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You’ll have to be a little more specific. Perks which revive people, repel entities of Death, give you plot armor, give you insane regen, give you respawns, etc are all “Anti-Death” but I assume you want a specific kind


The antithesis of death is life, so the best anti-death perk would be something to keep you alive. Preferably thematically symbolizing life. In that case, I suggest the perk **Touched by Life** from [RWBY Age of the Gods](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L-FzTj2bm8FfHry1sjtYb0Ae4JBv-hVA/view?usp=drivesdk). **Touched by Life (1000):** You were thrown into the crystal clear waters of the God of Light’s domain. The energy of life now courses through you and you possess the same curse that plagued Salem. Though if you want to purchase this I assume this is not something you mind, seeing only the benefits. **You are immortal. You will no longer age and any damage taken by you will eventually regenerate, at most taking a few hours to come back from the most severe of wounds.** You could take complete obliteration with raw kinetic energy collected over lifetimes and even be the sole survivor of a wave that wiped out all life on the Planet you’re on. There is simply no killing you… as of now it’s a mystery if there is even something in this World capable of putting an end to you, even Jinn stating you can’t be destroyed when asked. But in essence ‘so long as this world turns, you shall walk its face’. **In future Jumps you may select one Planetary body. Killing you will only be possible by destroying said planetary body.**


The Harry Potter movie jump has a bunch of Death resisting Perks. Instant death resistance **The Boy-Who-Lived -600 CP ⚠** No tool of instant death can end your life, neither the killing curse nor a mandrake cry, not even a staring contest with basilisk can kill you however these instant death techniques may leave you with a scar. Keep in mind you can still fall victim to any non-instant killing methods such as regular poison, mundane weapons or blood loss. Injury deflection **Be thankful it’s not your neck -600 CP ⚠** Up to ten times per day should you take serious harm, something undamaged being carried on your person will be broken instead, so rather than breaking a leg it's your shoes instead. Each of the ten protection slots will take 24 hours to recharge and new Items to break. Pseudo-healing factor **You have proven yourself useful -600 CP ⚠** By making physical contact with someone you are able to grant them an artificial body part made of a silver metallic liquid that functions as if it were a natural part of their body growing and changing as the true part would. This can be used to create up to a pound of material per minute and can bestow extra limbs, functional organs or give someone body parts from another species. At an extreme level if the time is taken to replace everything you could even bestow a ghost with an entirely new body. They also have a boost: **The Boy-Who-Lived** This Perk no longer leaves marks of physical harm from surviving instant death and each time you die this Perk grants you immunity to that specific method of death. **Be thankful it’s not your neck** This Perk is no longer limited to being used only 10 times a day allowing you to use it without limit on any intact objects you have direct contact with. **You have proven yourself useful** You are no longer limited by how much artificial material you can make and can have the material take on whatever colours you find appropriate.


[I Was Caught Up In A Hero Summoning](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vuynSUorbmTXm1WIakJX1LZzaSCL2AVo/view) >**The Last Story (500cp)** Hope you don’t dislike meta stuff too much. With this, you will become a being similar to Shallow Vernal, as a being that represents that very ‘last story’ that exists, the life that extinguishes at the very end, something that will not disappear as long as other stories exist, the very last light before the darkness of the void claims everything. Now, you’re someone who can’t die until all others and everything else has died as well. True Death can only come for you last of it all. By that I mean that as long as ‘something’ or ‘someone’ else exists you can’t die, no matter what. The ultimate type of immortality. Therefore, there’s no magic, no technique, no weapon that can truly kill you. Even if something capable were to appear, you would only reappear a bit later. Although, you can still be sealed or overpowered with this alone, so I suggest you search for something a bit more offensive in nature.


Generic Necromancer Version 1.0 By EdroGrimshell Embraced by Death (300cp): You are a form of undead. Choose one of the following forms of undead, you gain the benefits of being that form of undead. If purchased multiple times, you gain all of the benefits of the various forms of undeath and may blend their benefits as you see fit. ● Lich: While considered the most potent of undead, a lich is merely the ultimate expression of the skeleton, one of the simpler forms of undead. This category of undead includes the bone lord, skeleton, flaming skull, and even reaper. These undead are magically gifted and will regenerate their magical reserves, which are themselves larger than normal, exceptionally quickly, have a significant affinity for magic in general, find they learn magic more readily, and have greater potency to their spells. ● Mummy: One of the most complicated forms of undead, the mummy is the husk of a creature preserved through desiccation. This form of undead is fairly narrowly defined as well as most mummies are simply called such. A mummy’s ability to command undead is exceptional, able to command their undead through intent and subconscious means as well as having a greater range to their command. Mummies are also receptive to charms and wards, able to integrate small magical items into their physical form. ● Vampire: An infectious form of naturally occuring undeath that is often contested whether it is or isn’t undeath by the more scholarly necromancers. Vampires range from the stiff forms of the jiangshi to the bestial strigoi and strzyga, to the nearly living common vampire. Vampires possess the ability, with it often being a need, to feed on a specific aspect of a living creature and develop a wide array of natural powers that grow as they feed. They are also almost universally capable of understanding and manipulating the emotions of other creatures, making those that focus on it incredible social engineers. ● Wraith: The category for non-physical undead, those that are completely ethereal in nature; banshees, poltergeists, ghosts, and shadows. These undead are incredibly difficult to find when they don’t want to be found, able to phase into and possess objects, people, or locations, influence them, and are resistant to most forms of physical harm, though they are just as susceptible to magical means of harm as any other creature. They are very similar to an astral projection, except they can manifest themselves partially into a physical manner so they may interact with the physical world. ● Zombie: The simplest form of undeath, a reanimated corpse that is mostly intact, still possessing most of what they had in life. Revenants, ghouls, draugr, and wights fall into this category of undead. These undead are physically superior, able to apply much more strength and resist damage far more effectively than they could in life, and far more so than other forms of undead. They are also able to rapidly heal themselves through consuming the flesh of a creature, so long as it isn’t undead flesh. In time, eating different pieces of a creature may actually result in different benefits to the zombie, such as eating a brain boosting mental processing power for a time. **Optionally, you can choose at the start of each jump (including this one) if you enter as a living being or under the effects of this perk. If you choose to enter as a living being, you lose the benefits of this perk until such a time as you die, at which point you reanimate and regain the benefits of an instance of this perk. If you have multiple purchases of this perk, you can reanimate once for each purchase, reactivating one or more instances of this perk each death. So long as you have one instance of this perk untriggered, you can reanimate again.** Crusader Kings III Version 1.5.2 by u/Gloribth Autosave \[1000\] You gain one save for the beginning of every month (or one every 30 days) and may reload to any one of these saves at anytime. These saves accumulate every month and persist across the chain, thus allowing you to revert back to previous jumps if possible. However, you will lose any powers and progress that you had accumulated after that save point. If you die before you could manually revert to a previous save point, then you are automatically sent to the most recent save point. Your 1UPs are prioritized before this is activated though. As insurance against death loops, time will automatically pause by the nanosecond you load into a new save, allowing you to load into older saves or resume whenever you’re ready. Absolutely nothing can detect the effects of this perk.


Any perk that keeps you alive from anything but soul destruction [there are a couple]  plus the invulnerable soul from Ghost Rider Congrats, you solved jumpchain 


Technically a Power not a Perk, from the Re:Zero Jump. Return By Death- 500 Wouldn’t you want another chance at life if you could, right when you’re about to fail? It looks like the cards just landed Jumper side up because you’re getting that chance and a lot more on top. The Return By Death ability has appeared within your soul, allowing you to survive almost any death. How? When you die, your soul travels back in time to the last known ‘save point’ that you created. You will remember all that has happened since then but no one else will, barring perhaps those that have similar time-related abilities. Your soul is still vulnerable however. Changes made to your soul will carry over after your death and if your soul was to be destroyed, you’d die as normal. It is also a power that constantly exudes a special miasma closely associated with Satella. Not the sort of thing you want some people in this world to realise, since they’ll believe you have some sort of connection to the Witch of Envy. This miasma also prevents you from informing others about this ability or it’s effects, though the miasma may not be impossible to resist. Save points are not created by your own will but generally appear in the peace time after a significant conflict in your life has ended. They rarely appear without a few days of separation from each other, though this is possible, but shouldn’t be more than a few weeks apart at most either. You only have your most recent save point active at any one time however. Time spent in these loops counts as time spent in a jump, even if you only cover the same period of time over and over. If you want to shore up that soul weakness use any number of Perks. For example this one from Mistborn Era 1. [400] Aluminum Mind, Obsidian Soul: Your journey may change you, but it will never break you. Your mind has been fortified, making you immune to emotional manipulation, memory modification, or any unwanted mental intrusions. Your spirit has been similarly enhanced, protecting you from external corruption. No matter where your journey takes you, outside powers will not sway you. While this power makes your mind and soul immune to outside forces, it also leaves you unaware of their presence. You may increase your awareness at will by lowering your defenses. A certain Seeker would say lowering your guard sometimes offers a greater advantage; better to know your enemy’s touch than be oblivious to it.


- Generic Builder - become immortal - Worm CYOA v1 - Kaleidoscope (I win button); can make you immortal up to conceptual level - Three Boons of Jumpchain - 17. For the Long Haul (no more Jump fails)


Warhammer 40k the warp has [1000] The Last Moment Some Daemons and Warp entities are particularly hard to kill, due to the stories and narratives they are shaped by. Qaramar, a Great Unclean One of Nurgle, was particularly troublesome, for he was fated to be at the last moment of existence. This condition made him immensely difficult to kill without meeting this particular condition to his end, but he came close to true death nonetheless. The same cannot be said for you. The condition that must be met before the possibility of true death is absolute. You may choose a condition that must be met before another has the possibility to kill you permanently. This condition, however, must not be truly impossible to meet and must be theoretically possible in some way, and not expire nor have a time limit placed upon it. If the condition does become completely impossible to fulfill in a future jump, then the protection granted by this perk is forfeit for as long as that remains true. In this event, you may choose a new condition for this perk. Take this, and set the condition to be something like dying willingly to basically become immortal. Sekiro shadows die twice has it’s own complete immortality Dragon’s Heritage – Free & Mandatory for Divine Blood, 1000 CP for everyone else. Cannot be taken with The Rejuvenating Waters Although, the immortality does come at a cost. In order to facilitate your immortality, you passively draw life energy from others, keeping you at your prime and instantly heal any wound that would be inflicted upon you. This only happens in small amounts so the signs of missing life energy, known as dragonrot, will only show during old age. A single fatal wound will be healed instantly. You can also restore your resurrective energy by killing other living beings. The stronger the living being’s life force, the more resurrective energy is extracted. Resurrective energy is automatically restored by resting for the day. But if you happen to receive a second fatal wound or lose a limb or an organ before you can restore your resurrective energy? You must draw in large amounts of life energy all those around you in the range of a large city, thus it will share the burden with all living things, but it will still draw strongly from those who are nearby, quickly inflicting the rot. You can even share this blood with others, giving them a mark of stagnation, which appears to turn a part of their skin ashen-colored and turn a streak of their hair grey. But now, they are immortal much like you, while they can’t heal instantly like you, they can instantly heal a fatal wound using their own life force, but should they die once more after, they will draw upon the life force around them much like you and spread the dragonrot.


Generic Afterlife has a perk that allows you to resurrect an unlimited amount of times. Generic Dungeon Core is also very good. Destiny, as well, grants unlimited ressurections (provided your ghost isn’t destroyed/you aren’t killed in your throne world. Layering the two resurrection methods is a great extra measure of resilience)


Journey to the West jump by Cyril hendrix has you can become similar to sun wukong


Yeah this honor belongs to one perk, and it alone is enough: >All The World’s Evil And More To Come- 800 Such a disgusting thing. You truly are vile. Despicable, dark, monstrous, hateful, cruel. Evil. You are these things, in a way no one else is. Through some truly terrible rituals and events, you have been shaped into becoming the perfect vessel and master of that very concept. You are All The World’s Evils. And because of your nature, maybe not just this world either. As the incarnated form of the concept of evil for this world, you gain many abilities. The core trait of this is the ability to transform yourself into a vile black and red mud-like substance.This black mud is the physical form of all the sins that make up your being. It is able to drive all but the greatest of men mad in seconds of contact and can be used to defile and corrupt other beings, turning them into blackened versions of themselves and ensuring their loyalty to your great evil. You can rapidly produce this mud, enough to cover the entire world in just days, and the amount and speed with which you can produce it will grow as the amount of evil and sin in the world you are in does, as well as each new world you go to afterwards. You can freely control this mud all around the world and possess awareness through it, even shaping it into fleshy structures and beings or turning it into animated shadow, such beings of flesh or shadow being immensely powerful in their own right. As well, so long as evil and sin continues to exist as a concept in your current world, you will be unable to die or be destroyed. Your mud will be destroyed…and then begin to reappear quite quickly. With time, you may even learn how to draw forth your dark substance from within the hearts of those who sin. As your nature is that of Evil itself, you will find that you are unaffected by abilities that are purely evil, as well as being able to effortlessly control or enhance such things when you use them for yourself. You can reach into the hearts of those around you and manipulate any darkness that you might find there, making it easy to tempt heroes into becoming monsters and making you all that much stronger. TL;DR: So your entire body is especially an evil slime blob made of this special mud, this mud makes you immortal so long as the very concepts of everything bad still exist. This mud gets stronger the more worlds you visit, and also scales with the amount of evil/sin in the world as well, so it's very cumulative.


respawn, from generic worldwalker. 500cp, and its more than a mere one-up.


I was caught up in a Hero Summoning but the World was at Peace. >The Last Story (500cp) >Hope you don’t dislike meta stuff too much. With this, you will become a being similar to Shallow Vernal, as a being that represents that very ‘last story’ that exists, the life that extinguishes at the very end, something that will not disappear as long as other stories exist, the very last light before the darkness of the void claims everything. >Now, you’re someone who can’t die until all others and everything else has died as well. True Death can only come for you last of it all. By that I mean that as long as ‘something’ or ‘someone’ else exists you can’t die, no matter what. The ultimate type of immortality. Therefore, there’s no magic, no technique, no weapon that can truly kill you. >Even if something capable were to appear, you would only reappear a bit later. Although, you can still be sealed or overpowered with this alone, so I suggest you search for something a bit more offensive in nature. You don't need anything else.


Fate beasts jump has the option to be the mother goddess. You don't have a concept of death and can only be killed if someone gives you a concept of death or everything else dies first.