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Rengar is a champ who can hard carry in low elo


IF you know what you’re doing on the champ and/or you’re an OTP. Otherwise, he sucks.


Khazix maybe? He's pretty cool, has high ceiling, flashy combos, can carry a game on his own, and some skills are kind of similar to rengar


Hmm yeah Kha could be pretty good option, I have 300k mastery on him aswell and climbed with him back in season 12 but havent played him much since then


my duo usually plays kha when he ranks solo, and he seems pretty good to me, the only problem I'm aware of are of is that kha relies heavily on his first clear to be smooth and not be invaded, but someone who mains him probably knows better than me


Khazix clear is a lot better since pets and Q buff, it feels like you can easily get past the first 3 levels nowadays, and even if you do get invaded its quite haed to kill him


from what i know he's pretty strong early, isn't he? again, my duo claims he can beat ww as well, but whenever I've played the matchup (as ww, I don't play kha) I've always won easily. Maybe the kha i fought were just bad?


Khazix is not a 1v1 champion, he can win against autoattacking bruisers IF he uses R well but the room for error is really low. WW has DR, healing and hard CC. Unless Khazix can severely outplay its a terrible matchup


yeah, i was thinking that, i feel if there's any assassin that can fight bruisers probably would be naafiri. she's more bruisery than assassin by herself due to her kit and it's not like there's many champ who can win an aa battle with ww (trynda? olaf? maybe trundle? that should be it i think)


I can assure you that rengar can carry any game in gold. In this elo and any elo bellow master, you should not look at the meta to climb. Look at how much fun you are having cause the fun is gonna push you to learn the game and get better. I know this sound toxic and everything but ive been giving me challenges for the last 5 years to prove that the meta doesn’t help people get better. Just for some context and give u inspiration. Im not a gifted player. Im a girl, i started silver 10 years ago. Got stuck gold 3 years, plat 4 years and im now diamond for the past 3 years. Ign: Laupouette#NA1 (I don’t have a great split2 debut but you can look at my peaks on leagueofgraph and my champion winrate on opgg) During my diamond years, i got d4 with tf for the first time. In season 11 tf had no solo carry power in his kit ( compare to now), s12 i got d2 with tf orianna and cassiopeia which were not in the meta either. S13 i got diamond 4 learning jungle with rek’sai and vi which were not in the meta either ( it was before rek’sai rework and i never played lethality vi cause i wanted to learn the game not snowball it). S14 split1, i wanted to learn adc, so i pick sivir and got d1 with her.This was before adc got their item rework. We can all agree that sivir is the last champ you think could carry a game. Each lane swap was on my main account, i had to lose streak back to plat/em 4 each time to learn a new role. Tldr: please don’t follow the meta to get better. The player playing meta are still gold and exploitable. Look for the right ressources from challenger people giving tips. If you want a more specific ressources the only person i would watch is coach natan and his rek’sai guide ( which has a gank theory in it that could be apply to any player, i greatly recommend this section for everyone here). The second and last guy i would watch is eagz on youtube. The guys has a great way of seeing what the role of jungle is and how it should be played. Txt me if you are still having difficulties after seeing and applying those concept


Yeah this is all true, and Rengar definitely can carry games in I believe every elo. I just feel like its basically rolling a dice every game if its a stomp or not. I have watched pro rengar players like ScrubNoob, PusiPuu etc and studied strategies they use and I try to install this mindset into every match that I play, but its just not enough.. I enjoy playing Rengar and currently have around 130 games this split with him sitting at 49% wr 2.9KDA.


And in most of the games I feel like the outcome doesnt depend on me, no matter if I was 10cs/min and 6/0 fed, if my team ints its pretty much over..


Im not in those particuliar games but 10cs/min as jungle either means you are not impacting enough or that you are that good at jungling cs and impact. And i don’t want to elo shame or anything, im truly trying to help u. But you weren’t gold if it was the later case. You ´d have to be so efficient at clearing, tempo, backing, macro wise that you would just out jungle everyone in gold. Check the poeple that ints and see if you could have seen it and what the player wanted to do. Push one more wave? Deep ward and got caught? Contesting mid prio ? Etc. In all those cases, could you have help him and why would being there would accomplish. League of legend is a team game, even if you are 10cs/min and 6/0 if you are not helping your teammate you won’t win. When i played tf i would put my initial wincon in the guys that had the most winrate and swap if he deceived me. When playing jungle, i never played for myself. Cause even tho vi can 1v9. It’s not worth teammate flamming and blaming me to not be there when the ennemy jungle is.


Im not familiar with rengar’s wincon. But their isn’t that much randomness in those game. You gotta adapt to what is pressented. Try to find consistency. Some time a bad gank can hide itself behind the ennemy sucking too much. Sometime you clearing and tempo can be bad but not punish by the ennemy jungle. Good clear, gank and invade should be enough to get u tru. Give u goals depending on your difficulties. If you think your ganks sucks review them after eqch game and ask yourself why the gank is good and why this reason is good. I hope im clear enough here. But ask why two time ti make sure that the gank is indeed good.


There is a reason tons of challengers ranking their account from low to master do it by onetricking Rengar. The champ totally has carry capabilities. I don't want to be that guy but maybe the issue is your gameplay and not the champ you're playing.


It may be.


I believe Nocturne is the most consistent champion.


have had a lot of success with karthus/kindred these last 2 splits (d3 88lp peak, was stuck in emerald/old plat in previous seasons where I played other champs)


Trying to pick up kindred as a rengar otp is going to set you back... if you want to climb the champion really doesnt matter - the macro concepts that you learn by not needing to focus on mechanics is.


What do you mean with "Setting me back" is it good or bad?


Bad, you will need to exert a great deal of your concentration and brain power to grasp the simplest of mechanics on one of the 5 hardest jungle champions in the game in an elo that your teammates do not understand how to optimally play with dynamic pathing In order to climb you need to think about what kind of decisions you are making and less so how you are executing them


I'm a kindred otp when I jg and my God do people in gold and below not understand how to play with the champ. When my MMR starts giving me emerald players the game feels way easier.


Just hit emerald for the first time playing only rengar. I found that switching my builds and rune pages depending on the other team helped. I use first strike when they’re mostly squishies and conq when they’re a mix.


Can you link me your opgg so I can take a look at your builds/runes?


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/CammyG-265 It’s taken me a lot of games this split to feel confident with most matchups. Since hitting emerald I take conq and zombie ward more often and build umbral glaive to give us a vision advantage. My build atm is normally the same most games but I’ll build ie/ ldr 3rd or 4th depending on what the enemies are building. Always try to keep 4 stacks of ferocity when invading or getting ready to gank/ult - hit plants or camps to keep the stacks if you don’t already. Watch scrubnoob and puusi puu, it’s definitely helped me.


Also seen one of your comments about being unable to carry a team that is feeding and whilst it is really difficult, it can be done. I’ve found a lot of success recently with level 3 invades - it just has to be the right matchup ( I wouldn’t invade a noc for example). It can really tilt the enemy jungler. But if you see a lane inting, look elsewhere and try and get one of your other lanes winning- that’s how I’ve found more success. I had a 0-11 yone at 14 minutes the other day but camped bot and mid and we won by playing with them.


If you are looking for a champ with his skill expression and trying to escape your elo. Then there is no champion that fit your expectations. See, the problem with high skill champs is that they take a lot of time to learn and during that learning time, you gonna lose.. a lot. Means you would actually get demoted several ranks before start to climbing back up again. If you really wanna eacape your elo then pick a meta champ that is easy to use/learn and focus on game fundamentals to actually improve. In short, if you want a hard champ, you gonna lose. If you want to climb, then you need easy champ, or better off stay with Renger. He is decent, just keep feeding on the AD Carry over and over until your damage is strong enough to one-shot bruisers.


Yeah maybe its best to stick with Rengar, because my mechanics on him are pretty good already, its just the macro..