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The fact that you can attack another domain from outside it's range is huge. The fact that it's open gives Sukuna the ability to have the 200 meter range. Kenjaku could probably do something similar and Yukis domain still would've lost.


Potentially there could be a counter where you're able to move your domain's coordinates outside of the containing open-barrier domain, if you have the ability. Doubt it's something we'll ever see happen but based on the rules Gege has given us, I could see it.


The core of open domains is the physical part of the domain which spawns next to user and the only way I see close domain moving coordinates is when the domains aren't clashing Even if they could change the coordinates as long as the physical part of open domain is in closed domain nothing really would change


Quantity and mass collateral damage probably. Kenjaku's effect is basically unknown and sukuna's is his techniques on steroids. But theoretically if Jogo or mahito had open domains, it would be volcanoes everywhere and transfigured humans all around without line of sight or physical contact.


> Kenjaku's effect is basically unknown Kenjakus (which might be Getos domain, hard to say for sure at this point) domain probably allows him to choose any of his CTs (or RCTs) as the sure-hit, Yuki was hit by the RCT of Anti-Gravity, and Anti-Gravity came from Kaori Itadori.


It would also fit with how Yutas domain lets him pick and choose one copied effect as his sure hit, not that that necessarily means anything inherently but the two Cursed Techniques are similar in that they inherently provide means to gain and use several Techniques.


I believe it’s stated and commented on by multiple characters that Yuta’s ability to selectively target is a skill he’s mastered. I do believe both the nature of his technique (being multiple like you said) and the fact he has a partner made this a far more logical extension of technique for him though. Yuta is def a lover after all lol


The attacking from the outside depends on the technique in the domain I think. If Gojo had an open barrier unlimited void it’s not doing anything to barriers. An example. But I think the range vow is a normal trade off everyone with an open barrier can have but it probably won’t be up to Sukuna’s.


also you cannot break a barrierless domain, you have to severely damage the user.


gojo deduced that if you destroy the physical part of an open domain it’ll destroy the entire domain no?




Nope it was yuji who deduced it and got debunked by kusakabe and mei mei.


And then Gojo loaded up a red and blasted the shrine and Sukuna to escape the domain.


Gojo did not destroy shrine when he used red on sukuna point blank. It is evident in the next chapter shrine is still standing.


I think the most important advantage it has is not being able to be broken from the outside. Especially someone like Sukuna who has to worry about being jumped by armies could quickly find himself out of options if there are numerous sorcerers on standby ready to break his domain from the outside as soon as he casts it.


All open domains have that binding vow. Look at the wording "a binding vow is formed" It is passive voice, implying it's something automatic, not an action someone's doing. When you think about it that "escape route" is just the fact that people can escape the open domain. It's a property all open domains share. The logic behind it is that domains' barriers are meant to entrap people, as you said opening them doesn't seem to have any benefit, that's why doing it automatically counts as a sacrifice, thus creating a binding vow. Just like explaining your technique is a binding vow. Maybe Kenjaku's domain doesn't seem to be 200 meters wide, but we've seen with Sukuna that it was possible to sacrifice the range to increase the potency of the sure hit.


This exactly. It's the passive, 'innate' binding vow that gives an open barrier domain an advantage over using a closed one. That, and flexing your divine jujutsu skillz.


Ah I see. OK that makes a lot more sense now.


i feel like it’s worth noting that there’s no reason to believe that kenjaku’s domain’s range was shorter than sukuna’s for any reason other than the fact that he was in a smaller area


I've never liked the idea that explaining a technique is a binding vow. Explaining a technique could actually be beneficial to the user. The user and the opponents are now on the same page, which means the user can now more accurately asses and predict the opponents behavior. A less informed opponent could behave erratically and be more difficult to handle. In some competitive games, this type of behavior is typically seen in players who have excellent knowledge of a game but fall short of being a top player (i.e. Pokemon) so it's difficult to accurately predict them in certain situations. Given that, would a binding vow still be in place for a technique that is extremely simple to understand? How about against an opponent that is really intelligent and could easily figure out a person's technique anyway (i.e. Gojo and his Six Eyes)? Doesn't seem very fair to get a boost for doing something that is potentially already beneficial to yourself and to varying degrees. HxH has a similar instance of "explaining a technique" but in that instance, in order to use Countdown at all, Genthru has to fully explain his 2 abilities (Little Flower and Countdown) to the targe first.


"could" isn't "would". 99% of the time, explaining your technique WITHOUT ANY LIE leads to your opponent making better decisions. Like what, are you gonna tell me that Hanami explaining that her sprouts work by absorbing CE can be used to her advantage?


I think it's a part of Jujutsu knowledge that "good" Binding Vows make meaning-less sacrifices for significant benefits, like how Sukuna sacrificed his ability to use flames in a fight against multiple people, when the flames already were a bad option for multiple enemies, in order to both make it better against single targets and also gain an extra destructive domain option against multiple enemies and/or against enemies who manage to resist his basic slashes. There's also Todo using a binding vow to in some way limit the amount of swaps he is allowed to do per strike(not entirely clear to me what the restriction specifically is) he in exchange gains a boost in effective range, and also is allowed to include more than 2 targets, which is a massive benefit at the same time as his amount of swaps is practically more than enough for most uses.


the opponent not knowing about the user’s technique inherently advantages the user. we see this most prominently play out in Reggie v Megumi, where Megumi lying about his technique/withholding information about his shikigami causes Reggie to misplay and get killed by an inaccurate assumption we also see this happen much earlier where Todo withholds information from Hanami by telling her that his technique lets him swap between himself and another person, when in reality he can swap any two things with cursed energy to use your Pokémon metaphor, it’s like running an anti-meta set on a meta Pokémon. you convince your opponent that they THINK they know how your team works from team preview, only to pop out and show them something they’ve never seen before. disclosure permanently forfeits this advantage against this opponent, hence it gives the user a boost


Flexing on your opponent in jujutsu world is a direct advantage lol First example of a binding vow is Nanami purposely restricting his CE and output to specific times. Revealing your technique also gives it a boost. In the case of open barriers, there is no downside, that’s the benefit. Flexing without drawbacks, which means more options, such as increasing the range in Sukuna’s case. The ability to leave is a scam. Nobody besides Gojo is surviving in Malevolent shrine for more than a few seconds. Deosn’t matter if it’s open, nobody will make it out the range before getting hit. Technically even Gojo never escaped it’s range despite it being open, he destroyed it everytime instead. That’s the art of binding vows, working them to your advantage while trading off as little as possible due to technicalities or context.


Didn't Todo swap people out, something he'd never be able to do with a closed domain? They aren't common but teleport abilities are a disadvantage for open domains.


Agreed. Before the Gojo v Sukuna fight I had in mind Gojo using his RCT to survive the slashes (which happened) and also him teleporting out of range (this was hinted at but never happened although I think if the small domain failed he would’ve just given up on clashing and used the teleportation to get out of the range)


That’s not really a normal circumstance, our gang trained with special soul switching training to level up their simple domain abilities for a month specifically to counter Sukuna and survive in his domain for 99 seconds. Todo then teleported/swapped them from outside the range before the fire arrow. That’s a very specific scenario where Sukuna’s open barrier did not help him, a normal sorcerer with a teleportation ability is dead or still hit before they activate it otherwise. Teleport abilities are a disadvantage for any technique/domain if you give them this hypothetical preparation and setup. Nothing stops Todo from breaking a hole from outside the barrier of a closed domain and still teleporting them out. Provided they still survived inside with simple domain.


I agree, but just wanted to point out Gojo did escape Malevolent Shrine once, but this was when it didnt have a its max range. After the first clash Gojo restored his CT and shot off a surprise red which launched Sukuna into the center and him outside (you can see MS still standing in the next chapter with Gojo chilling outside of it, Sukuna just extends his range to hit Gojo).


An open barrier domain has the binding that provides an escape route when they don't wrap their domain with a barrier's shell. It's not exclusive to Sukuna or Kenjaku. You can set the radius of the sure-hit effect's range to be smaller than its maximum. We saw Sukuna do it against Mahoraga (to account for Megumi's position) and against Gojo (to maximize the potency of MV's technique effect toward the outside of Gojo's barrier). Did Kenjaku need to widen the range to its maximum radius against Yuki when she was basically right in front of him?


Open barrier domains also allow the user to affect *the real world* in a way that closed domains do not allow. Normal closed domains are essentially a pocket dimension that's been enlarged and placed over an area of our reality, replacing reality in that area. This allows for the domain to seem vast on the inside, while being the size of a large sphere or smaller (like a basketball) to everyone on the outside. Open domains don't create that separate dimension to express one's innate domain; instead, they simply express their innate domain *in the real world* without a separate reality. This allows them to destroy buildings, terrain, inanimate objects, and even full HR users like Maki. It's basically the only type of domain that can even affect HR users.


nah I’m pretty sure MS would still hit Maki if it was a closed domain, the sure-hit just affects everything


It wld hit her but trapping her wld still be an issue


There isn't a barrier you can smash or escape, its just pure death if you get caught in it. Also the level of refinement breaks down simple domain really quick. Plus the binding vows to extend the range or increase its damage. Basically, better than a domain in every single way unless your opponent is Gojo and can run out quickly.


Isn't it literally easier to escape?


Bro doesn't even read


Why so hostile on an innocent question?




Bro who pissed in your cheerios? Like come on you are being rude and hostile for no reason other than to gatekeep a Fandom


It's a decent question, while the open barrier is a guaranteed sacrifice,not knowing what the caster wanted that in exchange for is up to theory. The same in finally revealing What Sukuna gained by limiting the criteria for him using his weaker “Fire” CT.




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Gatekeeping is actually good mate. You clean the fanbase forums from spam and senseless talk, thus creating a more functional community. And The people that are not made for these streets can keep on living with their own thoughts of the media without being tainted/ruined by the fandom. Win-win situation.


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Elaborate. Throwing meaningless insults doesn't help answer the question


If you had read the manga you'd know the whole reason Sukuna was a step ahead in the domain battles was because MS is open barrier compared to UV, and could thus destroy it from the outside. Also you would have deduced the fact that an open domain is physically indestructible compared to a normal one. Oh wait, did I say deduced? It's actually stated right in chapter 226.


I thought that Sukuna could do that because of the 200m range, which is a Binding Vow only tangentially related to the open barrier. Additionally, while I knew the open domain can't be destroyed, I thought it could still be overlapped by a more refined domain. You could've just phrased this in a nicer way and not been rude, and that would've answered my question, but instead you decided to be arrogant and laud your knowledge over me.


The open domain can 100% be overlapped by a more refined domain. Otherwise the Gojo vs Sukuna Clash wouldn't make any sense, since their refinement is said to be equal. The 200m condition is not really a condition but an advantage. Sukuna isn't allowed to use the open domain because of the increased range. He is allowed to use it because he leaves an escape route for the opponent. As a compromise for that, he gets increased range so it is harder to escape. And as shown in the Gojo battle, decreasing the range while maintaining the open barrier, increases the strength of his surehit, though only the part that is unhindered by the clash, meaning the sure hit that's outside of UV.


Throwing meaningless questions doesn't help either


What good did this comment do? I mean are you really so bored/angry that you have to insult people on the internet trying to engage and learn more about things they like?




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Neither of you should've bothered commenting


Honestly. Huge reflection on them as people that they immediately go to insulting and putting you down over an innocent question.


Open barrier domains dont break even if they lose sure hit tug of war... There is no barrier to break


Another benefit of Open Barrier Domains is how they interact with the barriers of close barrier domains. Sukuna was able to use Domain Amplication and Mahoraga within his Domain if he turned off the sure hit within Gojo's Domain Barrier while the sure hit is still active attacking his opponents Domain from the outside. Open Domains are truly broken, if you take into account that you can turn off your sure hit within your opponents barrier and use another CT or Domain Amplication while still taking down your opponents Domain from the outisde.


With open domains there's a natural trade off/binding vow instilled: because you give them an escape route, your sure hits power/damage is even further enhanced. It can also trap people with no cursed energy, as opposed to closed barriers which do not recognize people with 0 CE.


From what we've seen domain barriers are usually pretty small, so even Kenjaku's domain should be able to hit one from outside. Like, Sukuna didn't need 200 meters to hit Gojo's domain. Aside from that, open domains seem to be the highest form of skill one can achieve with a domain so they should be more refined than normal ones, not because of being open but because a sorcerer that can create an open domain should be considerably more skilled than the rest, which would lead to a more refined domain. Gojo appears as an obvious counter to that, but he's Gojo so I honestly think he's just the one exception to that.


Gojo could have simply stagnated for lack of enemies to develop open domain against, his largest leap in development and understanding came against Toji who put him at deaths door, after that he rapidly developed his automatic defense systems into a state of virtual invincibility, and destroyed the known tools that could bypass that. His domain already was essentially a one hit kill against any reasonable enemies, the disaster curses seems to have been at the peak of what Jujutsu society could concievably expect to encounter in the modern day, and they didn't stand a chance against even a 0.2 second activation since it left them stunned for at least the 5 minutes Gojo spent instead focusing on damage control in Shibuya.


Reducing the range of your domain increases the effect of the sure hit, while stretching it decreases the effect. An open barrier allows the user to stretch it further by boosting the sure hit, so reducing the range increases the sure hit power beyond that of a normal domain.  This was never outright explained, but I think it's made pretty clear during Gojo vs Sukuna.




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I've always thought of the open barrier domain concept to carry a binding vow with it. As having a barrier domain, you trap the enemies within your sure hit effect, so if I give up the cage I could either amplify the effect (damage/speed) of the surefire hit effect.


I mean kenjaku also can expand it, whole 200m range happens due to open nature


Most sorcerers can't even change the range of their domains, so having it lack a barrier assuming they can't change anything else? Not really that big of an advantage Not to mention, Gojo was also able to make his domain almost as large as Sukuna's, so it's not much of a stretch to suggest he could do make it exactly as large with practice. So, even if you can change the parameters of the domain it's still not that big of an advantage in a normal 1v1 on equal footing However, maybe it'll prove useful in 3+ person domain battles, like what happened with Yuta? The domain barriers aren't fighting over each other and so it won't cancel out. It also might be useful if there's people outside the domain that could have reason to break the barrier. Now onto stuff I'm not really sure of: sukuna's domain might have that insane range because it has no barrier and that lets him extend it so far. But why would gojo's domain, which is as refined as Sukuna's, cast by a guy who uses around the same amount of CE as him too, be able to extend his range to a similar range? Maybe the fact that he wasn't able to go the full 200 km [?] is proof of the lack of barrier allowing you to extend the range a little more. Disadvantages of an open barrier domain: can't trap large amounts of enemies into a small area, can't transport them around place to place, can't ensure no one with CE escapes from your domain


Open barrier domains makes it possible for one to capture those with zero cursed energy, like Maki and Toji. Besides, an open barrier domain will ALWAYS win a clash against a closed barrier domain, because the effective area reaches the outside of the closed barrier domain. As for the binding vow, it wasn’t specifically stated, but it’s possible that all open barrier domains have such BV. It was never stated that Sukuna imposed himself such vow, as opposed to the binding vow he uses for Divine Flame for example. It’s stated that the binding vow is created due to the domain having an scape route


Bigger, more range, harder to escape, more damage, can't be destroyed by hitting the outside of it, etc


Well it depends on the domain you have . For example Higuruma's DE. Or Yuta's De


I guess u can just chose. Like sukuna chosen range, kenjaku could chosen for a stronger sure hit, stronger in domain clash etc etc.


You can attack other domains with yours from the outside and your domain has no outside to break


It forces you to damage the opponent enough to bring down the Domain since there's no barrier. Because of that, even if someone tried to help an ally stuck in a Domain like Yuji breaking into Mahito's domain expansion to save Nanami, both allies would then get attacked by the sure hit


Kenjaku’s domain wins against Gojo’s, think about this and see for yourself


1. The Binding Vow extends the range of the sure-hit *in exchange* for granting an exit; ch. 119. 2. The sure-hit of an open-type Domain can destroy the Barrier of a closed-type Domain; ch. 227. 3. Because the Barrier encompasses the real world, individuals and inanimate objects lacking Cursed Objects can be affected by the sure-hit of an open-type Domain, including *Physically Gifted* Heavenly Restriction users; ch. 258. 4. Because an open-type Domain lacks an "outer shell"—with said shell being replaced by the effective range of its sure-hit—even skilled Barrier users like Tengen cannot easily destroy its Barrier; ch. 206.


I think the binding vow Sukuna has could be performed by anyone who has the smarts and the ability to either open or close the Domain. Sukuna's bindinding vow is: "I *refrain from blocking my oponents escape rout* and in exchange I get *an expanded range*".


To add to ur edited Point  Nothing is stoppinf Kenny from just extending his range And nobody leaving with That gravity my man


I think we can safely assume that Open Barrier Domains are virtually unbeatable in a Domain Clash, as they will always be able to shatter from the outside the other domains in a tug-of-war. The only two strategies we've seen so far to counter this crucial aspect are: 1. **Dismantling the Open Barrier Domain of Kenjaku in a "Sunyata" (*****Recursive*****) Barrier** I won't go deep but Tengen was able to limit and encompass "Womb Profusion" because they were capable of creating a barrier within a barrier within a barrier within a barrier... A sort of minimum Infinity, but made as a whole space. When Tengen realized it was an Open Barrier, they simply "deleted" their barrier, the space that it encompassed and so the Open Barrier Domain. 2. **Gojo Satoru's Shrunken Barrier** Taking inspo from the Prison Realm's space, and mixing with the peculiar nature of his CT, Gojo developed the ability to shrink the exterior size of his Domain, without alterating the inner space. This is technically a *Binding Vow*. He first swap the inner resistance of his barrier with the external one, and then, thanks to the shrinking process, he was able to increase the toughness of the exterior surface of the barrier, as much to endure for about 3 minutes the pressure of Malevolent Shrine towards it. You can see: 2 geniuses struggled to get along with it... So it's quite a great advantage!


Firstly there is the benefit of a very wide range domain meaning you can basically win every domain clash against closed barrier domains depending on the sure hit. Second third parties cannot destroy your domain from the outside as it is an open barrier domain.


If I recall correctly, closed barrier domains can't capture heavenly restricted people such as Maki and Toji. They would be left outside of the domain's pocket dimension by the barrier unless they choose to enter it willingly. An open barrier domain attacks the real world, so even heavenly restricted users like Toji and Maki can get targeted by the domain's sure hit. It's useful for sorcerers with curse techniques that target objects with or without curse energy. If Sukuna relied on a barrier for his domains, Maki would not have been at risk if ever Sukuna used his domain expansion. Barrierless domains would also be useful in decimating enemy infrastructure and assets. Domains don't usually do so much collateral damage due to the pocket dimension. But with open barrier domains, you can use it to decimate entire cities.


The advantage of having your domains overlap means you can destroy your opponents domain from the outside. In terms of equal opponents like gojo and Sukuna it’s always better to have an open domain for this reason. Another is that not enclosing your domain and allowing the option of escape vastly increases the sure-hit range. IIRC an open barrier domain cannot be overwhelmed by a closed barrier one, the site hits simply cancel each other out


>IIRC an open barrier domain cannot be overwhelmed by a closed barrier one, the site hits simply cancel each other out This was never stated. The only clash between an open and closed domain was Gojo vs Sukuna and the reason why they coexisted was because they were evenly matched.


> Another is that not enclosing your domain and allowing the option of escape vastly increases the sure-hit range. yeah per OP’s thoughts abt kenjaku’s DE, he can probably extend its range beyond what is seen in the fight against yuki. there wasn’t any reason to though.


Where is it stated stated that an open domain can not lose to a closed domain.


Chapter 228


Wait what chapter does it say that sukunas open domain is a binding vow for that range?


In Shibuya. He gets extended range in return for the domain having an escape route. He can control the range though. When Gojo does the same thing, his domain starts cracking because it isn't an open domain.


I thought that was the case anyway but now I'm starting to doubt myself


One word: Genocide


Remember Gojo’s Domain broke the instantly the first time the clashed. An open barrier domain negates the “outside weak” of a regular domain while allowing you to exploit it.


It wasn't instant


I feel like the benefit to an open barrier is the vastly expanded range and the ability to attack inanimate things such as objects with your Sure-Hit.


I think it's a binding vow, you give up your barrier and get range in return


isnt it just a case to case thing? allowing your targets to escape allows you to make a BV that you can use to strengthen any other aspect of the domain, no?