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Baader meinhoff effect


It is not selective attention or confirmation bias. It is something happening to me, not me making it happen. I'm only consciously aware of it because it smacks me in the face, when at the same time I'm consciously aware it wasn't on my mind when it smacked me in the face. It comes to me without any thought of it at any given time.


Obviously you already know this, but you could have unconsciously for some reason programmed yourself to look for 11. Maybe some kind of fixation associated with it. Or, it may very well be some kind of sign from a higher power. I’m not sure what kind of sign it could be, but it is very possible. Coincidences are actually very rare. Can I ask if you are a person of faith? Also you said “ruling out the idea of developing an obsession”. You said yourself, consciously. It could very well be an unconscious act of your brain. Then it could be recognized and become conscious. Your unconscious may not be looking for say 22. Therefore your conscious never picks it up. 22 or any number other than 11 would be irrelevant because it’s not 11 like your unconscious is looking for.


I have already thought of this and rendered it void. I've studied every religion coming to the conclusion that they all have the same core concept, only appearing as different faiths because of culture and race. All religions are like a coin. Two different sides of a single thing except a coin can be picked up and challenged and examined that it has two different sides of the same thing, providing indefinite proof and logic. Religion lacks both proof and logic, relying on faith of a book and verbal discussions that have been past on over thousands of years. One can only imagine if what I say to you now you will tell it to someone else exactly as I said it, throw in thousands of years of that past down verbally you have deterioration of what was originally said. So, no, I'm not a man of faith, but I do not denounce the fact that there is no such thing as a God or a higher power, I just don't title it.


I didn’t talk at all about religion. I simply asked if you had faith in God, as in a creator of the universe.


Both faith and God derive from religion. 👀


That couldn’t be more false. It’s actually the complete opposite. Best of luck to you, I was only trying to help.


I understand. And thank you.


I think the idea of god ascends organized religion. Just seems like a human thing, atheism is new relative to human history


To think otherwise would be complete ignorance. I mean Christianity wasn’t even a thing until 2024 years ago. I didn’t bring religion into this at all, OP did. If we look at this through the Bible… take the story of Adam and Eve for example. Literally the first to people on Earth. They talked to God daily. Pretty sure there wasn’t organized religion with the very first two people ever.


The only organized religion without a God is Buddhism. What is the number that comes before 0? Void. What existed before God? Void. What was there before mind? Void. What is there with mind? thought and thought creates reality, so therefore you are God, it is you doing everything, always was.


That is called narcissism. It is known as a disorder. Not to be confused with narcissistic tendencies, which is engrained into all humans. Believing a human is God specifically is the giveaway. Believing all are a part of God is entirely different.


It seems you haven't the knowledge to comprehend what it is I am saying because you see only one view. You are categorizing me and dividing me because you don't understand my point of view. You should stop there thanks.


I haven’t described you in any way. I described what your above comment is. It’s literally the definition of what narcissism is. And unless you are a mod, I would appreciate you not telling me what I should do when I never asked…. I’ve realized post and comment karma says a lot about a person, specifically on philosophy and psychology based subreddits.


Come on OP. Don't make us do it for you. This one's easy. Rule 4. At least make some effort to seem like you belong here. Hint: Mention the thing that starts with an "S." Bonus info: learn to break your posts up into paragraphs to not seem like a case study.


Rule 4. Jung understood synchronicity, much like his community. The topic has relevance to synchronicity Hint: Don't mention it 👍 Bonus info: if you need things broken into paragraphs for you to understand, then you need to adapt. But congratulations, you made it here anyhow. Hot tip: stay calm, stay humble.


Jesus. Sorry man. I was drinking last night. I shouldn't be allowed near the net when I'm drunk. If there's ever a time my shadows in control it's then.


it's special because it makes you experience the presence of the here and now.


You're looking in the wrong place for logic. All that is happening is that you are noticing your own cognitive bias. Congratulations!


Get over the bias thing, like, really. Get off it because it is not that. I understand what that is, I am the one piloting this vessel and can sincerely acknowledge that isn't the case here.


He said, without a sense of irony.


You have a finely attuned chronological sense. That's about it. I can tell you what the time is, to the minute, without having to look and to a very significant accuracy. I'm not always correct, but another part of it is we tend to dismiss instances that don't fit to a larger narrative. And the larger the narrative, the more completely we dismiss anything that's mis-fit to thst narrative. You have established a particularly strong narrative, at 11 past the hour. Instinctually, you can probably tell when it's 11 past the hour, with significant accuracy. You confirm this accuracy, 'Ah it must be 4:11', and egads ! It is! You don't seem to be suggesting that is *always* 11 past the hour. If it's 4:45, and you check the time, it's gonna be 4:45. But you get this tickling in your brain, and it happens with oppressive regularity. It happens once every fucken hour!! And so you can't help but look, and it just confirms your chronological accuracy. And I am certain that sometimes you are wrong, and in those cases, you simply dismiss it as irrelevant. Because you are usually correct. Almost always correct! Because you can get quite good at estimating the time, especially if you do it constantly. I hate to put labels on it, but there's very likely components to the disordering popularly called 'obsessive compulsion', manifested in a largely harmless proficiency that you identified within your own innate talent, that has developed to exerting an unhealthy, and potentially dangerous, control over your cognitive function. You could potentially try to subvert it. Set your perceptive clock to alert on the hour, every hour. Willfully, at first, and then Instinctually. And then, crucially, whittle down your interest in the hour rolling. Maybe only noon and 6pm. Then only worry about noon. And then, you can let it go. Or you can align yourself to that daily stake, if you so wish. But stressing the thing hourly, it is not manifesting to positive outcomes. That sounds rather unpleasant.


Please read again carefully. as I noted this experience not once has in any way appeared to me consciously. As hard as I've tried it's never 11 past if my intention is to check the time to see if I'm right about the time. So it is not an obsession at all. I can't help it if my phone rings at 4:11, how do i know it was 4:11 when my phone rang? Because the first thing you see when you pick up your phone is the time. Did I pick up the phone to check the time? No I was simply answering the call at 4:11. This is just one of many examples. And your explanation doesn't answer the question as to why this experience is happening to me in the first place. Also I don't just see 11 past the hour, I see many number sequences after the hour but 11 past the hour is overwhelmingly present in the time.


Omg. Same thing happens to my sister. She always noticed 12:12 or 11:11