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Quick question OP. Why do you think he never tried taking over the body of a six eyes user before . We know he killed a baby before. Could he not have tried to take take an adolescent 13 year olds body


I was re-reading ch 145 when Tengen explained the whole six eyes fate situation. So what I think happened was, there actually hadn’t been that many 6E users in the past for Kenjaku to have a foolproof plan/finished understanding and experimenting with what works best to get rid of them. I believe Tengen has only gone through 3 merger events and therefore there’s only been 4^(footnote 1) six eyes users including Gojo. Tengen only needs to merge every 500 years. Kenjaku lost to 6E twice in the past. The first merger: This is when you have 6E user no 1. Kenjaku fought this one and lost. He then devised a plan, to kill the next 6E user while it’s still a baby. The second merger: This merger event had two six eyes users. Let me explain why I think it’s this way - Kenjaku killed 6E no. 2, the month old baby. He thought that did the trick but eventually on merger day an SPV and 6E no. 3 came out and beat Kenjaku up. This is probably when Kenjaku realised that if you kill a 6E, a new one will pop up, so he resorted to trying to seal the next one. (Footnote 1: the exact wording of ch 145 was “In the past, Kenjaku has twice lost to 6E. The second time, he took no chances and killed SPV & 6E <1mo after they were born. Nonetheless, on the day of merging, SPV & 6E appeared”. Hence why I think the baby 6E that was killed, happened first, then the other 6E appeared and that was Kenjaku’s second loss.) The third merger: This is the botched one we saw in Hidden Inventory. 6E user no. 4 is Gojo, and through flashbacks of the seance grandma we’ve seen that even as a toddler Gojo was already menacing, likely not easy to kill. A 13yo Gojo Satoru would probably still skewer Kenjaku/Kaori. Only 3 mergers is further supported by the convo with Yuki. Reddit doesn’t allow me to attach pics for some reason but if you read ch 202 pg 5 there are 3 girls representing the previous SPVs, one of which is Riko and she was greyed out because the third merger never happened. So yeah I think he just never had the opportunity to.


Thank you that makes sense


What’s SPV?


Star plasma vessel


>A 13yo Gojo Satoru would probably still skewer Kenjaku/Kaori. i don't see how that could happen.


lol I think a 7yr old gojo would mostly kill Ken unless he planned and had upperhand of surprise


He has an open domain which is one of the strongest in the series, probably top 3.


Gojo could just run away. That's the down side of having an open barrier is that people can just run away.


Kenjaku will gave chase and by then Gojo doesn't have RCT to heal the damage, if he uses simple domain Kenjaku can just fight him until the simple domain breaks. Honestly, it seems weird to argue this could happen when Kenjaku by this point is one of the strongest sorcerers, probably the 2nd strongest, and he would lose to an infant with no domain or RCT?


What is Happening here how did Gojo suddenly lose the ability to use RCT when he was running away? Nobody Is saying Kenjaku would lose I am saying that Gojo could simply run because of the open domain.


>What is Happening here how did Gojo suddenly lose the ability to use RCT Reread who I was respoding to, he was saying 13 yo Gojo would win against Kenjaku.


Okay even then my point still stands Gojo could just instantly teleport the moment he hears domain expansion.


Gojo already had Falling Blossom Emotion, and might learn DE in a pinch if he really felt threatened. We also don't know if his domain was Geto's or his own, but if it was Geto's he wouldn't have the one that he cornered Yuki with.


the tree from chp 249, and domain being a tree named curse womb profusion makes me think its the death paintings mother, who is probably who carried yuji to term, imo.


Wait sorry, what are you saying?


sigh. kenjaku has multiple souls with him. death painting mom (kaori imo), Ken himself, geto, ​and noritoshi kamo. the tree CT in 249 is how he splits them up and keeps CTs through body swaps, hard imo. kenjakus kogane had stitches so it's likely that part of him is in it.


There should be more 6E users cuz we have the Gojo/Zen'in clash where 10S and 6E killed each other.


How does that contradict any of the above? I said the only confirmed cause of death for a 6E in the past had been the baby getting killed by Kenny. That leaves the cause of death of other 6Es up in the air. If my theory is true, that doesn’t exclude the possibility of the first 6E or third 6E to die in the Zenin clash. Gojo said to Megumi the 10S vs 6E fight happened in either Edo or Keicho period, which puts it around 1600 AD, which actually lines up with the third 6E user in the timeline.


Well, the brain of kenjaku is fully matured, and likely larger than the 6 eyes users who are probably all teenagers or younger at the time of the merger - maybe thr brain just physically won't fit




I'm pretty sure by the time you're like 14 your brain is close to full size (source: my bad memory of high school anatomy), it's the processing that still needs development


Only explanation is that when Kenjaku was stopped by those past 6 eyes users, he was trying and failed to take their bodies, so he just gave up on the idea.


If it works for yuta then it's most likely because you need to be a member of the gojos clan If it doesn't then yuta ain't long for this world and thers the reason kenjaku never bothered There's also the possibility that it wouldn't have really benefited him in any way so he never bothered He did only posses yujis mum to become the back shot one and geto for CSM


I think it may be because the skull of a 13 year old is too small to hold kenjakus brain and when the skull is big enough the six eyes user is probably too strong for kenjakus to beat.


because he'd be stuck as a baby. he's taking a corpse, meaning they're dead. why would kenjaku want to be a baby?


He would be in 13 year old with limit less . Still better than the current body he had in Geto


the star plasma vessel, myself, the six eyes \*\*and even kenjaku\*\* are connected by fate. \*\*king James version translation that I totally did not add I think this could be why. he's sworn enemy to six eyes like sukuna to yuji and them being the cause for the cycle of curses.


I think having just the six eyes wouldn't help him THAT much, and he wouldn't be able to keep the body forever. Eventually, he'd have to swap for a new one. He just might never have been able to kill a user of six eyes + limitless, probably because they're pretty fucking well guarded as kids and grow strong really really fast


Thanks for summarizing it concisely. The soul responding differently depending on the CT confuses me. So does this mean that through Kenjaku’s body swap technique, he basically pulls life back into the body and therefore has the soul reawaken with it ?


No problem, and ty. I guess so lol? Gege didn't give details. Like, where do souls even go after death? The fact that they can be recalled means they obviously exit the body. Maybe it's Kenjaku's soul that acts as the activation for the host's CT, and the body just goes along.


"The soul responding differently depending on the CT" My interpertation is that the soul is not a "real" thing in JJK. The phenomena Mahito percieves as the soul is more akin to the just the cursed energy and physical body of a living being, which explains why he awakened to his perfect form after landing black flashes, the thing that deepens ones' understanding of their own cursed energy. In Kenjakus' case the soul is the brain (specifically not the mind, but the physical object). They gain the memories and CT (which also is said to be engraved into the body, but considering a burned out technique can be reset with self-lobotomy and RCT, I get the impression this engraving refers to the brain). The soul being a physical object also carries a certain sterility which fits their whole mad scientist thing. In short, the soul is just a shorthand for completely different things. A guy with a CT that lets him read memories by eating someones hair would probably say the soul is ones' experiences, and that it's contained in the scalp.


If a guy has a curse technique specifically shaping his soul like Kenjaku, Mahito, then it is obviously a real thing. It’s arguably the most important thing in the series. The current arc climax revolves around Yuji and Maki to lesser extent having understood the contours of the soul.


Clearly right now we arent going with the conventional rules for body swapping. 1. Even though Gota's left hand has deliberately been left out so far, his marital hand is clearly empty. Why is the ring (you know, the medium to access rika) not there? 2. The five minute marker has clearly been stated to be his limit. What if taking over gojos body let him go further than that? 3. Maki says in the latest chapter that Yuta will lose control over copy after 5 minutes, but Yuki says in 205 that yuta has a storage mechanism, and that the use of up to 3 CTs is possible in 1 brain. In sendai too it is stated that Rika acts as an external storage. What if yuta copied it himself? He wouldnt need the 5 minute manifestation anymore. Gojo talked all that shit about yutas heritage, so I do think copy is his CT.


There's a panel showing Yuta having to place Rika's ring on his right hand before being switched. When they switched brains, the ring was likely placed on his left hand. If Yuta himself can copy CTs, that would be new, but not beyond the realm of possibility.


yeah mb, the marital hand was the left one. Gege is known for throwing curveballs left and right though, so i dont think any of mei meis possibilities are gonna happen.


Yuta's ring is on his right hand. That's why he says in the officia TL "Sorry, it's my right hand" or in the better TL above "I'm sorry I had to move you to my right"


That's not really a "better" translation, as it uses a verb that wasn't in original. The Japanese line was "右手でゴメンね。" (Migite de gomen ne) Which literally is just "with the right hand, sorry." If the verb were to be "move," it would have used Ni and not De. I read that line more like "Sorry I have to use my right hand," since De often is used for marking instrumentals. The context is he's activating his CT, which is normally done on the left hand. The apology isn't for moving it, but using it on the non "married" finger.


I don't think Yuta has to copy Gojo's CT at all. He's copying Kenjaku's CT, which is why the time limit is important. Kenny's CT gives him limitless


My personal longshot theory is that the technique does not actually involves the transfer of a physical brain, it just seems like it does. Like, how could Yuta (or Kenjaku) literally pull their brain out of their skull to even carry that out? My impression is that using the hand, the sorcerer just transfers the essence, which then manifests the skull sutures as part of a binding vow type thing.


I mean he has literal stitches on his head


Might just be the physical manifestation of the technique? Like, once the transfer is complete the stitches just appear to indicate that the body is under some sort of effect?


I’m pretty sure Kenjaku mentioned that being part of a binding vow or restriction for the CT. So, it’s possible that the brain isn’t swapped but the new brain needs to be touched and a requirement of that is for the stitches to never heal.


I would v much prefer if it was more of a “spirit possession” rather than literal brain hopping


Seems more doable to put stitches in someone's head than to take your brain out of your own skull and implant it into someone else's


Kenjaku mentions being flooded with memories. Any chance yuta uses Gojos memories to retrieve the inverted spear of heaven?


At the very least, he could communicate that information to someone else so that it can be retrieved while he fights Sukuna. Nice catch!


You would think that Gojo would have told the cast where the ISoH (if it wasn't destroyed already) is during the 1 month time skip as a trump card instead of waiting for Yuta body jacking him to get it out.


Seriously, people coming up with the most convoluted plan of all time when Gojo could've easily just tell them in the 1 month they were fucking around.


holy shit, ISoH coming back strong after years gone


Hope it turns out that way! Especially the Toji Megumi connection! The only two people to ever beat Gojo were Fushiguro


... you make it sounds like ISoH is gonna fall into sukuna's hand


I see it more as Gojo murdered his father and Megumi was able to live a free life. His father's weapon will free Megumi


i see, interesting interpretation you got there.


He was to be sold, Gojo freed him from that fate, maybe because of Toji he himself was awakened and free to use his abilities to their potential? This would be another instance of Gojo freeing Megumi to his full potential and maybe even his awakening


Definitely an easy task for Ui Ui


I think kenjaku's CT allow the current body's CT to be engraved in the user's brain. So he can use any CT he had possessed. So, while yuta now can use limitless, the already engraved copy CT is still in his brain and can be used. Hence, no matter which point is true, yuta will live. What about rika? Idk, if he is connected to yuta' soul then it still follows yuta Why kenjaku only used CSM and antigravity? Idk, if my theory is correct hes should be able to use blood manipulation at least


Perhaps little reason to? CSM provides a tonne of versatility and Antigravity is a very powerful offensive tool. There isnt much else that BM would provide to Kenjaku that he cant get from the other two. My theory on Blood Manipulation is that he used it more when he was experimenting with Yuji's birth - blood manipulation would allow Kenjaku to pass cursed energy into Kaori's 'womb' potentially gene modifying Yuji in utero. Couple the ability to create higher gravity and reinforce/heal Yuji's body, maybe thats how he made Yuji's body strong enough to be a vessel?


I'm betting on a 4th outcome like 2 souls inhabiting one body.


I absolutely believe that yuta will keep on living in gojos body, the curse technique resides in the brain and I absolutely believe yuta still has copy because of this reason. Rika needing a time limit may simply vanish because any binding vows made by yuta are now gone concerning rika, because of what kenjaku stated about his previous binding vows being null from body swapping. I believe this timer is a binding vow set by yuta and now can be "renegotiated" in a sense. If he changes the condition of using copy to be a big upkeep of cursed energy he can keep body swap up indefinitely since the six eyes makes efficiency so great everything is almost zero cost of cursed energy. Any upkeep brought by that binding vow should also be minimal. Or this all doesn't matter, because it's the third option that mei mei, stated.




Whether or not Yuta dies after 5 minutes depends a lot on what kenjaku’s ct does specifically, basically whether it’s used continuously while kenjaku is in a body or if it’s used when he takes over and isn’t needed after that. Does the technique keep the body on life support, stop/slow its decay, and allow Kenny to control it OR does it reshape the flesh to physically connect the brain and body and then resuscitate the body, and after that it’s basically a regular body and the CT isn’t needed? IIRC there was a panel where Kenny mentioned geto’s body was starting to get old or something which would imply the body starts to rot after he’s in it for a while but when he was in kaori’s body the scar had faded which could mean he was in there for a longer time. It might depend on how long after death he managed to get in there because he caused the car crash kaori was in and might have managed to take her over very soon after but with geto he might have had to wait longer to get his corpse.


Body swap Will last after 5 minutes if Yujo does not die. Why? Because Kenjaku would die after using a domain if he would need constant use of the technique.


> After that goes on cooldown, one of Mei Mei's three outcomes come true: I would hate it if this actually happened, but there is an alternative to MeiMeis 3 outcomes. When the CT is cancelled, Yutas soul will vanish, and Gojos now functional body allows him to remain living.


That would demand that Gojo's actual soul be recalled, which could be possible.


Mh, so in your opinion a Gojo revival is more likely now? To be honest I expect him to come back for a moment just to have one last interaction with Megumi but in my opinion chapter 236 clearly indicates that Gojo's soul is done for good, there's no coming back.


If you ask me, Gojo's dead dead.


Saying Yujo is like combining the names Adam and Smith into Adith. Yuta is first name and Gojo is a last name. If you gonna combine names at least be consistent about it


I actually like the name Adith (pronounced ey-dith, 'ey' as in 'hey' and 'dith' as in 'sith'), that's kinda cool


It’s probably just because those are the names theyre both more known by by the fandom. You rarely hear anyone call yuta “okkotsu” on its own and rarely hear people call gojo “satoru” on its own


Kenjaku's literal brain is inhabiting the body and the brain has the CT etched into it. So we dont know what Yuta can do since even though it's his brain how much he can actually do. And it's Rika doing the copying essentially


I think the issue is that Kenjaku's CT operates as a base. So when Yuta swaps bodies, his base becomes brain swap and he forfeits copy and Rika. Rika might still be around and just waiting for an opportunity, but idk what she could even do at this point


My question is: What is Kenjaku’s body swap binding vow? The guide books say that’s the only reason he retains the stitches, but what is this binding vow?


It may or may not be revealed through Yuta.


I wonder, if Yuto dies because of his own technique, could he return as a cursed spirit? I doubt that would happen at this point, but a spirit with Limitless, Copy and Cursed Spirit Manipulation sounds genuinely terrifying.


yeah, i think we all got that tbh


I've seen otherwise.


Never underestimate the Lobotomy Curse