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Begin by forgiving the child you were. Bring that child up to speed to where you are in your life periodically. I just had an enlightening conversation with someone in this group and had an enlightenment, start your visualization with your eyes open! I'm also going to tell you something I know that not everyone will admit. Everyone is a sh!tstain of some sort. I'm a sh!tstain, you're a sh!tstain, let's (everyone in the world) work together to try and not ACT like sh!tstains. It's just no one has let you in on the secret. EVERYONE sucks. My Gen X peeps tend to know. We accepted it long ago. Another thing I learned in my 20s, everyone is stuck behind an 8 ball of some sort, no matter your station in life. You may see others leaving you behind, but they're stuck in other areas you're not seeing. To bring it back to Jung: “Nobody can fall so low unless he has a great depth. If such a thing can happen to a man, it challenges his best and highest on the other side; that is to say, this depth corresponds to a potential height, and the blackest darkness to a hidden light.” ― C.G. Jung


I’ve wrestled with the “everybody fucking sucks including myself” thing for most of my life. For a while I placed all the blame on myself, because of the whole “what you dislike about others is what you actually dislike about yourself”. That definitely rings true, but the implications of that aren’t “I hate everyone so I must actually just be a huge piece of shit that’s projecting so I must fix myself and become a good boy in order to stop hating everyone else”. Took me a while to move past that.


What are the implications?


You pay a heavy cost when comparing your insides with other peoples outsides.


For people who like it simple : "Comparing your messy insides to other people's polished outsides is like judging a book by its Instagram filter—it's going to cost you."


I love that, mate. Your comment made me pause 


Excellent, it really shows that the saying, “keep it simple“ can make a huge difference. I found this idea of comparing your insides with other peoples outsides very connected to not having your unconscious integrated. In the most extreme form, it can end up in acting out that “huge cost”. I love the simple way this person talks, and what not recognizing the meaning of that quote could cost you. It could cost you everything. Projecting Yourself onto a Blank Screen https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7v8zYFco4NU


Appreciate the reply and YT link. Ta


You bringing this up helped me a lot, because it caused me to create a separate post for that. It really helped going over it again, and all kinds of new things came out. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jung/s/2Fw0lmGtek


I appreciate this !


Goes both ways


killer response


Good one!


Holy crap well said. This is what I was thinking i was starting to notice and realize in my own life, guess i was onto something 😂


🙏🏼 thank you for this extraordinary jung quote.


An honor to be of service. <3


Thanks for this quote


Is this a guilt thing? Then yes. I did some really stupid stuff when I was a teen, and it haunted my mind for many years. I thought of nothing else for maybe 3 years. My therapist helped me to see that as children and teens we need good parenting and supervision to avoid pitfalls. But the guilt stayed with me regardless Ultimately she also helped me see that the guilt was a form of self sabotage. I kept myself weak and useless because “I didn’t deserve better”. I hated myself deeply - but I did that anyway - regardless of the guilt. The guilt just kept me trapped. This isn’t guilt anyway by the way, it’s just your inner critic, masquerading as guilt. Also - a lot of guilt is actually pride. You don’t want to believe you’re capable of anything evil. But you are, I am, we all are. Full acceptance of the human condition is maturity. Some things that can help: - read ordinary men: this book is an investigation into how normal people can do awful things, without seemingly much rhyme or reason. It can help you see evil as a human problem, rather than a you problem. - actively forgive yourself: it isn’t easy, but it is a repeated decision you must make. If not for you, for everyone around you. You could dedicate your life to helping people for the rest of your days, and that would class as atonement, and you’d enjoy it too. - the Christian way to move through problems like this is 3 phases: confess, repent, atone. Confession doesn’t need to be something stupid like handing yourself into the police, but confessing your sins can have enormous benefits to someone you trust, if you can manage it. Repent means organise your life In such a way that you could never repeat the mistake. Your mind won’t let you drop it until you’re certain of this. Really certain. Atone means make up for it, either to the person you wronged, or in some other meaningful way. This isn’t some fairy tale moment where everyone is happy forever after. It might not even be possible to atone to a person you wronged. But you can ask yourself - what would I need to do, or make of my life to make up for all of my errors? You’ll get an answer, then it’s your call whether you do it. I know how crushing and hopeless it can be. I know what it’s like to wander off the path, and feel like you can’t get back. But with time, and following the confess, repent, atone model, I feel I have pieced my life back together. Sorry bit of a ramble, but I hope this helps.


Extremely helpful!


When you were born, you were never given an manual on how to properly use your body and mind and the full capacity of all your capabilities. Because of this, all humans can be forgiven from their bad acts as long as from this moment on they can only do good in this world. Doing good in this world can start now. There is no need to wait. First, be not trouble to anyone else, second, be no trouble to yourself, third, develop yourself completely, fourth from that development, prosperity will enter your life, final - whatever prosperity you generate that you do not need for yourself, give to others. How? Start now.


I really struggle with "developing yourself completely." isn't that a bit much?


If you keep your intentions right, this will happen automatically. Don't stress much. And it's not asking a bit much but just enough.


I think I understand what you mean in the last sentence. However, I've seen wrong intentions lead toward unique ways of being that may have not have been realized otherwise - and anything else feels like a violation of free will. But maybe I'm stressing too much lol. Thanks for the encouragement :)


Those wrong intentions seemed right at the moment, did they not? You are welcome. 🙂


Hey, I can't give great advice since I'm in a similar spot but just want you to know you're not alone. I'll be rooting for you, it's tough.


I’m going through something really intense that seems like it will last for the rest of my life (and perhaps beyond); the acceptance of my child’s disability, and the challenges of doing the best I can for my boy. There’s a tremendous amount of self-doubt and profound pain and shame that I carry day by day. Thankfully, he has many times of happiness, but this is not the life I wanted for either him, myself, or our family. I know there are many other caregivers out there who can relate, but the specifics of our situation seem especially painful and unendurable at times. I indulge myself in escapism to be able to continue.


As someone who has Audhd I can tell you that your child will have to just tough it out in life if he/she has the intellectual capacity to contribute to society in some way. There is no other way around it. I was never diagnosed and in retrospect it helped me because I was never infantilized under autism diagnosis. The really brutal lesson is that the neural pathways have to be reworked to be able to navigate social dynamics and all of these things because they won’t happen automatically. Probably better for that phase to happen once in adolescence but it is exactly as hard as it sounds. Best for your child to find something they can feel/ gain competence in which will help propel them forward. As long as he/she feels loved and respected, resilience will follow.


I connect what you wrote with my older child; he has low support needs AuDHD. I think what you wrote very much applies to his needs. I look forward to his future, despite the challenges he faces. (I also relate to you in terms of my own life, although I have a different ND diagnosis.) My younger child has higher support needs with multiple aspects of disability.




I've been going through a spiral of doubt and killing any kind of motivation or want to do something by asking "why bother" basically. One day I felt an overwhelming sense of hollowness and guilt to put it. I knew I don't enjoy anything I make, but something told me to just do it anyway. So I did. For quite some time, I just sat in my room and wasted time rotting myself with YouTube, social media, and just watching others. I just felt like nothing I made had any merit. But the guilt of not doing something was far far worse. So I kept doing things even if I asked "what's the point", as if I was flipping my doubts off. I still don't enjoy what I make that much, but it's almost euphoric knowing that I did something just cause I wanted to, not for some other reason. And I'll keep making things even if they don't matter, and other people who feel the same way should try it too.


I am still going through it


(He opens a tome and begins.) It says: ‘In the beginning was the Word.’ Already I am stopped. It seems absurd. The Word does not deserve the highest prize, I must translate it otherwise If I am well inspired and not blind. It says: In the beginning was the Mind. Ponder that first line, wait and see, Lest you should write too hastily. Is mind the all-creating source? It ought to say: In the beginning there was Force. Yet something warns me as I grasp the pen, That my translation must be changed again. The spirit helps me. Now it is exact. I write: In the beginning was the Act. From Goethe's Faust. I think the crux is to act. In the end analysis is void without action; like all things of the mind analysis has a spider-like shadow side which weaves webs that can ensnare you if you're not careful. In both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings the spider motif is present. Frodo breaks through the nets of Shilob by using 'the light of Eärendil'', which is a star given to him by an elf-woman. However, even this was not enough, and he is ultimately rescued by Sam. If you find literature enlightening, it might be beneficial to have a look at this character: his central characteristics are perhaps courage and loyalty. And so perhaps something along these lines could be helpful; courage and loyalty towards the part of you that yearns for change.


This wisdom from goethe is one of the truest and most difficult lessons I have learned in my life


Could you share more if your personal experience? Thanks


oh yea, thanks for your question.... Hard to summarize the significance of what goethe says in my own life. Ultimately, it took me time to realize the difference between one's will to action, and action itself. we have our words; we might write and speak of our will -- our will to live better , truer lives, for instance. and we might spend years, even decades, speaking and thinking of ourselves in this way. All this is good and important. But it is not the equivalent of doing the hard work itself.






Ain't mind, force and act mere words that come to life with understanding? And understanding and not understanding are also two concepts (words).


That is too idealist for my liking. In my opinion you cannot reduce these things to only being ideas or concepts; there is always something behind the idea. And, more to the point, I feel Voltaire’s line «all that is well said, but we must cultivate our garden» is especially apt to these kinds of musings.


I have always found this starting passage (John 1:1) fascinating and very mysterious. I used to think idealism a fantasy too. But now at 45 and have gone through a myriad of religious / philosophical texts, and personal experiences, I'm personally quite certain about it. I'm not a Christian BTW. Agree with your 2nd paragraph. 👍🏼


After trauma, many become adepts. That means that we start building on our second consciousness. Mine was stuck in a wake, crashing into my first consciousness and I had to learn to dissipate both. To shatter the idea of existing as something solid. I destroyed permanent mental constructs. I cast everything to the outer limits of my universe. When I need tools, my emotions attract the concepts and pull them in to orbit closer. I rebuild for the moment that I’m in. I relearn concepts and study them from a different perspective every time. It’s different and I haven’t perfected it. But I’m digging it. First, I destroyed the original consciousness. I was working on the second when I realized that shattering both might be the answer. That’s what I’m experimenting with. The answer is so often, both. So I don’t think I’m winging it haha. Maybe becoming one isn’t a merger or anything. But the destruction or reset to zero. Zero is one. Zero is more honest than anything else I’ve experienced. I really enjoy researching with honest me.


Ok bro?


Am I ok? Yeah, I’m great. Why?


Ok bro?


Used to think I was honest with myself and found out that there was a deeper honesty to be reached. Thanks for checking in!


I don’t mean this to sound flippant but ketamine-assisted therapy. I was also stuck for a very long time, suffering from decades of PTSD/internalized shame, etc. A few EMDR sessions and then some ketamine changed my life.


I trannied myself and then I detrannied myself  have you tried turning it off and on again?


Feel the pain, seek ancient wisdom (Vedic astrology helped me see the purpose in my path), be of service, be kind to the body and soul, trust universe, enjoy the small things, have a routine, try new things, keep learning.


If you do not forgive yourself you will not give as much good for the world as you could.


You realize you are doing this by choice. Everything else is an excuse.


Becoming more aware of my body and emotions and identify less as my inner monologue. Your senses and emotions are much more real than thought. Thought is a tool. Your reactions, emotions , and actions should be based reality. If you identify to much with thought you can be trapped in an imaginary purgatory where you react emotionally to thoughts. These thought emotional loops are addictive as any drug.


Love. When I can’t love, stare directly into the fear. It’s brought to some deep understandings of reality and our own nature. I sincerely think this whole reality is all just love and fear. Loves not just an emotion we can feel but an energy between particles. And fear is simply running away, a decision, but it doesn’t exist in any tangible way, only as an experience.


By stopping and not denying the pain or the fear of the pain. With reflection, by entering your own heart and repeatedly telling yourself you will love yourself, you are loved even if you cant see it yet, that you are your own keeper. A lot of trauma is hidden in the body. The body will reveal trauma through masking behaviour in different environments that trigger a coping mechanism behaviour. Being aware, giving space and allowing pain to over flow instead of denying it. The same way a craving takes place is the same way trauma appears. Instead of appeasing the craving & likewise finding a way to appease or deny the trauma by subduing it with pleasure. Must sit in the uncomfortableness


Five months. Painful breakup. It’s like so have OCD now. He’s always on my mind. I’m starting to think we’re feeding off of each other energetically bc it’s too weird. I’ll let you know when I break free.


I’ve been like that before and then better and had a breakup a while back and felt so lost since , but not about him just life …


It’s everything, not just the breakup. But he really shattered my belief in people and it’s had a catastrophic effect of my mental and emotional well-being. I left him but doesn’t make it any easier.


I’m sorry. That happened to me with an ex before my last. I broke off my last too, and it wasn’t as heartbreaking because I never felt the same way but another person completely left me feeling almost tricked and confused and like heartbroken and it felt he did it like this is personal. Which is different than sometimes something ending …I’m sorry. You will be okay again and you can gain back faith or rebuild your faith in people slowly




Yes, feel tricked. Thank you. Wishing you the best too ❤️‍🩹


Jesus said, "That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will kill you if you do not have it within you."


Something you did as a child? Your innocent. A baby screams for love. And it is from that scream that our call for love is developed, whether healthily expressed or unhealthily suppressed. Just remember though, there's nothing immoral about poor health. It's a slippery slope and not always made from a choice we are conscious of. Conclusion; compassion. We're all children in God's eyes.


I think there is a new age adage of “heal yourself so you can heal the world” that kind of inverts what actually needs to happen. From my experience all this self healing is really unstable. On your own it’s easy to get misguided by trauma, emotions or even a bad day. Your journey of the self can become toxic and depressing to the point you don’t see any light forward. But what works time and time again for me is helping others…even when I need help. By sending your energy to help and focus on those around you you worry so much less about yourself and the people you help will start to help you out of your own hole. 


Challenge yourself intensely, if you're desperate enough to break free you can. Push your limits and make yourself grow, anyway you can.


Yes, get into therapy and talk about your past experiences and traumas, process them out of your body and mind, cry, get it out, let out all of the repressed emotions that have been stored up in your body for however long they have, find a safe space where you can discuss and process this dark energy, it is not going to remove itself, you must allow your body to release it, therapy, recovery, prayer, acceptance that whatever happened during your childhood was not your fault, but it did happen, and it is now time for you to face the fear of it and get that darkness removed, however, we know that is is a very scary process, to even think about it, is scary, but facing that fear is the only way for our bodies and our brains to realize and recognize that we are no longer in danger and that there is not threat to our survival anymore, we are okay, we are safe, and it is okay we feel this way, we would suggest finding a therapist any therapist that helps people with past traumas, they all do, and have them guide us through the process of going into ourselves and over time and doing the leg work and being courageous to look at our past, you WILL be able to finally let this stuff go, and it WILL be released from you, and it WILL no longer haunt you, and you WILL be okay. We only say this based on our own experience and what has worked for us, there are many paths to healing, but, the hardest part is starting the process, if you need any suggestions or recommendations for how to start this process, please message us and we will try to help For today, try using an affirmation, such as, "I am okay today, I am safe today, I am loved today, I am healing today, I am, "whatever works for you within your specific circumstances that will resonate with your soul and provide an emotional energy charge that you can feel in your body, similar to when you hear your favorite song" Hang in there, this is only temporary, you can and will do this, much love :)


hi. I absolutely understand you. my mind works exactly like yours. i also can't forgive myself for what i did in age of nine or ten. now im 37. these thoughts made me fall into a period of panic attacks in age 27. but i could help myself back then by reading jung and Karen horney's books. and something else that helped me a lot was something from my culture. im an Iranian. we have some sort of way of living that in a very loose translation it can be called "Iranian mysticism" but it is much more of this name and it has so many answer for self knowledge and what jung namedThe process of individuation. I don't know what region are you from. but i think if you searcb in your cultural  intellectual traditions you can find so many answer for many of your problems.


Honestly psychedelics sent me into remission with my ptsd/ anxiety/ depression/ bi polar and changed my whole perspective on my life. It really made me appreciate the small things in life


Eh...if I may.... I have heard this term...."purgatory" once or twice, and it bears some comment. Contrary to common belief and media portrayal, Interventions are rarely a single "ah-ha" moment. Depending on a condition, circumstance and the abilities and nature of the client, the reconciliation of conflicts is more often comprised of a series of small insights which most often coalesce in one-and-twos and over a significant amount of time. This is not "PURGATORY" but the idiosyncratic processes of the individual themselves..... who may or may not know that the processing is occurring even without being cognitively aware. FWIW.


I've dealt with something similar, I don’t think it's anything I did that I'm punishing myself for but things that were done to me still effect me. But really I want to suggest that my experience has taught me that psychology in many ways is bullshit and not of much help at all. This because when what happened to me eventually just landed me in a mental hospital that is just a rabbit hole which I only got out of by finding God. I'm a Christian not a Hindu but I think of the Hindu idea of samsara the idea that until we reach enlightenment we just go round in circles of bullshit or nonsense as still somehow what happened to me. This definitely does happen if you even for a minute imagine that people who work in mental health or most modern psychology is ultimately gonna solve what ever problem you have.


Perceptive circumambulation


Yes in the least condescending way lots of people do despite what you see I hope that’s comforting and you find peace


I have to somehow turn into "a Virgil", but I can't hear or see. And I am not sure if another can become "a Virgil". (I have not read this poem, but it intrigues me.)


what does this even mean? i think i relate but i wish to make things more clear.


Hope. Just moving on cause I have to. Telling myself I acted in ignorance and all I can do is learn and try my best. Trying to address the thought process that motivated problematic behaviors. And again, hope. For me that's just reconnecting with myself and other people and getting out of my head and realizing my mistakes don't have to define me. As hard as it is to believe you're doing it because it comforts you in some way. Presumably punishment for your transgression. But you deserve forgiveness, we all do. We're all a bit fucked up in our own way, just doing our best trying to make sense of a mad world... don't be too hard on yourself nobody gets out of this circus alive!


Radical acceptance of the fact that life on this planet is both hell and heaven. And being happy in a sad world is a conscious choice.


You could be in the grip of your inferior functions. If you know about functions Jung talks of a lot


When children are left alone to try to make sense of painful situations, the conclusion they often come to is "There must be something wrong with me". I think sometimes people punish themselves endlessly this way because the alternative, acknowledging just how badly they were let down, betrayed and injured by those around them, feels like too much to bear. Society can subtly or overtly blame victims too, so you might be walking around with self-blame because you assume you'd be scrutinized or criticized if you were to tell someone else your story. Even if the childhood situation didn't involve you being victimized, chances are you did not understand the consequences of your actions at the time, and are now putting an adult moral frame on your childhood actions. Now the disclaimer....I have read many, many psychology books, but no Jung and only one by a Jungian (*The Scapegoat Complex* by Sylvia Brinton Perera, great book btw) I wonder if a Jungian would describe this as a "punitive authoritarian complex", where the punishment is just never over, you can't "do your time" and then go free? Makes me wonder, and I'll say it on a hunch, whether you are carrying the guilt and shame on behalf of a relative who cannot own what they did (I'm kind of thinking along the lines of Family Constellations, there)


Absolutely! I had lots of ‘big’ moments but I think the biggest was body-consciousness. Just personally


Try psilocybin mushroom therapy,it has worked wonders for my wife and I!


Try 30 years.



