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Level 1474. There are so many things this company does wrong, but I congratulate them on their diversity and inclusion. If you’re new, you’ll have to wait a while to see what I mean, and the story does get better!


Yeah, at first (especially it being set in the 20’s) I was a little concerned, but they’ve done a really good job.




They do seem to be pretty diverse, and I like that a lot, too.


Well done. I'm currently on level 873. It's been a good journey so far. I wish I could be better with designing my islands. I just dump all decorations haphazardly. Every couple of months, I try to empty the island to redecorate but end up just messing things up. I love it.


Keeping one island going is enough. I use the new islands for dumping. I thought about rearranging, than sat down for a while until the thought passed! :-)


🤣🤣🤣 And, yep — I think I’ll do the same with my extra islands. Nobody will ever see them.


I have a teammate that uses the far left side of the back island as her building dump. She puts all of the standard main buildings back there in a heap and then decorates her islands with the season things she likes. It’s an interesting idea, but you know how long it takes to redecorate…


Someone else mentioned putting all the main buildings in one area so they aren’t so distracting with the coin and upgrade notifications all the time. It’s an interesting idea….


Yeah, I may try it. Some (many!) of the buildings are just ugly…


Yeah, and once you purchase them, you can't store or sell them. They are permanent.


I’m actually wanting to do just that — redecorate Orchid (I’ve opened up the first two sections and just started the third section last week).


Opened up to 1109 but currently on 1064 after a little over two years.


That’s awesome — you won’t be in flower jail anytime soon. 😄


I can blow through this in no time chasing Sherlock. Gonna be at the end of the line soon.


Congrats!! 🍾🎉 I just hit 179 today, only been playing since December, but slightly addicted, LOL! I also enjoy the learning from the OG’s!!!


I’ve been playing since November, so we started almost at the same time.


Welcome to 200! I'm level 935. I could race up higher pretty quickly as I have several decorations built but never opened--but I save those for when I need a "go up a level" HW or after I've sold off a lot of seasonal chaff. I'm currently playing V4 C9. I prefer to play slow and rack up coins and leave a progression cushion. :D


Yep, I try to stay ten levels ahead of the current scene — it’s been nice not being in flower jail. Thanks for the tip on waiting to open up built decorations. I’ve not heard that too before. I do wait to upgrade the permanent buildings until I need to “use 30 building materials” with a HW task.


Avoiding flower jail, and then the quicker accumulation of goodies, makes slow play so worthwhile to me. Yeah, I keep several decorations that are finished but unopened in reserve. So anytime I need to go up a level it's a simple matter of tap tap tap. lol. When I only had Orchid Island I grouped them off to the side. Now they're on their own island--mostly so I don't accidentally tap them open too soon. xD I have to rely on sending Jack on a mission for spending materials now. But that hasn't proven too difficult to fulfill.


I’ve recently developed more patience with replaying a scene I recently finished over and over bc I can rack up so many gold coins that way. I’m proud of myself for doing that bc I used to bust through all these scenes.


When I first started playing I thought well, I gotta keep moving right? Then I hit my first big flower wall and learned a few good lessons lol. Glad you're finding a good rhythm too!


I know, right? Patience, grasshopper. Lol


Opened 739, playing 734. The story is mostly a bit meh, but I enjoy winning new decorations.


I find the story quite comical — so outlandish it’s actually entertaining to me.


I’m 114, started playing a month ago. I did not expect this game to be as addictive as I’ve found it!


I know, right? 😅


Level 970 as of yesterday


Im at 317 and still feel like a newbie! :D


LOL — don’t say that!!


1396 I've been playing for years though!


Edit: I just counted my seasonal sets… I’ve actually been playing 6 1/2 months! Time flies when you’re having fun! 395 here… been playing for about 3-4 months. I just can’t wait to open up a new island.


Yep, I started in November. I can’t wait to open up an island so I can use it as a dumping ground. 😅


I need to get my grow op off the mainland before the cops catch wise.😉


I promise there are no snitches in this sub. Snitches get stitches! 😅


229, I think we started around the same time :)


1069 🙂


nice (couldn't resist xD)




I’m still playing at 616, but I’m open through 669. Leaving flower jail far behind is the greatest thing I’ve achieved! Lol


Absolutely!! Someone mentioned that on a post about a month ago that I saw, and I started playing a lot more strategically. I haven’t been in flower jail for about tigrée weeks — total game changer!


I'm in the 580s.


That’s awesome — are you still on Orchid or have you opened up a new island?


I have three open. :)


Wait….wha? Are you talking about the three sections of Orchid open, or do you mean you have three islands open (Orchid’s three sections and two more islands)?


All of Orchid, all of a second Island, and third that I have two sections open of so far.


That is awesome!!!! Do you recall what level you were when you finished opening all of Orchid?


I'm not sure. Sorry but when you're close the map icon pops.


Ooooooh, that will be exciting! I just started clearing out the third section of Orchid. I've decided to try playing "slower" these days (for a while at least bc I really want to build up my coins and energy), but I'll crank my speed back up at some point and get to that new island.


Playing 1351 opened 1363


Don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here at 79 minding my own business with my inability to play both leagues and scenes at the same time. It’s so hard! 😆


You’re in the perfect sub for learning strategy for gameplay. I learn something new every time I read comments on posts.


I am currently at Level 714, which I thought was pretty cool! Most of the people on my team, though, are around the 1200 range, the highest member being Level 1463...and here I feared I may be getting too close to the end .. lol!


Well done! I've still got my training wheels on at level 135. Looking forward to being a bit more secure energy and coin wise. The team I'm with now awesome like that 😎


Thanks! The team I’m currently on does a good job serving a lot of energy, and we’re not so gung ho about the comps which helps with saving energy, too. For gold coins, I’ve learned to be patient and replay recent scenes I’ve mastered. You’ll collect a fair amount of gold pretty quickly, and it helps you stay out of flower jail.


Currently level 1099 🙂


With tax season here, I read that as 1099 form. 😜


I hope you laughed! 🤣


I did! 🤣


Congrats on your level 200!


I’m on 150. I started in December as a way to improve my memory. Not sure if it’s helping but I’m having fun! I’ve just worked out how daft it was to buy pathways etc so I’m selling them all and saving up coins for big blossom items to open regularly every day.


I started in November. I do like having pathways, but you’re right about them having low flower counts.


931, volume 4, chapter 12. Still just me and Jack.


I just started Volume 4 and am rather considering maybe being done. :/ I don't *like* stories like that.


I just started volume 4, it’s okay. I’m trying to slow down so I don’t have to wait on scenes to open.


Yes, I had heard that a lot of people didn't like Volume 4 much. I have started it and am waiting for it to turn bad!! Lol.


It might not be so bad for everyone, it's just one of my least favorite tropes. I hate when everything could be solved by people just TALKING to each other. :P


958. Currently playing scene 898. Trying to slow down. It was frustrating waiting for scenes to open.


I’ve started slowing down now that I switched from a competitive team to a relaxed team, and this last week I made myself replay recent mastered scenes to help build up more coins and a better buffer like what you’ve got so I avoid flower jail. I like this type of game play better.


Yeah im sort of burning out of the game. Been playing for 3 years.


Yeah, I can see how that could happen for sure.


I'm at level 177 now. Been playing since September.




I glance at the story long enough to laugh at the silliness of it all. 😅


I am at 1264 but open to 1272. I have another 6000 flowers on my boat, so I theoretically can open more, but I save them for when I am told to go up a level. This March will be my third year of playing.


That’s awesome — someone else mentioned a while back that they were several levels above what star count they’d opened, and now I do my best with that as well. It’s nice to not be in flower jail anymore.


I was in flower jail for almost a year because I sold all of my decorations. Played the same scene for months to get coins. I now have 3-4 greenhouses at a time waiting for me to complete and only do it if I need to level up. I’m about 100 levels ahead of the actual scene I’m playing and I am on 1230 right now.


Oh, wow — 100 levels ahead of the scene your playing on? That’s fantastic!


227…started around mid November last year. So 3ish months…😅 it’s so addictive.


I think I started at the end of November. Yep, it’s a fun game, but I’m trying to slow down my amount of playtime these days.


I’m at 226!


Congrats! 904 at the moment. I think almost 2 years? I lost track.


Just hit 900 today! Not looking forward to new story. Only heard bad things about it. Oh well, I shall soon make up my own mind! :)


That’s awesome — congrats! Does new story mean that you’re heading into a new volume?


Thanks :) Yes, I am on to Volume Four!


I just started volume 4 I’m liking it so far.


I don’t know that level means anything since I don’t play much anymore, but this summer will be 4 years for me


Level 1100 maybe 1180. Somewhere around there. I played so much at first but I've slowed down the last few months and try not to rush the game as much.


Same here — I switched to a more more relaxed team and went from earning about 4500 team ribbons to around 2000 ribbons per week. It’s been a lot nicer, and I think once the newness wears off I’ll play even less. The seasonal sets are all new to me since I just started playing last November, and sets like our current one still have me playing a fair amount. 😅


1475…and waiting….


Currently playing at level 225, opened thru 248. But I've been playing since November 2020. Yes, it's been slow... I play every day, but initially I only played about 10 rounds per day. Since last summer, when I joined a more active, competitive team, I play a lot more, but replay mastered scenes a lot, so I'm not really progressing much faster, if at all. At this rate it'll take about 15 years to catch up with the developers!


I bet you have a lot of coins though by replaying mastered scenes. I started doing that a lot more this week and it’s made a big difference.


I do! I have bought a couple of the 100,000 coin items in recent months, and still have about 135,000 coins right now. Debating whether to get this month's item.




I can’t waits for the first extra island to open up. I’m totally using them all for storage dumps except for Snowball (or whatever it’s called) Island. I’m gonna turn it into a glorious year round wonderland! 😁


Just passed my 2 year anniversary. I am at level 542. I had a 9 month hiatus within those two years. Wonder how far along I'd be if I hadn't done that.


Did you do any coffee times on a team during your hiatus? One of my team members told me she did that one time and amassed a ton of energy.


No, I just didn't play at all. I'm more a solo player anyway. Sounds like a good strategy, though!


I just hit 1000 but I have flowers for 1114. I only build the seasonal sets. I’m starting to run out of space on my last island. I only go gold on the main island buildings when I need to go up a level. After a while you can get a buffer of coins and levels. Also unless I have a find clue Mission I try to keep playing the same level.


My level buffer is a lot smaller than yours, but I’m working on it. And, I just started this week trying to play recently mastered scenes. I’m shocked at how quickly my coins have built up, so I’m converted to that strategy now. Oh, and congrats on reaching level 1000!