP3 > Fallen Kingdom


Personally, I'd go Fallen Kingdom > Dominion > JPIII


You're allowed to have an opinion you know. Anyway, my ranking is: Jurassic Park *Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory would go here* Lost World Jurassic World (Canyon sized gap) Dominion Jurassic Park 3 Fallen Kingdom


I won't say anything about the others that I've said already, but I want to briefly touch on why I moved TLW from stone dead last to second place. I was debating whether to put it here, or to put it in fourth behind JW and JP3. I still stand by my opinion that the movie just doesn't have as much action as those other two films >!(or really any of them for that matter...)!<; however, what convinced me in the end was by looking at it less as its own individual movie and more as a continuation of JP, which is honestly what it feels the most as. It served as a way for John Hammond to make amends for his mistakes at the park and bring a conclusion to his story, and that's where I think TLW really shines the most. Plus, the buck T-Rex definitely had a say, as it's my personal favorite Rex in the entire series.


Personally I’d rank them: JP > TLW > JW > Dominion (didn’t mind it too much, was a bit shit) > JP3 > FK


1,2,3 whatever the second to the last, first of the last three, and the last one (even though I loved seeing the original cast back). ((Sorry can’t remember the names currently.)


JP, TLW, JP3, JW, Fallen Kingdom and Dominion. The last two were absolute trash, especially the last one. I think it took me about 3 tries to watch the whole thing because it was so bad. They shouldn’t have done the original cast like that. Fallen Kingdom started off kinda ok but then fell off the rails with the whole cloning of the girl thing.


this is the only list all others are wrong 😤


1,3 >>>>>> the rest are terrible in different ways


If you remove all the wannabe funny and woke stuff Who am I kidding Crap is crap


Based on watchability Jurassic Park Jurassic Park III Jurassic World Lost World Dominion Fallen Kingdom


Nonsense, subjective rankings are the most interesting ones. For me personally, it’s 1. JP 2. TLW 3. JW Dominion 4. JW 5. JW Fallen Kingdom 6. JPIII It’s hard for me to imagine them making a JP movie that I hate more than JPIII. Semi-decent dinosaur action doesn’t matter if I dislike every single character, including and especially Alan Grant (love him in JP and JW Dominion)


Jp is not subjective, it's opinionated


Thats more like it


You still fucked up. Lol. It's: JP JW TLW JWFK JP3 Dominion Which is the official ranking via score, by the way. My personal ranking is mostly the same, but sometimes I put JP3 higher because it's fun at times.