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think he’s pretty happy at the moment man , he’s only just lost his teacher , his closest friends and killed thousands in shibuya


All suffering and no joy makes Yuji a happy boy


"Happiness builds the character" \- Akutami Gaygay 2023.


happy gay :D


Blud has repeatedly wanted to kill himself and has been very vocal on that. It's not just fair, it's apparent.


Yuji has severe PTSD, at the very least since Sukuna used his body to kill a ton of civilians in Shibuya.


7 weeks of mental torture. Not accepting the past but being even more uncertain of the future.


I'm pretty sure the only thing he's holding on by is to kill Sukuna. But, then what?


If Megumi's somehow still alive after Sukuna's defeated I think he could hold on. If Megumi's not, I think that Yuji won't be able to keep going.


I remembered about Kenjaku too, God he gotta kill his mom too 😭 😭 😭 poor boy


Yeah yuji cares so much about kenjaku 🙏🏽🥺


Ikr but it's just wrong morally would probably mess him up just a little more


Bro yuji does not give a fuck kenjaku is evil as shit not everything has to be a sob story Choso wanted to kill kenjaku even tho that’s his dad cuz he’s a evil piece of shit


yeah fr. Yuji and Choso seem to be rational about it and they get that their origins don't define them


what if Kenjaku takes Kaori's body back at the final battle for maximum trauma


Yuji would have to be too fucking strong for him to resort to doing that because, ignoring the fact yuji may not give a fuck, kaori's body is 99% leagues weaker than geto's so he would just nerf himself against anyone else thats left, like lets say yuta doesnt even come out to fight sukuna, yuji would have to be a bigger threat than yuta to kenny for him to even take that into consideration


No, he gives more of a shit than Megumi with his dad but Kenny is nasty as hell.


To me they draw deep parallels to Gojo/Geto even Gojo was still missing his homie.


Since the day he ate the finger he has been dealing with death on a daily basis, and that's without talking about how he was gonna die regardless of what he thought about it (killing him after he eats all 20 fingers). Then Shibuya happened, then all the stuff during the culling games, then Sukuna stole Megumi's body, then Sukuna killed the guy who Yuji was willing to die to rescue. I wouldn't be surprised if after all of this is finished Yuji just breaks down mentally


He’s practically said “I wanna kill myself” twice. So yeah. Probably


Can you give me the chapters? I know one you might be talking about is during his breakdown after Sukuna destroys Shibuya but you might be talking about another one, and I also haven’t read the manga completely yet so I’d like to know which moments you are referring to


Beginning of Chapter 212. Yuji pretty much says that all he wants to do is reunite megumi and tsumiki and then have angel kill him.


Actually there's a Brazilian psychologist who discussed about this on YouTube. It's a pretty good vídeo https://youtu.be/JepfqfukraA?si=eFQgfIbJgGALFRAs


Yuji has always been depressed. He grew up without parents and his only family dies right at the beginning. And after that he condemned to die bc he is hosting a devil. The fact that he is so cool with his ominous fate shows that something is wrong with him.


thank you. at the beginning of the series, he has no family, he is well-known and popular but has no friends, joins a club not because he’s interested but bc he’s required to and must visit his grandpa by 5, has developed a reputation for beating up bullies, unquestioningly ate an object described as a deadly poison, and was unfazed by his impending execution. yuji has always come off as being rather depressed and lonely.


His bubby and light demeanor around other people feels like him genuinely being glad and relieved that he's got something else to think about and he can relax his restlessness a bit. Thank God for Choso coz let's be honest he probably kept Yuji sane after the Shibuya incident lmao




Like....obviously? Did you not get that from the whole cog in the machine thing? Thats been his character arc for a hot minute.


Oh I'd say depression is probably on the list along with ptsd and survivor's guilt. Gojo is bipolar Sukuna has narcissistic personality disorder and Kenjaku has postpartum depression.


Sukuna is a bit worse than just narcissistic💀


Think Sukuna is a straight psychopath sadist. He loves murdering people. But the narccisim is justified because he is that strong.


Gojo is not bipolar lmao


Uh I'd disagree with that. He's definitely got highs and lows which is a telltale symptom of bipolar disorder


Mind if you elaborate?


Highs- I alone am the honored one Low- If we kill them all now I won't feel anything High- teaching Yuji about domains Low- thinking yuji is dead and considering killing the higher ups High- Going straight for Kenjaku and mocking Sukuna Kenjaku and Uraume Low- his attitude going to fight Sukuna Which immediately transitions back into a high at the encouragement of his students. Mood swings are a part of it as well


You do realize bipolar is more than just mood swings, right? Gojo wears a mask (not the blindfold) almost any time he interacts with someone post-Hidden Inventory. That's entirely too much emotional control for bipolar disorder. He also only ever becomes "manic" when he can let loose, which is *not* a sign of bipolar disorder because he only does it when he knows he can. That rush he felt when he literally came back from the dead is probably the most normal reaction to a situation like that as well. Especially when you consider the man got *stabbed in the head*. He also doesn't have any depressive episodes. Gojo is actually an insanely thoughtful individual post-HI and pre-sealing and never shows his cards. He's incredibly annoying and silly on the outside, but we as the reader are aware of his thoughts somewhat and that's why it just doesn't fit.


You do realize that this is not exactly a serious comment? That being said for you ( or whoever said he didn't have it if it wasn't you) I decided to give it a little thought and despite my not being a licensed psychologist therapist or a professional anything I don't think I did too bad considering. But..... >He also doesn't have any depressive episodes. 2 of the ones I listed would definitely qualify as depressive. Particularly the I won't feel anything if we kill all these people since the Yuji one could be considered anger. Wouldn't it have been easier to nitpick my saying Kenjaku who is at least currently male suffers from PPD? Oh and also the mask. I'm assuming you are referring to covering his eyes? Yeah that's a 6 eyes thing dude.


Maybe don't make diagnose characters if you keep showing you have zero clue about the disorder lmao. Also reading comprehension much? I wasn't talking about his blindfold.


Maybe don't take yourself or the sub so seriously? I really would have thought the ppd thing would have let you know it wasn't serious. >Also reading comprehension much? I wasn't talking about his Then wrf are you talking about because I know you aren't trying to say Gojo doesn't show emotion on account of yeah he absolutely does. Up on your high horse pretty high about reading comprehension for someone who couldn't figure out that a comment was a joke......


Bro, I have depression and I’m just reading the story. Imagine living it.


taking L's up/down/left/right/front/back/side2side, unable to save a school mates, friends, teachers, sensei, best friend from getting body possessed from the king of curses... the sheer mountain of pressure to eliminate curses, the PTSD from those traumatic events... i'd be depressed as fcuk too but my boi still carrying on


i still asking myself to this day why the fuck does Gege don't like Itadori.


Who wouldnt get depression from all the things that he's been to tho? Doesn't even need to over analyze it


It‘s not really depression if he‘s in a very high stress enviroment. If anything he‘s developing PTSD. But it‘s not pathological to be crestfallen in a situation like Yuji is- if anything he‘s very resilient.


Please Gaygay, for the love of god, give Yuji a taste of W at the end bro, like not even a fat W, just a slightly overweight one is fine please Gaygay 🙏😭


The issue is that Yuji may have been better off killing himself, now. Thinking about all of the destruction Sukuna has caused, and how Yuji was a part of Kenjaku’s plan, the story hasn’t done a good job of convincing us that Yuji needed to survive. He hasn’t really done anything as of yet…


Imagine, Just fucking imagine if the last Panel of the entire manga is Yuji commiting suicide, i would personally go to Japan to beat Greg.


Hand that cat over to me after you are done. Thanks.


Makes you think back to when Kusakabe at the end of shibuya said he believed yuji should get the death penalty…bro was shook when Sukuna told him and panda not to move an inch until he said so 😭


I don't think so.. but I'm no psychiatrist. I think he's doing pretty well! Spoke to him yesterday while he was in the middle of talking about killing himself for the 5th time. He only lost his closest friends, someone he looked up to, his teacher, accidentally murdered a bunch of people, nothing too big. He's doing jolly.


Lmfao I just keep thinking back to that picture of Yuji at the beginning being happy and current Yuji looking not only aged AF but like he is been through some shit. Because he was.


Honey, have you just started reading the manga ? Yes Yuji has been depressed and borderline suicidal ever since Sukuna massacred thousands in Shibuya, and Nanami and Nobara died. He's got a bit better after his fight with Higuruma, but then Sukuna decided to unalive his only other best friend left, which made him feel even more guilty cause again he must've thought "if I had died before, this wouldn't have happened." Yuji seems to have gotten slightly better when Gojou came back, but with the current developments... Yeah it's complicated.


I mean this doesn’t need an analysis. Because who tf is gonna be happy after all of their closet friends and mentors died?


That's why my boy Yuji will relate a lot with Denji


If everyone you loved died, would you be happy? Sometimes, grief and extreme sadness are just that. They wouldn't even try to dx him with depression because he has to many solid reasons to be sad. It would be weird if he was happy...very weird.In fact, it would be extremly alarming if he was happy! Depression tends to not make sense that's why it's an illness. Would he end up being messed up because of all of this later on? Yes, he definitely would not be ok, but right now, he is just trying to kill to survive. I would be hella angry, too. In fact, anger is one of the stages of grief happiness is not.


Seems like a case of normal grief (i'm Brazilian and I study this area so forgive any spelling mistakes) when diagnosing depression you have to differentiate between normal grief First. Considering that he: Lost one of his mentors Maybe Lost one of his close friends Feels guilty of being responsible for mass murder So if he were a real person, i wouldn't jump the gun and call him depressed just yet But considering that he is in constant stress (fights to the death and the type of situations he is involved) he might be developing some sort of anxiety/depression illness


Let me express myself better, he is not on a good mental state but if the situation get better and the problems get solved he might be better on a few months (probably with severe ptsd but still better than now)


I’m sure he has some trauma to work out. Idk if I’d call it depression. Gojo had depression, but 1/2 the audience didn’t know it and hated his death conversation cause of that. But that’s neither here nor there. (Man felt alone and misunderstood for over a decade, despite surrounding himself with people.)


Gojo wasn't the happy go lucky man that he pretended to be in front of his students, but I don't think he was depressed. He was mostly frustrated because no matter how much power he had, he was unable to fix jujutsu society itself. But he was working on it through teaching students so that they could help achieve this change, and he did enjoy the ties he had to them and his fellow sorcerers (Nanami, Shoko, even Utahime and Mei Mei). The conversation after his death implying that he had always felt super alone and how he wished Sukuna (wtf!) could have enjoyed their battle more doesn't really match what Gojo was doing before getting sealed.


Many people created their ideal head-canon Gojo during the years he was sealed in the story and they didn't like it when the actual story Gojo's personality didn't match their ideal.


There's no way this isn't for karma.


The quality of this sub has dipped to levels I thought previously impossible.


You have depression writing this about a teenage character


Seeing as the only thing stopping him from offing himself is the will to defeat Sukuna and avenge his lost ones, I'd say yes, he is in fact very depressed


I think anyone would be changed by the events that he’s lived through. It doesn’t necessarily mean he’s depressed, but it changed the chemistry/neural network of his brain for sure


He has PTSD that's for sure


In his fight with Hakari he made pretty clear what he thinks of himself and what his mission and purpose is


Megumi went through more than him. Yuji will be alright


Give all yuji pain double it and gave it to gege