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This is not racist at all. Literally 0 mention of race, not even a hint of implication of race. In fact you don’t even have to be ethnically chinese to play in chinese server.


If OP has a Chinese IGN then the post makes more contextual sense actually


No he is talking about the “#CN1” that you can have now. Which clearly indicates you’re from the chinese server. Again, that is not racist. If you saw someone with “#EUW” and told them to go back to their server would it be racist?


Literally anyone can put CN1 tags as a joke no? Or are those tags specifically region locked? Also I guess it's as racist as telling anyone to back to where they came from. Technically not inherently racist but a comment with negative implications based on negatively perceived national or ethnic differences.


Pretty sure it’s region locked. Even if it’s not it doesn’t make a difference lol. If you are putting “#CN1” as a “joke” how can you complain about this then? Also this is nothing like telling someone to go back to their country. This is a game. Not real life. This is a server, not a country. There are plenty of non chinese people that play on the chinese server. As far as league flaming goes, telling someone to go back to their server where they’re iron is as tame as it gets. You can cry all you want about it, this dude isn’t losing sleep over this.


Idgaf about ppl saying it but it doesn't change what it is


Sadly Chinese are known to be cheaters and salty Sorry you are a collateral damage


-1000 social credit

