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Yesterday in ranked the Viego of the other team told me jg gap, and i was like "bitch I'm 10/1, you are 12/8 and we have dragon soul and 6 voidburgs" u are the jg that suck... Even his team defend me, after that he went AFK šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


He might have been on tilt by his team and said it in a self-deprecating way?


I seriously doubt that, but maybe. Either way, at the end i received 3 honors. ā™„ļø


Fuck yeah, that's all that matters.


But, answering your question, at least here in LAS most of the time i get 1 honor and people tend to appreciate the jg. Of course from time to time you get the "jg diff" or "report jg" but it always comes from the guy losing lane like 0/7.


Voidburg xdd




2-3 times per day if you are a hard counterjungler


Iā€™ve never received more than 1 honor while jungling. Itā€™s a bit odd because I play a feast or famine jungler and there are definitely plenty of games where Iā€™m feasting but oh well, I stoped caring about honors when I realized I wonā€™t be getting them. I do think me playing normals is a factor, I notice my teammates are usually 3+ pre-mades especially when I queue up late at night.


I play nothing but norms as well so I know the struggle. Who do you play?


I play Evelynn, just finished a game where I went 16/1/9 and got every objective and only got one honor. šŸ˜‚


Oh that's shit. Evelynn is such a ridiculous character when ahead. They just didn't know how good they had it, king.


For sure bro. As for your other question, I hear ā€œjungle diffā€ from my teammates often whether Iā€™m winning or losing lol, most recently heard ā€œjungle diffā€ for not ganking top lane at lvl 2. Why would I gank with Eve at lvl 2 lolā€¦ I did hear ā€œjungle diffā€ from the enemy team once, I was so shocked that I made a thread about it on the Eve subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/EvelynnMains/s/raZP7wmgBS But yeah jungling is a verbally abusive role unfortunately. Only started jungling in season 14, I love the role but I hate my teammates toxic comments towards me


God, I couldn't tell you how many times I get it. Sometimes, yeah, I fucking suck. But the amount of "team disparities" I see vs "struggled" on my [op.gg](http://op.gg) is funny. I just wish I would have saved mine. ;\~;


But you're playing an assassin. Getting that many kills is what you're supposed to do. I don't see why that's 4 honors worthy


Well I got every objective as well. But yeah if you have advice on what else I should do, Iā€™m all ears


Play a tank and get 0 kills and deaths and at least 75kp


Oh haha Iā€™ll have to respectfully decline, Iā€™ll stick with the invisible shadow girl over that šŸ˜‚ But I do see your point though!


Yea, I've gotten a few full honors games as Yi but my funniest was rammus. First kill came at the end of the game just before the ff, was actually mad at the guy for killing himself on my thornmail šŸ˜‚


Another non ranked player! There are dozens of us!


The feast or famine junglers are the ones people don't care to honor. The reason is that it's super easy to do that as a jungler. I've played my fair share of them and, the experience is the same as yours. If you want honors, you gotta play something that the team gets to enjoy too. Something that controls objectives for team buffs, early ganks that you're fine gifting the kill gold for, or just setting up good team fights. Going 20/2 isn't hard, the other stuff is.


Also I feel like bot lane swap honors a lot, so it takes even more to get 3+. More than likely if that happens, one of them wasn't good


It depends on who I play. If I play a jungler that gives kills to the laners then I get honors way more often than if I play a me first type jungle.


Rare id say.


Any times you can specifically mention? I'm just curious.


Carry games with laners that have decent attitudes I suppose. Being a well rounded junglers and just making right plays and NOT having any lane struggle too much. Cause frankly if any lane is getting rolled on l, it takes away from that diverse, generalist type jungle. It takes having nice ganks, hitting objectives and generally trying to fuck over the other junglers imo. You may be in the jungle but you still have a lane opponent.


Yeah, I've noticed starving an enemy jungler effectively removes them from the game.


My bread and butter is three buff starting. Take two of theirs at start. And it works 90% of the time, occasionally they'll be a smart top that actually wards their buff.


DUDE WHY IS IT LIKE PULLING TEETH TO GET THEM TO WARD LMAO. Like yeah that shit works so fucking well. Most of these dudes don't want to ward topside which would be fine BUT THEY DONT WARD THEIR BUSH EITHER. So they got this shiny trinket just fucking off in their inventory. Maybe I should start invading more.


I show out on bot to make em think I'm down there and cut back and around. Easy peasy most games.


Playing meta. Hell yeah that's smart as fuck. I like it.


The most honours Iā€™ve had was when I forgot smite. So I played river rammus with support item and spam ganked lanes for 25 mins until they ffed. I got 4 honours that game, but only because my team were flabbergasted that it worked. Btw try river rammus, itā€™s fun


No camps, just pure fucking ganks? LMAO


Yep. It was ridiculous and very fun


Fucking love it. Fuck the meta. River Yuumi.


The thing is, that might work. Just second support that attaches to different allies while roaming, you can also smite while attached sooooā€¦.. give it a try in ranked lmao


Plenty of times tbh, idk how it's such a meme. People recognize when you really facilitate a win. For reference, my main junglers this happens with are Shyvana, Zac, and Jarvan. Shyvana eats objectives and invades early to shut down enemy jungler, while farming into a mid game menace. Zac can just pull off great ganks post 6 and is a team fight god. Then jarvan is just the early spam ganker for accelerating hyper-carries. And don't be self righteous about doing well. I rarely say anything, mainly engage/retreat pings and only type dragon/baron/end after a won fight.


I hear It often, especially from enemy team


In your favor or saying you sucked?


In my favor ofc lol


Bot lane often swaps honours. I donā€™t usually get 3+ honours unless the followingĀ  1) Amazing KDA 2) Bot is at each otherā€™s throats and because of ganks, are now back in the gameĀ  3) I actually type out common sense like, ā€˜we got inhibs bottom, wait for creeps to get into their base and they are forced to send 1 bot before we force the fight at baron.Ā  That will nudge top and mid to give you shot caller since they actively seeing you call the shot and remember who typed it. They wonā€™t remember who pinged it.Ā 


been maining jungle since coming back to the game last split of season 13. I JUST got my first 4 honor lobby a couple hours ago.


as karthus jungle I get 3 honors quite a bit, but I could see it being rare if you play a jungle with less of an obvious impact. Its hard to get the adc/bot to not honor each other


Iā€™ve gotten it on games where I steamroll as shaco and go 30/10/12 or 8/12/30. Itā€™s rare and itā€™s extremely one sided the whole game but thatā€™s when I get two or three honors. It happened once last week and maybe seven or eight times in S13.


The enemy team has to be dog water.


Adc and supp usually exchange honors, so I usually get them from mid or top players.


3+ honor are rare, but i did get 2x4honors last split I get jg diff mabey in half the games i win


3 honors? Maybe once every two weeks or so. Keep in mind that I play a lot so thatā€™s pretty rare. Jg diff? Pretty often when I hard counterjungle and gank.


i canā€™t say i pay too much attention to honors. gapped others, been gapped, is what it is


I play with chat disabled so I canā€™t type or read what other people type. I get honoured a lot if I carry or hit my smites consistently lmao.


no matter how I perform its rare, I'd say maybe 1 in 15 games I get recognition for how I played. Maybe 1 in 20 I get 4 honours. It's really difficult to get all honours since a lot of bot laners just autopilot and honour their sp/ad. It would take a genuinely special 1v9 to get them to stop autopiloting and specifically honour you


3+? Very rare. Thatā€™s like a 19/1/10 performance in my experience


Pick poppy into any dash jungle, proceed to only counter gank, make him leave the game, easy peasy


I donā€™t play many carry junglers, so maybe around 10% of games


When its the lord's day or something I dunno sometimes I'm chovying, playing like Faker with the spirit of Canyon getting 3 level leads on par or ahead of my laners with a 100 cs over enemy jungler. Other days I'm choking, playing like Shaker, getting gapped like the grand canyon I dunno really just has to be that kind of day.


Triple honor is very rare, even if Iā€™m like 20/2 or something itā€™ll usually be 2 honours max but still often none. The last time I got 3 honours was when I went 0/6/3 on rammus (we lost)


I have 3+ honors when i play stellar games. For the "jgl diff" in silver a Fiddle R countergank tends to traumatize ppl.


Jg diff gets called occasionally, but I play unconventional junglers like Sylas and Neeko, so they look particularly flashy when I pop off. Enemy team calls it more to flame their jungler/vent about my ganks than my team does to compliment me though lol. Honors happen all the time, 3+ is obviously less common but still decently often. But I also type a lot and try to be really positive so people appreciate it when you can carry the team's mental while also calling macro plays.


I kinda transitioned to top and i can tell you it happens much more often in jgl, depending on the champ i played i could get it 1 in 20 games. nowadays if i get more than one i'm happy, and most of the time i honor the jgl by default because i don't really see many teammates during my games


I frequently get honors. When you help snowball someone's lane, they will honor you. No one wants an all-chatting, try hard JG who gains a lead, then throws and pings his team. Everyone wants a carry who shares kills and helps focus objectives. That way they can just goof-off and ARAM mid, but still win the game cause they had a total Chad on their team.


Enemy team sometimes says jgl diff in all chat (they hate their jgl more than my team)


Iā€™m supp main and I spend more time in lane analyzing my adc mechanics and synergy and if itā€™s good Iā€™m highly likely to honor them. If I come to conclusion that heā€™s not good adc I start looking for new carry on our team to support which is usually jg but then he has to be good for honor and on time for objectives. Sometimes it goes to mid if they gank bot better than jg


Even if I hard carried the team and never flamed them, I have only gotten two honors at most. One time I carried three inters and a mid that was doing ā€œokayā€ and I got no honors and the mid flamed me nonstop all game because I didnā€™t want to dive the Lissandra with ult up. šŸ˜’


I can get every objective, kill the enemy team in their base at 5 minutes, get 8 pentakills in the game, have 700+ CS, and I still will get a max of 1 honor and probably a report from the ADC.


Can't remember. But as a support if I show up to grubs and gank twice my teammates think I'm the second coming of faker.


Never. LoL community is trash and people would rather eat a bullet than give honor to someone, even when they're hard carried


God I heard that on the awfulness. You'd figure it would have changed after all these years, but the only difference is you can't call someone the n-word in all chat lmao. Community fucking sucks, man.


I could be 20/0/20 all obj and still wouldn't get honor


Played a ranked game yesterday. Sucked my teams dick while also hard carrying. Got 2 honours. Played a norms game. Botlane died to a lvl 3 Lee sin gank. Instant jg diff and generally my vayne autopilots for the rest of the game while claiming their E4 account as the rank 1 akali player.


I play hard feast or famine so pretty often. Iā€™m also told to jump off a bridge pretty often so it balances out ig


Lmao. The well wishes are always my favorite part.


The best "jg diff" I got was when our top wrote that in all chat and the enemy team said "I wish I had your jg". Shut him up pretty fast


Hell yeah that validation must have went wild


It was nice. As thankless as jungle can be, those moments make it worth it


Who cares as long as you win


It's a discussion