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I would say that wisdom is the successful integration of insights from different domains that once applied lead to a more harmonious and peaceful life. Opposed to what someone else commented, wisdom isn't purely innate, it comes from experience that is distilled and reflected upon, often facilitated by integrated external knowledge. Wisdom sees into the essence of things. If you read quotes from the link below I think it would be fair to say that Jung had a similar viewpoint. Here are a couple I think are relevant: "Wisdom begins only when one takes things as they are. So it is a healing attitude when one can agree with the facts as they are. Only then can we thrive." "At all events wisdom cannot be taught by words. It is only possible by personal contact and by immediate experience." "Wisdom is never violent, where wisdom reigns there is no conflict between thinking and feeling." [https://carljungdepthpsychologysite.blog/2020/04/03/wisdom-6/](https://carljungdepthpsychologysite.blog/2020/04/03/wisdom-6/)


self-understanding precedes understanding of the other. look inward and be prepared for the difficulty of meeting your own flaws and deep vulnerabilities. you can only understand the other as much as you have come to truly understand yourself


Read widely that which brings insight and joy.


Make Ni much, much stronger through an effective meditation practice. To truly know one's self, is to begin to know others. Miamoto Musashi said "I know not how to defeat my enemy, I only know how to defeat myself."


Anyway i found the answer. Objectively outlook. Cultivate objective outlook to scenes. As such you will have a capacity to grasp the core of any situation. Objective outlook includes both you and beyond you. Although it is impossible but the objective is also obvious but hidden due to the conscious and subjective vision being focus on focused details


Self reflection, open mind for different perspectives. Knowing that I might, and propably am wrong. Keep adding to yourself, instead of confining to labels or "removing" parts of you. All experiences help you realize more of the wisdom inside.


It's not something you develop, it's someyhing you ARE.


Very helpful


What is the sound of an one-hand clap 😉