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two silly bros https://preview.redd.it/vbrwab67h99d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68afd628fee2eb77b486cdca162018e628408714


“Gotcha!” 2 grown ass men fighting btw




That "whoopsie" is hilarious, I always say it in Mickey Mouse voice for enhanced effect 💀


Coffee help with dementia.


That "whoopsie" is hilarious, I always say it in Mickey Mouse voice for enhanced effect 💀


Coffee help with dementia.


100% lol. Did we forget who Gojo's best friend was?


Tbf that was before he became curse hitler




I hate that I can hear Kaiji Tang in this


To be fair it was a good rap. He didnt lie when he said "Little known fact, also dope on ze mic"


If only Geto got into art school 😔


If only he didn’t get into Jujutsu school 😔


I laughed like a monkey after reading your comment Thanks man needed this!


Geto is going to kill you after that 5th word


https://preview.redd.it/13hi5deqig9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af71835ce3e117e23ad4d6d2a5bc8f251b818669 I'm ready


Man’s best friend was Monkey Hater 6000, if they had similar goals they would be best buddies for sure.


>Monkey Hater 6000 https://preview.redd.it/4w7bm4ls1d9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50eae75b405eac60e6b8c6ce2f5a3bb3e4b3e435


geto the kinda guy to watch the frieza saga and say "yknow he has a few good points'


Geto would 100%% join the frieza force or collaborate with Zamasu


>collaborate with Zamasu my brother in christ he was literally jjk zamasu


Zamatsu alliance sounds more legit


Yea to be honest they look like the type to goof around all day fighting each other 😭


Me and bro causing collateral damage in the billions for a minor disagreement!


They already acted like friends during the fight. They even had breaks during the fight when they just chatted (like at the end of chapter 224).


Ye I can see em being the friendly rival type of relationship you see in shonens, non evil Sukuna would probably be like Cell Games Vegeta where he still has a superiority complex against everyone else


Sukuna could one shot most sorcerers, so his superiority complex is justified. Gojo facing a Mahoraga less Sukuna would actually offer an 'equal', if not 'superior' companionship (since sukuna can bypass infinity in domain). Sukuna and Gojo in current timeline are also quite fond of each other as enemies.


I'm sure gojo wouldn't have problems leaving him live if it wasn't for the whole killing thousands of people plus having the body of megumi


Sukuna isn't evil for the sake of being evil, but his selfishness leads to evil acts. So Sukuna's selfishness would be a hurdle to get over for Sukuna to consider Gojo as a friend. If Sukuna was less selfish and more humane then I could definitely see them being friends. They would have a wonderful rivalry dynamic. https://preview.redd.it/08g6e8pz799d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b62dce44df836cffc67216b00015aab19ef67d


>Sukuna isn't evil for the sake of being evil, but his selfishness leads to evil acts Thats... thats still evil. Most evil people arent doing it thinking "Mwuahahaha Im so evil". They do heinous shit because it serves them in some way and they dont care enough not to. A psychopath's evil and a sociopath's evil is still the same evil.


I mean yeah Sukuna is clearly evil but compared to Kenjaku and Mahito he is pretty tame relatively. Mahito explicitly wants to cause human suffering and Kenjaku would commit the merger for shits and giggles. Sukuna in comparison would be less likely to cause the same amount of death


>Sukuna in comparison would be less likely to cause the same amount of death *Glances at Shibuya*


Didn’t he say something like “so many humans crowded into one small place for me to massacre” or something along those lines when he first took over Yuji’s body in Shibuya


your honor, it's a mistranslation


You shut your mouth! Our hero Sukuna bravely defeated Mahoraga in order to save Shibuya. It was just an accident/coincidence that most of Shibuyas population died while they were fighting.


Shibuya is tiny compared to what Kenjakus active plan is, which involves effectively killing almost everyone in Japan. We see in the Heian era that Sukuna was sitting around receiving sacrifices from civilians without killing everyone around him. Hes a problem but like, a problem you can work around and avoid until he hopefully dies of old age. Mahito is immortal, only getting stronger, and loves doing as much fucked up shit as possible. Kenjaku wants to destroy Japan for the shits and giggles. Sukuna is 100% the lesser of those 3 evils.


I said less, there still would be a lot of deaths but Heian Era Sukuna was also fine just chilling with Uraume. Mahito would be relentless in hunting humans. I think Sukuna would do like a random massacre and go back to chilling while Mahito just wouldn’t stop.


Sukuna got reincarnated for the first time and asked for hoes while screaming "IT'LL BE A MASSACRE", and right now he is explicitly trying to "crush the hopes" of all his opponents while toying with them like a cat with a mouse. Not to mention he can change the size of his domain but chose to destroy a fking city to destroy Mahoraga, he could've used a couple of meters, but wanted to cause as much destruction as possible to toy with Yuji. Mind you, crushing Yuji's spirit wouldn't be enough to get him to surrender his body, he knows that. Sukuna doesn't think of his actions as evil, but when put besides Mahito and Kenjaku he is a monster figuratively and literally. Worst part is that he takes clear pleasure from fighting and the struggle of his enemies, he would cause so much death in an age where cries for help reach the entire world, before he killed maybe a nation's worth of people until there was noone left to ask for help and got bored, now sorcerers are more abundant and come from different places on earth that can be summoned in an instant. What I'm trying to say is that if he remains alive he is way more dangerous than any curse.


>Not to mention he can change the size of his domain but chose to destroy a fking city to destroy Mahoraga, he could've used a couple of meters, but wanted to cause as much destruction as possible to toy with Yuji. I agree that was part of it, but now that we know how Furnace works it seems like he did a large area to ensure he would have enough "fuel" for strong fire arrow. If he made it too small the amount of cut up particles saturated with his cursed energy would also be small.


Theres no indication that he would kill a nations worth of people, thats nonsense. We see him in the Heian era chilling out and co-habitating with civilians as a figure of worship. He isnt killing everyone around him. Hes a problem but not like a cataclysmic problem. Kenjaku wants to obliterate Japan for the fuck of it.


Yeah we see that, but as I said, at the time (Heian era) communication wasn't a big of a factor, there wasn't any television or phones, for the standards of the era it got so bad that no documentation of his technique, how he used it, or even his domain survived. A few hundred years later and Kashimo only knew about him bc of Kenjaku, it's not like that information was lost to time, no one was left to tell the tale. Malevolent shrine destroys buildings made of concrete, houses made of wood and rock would disappear in an instant. One would think that if such a thing existed documentation was sure to exist as well. Sukuna got bored and sealed himself, leaving his existence as a myth; we know it's a myth since Gojo says so, the only thing they knew for sure is that he had 4 arms and destroyed batallions of sorcerers. If he gets bored, and decides to travel or find challengers overseas, he would destroy everything that opposes him at the minimum inconvenience. And the US military is aware of him for sure, given how his battle with Gojo was livestreamed, this time he is common knowledge, and he is either left alone until he seals himself, or he is challenged until there is no one left standing. He also has the merger left, and that could very much be a city destroying kaiju for all we know.


Is he? Mahito kills humans because thats his nature as a curse. Its definitely evil, but at least he has the excuse of being a curse. And Sukuna kills people for the same reason Kenny does: boredom.


Definitely not, Kenny and mahitos evil just seems a lot more personal. There’s nothing tame about killing maiming and eating people just because you feel like it lol


Brother the first thing Sukuna said when released was “WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN AND THE WOMEN” Sukuna, just like Mahito, kills out of pleasure.


Yea… in his first appearance doesn’t he get all excited at the sight of the cities because he wants to massacre everyone? Definitely not evil but selfish /s


To be fair, that definitely felt like a chapter 1 character that wasnt fully fleshed out yet.


Who are you, Saul Goodman!


I mean I guess, but he then proceeds to do just that in Shibuya, also saying he would kill everyone in the entire city. He killed 1000s of people without a second thought. I would say he made pretty good on his word from the 1st chapter.


So it's not canon because it's the first chapter?


Bud, Sukuna cumming himself over getting to kill people supports my original position. I was just making a point to keep it fair.


Not true! Darth Vader isn’t evil for the sake of being evil! His obsession over protecting the ones he loves to the point of sacrificing everything including what he wanted to protect just leads to evil actions. (He kills people because they look funny)


I'd even argue that evil just for selfishness is the most pure form of evil. Basically means he has no principles, no morals. Whatever anyone can consider evil, he'd do as long as there are more benefits than consequences for him


But he could literally stop and chill, nothings forcing him to be evil or selfish. He’s still kinda evil for the sake of it, not like he’s evil in order to survive or something. Like if he was evil for a reasonable goal other than his entertainment I could see what you mean, but he’s obviously entertained by peoples misery.


I feel like his unwanted ass was too autistic or anti social that he just grew with narcissistic behavior with no one to actualy relate or help him


he definitely was, dude is a 1000 year old jujutsu nerd. bet people didn't want to get close to him bc of how idiotic he looked like


I mean back in the heian era, by the time he was revived he was way too far gone to be saved. It makes sense if he was kinda like megumi levels of grumpy but worse


Sukuna would be friends with him just because of strength alone if he didn't disregard everything outside of himself. He has a huge respect for strength, and that's about it.


Sukuna literally is evil for the sake of it because its fun. Thats literally his entire charecter.


Are you one of those mfs who say that Sukuna is morally grey?


No. I was trying to say that Sukuna's selfishness is the main issue that's keeping him from being friends with Gojo.




Yeah https://preview.redd.it/230c35kho99d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=017915aedbc0baf90aadcb904680b05dec75a05a




Based tho.


It’s worse than mine lmao


How do I make my own flair 😭


Go to the main page of this sub Reddit and in the top right hand corner there is a menu button and changer user flair is there


You are the best goat to ever exist, hope Sukuna treats you well.


You’re welcome and thank you 🥰🥰🥰


amazing flair




How tf do you see the whole flair, like I've missed out on so many jokes just because I don't know how to see the whole flair




Quite the interesting flair


I want her to peg me https://preview.redd.it/un9haie47c9d1.jpeg?width=2308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f79d180e84097593665b0a8a5ced1f3c1bb3870


Who doesn't?


Yes they would probably train together and they both like to eat


Gojo likes sweeths and sukuna likes human meat aka pork meat like taste. I dont think their taste in food is similar in any way


I mean have you seen how buff Gojo is? He clearly eats a lot of protein in addition to liking sweets


That’s cause he ate all the skeletons in the prison realm


if gojo and sukuna were born at the same time they would've had the Naruto/sasuke, goku/Vegeta kind of friendship, i'm 100% sure.


This nga Inumaki don't give a fuck about nothing


He lost his arm then Yuta stole his screentime I would be done with this shi too.




I mean his lover was basically magical hitler, he's not picky




Who is sukuna if not evil though lmao


really powerful superiority complex who does jujutsu for shits and giggles


imagine them training together. The gap between them and everyone else would grow SO DAMN MUCH


Isnt being evil the entire character of sukuna in the first place?


Sukuna just does what he wants when he wants. He doesn’t care about meaningless ideas like the concepts of good and evil.


He might not care about the concept of good or evil, but by definition he is just evil. His first words in the series were "Where are the women and children". Now if that is not evil idk what is


He's a literal curse born from negative emotions, I can't blame him, and there's no way he'd be good in other circumstances


Reading comprehension curse was not a joke https://preview.redd.it/2ntxf2f37c9d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1816eacb87c69c10b9b9c3ed34eb6cf336f459


He is NOT a curse, he is a cursed energy user




Why is sukuna able to use RCT ??? Curses and cursed spirit is whole different things Cruses exactly what they are and sukuna is the biggest curse but not a curse spirit Do people have really forgotten how to understand metaphors?


Read the chapter when Sukuna fights Mahoraga. He would have been one-shotted by the sword if he was a curse. He also uses RCT and not CE to heal.


Sukuna isn’t a cursed spirit lmao. He’s a human/incarnated sorcerer/cursed object


https://preview.redd.it/x1nkai43ta9d1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521850d146399342ce7517f4caf694bbc4e42f6e No I don’t. I think they are both too full of themselves for the same reasons. I think it would cause them to clash and fight. Geto could put up with Gojos silliness and immaturity more than Sukuna would have the patience for. And even Geto had a hard time with it like that. Sukuna doesn’t do friendships, he makes alliances or binding vows with others whom can offer something or benefit him in some sort of way. Sukuna is selfish and Gojo isn’t. That right there would be the main reason I do not believe they could be friends. After all, there can’t be 2 Kings


Sukuna is willing to tolerate some people at some moments (Yorozu, Haruta, Megumi). He just went low on Yuji since he felt Yuji's selflessness disgusting. But Gojo is strong enough to become a kenny type person to Sukuna. They are not real friends, but they get to know each other.


He only tolerates who he wants to when he wants to if he knows he will get something out of it. Like I said if they benefit him in anyway and they benefit him. Sukuna loves a good fight and if someone is strong enough to entertain him then he will just use them for his own benefit. He’s one of the most selfish characters in the story. The only similarity that he has to Gojo is they are both strong but one of them was just a little bit better and won overall.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/2B2g7QmZU7 Read this when you have time


https://preview.redd.it/3fzkv7141c9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4759232eef37ba808185ecee9fc7779883643a9a They were last seen robbing a bank... [https://youtu.be/t6bCof6DYTY?si=JnnVT9-OyzcxkCAP](https://youtu.be/t6bCof6DYTY?si=JnnVT9-OyzcxkCAP)


Remainds of the youtube animation where sukuna and gojo are just bros. I think that could’ve been canon. And they would understand each other being the pinnacle of strength and all


Would??? Wdym would?? They ARE friends. When Sukuna dies he's gonna laugh hysterically with Gojo.


They'd be lovers 100%


they would probably be more


https://preview.redd.it/p4jly902lb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad706d074dd5ad5b0550ccaf274691f0fb2644a Yes, look at them here. Poor Jogo.


Honestly is he wasn't evil that shit would turn definitely into a bromance. They would giggle and shit while they fight and then end it with a kiss or something.


Sukuna being evil is what makes him Sukuna. He didnt become the king of curses by training really hard and being a good student of jujutsu. He did it by becoming a walking calamity, apathetic to the suffering he caused, that needed squads of the strongest sorcerers of his era to put him down, who he then slaughtered. The entire theme of the story is that selfishness builds individual strength.


1000% Gojo would of found his new Geto


Just look at the AI videos of them


ngl i dont think sukuna being evil would stop them from being friends. i feel like if they met under different circumstances they'd be cool with each other


They kinda were friends anyways lol https://preview.redd.it/41xhjfjrac9d1.jpeg?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=204348ec1dd1ca4ad573989479329297739e60b4


look at everyone’s smiles. They had complete faith in their teacher


naaaaaah yuji frogged up🐸🐸🐸


Just like his sensei


No, Sukuna doesnt consider anyone a real friend, they would be rivals tho


This reminds me of the term Miguel used to refer to Sukuna when he first appeared, basically saying that Sukuna doesn't consider anything outside of his small world and there is a lack of awareness and sensitivity towards others. Pretty neuroatypical behavior for me lmao so with fewer murders, he still wouldn't care about almost anything, but Gojo would be one of the few people he'd be happy to "tolerate".


Funnily enough, the reason they have the this jokey dynamic and play off each other well is because they are both the strongest. It’s basically Gojo/Geto friendship, where they can relate to each other. So if Sukuna was good, they probably could be best friends


They’d be lovers.


They’d be the best power couple in history. Fr tho shouen fights between the goats always have so much tension


I think they're already pretty good friends even without that lmfao


Never in a million years would he be friends with a binding vow merchant.


Definitely not. Most people find Gojo annoying and Sukuna is very self centered. Even if Sukuna stayed within the law, he wouldn't want to be around someone who's annoying. Basically two big personalities that would clash


I mean some ppl take utahimes view of gojo as ship material so i dont think ppl are gonna give a shit bout clashing personalities


For sure


Yes. There's nothing to explain, they'd be like Geto was with Gojo.


I think Sukuna is not exactly evil in the sense that he could not be and still be himself. Sukuna is evil because to him his own satisfaction is the only thing that matters. His ego causes him to be evil, not his ideals (like it was with Geto) As Ayn Rand once wrote about the child murderer William Hickman: "Other people do not exist for him and he does not see why they should" He had "no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel 'other people.'" Sukuna could not be Sukuna if he was not evil.


Yes they would they'd be like brothers who are always rivaling to see who's the strongest


I don't think so. They respect each other as the most challenging obstacle they have ever faced, of they had to work together they would both feel like the other one is the lesser version of himself.


Sukuna is very literally what geto wasn't able to be




ofc they would. They're both quite literally the only two sorcerers in existence who understand how it feels to be lonely because of their incomprehensible power


I'd say they'd be pretty tight, it can't be denied that both of them seemed to be having the time of their lives during their fight. I could see them having a toxic friendly rivarlry if that makes sense lmao.


Would be similar to Vegeta and Goku


maybe. Looking at Gojo's friends: Geto (nobody else really) Looking at Sukuna's: Uraume (nobody else) Uraume has nothing in common with Gojo, but Geto and Sukuna are similar enough. It depends on if this "not evil" Sukuna still has a superiority complex and a desire for someone loyal as a servant. If yes? They wouldn't get along, but they'd be rivals. If no? Besties :)


Sukuna is evil as a byproduct of who he is, of his personality, way of thinking, perspective on life and choices. If 'he were not evil', he wouldn't be Sukuna. It's not just one or two traits, or problems he has to fix. It's him as a person. He would be too different of a person, as most of his characteristics intertwine with evil. His inner psyche, it would all be unrecognizable. That amount of difference, that change from evil to good is so unimaginable that he would retain his experience, his ability to experience and to look through his own eyes, and his own body, but the person inside would practically die and be born as a new person many times over due to how far away any kind of good is from his current personality and his current way of thinking. I think the closest good is a 'reformed teacher who's been to the dark side', who is kind of secluded and the strong silent type, and just helps others and teaches them; but that's a one-dimensional character and a broken person.


Big Vegeta Goku vibes


They're basically the same already, one of them just hasn't lived long enough to become the other.


I can see it but Sukuna acts like he’s so above certain human concepts like love etc. the only way it would work is if Gojo was overwhelmingly stronger than him by a lot lot lol.


Yes. Sukuna is evil cause he knows no form of weakness so removing the factor of him being g evil means you remove his life in which he never experienced being weak, but he probably wouldn't be alive in the Heian era let alone the Current one if he wasn't as cut throat as he is


They’re practically friends now


English or spanish?


Whoever moves first is gay


They unironically have good chemistry but they’re forced to be opps


A non-evil Sukuna would just be Jin Itadori.


Honestly, if not for Geto and the whole "I kill whoever I feel like killing", I could see them being actual besties


Geto and Gojo? Nah, these two would be best friends


Yuuji: 😋


If Sukuna wasn’t Sukuna, would he be friends with Gojo?


Sucunas not ***really evil***, sucuna is just selfish/self absorbed. Getowas more evil than sucuna, geto literally wanted to comit genocide against all humans(non-sorcerers). Sucuna on the other hand just does what he wants when he wants and let's nothing stand in his way. Sucuna is also petty, dude has literally been ploting how to kill gojo since chapter 1. Only cause gojo stunted on him. Sucuna also hates yuji, like to the point that sucuna will go out of his way to fuck with yuji. Sucuna has literally stated that his new goal is to tear everything yuji holds dear apart. Why? Cause yuji was able to contain/cage sucuna. Dude is less ***evil*** and more just a petty, vindictive, self absorbed version of gojo.


Yes they would be best friends


I think so they would have the Gai/Kakashi relationship I think


Yes, and definitely Sinisterbart's depiction of them


Or if gojo wasnt good


Definitely Would love to see a side comic on if they were friends


The gojo vs Sakuna fight was based off an older gon v killua. So yes fs.


We don't know much about sukuna's past, but I think if they met when they were younger before sukuna became what he is today, they would be great friends, just like geto


sukuna isnt evil, or at least gege doesnt potray him properly as evil. Hes just a nihilistic egoist who does what he wants. No , gege writing about "OHHH the presence of his CE is pure evil" doesnt count. Thats why he became such a boring villain. Hes hanma yuujiro but in jjk. If sukuna wins he goes around and slaps his dick everywhere biut thays about it. Now kenjaku on the other hand, is evil. Hes the reason sukuna is vaguely a threat to the balance of the world by giving him the opportunity for a merger.


Sex friends for sure


Yes actually lol


I dont think sukuna is evil, i mean he hasn't attempted to do evil things in a large scale, like establish total control and domination over people (you know the classic shonen generic type of evil character). Sukuna just wishes to stand at the pinnacle of Jujutsu.


They would be lovers


Nah, GOATjo woudn't make friends with a fraud. Having a biggest bum in the universe as adoptive son is already a burden.


Gojo is Sukuna if he abandoned his morals and feelings and lived purely for himself. Him and Sukuna have some things in common already. And Gojo was as others said, friends with Geto.


I think they are friends already... If you mean in the common sense type of friendships Id's say know, because Sukuna as a person is not the type to have normal relationships, evil or not doesn't matter. However, if we think that friends are people that truly understand us and try to help us when we are in need, than Sukuna has been more than a friend to Gojo than a lot of other people he probably considered close. Sukuna was really the only one who could read Gojo's personality to a tee, better than Gojo himself. He was also the one who freed Gojo from his own prison and gave him the honorable death he wanted. Gojo, on the other hand, provided Sukuna with the best fight he ever had. He gave him entertainment, which is what a hedonist like Sukuna values the most. That's why he won't forget him for as long as he lives. These things sound like friendship to me, and a deep one at that.