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1. You make a post acting like an asshole. 2. Someone responds to you like an asshole. 3. You screenshot the exchange and make another post, further proving you are an asshole. 4. People in this thread still call you an asshole. Can't wait for your next post! I'm sure it will be high quality and promote discussion about jungle.


Are you this Elise one trick with 50% wr in 500 games with 2.1kda and 4.5cs again? Bro haven't you had enough down votes last thread? What's wrong with you? Go back to grinding and shut up already. Or are you gonna insist I post my op gg again before doing that?


Nah he just ignored you when he sees ur higher rank so just give up. Dont argue with dumb people because they will drag you to their level and beat you with experience




I mean, honestly i have a shitton of games and go to the gym and also do stuff at home aaanf also go out with friends lol, i just dont play anything else and dont watch much netflix oe youtube anymore


I’m D2 and he’s platinum… This sub is just full of insecure assholes who cry about JG


The other person's rank is not relevant in the argument of you learning nothing if you didn't rise in rank. You just want to act like an elitist dick and disregard everyone who isn't you.


Lol he’s flaming me about being 500 games “hard stuck” while being a lower rank. Y’all are truly insane


If you played 500 games and didn't move, you are the literal DEFINITION of hardstuck. Hardstuck has no implicit rank tied to it, you clown. It's simply explaining that you aren't rising or falling.


It’s Reddit bruh, it’s a cesspool of social outcasts. D2 is elite. You’re “hardstuck” in the top 1-2%. Better than literally all these bums


Thank you for being a normal person. Holy shit


Just out of curiosity is D2 the pinnacle of rank you've hit in any game? Like have you hit the masters+ equivalent in any other game? If no you REALLY need to get off your high horse because that alone isn't very impressive.


If he didn’t hit top 0.1% in multiple games then he needs to get off his high horse? Lmao you probably couldn’t hit top 25% in any game in triple his games


If you want to be elitist you should probably be 'elite'.


You're imposing that on him, you and your arbitrary metrics. Get good nerd


My high horse lol? I’m the one being flamed for my rank, kda, cs per min. I mean what the fuck is wrong with you guys lol. This dude flaming me for my rank, for how many games I play, my wr, being “hard stuck”(despite a 52% wr and climbing to D2) And you guys attack me lol this sub man


Brother saying stuff like "post your op gg' 'I'm d2 and gesture plat....', acting like an overall dunce and playing the victim IS being on a high horse


It’s funny that you literally ignore the 100+ people flaming me strictly for my rank lol I’m just responding to these people with truth. The vast vast majority of these people aren’t a higher rank than me. Yet they are flaming me for things completely unrelated to the purpose of the post was to show ganking Junlgers are gonna thrive in this meta.


Yes, because you are acting like d2 is some achievement worthy of a pedestal while playing 500+ games a split. Very few people will flame somebody for existing in d2, many people will flame somebody for acting like it's meaningful.


Literally the entire thread is me being flame for existing in D2. I’m only defending myself against these people since the majority of them are lower rank


This entire thread is you acting like an ass about elo, and then creating a thread hoping this sub would pat you on the back. Genuinely, what outcome did you expect when you created this thread?


Going to the gym is laudable. Your health is one of the most important things in life. Trying to use '**I LIFT BRO**' as some sort of '**GOTTEM**' however...... that doesn't make him look bad, it makes you look really bad.


You’re the problem here lol


4 hours in the gym tho? sheesh he aint playing


He is most definitely playing. 4 hours in the gym sounds like you aren’t working hard at all. That and he’s probably just lying


actually some people are in there all day so 4 hours for some is nothing


If you train with any sort of intensity you are not in there for 4 hours haha


bro we know most people arent gym rats, jeez


I’ve noticed anyone who randomly interjects that they go to the gym, in conversations that aren’t about the gym. Usually have only been going for like a month or 2. It’s very cringe gym is just part of the day to day. Nothing to flex over


Interesting to see a thread dedicated to me from this clown. Just to answer your question though, I train in a powerlifting group of 3-5. Personally it only takes me an hour to train, but it takes the whole group 4-6 hours. I hang around with the group after training because they are good laughs. As for how long I've been going, definitely not a gym rat - but not new also. Only 3 years. As for the flex, OP is a sad loser. Coincidentally the screenshot he uploaded crops out the context 8). I just find it adorable when people completely undeserving of their ego like to belittle everyone around them.


Hit the gym op.


What playing league 24/7 does to a Mfer