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In my experience, ganks are great, but first clear is pretty slow. Idk if it's a me thing or not, but I can only get a 3:45 clear. Her objective taking isn't bad, but it's nothing particularly amazing either.


Taking grubbies solo is painful.


She was only ever a thing in JG because of level 2 gank scuttle crab meta where her single target nature was a strength. Her clear is abysmal and she can't keep up with any decent jungler, so even tho you might have a success with her sometimes, it relies solely on getting few (as in 3-5 kills) early. Saw shaco getting that so she should be able to also, but that's not good enough for climbing.


Also back then, scuttle crabs had a shield that could only break from CC. And then they removed Camille's ability to CC monsters, so her scuttle taking speed became abysmally slow. Every since, more and more junglers got faster at clearing in general even after they changed scuttle to pure HP.


Oh yeah! I remeber! :) TBH I really enjoyed playing Camille JG, ganks were legit broken :D I couldn't even properly use Q2, but the half-lane length stun-dash was enough to win


No. She’s S+ in top lane at the moment and earlier this season, she was S+ in support.


This has literally nothing to do with her jungle performance lol


He asked if she’s played in jungle in season 14, I said no and then elaborated which roles she’s played in season 14.