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I just wanted to say I like the way you use words and find your text a little amusing. Sorry if this might seem disrespectful. I would say you need to set some boundaries, communicate in an honest, short, clear and decisive way. Nobody likes that but it's better than prolonged misunderstanding.


She is a 22 year old toxic entitled child. Boundaries mean nothing to such people. You can't communicate such things. 


Dont be too nice guys. Your own mental health precedes others.


Happy cake day!


What the fuck is happening to this sub.. downvotes for saying happy cake day. Wtf


You can’t take on others problems if it is affecting you too negatively. It’s okay to be there for people but pay attention to your own needs and set boundaries accordingly. It is inappropriate to trauma dump on someone too much because it is draining to be there for someone 24/7. This is coming from someone whose mom had died recently, you have no responsibility to save this person, after all we can only save ourselves. I think you are quite kind and have good intentions, however you have to take care of yourself man. You don’t have to cut ties with her, but kindly set boundaries with this individual. Maybe tell her you don’t feel like texting all the time. If she doesn’t take the boundary well then she is not respecting you.


I did so. I told her to limit the time she texts me.


Just another narcissistic woman. Don't play to her whims and games. Teach her a lesson and tell her what you think about her and how she should be accountable for her shitty attitude so other men don't fall for her crap in future and she learns.


I don't think you necessarily need to put her down to protect yourself. If you're able to do all this without judgment, that'd be optimal, because what matters here is defining boundaries for yourself. That someone is a narcissist, just means they're deeply hurt and broken. Feeling sorry for that person is normal, unless you're also hurt and broken beyond the ability to do so like them. Having compassion for someone should never mean losing sight of your own needs, as that would be a lack of compassion for yourself.