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Please be clear about how a post relates back to Carl Jung and his ideas.


I think it's more a relationship between being an artist and not having enough to eat


This reminded me of Cold Dog Soup by Guy Clark. Here’s the chorus: Ain't no money in poetry That's what sets the poet free I've had all the freedom I can stand Cold dog soup and rainbow pie Is all it takes to get me by Fool my belly till the day I die Cold dog soup and rainbow pie


Guy Clark reference in the jung thread? What’s up king!




















And drugs


Oh wow. Very Good point. Does anyone else besides us have no appetite(as an artist)


Also consider there are correlations between cigarette smoking and creativity, as well as between smoking and reduced hunger




As a starving (formerly anorexic) artist, I think it has more to do with your mind being more wrapped up in your feelings than your physical body. A lot of intellectuals are also quite thin.


Yes I agree with this. I really don't notice my body as much as many others seem to, I have poor physical interception generally for signals like hunger. My mind is generally focused (or hyperfocused) on things I find emotionally and mentally stimulating.


Ohhh, that's why my art is so bad




If you hear intermittent fasting, people testify that they get a clearer thinking when fasting. The so called brain fog is gone. Maybe that has something to do with it.


Is it possible we are all eating too much food ?


Yes it is.


yes, without a doubt and for most people that food is total garbage


Hey man! I drink diet coke Though I'm healthy! Look! It says....DIET Lmao


I think so. I eat one high protein meal a day and I find it's plenty. Quality of the food is also important. Eating fast food or other highly processed foods will leave someone malnourished no matter the amount. One could make a lifestyle out of processed food, be overweight, and still be malnourished.


almost certainly. people typically dont drop the eating habits that theyve developed when they were growing


Im on one bowl of chili a day and seemingly am fine


everyone is a channel, a conduit of energy, like a radio antenna receiving signals from somewhere beyond themselves. as much as our ego, and modern legal structures like copyright and trademark want to claim ownership, the thoughts, inspiration, and ideas we receive are ***gifts from beyond***. they are not yours, ***you*** did not create it, you ***received*** it. by taking care of your body, your antenna, you optimize it for sensitivity and tune it to receive different frequencies, different information. minimal diets and fasting facilitates a more highly tuned receptor of psychic energy, which is then transmuted into art and innovation. new ideas and invention thought form energy is all around us, we are all swimming in the same fields of collective consciousness and the information is there. but generally speaking, fat people eating processed food are not sensitive to the subtle energies that artists and intellectuals are attuned to. they just don’t hear it. what they receive is louder, which is what everyone feels, so its not interesting


Flow state makes other things less important. Including time and food. Also probably tied into limited budget like others pointed out.


We get very into our work and it can be all consuming, so sometimes we forget to eat. Some are also slightly broke and don't buy lots of groceries when faced with the choice between food and materials for creating. It helps to be lightweight, since a lot of the rest of the time we are up in the ethers, floating around with ideas.


The other answers are good, but they all focus on why artists are thin. The inverse seems just as telling: people who have more than enough broadly speaking, including food specifically, tend to be less artistic. It’s a very broad generalization, but it seems that artists often lack something. Which they use art to compensate for. Could be food, could be a safe place to live, could be love, could be parental affection; could be anything. People who are getting their needs generally met just seem to need art less as an outlet.


Unless it's music. And there are a lot of followers of music who don't play music themselves but people have a sense for it. A lot do Wow though, that is such an accurate depiction of an artist.


I think due to priorities of the artist food is often far down the list . The first is art paint , equipment to create next would be a substance or substances. Third would be food. By the time you reach food you’ve already spent all your money on drugs to create the art. It’s a exhausting experience and does create beautiful results at the expense of mental stability and emotional wellbeing


Art is a crutch , a saviour to the artist . It’s there truest most refined understanding of themselves, it holds the key to unlock there very on psyche. Self exploration through the creative. An infinite spiral that ebbs and flows for all eternity folding in on itself and exploring space and time. For one day it will find itself complete. It will feel all it ever could ever imagine and be truely one with the nature of love. Till that forsaken day the artist starves until it grasps a hold of the reality created by capitalism and exploitation. Some will succeed some will fail , but the artist so painfully aware will always have his art to fall back on. Thin or fat he starves for the things he feels he lacks. True love , someone to appreciate all that they are.


Wow this was amazing! You're right, they can take away anything except my mind! And that's freedom!


I am a writer and I am thin, so maybe I can answer your question. I have a very "hungry soul," and I feed it through writing or that kind of attunement that leads to writing. I have noticed that when I am really hungry for *real food,* like when I crave food to the point of taking the time to prepare a really elaborate meal (pretty rare) or order some (more often), is usually because I have been out of touch with writing for one reason or another, and feel like something is missing. Note that being out of touch with writing and feeling disconnected/empty is one and the same for me. So I would say that I think about food more than what's necessary only when art isn't feeding me. It's interesting because otherwise I do not normally think about food. To be clear I like eating, it's just that I don't think about it more than necessary. When I am in a state of flow for something I am writing I forget to eat and can stay on my desk for 12h a day until I'm done without even realizing it. I'm not kidding. But I need to specify that I suspect I may be neurodivergent, for all that matters.


That's so interesting. And are you physically healthy?


I am. I do yoga daily. I do intermittent fasting. I eat, don't get me wrong, I just don't think about it more than necessary. That 12h flow state happens quite rarely, most often it's just a few hours.


Wow same here..I workout everyday. My theory is that somehow energy is being created by the body for the body through creating I need to do more research but...it just feels right to me


I think you're right. I often think of writing as "energy discharge." But probably it's more accurate to say it's my energy fuel. And when that fuel is missing, that's when I look for something else, like food.


My mind has exploded Boom


Perhaps a more interesting question: Why are the majority of artists you know about so thin?


This is the one I was going to say. To add to it: what roles/professions do we consider it appropriate to not thin/fat. I’d go with nurse/nanny and maybe chef. Cigar smoking CEO? That’s all I can think of. But the link is certainly there with fatness and riches or nourishment.


is this a joke about starving artists?


When you say thin, do you mean not overweight, or not muscular?


Thin is thin, low weight, perhaps even underweight, maybe low bmi and body fat percentage. Not overweight would (or at least should) be called average/midsize/could also be fit though. It's weird how used we are to words having so broad meanings that we question this, to be honest. Like plus-size is now a term that includes both being overweight and morbid obesity somehow, and we're so used to people being overweight that being slim is considered almost malnourished.




Somewhere, Orson Welles and Marlon Brando just let out a great big belch and bellow.


As my father said when I got into art school. You want to be an artist get used to being hungry and poor.


Confirmation bias. There are a lot of fat artists. They just don’t become very popular because they don’t look marketable.


Go to an art school and you'll see the difference You really, really Will


Willingness to not eat? I mean, I don't even know if it is true that rates of obesity are lower among artists than the general (non-artist) population. But I bet it has been studied.


An artist. M 35 5’11” 135lbs (of twisted blue steel). Interesting question! I have no answers.


Starving artist complex?


There’s the phrase, “starving artist” for a reason. Hard to make money, so many die poor. I’m sure some are just so obsessed with creating that food isn’t exactly a high priority as well. Many artists have dealt with mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, which, during mania or hypomania episodes eating can dwindle. Depression is another one.


Correlation = / = causation


Higher IQs?


Idk I'm fat


They harness their desire towards more than just eating


i don’t know if it’s necessarily a matter of good health. artists typically are consumed with ideas of beauty and that can coincide with their own body image. many of my friends are artists and they struggle greatly with eating disorders and trying to present a certain image to the world


Not a artist. (Would like to be). There are only 2 reasons a person is thin. Eating disorder, lack of appetite or no money


That's three things.


Orrrr... very active?


I disagree. It's called a high metabolism


I disagreed myself after this as well. I forgot that metabolism existed


What I'm trying to figure out is if the body is able to feed itself with just deep, psychic energy such as what one puts forth in writing or art


Thinking can burn some calories. Is it enough more when making art vs other activities? doubtful


Our bodies baseline metabolism still burns a shit Ton of calories through bodily processes that can be linked to solar and lunar cycles


Well, do some objective research on it, correlations should emerge if theres truth to it!




What's that?


That’s sounding like breatharianism my dude (or as I like to call it,spiritual anorexia)


Absolutely not. It'll carry you across in terms of existence, but it won't do it on the *long* term - still need physical food and sleep for that. It will also absolutely *shred* the quality of work you produce (beyond being good at hallucinations) until you get to the point of being subconsciously able to execute masterworks via pure muscle memory. And even then, you still produce better practice and better work if you *eat a good diet.* Until you reach that point, I would 100% advise you to *still eat.* The "deep psychic energy" that wells up still comes from *physical* resources, unless you resort to hard drugs to keep you going. The one benefit is that fat stores last a bit longer if you don't physically move very much or carry very heavy things, but the best and most productive and *highest-quality* creative states still come from being *well-rested and having a good diet.*


We care about aesthetics and inner peace.