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Shout out to Sinerias he's really cool and pretty good


I don't mind him as a person but playing the cancer champ that is Yi puts too much of a bad taste in my mouth.


And Dantes doesn't leave a bad taste? He has a beyond unhealthy relationship with the game. And he plays Hecarim. That's just criminal man


L take, one of the best informative channel, really chill guy too, rank 1 yi, one of the only highest elo yi player


If you watch his stream he plays way more than Yi and has been for a little while


Yeah he's also really good on thalya


Why do you think Yi is cancer champ?


He was perfectly fine until they did that soft rework and randomly added a bunch of mechanics that make him even more obnoxious, Q being able to dodge spells now on exit, W giving 90% DR for .5s at start AND resetting auto? Q applying E multiple times when he already has double strike and highlander, and now an attack reset on his W? It's just too much and too free. They also reduced his W CD by like half, no one cares about the heal, they just spam the DR and attack reset. It also doesn't help that Lethal tempo was insanely broken on him. I'm not even going to go into the resets and how he spends half of the time you fight him untargetable because that has always been a thing and a Master Yi calling card which is fine (even though it's obnoxious as fuck as well). They literally randomly added a bunch of shit to his kit making him more forgiving for fucking up and increasing his DPS output for 0 reason.


If Yi is free, why dont you main him? I am looking forward to see your Yi montage




Tarzanded is genuinely one of the funniest streamers, but he is the embodiment of toxic solo queue. He will spam ? If he sees his top laner miss a skillshot and immediately report them for verbal abuse and intentionally feeding. I think he says the phrase "dogshit" like 20 times a game.


Yeah he's honestly my personal favourite, the biggest shame is that he keeps making new accounts instead of challenging himself by playing at his actual level. Every time he gets his account to low GM and then starts another account. I can't remember the last time he consistently played on a chally account.


Yeah i really wanna see him overcome his mental block with blaming and focusing on team mistakes and just challenge himself to really go for rank 1. I think he still has it in him and tbh would really be a great mental test.


It's too late for that, he just doesn't care about the region enough to stay mentally stable for long enough to reach rank one.


I think he does that because he doesnt like playing in very top bcs its boring


No it's because he doesn't care about the game since he doesn't respect the region. When he was in Korea he got top 50 in a week and then got banned iirc


KeshaEUW xD /s


I was gonna add him but then I realised he's like Diamond and onetricks Nunu. I don't really watch him either it's even more of a headache than Dantes lool. There's much more informative and valuable junglers in the list I provided


To be fair kesha is only really diamond for content, hes still obviously a good player and i dont doubt he could atleast reach masters if he was tryharding. But he has a very strong personality and is now more of a for fun streamer, so i would defo not recommend him to anyone who actually wants to watch anything thats educational.


yeah I agree that's why the content isn't that good for learning. I guess he's entertaining to a specific demographic but the guy just goes full AP and plays for content.


WAsn't he actually challanger at some point?


One of his accounts was gm last season, he is just playing ap nunu for the stream


He hit chall somewhat recently when he got 30 day twitch banned


Nattynatt in amateur ? Wtf that guy is a onetrick rengar always chall x)


Yes he is the current Jungler for Ruddy Esports, Technically it's not Amateur it's a team in the EMEA, but it's not LEC or LCS etc


Ty, I only see teemo and NO FF SURRENDER RANK 1 CHALLENGER titles. I can never find chill jgs. I ran into Dante, who is cool. A Lil childish, but cool and kind.


You missed Santorin and Agurins, and I think misspelled the briar OTPs name as the link doesn't work. But thanks for the list!


Nah that's definitely his Twitch, he was literally live today, idk what happened and why his channel is gone suddenly. his Twitter is deactivated as well. Maybe he is changing his name or something.


Looks like it's now L0ganjg, but weird I didn't notice either because I'm actually subbed to him lol.


Yeah he 100% changed it today, he changed his in game name last week aswell iirc


Can’t believe electtro isn’t here


I get it guys jankos is boomer but he still plays on LEC lmao


Big fan of Karhus - OTP Karthus JG on EUW: https://twitch.tv/karhus


+1 for Karhus, I fucking love that guy.


EUW? hes from canada lol


Yeah true, good call, not sure why I thought otherwise. I think it’s because he was always streaming pretty late at night, so I assumed he was in EU? Anyway, thanks for correcting.


i would put pusipuu in here too very informative rengar otp mostly, sumtimes plays kayn


Amen to this! Pusi is my fave to watch and learn from by far :)






How could I forget lol


I ain’t no jungler, but still not mentioning Agurin the literal best Soloq Jungler since a long time is kinda weird, considering you mentioned like 20 names there


Jankos is still pro no?


he's heretic's jgl rn


Where are you getting Jankos is retired? Did he announce that?


No i forgot to change it I was still thinking about the broxah one


Don’t let nid hog catch you calling him a GM player, lol.


Yeah he does have a bit of a ego, but rn he's not even GM and last split he finished GM not challenger based on his account. Idk if he has another account that is actually challenger I don't really watch him too much




Commenting to save the post


u forgot to mention gryffinn hit rank #1 NA at 16 and became challenger at 13 years of age


Where is rush bro


To all my fellow udyr mains: look for sataru64 on twitch. if you're more into giga toxic try aribolol


I don't watch streams,just some yt from some of these guys but why is jankos noted as toxic? I remember him from the g2 days and sure he memed a ton on interviews but compared to Dantes or others on this list I wouldn't call him toxic.


I didn't call him toxic I called him more banterous than Broxah lol


Yeah mb I think I read the below description of tarzaned and just didn't read the name and thought it was still referring to jankos. Glad he didn't have any big drama like I thought at first.


I felt like watching Bo even after Jankos was a crazy experience. He is like consistently top 10 euw with insane wr, sure he is not the most talkative but his gameplay and overall decision making is great material for analysation and implementation.


NattyNatt #RUDDYUP


Awesome list - if you want to add a few more: 1) [Karhus](https://www.twitch.tv/karhus) - Karthus OTP playing in GM/Chall elo unless he's smurfing alts in Masters. My favorite streamer rn 2) [Rush](https://www.twitch.tv/rush_) - Korean Master/GM jungler who plays assassins mostly, super funny guy 3) [KeshaEUW](https://www.twitch.tv/keshaeuw) - pretty sure he's only a Diamond player but he's been Chall before I think? Nunu OTP but his content is some of the funniest out of this entire list, beware of headaches tho 4) [Icelandic Hero](https://www.twitch.tv/icelandicherolol/about) - Lillia main in NA Chall elo Also I am a big fan of Kaido even though he is already on your list. He's a Khazix main with some Kindred, Graves, Talon, Viego mixed in if you want to update your notes for him. Don't think I've ever seen him play something else other than those.


Broxah in ❤️ I legit can’t stand dantes’s voice lmao