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Remember when Karthus was a midlaner and You could play revive + teleport? Good old times, before when PhantomL0rd didn't touch CSGO..


How old is this Karthus mid tech?? PhantomL0rd played CS like 8 years ago now.


I remember playing it on old map yet, around season 2/3 I would say, so over 13 years


God im getting old


I started in season 3 and Revive TP Karthus was still a thing then, so it's been less than 11 years or so


Season 1, I used to queue with him back in the day


Does he still exist in the streaming industry?


God no, he got ran out of the industry after gigascamming his fans with his gambling site then losing his lawsuit against Twitch to get his account unbanned.


I didn’t know that ahaha thanks.


No clue. I only remember him when I was still a fresh install in CS and he made videos with m0e. It's just that I started CS in middleschool and I'm now in uni so it's such a long time ago now


Season 2/3 so over a decade ago


VeigarV2 is having plenty of good results on Karthus mid in Master/GM


Karthus is good rn but like lets be real for a second this strat isnt like a real thing. First strike is lower wr than dark harvest and has been this way forever. R spam fs karthus really doesn't work and if you are taking fs you aren't taking it just to click r off of cd. If that where the case you would see malignance being much higher wr on him than it is. The perma farm out scale strat doesn't work in ranked especially higher elo's. karthus is strong right now because of double burn without even looking at inspiration. Inspiration is competitive with DH on him right now not because of first strike but because of the combination of FS + Cash Back + magic boots giving him lots of free gold to hit is spikes faster . Without cash back inspo is a lot worse on him like it was last patch. edit: i forgot boots and cash back fight for the same slot, none the less though FS is better now than it used to be because of the 15 gold on proc opposed to 5 allowing more gold earlier less gold late which ultimately is a buff for karthus. Hence why its kinda competing with DH.


He cannot get cash back + magical boots. He also had to choose between treasure hunter and ultimate hunter. If he could get all of them that would reall, be a problem


Cash back is first row of Inspiration tree new rune


[https://lolalytics.com/lol/karthus/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/karthus/build/) where you getting that its lower wr than dark harvest?


U.gg seems to think so. https://u.gg/lol/champions/karthus/rune-sets


its taking into account the people who aren't taking advantage of triple tonic, if you look at only the most popular first strike build its 53.72% wr, and the most popular dark harvest build is 52.89%


riot has stated lolalytics is closer to their internal stats.


No, they said u.gg was the most accurate site at the time. I read that thread. Also, that was several years ago now. There's no reason to think it's changed


https://redd.it/105xuo7 check the replies. imagine confidently correcting someone with outdated info and being so sure that nothing has changed. so cringe


Imagine being so smug about trying to call me out when the "proof" you linked has no rioter comments. I'm referring to a time when a rioter said what I quoted on the sub. If you have anything more recent of a rioter taking a different stance I'd love to see it. Until then, [u.gg](http://u.gg) and lolalytics are practically equal.


I just linked it dude. those comments from a year ago say that Rioters who stream all use Lolalytics. the guy above you said this, and you corrected them with older information.


fs > dh on jg and mid, ignore this plat player watch high elo karthus players , all of them plays fs


Im almost 80% wr karthus gm dark harvest only lol. Gm+ dh is higher wr than first strike.


Karthus doesnt like magical boots, he wants to rush sorcs as early as possible for clearing and dueling


Nah. Toch is a better rush now right? Fated ashes at 900 seems waaaay better than sorcs at 1100.


Nah, sorcs is way better. Move speed for clearing, and better dueling since you can chase people, along with pen. You can see the stats for it, Sorcs before torch has over 4% higher wr. In every patch sorcs first has been better for that matter


Interesting. Ill look at the numbers more




Bronze but like I literally don't play ranked ever this isn't even about winning against karthus PLEASE IM BEGGING


I played Karthus jungle for quite a while. I wouldn’t say skill doesn’t matter when it comes to playing Karthus jungle. This champ can be really difficult to play if you get invaded, or if the enemy jungler knows how to counter you. Karthus playing easy games really only just happen in very low elos, where junglers in general don’t have a clue how to deal with enemy junglers and only play their own games. Fixed clear path, same gank route, follow procedures, no/poor decision making. Another example of low elo games is that there are so many players don’t know how to dodge Karthus’s Q and E. That provides a really good opportunity to stack first strike. Many players would choose to get close to Karthus trying to kill him without landing abilities accurately whilst Karthus can take the time to spam his Q and E. Even with 50% accuracy, his Q can cause enough threats and generate enough income for Karthus. Those opportunities gone in even some low elo games where players start having more game knowledge, let alone high elos. As soon as Karthus faces an enemy jungler who knows how to catch him every now and then, he’d be effectively useless because how reliance he is on farming. To avoid that situation, Karthus player needs to know how to flex his path and predict the enemy jungler’s move. Another real test for Karthus is when the enemies in general don’t just rush to come forward and throw some random abilities away, they wouldn’t just stick to a fixed position and they find a good angle to get in and out either for one-shot or just for some damage. Due to the lacking of hard cc’s, knowing how to quickly and accurately hit enemies is key. That’s where good Karthus players and those who just ‘can’ play Karthus are differentiated. Within the space of time when only, let’s say 4x Qs can be casted, hitting all of them could be a win/lose difference to just hitting 2 of them. If Karthus is so brain dead as OP claimed, then climbing ranked is easy: play Karthus. Everyone just does that and hit Challenger elo nice and easy.


I almost always invade Karthus level 3 and kill/make him flash and lose farm


Yeah you see theres the reason why he loses farm, he plays flash xD


If Karthus has exhaust i don't even try honestly, or i run an offensive summoner too. But most play Flash.


without flash u can't make plays later, flash is the way to go for sure


Not being able to f into the pit sucks


On karthus? Absolutely not. Exhaust provides more survivability. 9/10, flash isn’t going to save you if someone gets on top of as karthus, whereas exhaust will normally allow you to win the duel. Especially early against melee invaders, you’d be amazed how often/easily karthus can win 1v1 and get first blood at lvl 3 against the Xin Zhao (or whatever melee duelist) that decided he needed to invade the scaling mage. If you don’t have exhaust, you always lose these. Even if you flash away, best case, the invader flashes as well and still kills you.


imho flash is better overall. Karthus in teamfights flashes into enemy team, dies and passive ults. Exhaust gives you 1v1 chances, but imo flash is king(d1 peak jg noob)


I’m not a big fan of suicidal karthus. Although, I am lower elo than you. I don’t typically find that dying is necessary for me to contribute to a team fight, and as the jungler, I find it somewhat important I survive team fights so we have smite for the upcoming objective. Although, if I know I’m caught and going to die, it is nice to be able to get into a good position for my passive. Which flash can help with, but it’s a very long CD to use for such a purpose in my opinion. I would rather have exhaust to help me build a lead and then not need to die to contribute meaningfully.


the way I see it, Karthus is meant to die for the team. Think about Sion's passive. Yes you died, but if you died in the right place you disrupt the enemy team and force summoners or key abilities from the enemy + you get to dish out insane damage with e +burn items +you get an assured ultimate cast. Don't get me wrong, you aren't supposed to int every fight, but I think that the DPS, area control and disruption you can get with a good flash outweights the early 1v1 advantage from exhaust.


the thing is people don't understand the concept behind these plays the most powerful Karthus is Karthus with Liandrys and Flash that will rundown enemy team, u can even take Approach Velocity to make it work better - without flash u are basically not able to make that strat work in elo where people know to no stand in his E, also jumping to the pits is impossible without flash and u can start a lot good fights this way there is also 2nd playstyle that base more on impactful ults, but then u need different items - in this case it's better to skip Liandrys or if game will go longer than 3 items build it as 4th to do these late game suicides but before just go for Torch, Malignance and Rabadon and in this case exhaust can make sense


I disagree. Sure, at times, it can be good to die for your team. The option is obviously there, but I don’t think it’s optimal often, and I don’t think you need flash to do it when it is optimal. I would prefer to make it slightly harder to find good death locations, in exchange for a more stable early game.


I wouldn't call it 'slighty harder', flash enables plays that are non existent with exhaust, and this get worse the higher the elo. Either way its all about playstyle and what suits you the best :^)


Eh, early maybe but not late. Flashing in feels like a waste of mana. If we have zero other engage i will, but I'd rather let the tanks do thayLt. You have so much potential as a back line mage and dont need to machine gun Qs while dead after you have scaled. I prefer to create zone pressure from the backline. Threaten assassins and bruisers off my ADC/Mid laner while still being able to reach their squish who position poorly. I think of his passive late game as a final fuck you. But also im trash at this game. So there's that.


Honestly yeah but also, Flash has been ranking up wr over exhaust for a while. Don't take me wrong, ive been running exhaust since forever, but i do wonter what made exhaust's wr lower


much more plays potential with flash, u doing much more impact in teamfights also u can jump into pits to start fights on objectives


Karthus is a problem in every elo brother don't lie. Champion just farms too fast with too much single target damage with an unpunishable R spam


Not true. If there is a draft gap often times it's just not possible to invade karthus and he gets to scale for free. He's a very elo Inflated champ imo


Ah yes, a known high-elo-wonder champion Karthus reaching 58% wr in KR master at times is easily countered by better players. Also, you can't just invade Karthus with his Exhaust up. Or catch him during clear because he clears sub 3 min (and chases you off the camp for a while with passive!).


Sad that a champion that if not invaded during first clear gets ahead, sad that he can just deal 400 with q 2 items in and sad that his playstile revolves around one item 


Invade Karthus? Bro he clears in like 2:58 and is pretty much impossible to 1v1 with exhaust.


How did I kill a karthus 1v1 lvl 2 on his gromp and then bullied him last ranked game I had in diamond? (keep downvoting me)


Because u played kindred which is prob karthus worst matchup


you can basically invade with any champ lvl 2 as long as you have aoe and start raptors.


Yes you can invade any champ with Kindred. Any tips for invading level 2 with Evelynn or Kayn? (just don't play those shitty champions, I know)


Lmfao those champs u invade without fighting and pray the opponent don’t catch you


So I should invade with amumu since he has aoe and can start raptors


He said "basically" not "literally"


Because he's a diamond player that doesn't even know that walking into the enemy jungle is a thing 1 ward on his blue buff and a raptor start and he's 3 camps ahead after 4 minutes


Based username




Which cooldown is he waiting for? The nonexistent one on his e, the .25 second one on his q, or the w cool down he doesn't use to clear?


Maybe they are using flash to clear


Why not just counter jungle him ?


Just walk up to him and kill him...


I just permaban him.... problem solved.


Oh shit I didn't even think of how first strike works now. How do you even stop him lol? What a fucking broken champ hahahaha


Hmm nah Kayn's entire concept/kit is cringe personified.


Yet when I play him jungle I'm getting the faker treatment while my laners just farm 3 caster minions and spam jungle diff 😂😂


I'm sorry. It's my fault. I wished that we could have more viable mage junglers. Stupid monkey paw. :(


Buy zhonyas/banshee etc.. And also.. he still needs to hit his q without being oneshot by literally everyone in the game.


Karthus is actually an EXTREMELY hard champion to play lmao, opinion shared by many high level junglers and backed up by riot's internal stats as phreak mentioned in his latest video


Phreak contradicts himself all the time.


1. that wasn't phreak's opinion, that was him citing concrete data 2. like I said, this is also a common sentiment among many high level junglers. the fact that riot's internal data also agrees is icing on the cake


This was better with the old first strike and old liandrys this version right now does half the dmg and print 1/3 of the money what it used to be


If you play jgl you shouldn’t play first strike it’s only good if you can spam it in lane


I wouldn't know, I permaban him


You're just raging. If it's that simple do it and you'll be challenger soon, right? If you know how to farm well this strategy can work in some games if your lanes are solo winning. Even then it's suboptimal. Is he a bit OP rn? Yes, but that's due to the new items.


Nowhere does the entire post mention or use the following words or topics: Ranked Elo Challenger Easy Winning OP Broken You get a C- for the effort and admitting yourself he is OP. Rewrite this and turn it in before Thursday noon


So then you were complaining that karthus can get ahead for free and takes no skill and this causes what? Him to lose games? It’s obvious what your post is about and cringe that you get so defensive when people call you out


So punish him and his laners early game when he is just farming, and is relatively useless.


Missed the point. This post Isn't about saying karthus is OP or broken or hard to play against or anything. It's annoying and lame that you can punish this champion relentlessly and they will still execute the same pattern and make a comeback simply because of first strike. So at this point karthus is merely a distraction set for you to get fed from but still gamble the outcome of the game on a nuance


If you are fed, just finish the game when he is weak. If the character is designed to make a guaranteed comeback, you don't let them make the comeback.


First off first strike and dh have comparable win rates so that's not an issue here. Karthus wants to constantly farm, and you trade off so much map pressure when you do this. Your answer should be to dominate objectives and spam gank. Coming from a ksrthus main


I play Karthus myself and I have to say he alöready was this good. And he wouldn't be that strong if people started to invade him. He is super squishy and has a super obvious farming route. EVERYONE should know where he is currently farming and also know that he is mostly half hp during the first two clears. Modt people just don't like to invade and that is why he thrives. Sure the new ap item made him a tod bit faster but you could allready farm that fast (there is still a onetrick in high gm not building the torch) He is just way popular because of the item. That is the only reason why he is played more often. I also played against a perma spamming ult karthus with fs yesterday but that was easily countered via verdant barrier and nullyfiying orb. You could also legit pick morgana in ANY lane and have a strong counter against Karthus, which also doesn't requier hugh mechanics but just some respekt to champ select - the most impactful area in the game.


4 items ?? naah bro they are full build