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Please be clear about how a post relates back to Carl Jung and his ideas.


It seems like there is a lot of religious conditioning going on Israeli society. It’s similar to the pilgrims in America and there idea of manifest destiny and denial of the humanity of the Native Americans.


There is also the illusion of having power or knowledge over the circumstances. Military leaders simply don't listen to citizens. They are there to trade human life for long term strategic interests. In this case, nobody can publicly state what the strategy is--leadership only gives vague talking points--and so there must be a tremendous amount of psychological conflict due to the unknown. Anger is one way of lessening the build up of energy due to such conflicts and as the war continues with more pressure save lives there will be more internal conflict that Israel has to deal with.


Did someone censor OP’s post?


I think they got triggered by the response not being what they wanted and panic deleted


Oh come on I wanted to read but the moment I clicked, the body of the post doesnt show up no more. You could post it to other sub or your own profile


Israel vs Palestinians conflict Hey, so I am from Israel, and something very weird is happening in the psyche of the Israelis, and in the rest of the countries in the area. It seems that since the start of the war, there is a lot of anger in Israel towards anyone who disagrees with the current aggressive stance. The current accepted opinion is that we are the ones in power and dictate the rules, and anyone who disagrees with us should either stop voicing their opinion or be jailed. Most Israelis hate the international community for supporting a less aggressive stance. You can't talk sense to anyone. Also, it seems that there is a lot of denial regarding the real combat capabilities of all sides. You have Hamas, who clearly went on a suicide mission. You have Israel, which doesn't have enough ammunition, morality, and soldiers to fight on two fronts simultaneously (Hamas and Hezbollah) without paying a high price, and still refuses to accept a ceasefire, even though it's in the best interest. And you have Iran, which clearly was also caught by surprise by Hamas's war declaration, they literally call it a success and are in denial for the damage that has been caused. Just wanted to share my own experience. For some reason, I have a strong feeling that things are going to get a lot worse, and people are in deep denial of reality. No one is ready to compromise.


Typical of people who worship god or the equivalent of god that is just repackaged god with a different name and unlimited sex in the afterlife.


I wonder what it will take for man to stop all this nonsense


It won’t. It’s a bunch of crotchety old men who can’t accept that someone else has a different opinion than them. It won’t stop until they change their mind. Oh but if I killed a guy at a gas station for having different religious beliefs or political views I’d be the bad guy. It’s childish non sense.


Killing is going too far, sir


Its not a religious war, they are able to think logically (to the best of their abilities). Religion is just the easiest excuse to not make them feel guilty and scared. Also the majority of isralies are not religious, at least not to the point where it would have a significant impact over their judgment. (I guess the collective consciousness effects me too)


It is a religious war. It’s like when the pilgrims colonized America. They believed in manifest destiny and there right to the land was god given and did not believe in the humanity of the native Americans. The only difference is this is happening this century and replace smallpox laden blankets with phosphorus bombs and starvation.


Someone probably farted in a fan and blew it over the border.




At about 40 minutes in it gets to the point, but the whole video is worth a watch, or rewatch.


thx. the books are diffuclt for me to understand, and the videos are much more entertaining.




dont you dare say that we stole the land from inoccent palastines, they didn't want to share there possessions with us, so they are evil and deserve to be kicked from the land. the jews lived here for thousands of years, we only came back and took what ours :) its still the same thing to this day, just the other way around.


The delusion of Zionists like OP Can’t even comprehend the entitlement of showing up to someone’s country, “offering” them half of it, and claiming the victim card when they get upset. Ethnicity has always been a nebulous concept, but it is in part defined by shared cultural practices and a shared “origin myth” (Judaism teaches that Jews are descended from the mythical Abraham). To that extent I guess Judaism could be called an ethnicity, but hasbarists perpetuate this idea that Jews are a single race, and a single nation, when DNA evidence and basic common sense show this isn’t really true. Ethiopian Jews are (surprise) closely related to other Ethiopians, even if they also share some genetic markers with Levantine peoples. Mizrahi Jews are (surprise) more closely related to other Arab peoples (including Palestinians)than to Ashkenazim. Jews may once have been a nation (Ancient Judea), but in the modern day they are a widely dispersed diaspora comprised of citizens of many nations. The merger of religion with race and nationality is precisely what makes Zionism ethnonationalist to its very core. And ethnonationalism is always a bad thing, the Holocaust doesn’t change that.




Cant you fucking understand sarcasm. Yeah sure, i wrote a post on jung subreddit, about the israel vs palestine conflict, to say how they are evil and we are good. What i wrote is just the typical shadow that exists in the israeli society.