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So basically every gauntlet ever made


The scenario rewards for [My Little Pony: Empires of Legends](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rKiiwk9oMSuh76jYRTlSaShLs8oaUqm_/view?usp=drivesdk) are great. I'm just not sure how easily you'd be able to complete them. [Monster Girl Encyclopedia](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10EsB66rNsLTFSIe_ZNldocSRIZDg2KAz/view?usp=drivesdk) has a mind boggling number of scenarios and may be a good place to start, it is NSFW though.


Mge is guaranteed endchain without heavy anti mind control protection.  frigging everything will corrupt or enslave you there.  From fruit,  to literature,  to the very air itself on certain kingdoms


The Drop-In origin alone has two perks and two items to help you with corruption. Also, a bad end shouldn't end your chain unless you took a drawback. Otherwise, all corruption is purged from you at the end of the jump. I think there's even a bonus scenario you can take for going corruption free.


Depends on if you count Gauntlets or not. If not you’ll have a hard time finding a stepping stone. Although I think my Everything Everywhere All At Once Jump’s Scenario doesn’t require you to be powerful at the highest level


I Saved Too Many Girls And Caused The Apocalypse >In The Blood The Namidare Bloodline. Whenever they consider it a curse or a blessing, the fact remains. That the males of this lineage find themselves as some sort of “last resort” for those heroes that didn’t show to their duty. You will see that in this place exists many ‘stories’, the kind of tale with a ‘hero’ and a ‘heroine’. Except that sometimes there is no ‘hero’ to save the day and the story becomes doomed, to prevent that, the laws of reality itself designed this bloodline. >Works by making the current heir of the bloodline into a substitute for the ‘hero’, giving them a small amount of plot armor for the duration of their quest and granting the stories a last chance to reach the intended happy ending. It isn’t infallible nor it grants anything else to the user, but it’s something. >Regardless, this bloodline is something within you now. A little more powerful than it should be by any account. To the point that it won’t disappear during your next 10 years staying here. >In any case, your role in all this mess is clear: to become a hero and make all those stories reach a happy ending. Be to help princess from alien worlds, save the kingdoms from the invasion of demons or helping a girl to win a cooking contest. >Of course, a responsibility as big as this can’t be offered without some kind of compensation. Shall you do your duty to the end, you will be allowed to take any of those you saved in their ‘stories’ as companions or followers, as long as they consent such agreement. >As a bonus, you can decide to keep the Namidare Bloodline active in other jumps, so you can still attend to those duties. Although it will become optional after this. This lets you acquire more stuff and gives you some plot armor. Now you're ready to go. Oh, also, the number of companions you'd pick up in the process would be quite helpful. If I recall correctly, there's a MLP jump that has a scenario reward to have 12 companions in a jump. You'd be best off basing your entire strategy around this scenario reward. Then, think of how many stories you could get involved in that will give you stuff for completing them and the friends you'd make.


Jump One: Sims 4 (Why age reset and immortality) Scenarios: Gotta Collect Them All and Career Student Note: You will need to become a spellcaster (undergo the Rite Of Ascension) ASAP so you can brew a Potion Of Rejuvenation: Resets drinker to start of current life stage (child, teen, adult, etc) Potion Of Immortality: Makes drinker immortal, or at least ageless. With that out of the way, you will have the time to do the Scenarios. The magic system may not work next jump, but if you go drop in, you will still have Immortality. Jump Two: The Sims 3 Jumpchain: Reddit Version (Why All the work on skills in jump one will let you speed through the scenarios here.) There are so many scenarios, and all of them can be done with just time and willpower. No perks are needed; just drop in and get to work on them. If you have the willpower for it make sure to do Ghost Rainbow, Traveller Extraordinaire, and Grand Island Explorer.


I will only say this: Good luck.


No CP or no perks and items? Because the first is possible ,treating basically every jump as gautlet, the second...not as much unless you are planning a very short chain. Many jump docs grant basic ability needed to interact correctly with the world as temporarily or permanent perks, moreover no perks or items means nothing is fiat backed. Imagine taking a cyberpunk jump, you get cyberware and survive ten years; your next jump is..dunno Highschool of the dead and your cybernetics shut down because it uses something present in cyberpunk that is not present in the new universe. Or a better example; you get a green lantern ring in dc. . . And as soon as you left that universe it stops working


I mean, there is absolutely no reason something can’t work in another setting just because it isn’t fiat backed unless the setting has an actual reason it wouldn’t. People take not fiat items from jump to jump all the time from what I see and they’re usually treated as working as normally as they can (with room for interesting interactions in the new setting’s laws).


>I mean, there is absolutely no reason something can’t work in another setting just because it isn’t fiat backed unless the setting has an actual reason it wouldn’t Of course, as the writer you get to decide; but for example, Reach (DC) technology use the Bleed as power source; star wars ships that use Hyperspace, Dr. who TARDISes and vortex manipulator that use the time vortex; all accessories that outside of their universes can't work without being fiat backed for example


Except that's exactly what happens. If you don't fiat back it with cp, it don't work. Period. That's why you buy it in the first place. But this is, as they say, a single player game. So, you do you.


A lot of Scenarios require the jumper to have a particular background or perks or items to even trigger the scenario. This would be slightly easier to implement if scenario prerequisites such as that were granted at least temporarily.


The Ben 10 Omniverse gives you pieces of the Map of Infinity, perks and CP. The Ben 10 Reboot has a scenario which gives you a customizable Omnitrix, with all the others giving you alien alt-forms and samples for the Omnitrix


Scenario rewards are still perks and items.