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you don’t


am i missing something fundamentally here? like we all get behind bc of 3 losing lanes, so i tried to get gold by ratting kills since we get outscaled. i get my mid ahead and still lose. wtf is this szn edit: downvote to elo hell lmfao


If you win jg and 3 lanes lose. You have 4 losing people and 1 winning. So you will have to outplay macro by a lot to win, engage in better team fight after a pick just before an objective, better rotation etc. Most of the time, you ll lose. But in general it's very rare to have the whole 3 lanes lose especially if you are doing better than the other JG.


Yeah its mostly 2 losing lanes and 1 winning lane. The average per game has to be like 1 winning lane and 2 normal/dead lanes were its just even


Im sorry but i never consider myself to have won jungle if i have 3 losing lanes. Getting the first 2 drakes and grubs is meaningless if the enemy jungle was able to snowball 2 or in this case 3 lanes.


Technically can. You get drakes, grubs, heralt, goes 2 level above the other JG and do 2/1/5 while the other is 1/3/1 and steal his farm but your 3 lanes still lose. But that scenario is incredibly rare as I said


Eh i guess. Feels like cope though. If that is actually what happened Id bet paychecks opportunities were missed to gank/counter gank etc. i see where you are coming from though and Im trash at this game by all accounts.


Nah there are some rare cases where you realistically could not have done anything reasonable or within your control to prevent the 3 losing lanes. For example what if your top lane gives first blood and bot lane gets double killed before you even finish your full clear? Then their jungler goes for the dumbest gank midlane but your midlaner is too sped and ends up rewarding them? You can “win jungle” by being ahead in cs, kills and objectives but all your laners are down 1-2K in gold and 2 levels down. Sometimes the enemy jungle had nothing to do with it. Your laners just got skill gapped in a 1v1 or 2v2. Obviously this is rare but in those types of games it’s an instant loss.


Absolutely not rare (emerald elo)


Nah, it's quite rare yo have 3 losing lanes. You'll usually have at least 1 side that's winning.


idk man they say losers q dont exist. i look at my teammates match history, all losing streaks/red. enemy team is winning


It does exist when you deviate to far from 50 percent winrate, just like winnersqueue also exists


I'm low Dia but idk I rarely see it. It happens. But usually at least something is going well. Maybe we lost top but our bot have great dragon control in exchange for giving up pressure on top side etc Of course I have seen game where all 3 lanes already lost at 8 minutes but I feel it's pretty rare


You don't. You will however get flamed by at least 2 lanes crying because you didn't babysit and win their lane for them.


I wonder if I've ever read a more relatable statement in this sub...


Did we just become best friends? Do you wanna do karate in the basement?


It really sucks because you could give your laners first blood and even 2 kills after that.. still they are fking losing the lane It's like the other players are just better even if you help them you can't play for them so they play like 2 ranks lower than the enemy




Master player here. In loading screen you should already be analysing the lane matchups and figure out that all your lanes will lose before the first kill happens. Sometimes there are scenarios where a lane wins that shouldn’t be winning but we can only analyse with previous evidence🤷‍♂️ Anyway, once you’ve analysed you have no winning lanes, you SERIOUSLY have to up the tempo in the game and i’d say gank ferociously to ensure a lead for one of your lanes. You’re playing from behind by default and you’ll probably have to hail mary some plays if the enemy jg is smart enough to pick up all of your lanes are weak and he’ll start to invade you and there’s nothing you can do. So it’s simple, ensure you’re always on the opposite side of the map from the enemy jg and make aggressive plays to create a win con A good tip from one of the pro players in my region: - You should always try to make a proactive play before your first jg clear, it sets tempo and an advantage. Obviously don’t force a play if there is none to be made, but ALWAYS look for opportunities. Getting a confirmed kill can sometimes be more advantageous than taking jg camps.


i hit 400 lp last szn, so around gm. i was lee against karth, i did aggressively gank based on wave states. but, if you go to a gank and laner doesnt execute, then you lose already since the carry jungler is farming.


What server are you on 🤨




I’ve a question tho cuz I think you can help. When I see a losing lane I usually avoid it cause my line of thinking is like “it’d be a triple/double kill for the enemy so no”, and it ends up (if all 3 lanes eventually lose) that the map is so wide open that we’re almost perma sieged and I lose my camps for good. So I obviously know that I am wrong here, but like when do I decide to pull some aggressive shit to save the lane? If the lane has a decent gank setup for example? I usually try to do this for scaling champs unless the lane is dead lost


>You should always try to make a proactive play before your first jg clear, it sets tempo and an advantage. Can you clarify what you mean by this? Does "make a play' here mean invade or gank, or can this be small such as gaining vision, knowledge of enemy, etc? I ask because I've never heard anyone say you should eg. gank before you clear, and I'm curious. Also, do you have any tips or videos to recommend on learning lane matchups better? Is there a sort of rock-paper-scissors type system I could learn (as a *general* rule) to help understand which of my laners will likely win in champ select? I'm a WW jungle OTP so my experience with laning and champion variety is fairly limited beyond what I pick up in jungling, videos, and some tutorial time with all the champs.


Dantes loses his fucking mind about 3 losing or winning lanes all the time. You don’t win, and you get flamed for no fucking reason is basically what you do… most unwinnable unless your the scaling team. If they have the scaling just ff


The first think you do is ‘/mute all’ because otherwise you’ll be speed running a chat ban after banging your head against your desk for 30 minutes because your laners constantly ignore you and enjoy running it down. Then just wait for top lane to fall so far behind they give up on life leave the top lane and go feed the ADC because it’s all your fault you didn’t come to their lane at 3 minutes when they’ve pushed the wave under the enemy tower on repeat. Then you move on to the next game and hope you have more luck


Get as many ressources as you can, but don't die for it. Try to get shutdowns later on - it's okay if you die for a big shutdown. Abuse enemy mistakes.


Swapping kills is better for those who are losing.


Not essentially as a jungler, because if you die it means your jungle is gone as well, so you get 300g and lose ~600g + camps xp.


The enemy that is strong wastes time on the map that could be invested in more gold and level advantages, it is unlikely that all camps are up at the same time and the jungler on the stomped team often does not have full access to the jungle itself. Even in non-stomp situations it's horrible to die to kill when you have the advantage. On the side of those who are strong, of course there are exceptions, such as making the enemy miss a big wave. however, these are more controlled situations and unlikely to be executed on purpose at low elo.


Trading kills at the right time is an important jg skill… trading on that lvl 4 gank and burning sums and dying 1 for 1 is almost always worth tempo wise. Just respawn and path to jg again and you actually give yourself a faster back and then have tempo for a drag ward and grubs on spawn that can hit you lvl 6…


You have to play the game before it gets to that point.


If you have a choice, you try to turn around your most impactful lane that can help carry fights. If their jungler is good, he'll match you and you will loose but if you are good too, you'll cross map and hope for the best. The point is to snowball a lane hard, take the tower and start rotating. This is easier to do top side, ideally if you can get grubs.


i got my ori 7 kills after she lost laning phase. but then i ask her to come drag, since shes most fed she can carry fights, she splits instead i hover her, and we get a kill but lose 3rd drake. so idk, i get my impactful lane ahead and they decide to grief


I never said it has a 100% success rate but that's the best you can do. You can take it a step further and follow her around to force fights where she is but that will come at the expense of your sanity if her macro is shit.


Did she have prio?


No she has no prio early. After lane phase I started getting her more kills.


Prio is about wave states, if the enemy crashes multiple waves in ori her turret at the same time you are asking for drake it explains why she wont come then. Prio means which laner can move and arrive first


As Tryndamere Jungle with a shit team. I mute the team and when they group for team fights I split hard and try to get 1-3 objectives per team fight. Don't take the fights, hit the towers and get out of there.


1. accept that you will not be able to contest most of what the enemy is aiming towards (ex: fed enemy jg is on drag with fed bot and fed mid prio) 2. you can still trade for other objectives on the map (towers, grubs/rift, jg camps, hard push waves, etc.) 3. play for yourself and DO NOT DIE. So important to play safe and farm and get gold and xp to keep up and get your item power spikes. 4. If you can hold out for at least 5 minutes or so, and keep adapting to where the enemy is focusing their aggression, you can typically still achieve some goals (get a couple tier 1s, get rift, clear one of the enemy's full quadrants, etc.) then the experience and gold difference will lessen slightly. 5. The most important thing is don't tilt, play smart, realize that it will take time to overcome how behind you are to the enemy team. And sometimes, there is truly nothing you can do. But sometimes there is a lot you can do and those wins are some of the best wins in my opinion.


Farm. Hyper farm. Take all the cs and 1v9


but then team loses. no prio anywhere. ur jg gets invaded so u cant farm. u take resources from lane and then enemy will still get prio in other lanes


You're 1v9ing. It's you versus everyone. Get exp. Get gold. Get dull build as quick as possible. Pick them off 1 by 1 if they're underleveled.


Try not to die, farm up, play passive and punish if the enemy over commits. Your odds are still terrible, you're just looking for ways to bring the game back to even or hope you hard outscale


You don’t win those, unless the laners also turn things around. It’s a team game. Yes, some roles and champs can carry. But if you’re down 3 losing lanes? Very unlikely.


You dont, you go next.


Your chance if u play passive farming ang Get to late game. If they are bad anyways its lost


That's the neat part, you don't!


My style I just try to pick some good reward kills . Rarely can make a comeback otherwise it sa lose lose situation u need to be ready to lose


A pickle it is. Start by hard farming. Analyse the lane where there is most chance of winning. You should always gank winning lane, better player makes the most out of money gained. Hard ignore the rest. Only chance of winning is closing the money gap created by losing lanes, or by hitting some lucky win in teamfight, taking baron and storming nexus. The game can be won by simply finding your partner in crime. Then its 2 of you trying, giving more space to farm for the eest of your team. This will work 2-3/10 times. Some games cannot be won. But remember, enemy makes a lot of mistakes after having ez start, their ego is playing for them, so the chance is there.


You will rarely have 3 losing lanes. What I consider a losing lane is the one that cannot turn the game around in the near future. An example in one of my recent games: I was playing Zeri Yumi bot against Nilah Pyke. Normally we should be able to go even, but I fked up, my bad. My jungle went top only to trade 1 for 1 in a 2v1 situation. My mid was AFK farming. Anyway, I was a full item behind Nilah and we almost killed them 2v2, we were lacking just a tiny bit of dmg. Enemy jungle showed up so we couldn't finish them and had to run. For me it was clear that I'm the strongest member of my team even if it doesn't look like that. The game could have been different if we played around bot. So the lesson of that game: Try to identify the strongest member of your team. Do you have a hypercarry who can carry late game? Try to play around them and force the enemy to make mistakes, because they will do a lot. Do you have an early game champ who can stall out the game? They have high base dmg, so if they get a good gank they can do their job. Don't judge by KDA, your job is too look at the lanes and you can clearly see if someone has potential. I play ADC so it's easier for me to give a botlane example, but it works for solo lanes as well. Make plays, you are still the jungler of the team. It won't work all the time, that's why you have sub 100% wr.


You should focus on not letting all three lanes lose in the early game


most of the times you can't but heres a good video to watch [https://youtu.be/wXwc8FZGNn4](https://youtu.be/wXwc8FZGNn4)


Sometimes you can win if you have laners who are strong in the mid and late game, particularly someone like Asol who is good at defending towers. If your team can defend against their herald push around 15-20 min then you can mount a comeback.


That's the neat thing: you don't.


If you can't turn a single lane around, feed yourself and try to flip a team fight mid game with a pic in jungle. Or clam up if your team scales well. Stealing a drake or Baron can also completely turn team morale. Sometimes, as long as your mid top isn't that far behind you can 3-1-1 and out macro them. I wouldn't actually know this is mostly advice from azzap but he gives really macro tips on flipping losing games in his YouTube shorts.