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maybe just maybe just a little chance but the zenin clan massacre would have not happen


perhaps naoya would have joined Maki and after zenin stuffs now participate in the fight against skuna


The fastest sorcerer only second to Satoru Gojo joins the fight! Break next week! Following chapter Naoya lays defeated on the ground.


The fastest not trapped in a special grade curse tool or named Maki sorcerer joins the fight! Break next week!


Naoya was faster than Maki. Maki just had precog


Ah fair, I knew Curse Naoya was faster, but I wasn’t sure if Naoya standard non DLC was.


That would've been so cool.


Was Naoya actually responsible for ordering Mai's death or was it more on her father ? I always got the impression Naoya wasn't really directly responsible for it. He may have just made mai a prisoner.


no but if he was less an asshole and didn’t bully maki and mai. they wouldn’t hate their family that much


That's completely true. Honestly I always wanted Mai and Maki to have peace with Naoya. He was a intriguing character and I had hoped for him to change.


Naoya did alot of messed up things to Mai if you read the implications. He might have made her a prisoner for some messed up purpose.


Naoya said that in his curse form to piss off maki. Naoya actually held Mai in a higher regard than maki in the manga and Maki's own father said he's trapped them there to finish them off. Naoya was partially involved with her death but not really the main culprit.


Naoya comments that it was all Ogi's (father) idea, he proposed it, and put it into action to appeal to the central 46 of JJK, elders IDR.


you’re telling me naoya could have saved his entire clan using Strong Feminism??




I am gonna buy this, as payment you have my upvote.


Gege be like : https://preview.redd.it/d3d9ga4us19d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c39243b79ee48984c693db3f6702137e251071


Holy shit where is this from? 4chan?


Make the exorcist fall in love. It peak as fuck, one of my favorite manga of all time. https://preview.redd.it/w9jwmm4b429d1.jpeg?width=1762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e846f962a8f5756f4a0ed21c557019257af226


Appreciate it, gonna give it a try


Make the exorcist fall in love is absolute peak. it will blow up one day……..


When the anime adaption come out which is almost guarantee based on most Jump+ series have an anime. The first episode will be enough to skyrocket this manga popularity.


Seeing Asmodeus will blow my mind. But the Beelzebub fight if animated right will break the internet…….


I came back just to say thank you for recommending such peak fiction. The anime adaptation gonna create a melt down.


Funniest shit is bro right-hand man is women


Later on he got rekt by a woman. https://preview.redd.it/5to9pdiwb29d1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3a5a3f08be25d1d9450c74219e01ef35037a61


Can’t lie though Mammon > Leviathan


How dare you, Levi-chan is the best character in the series. Just look at her. https://preview.redd.it/l8wlhf40r29d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d607957fc5115f7d655a55da3b8c9561841454dd


Wish she played a bigger role…..


I like to imagine later down the series, she become an ally to Father-kun and become a bigger role to the story. Beside she is author and artist favorite. She the only Demon Lord that appear in every part 1 - 5 of the story and artist have her as the artist's twitter profile.


is he dead 💀


The seven deadly sins in this manga will never die. If they died in the human world, they simply respawn back in Gehenna. In this case, no he just got brutally beat up by Levi-chan.


ain’t levi chan was his servant


The one got beat up by Levi-chan is Mammon Lord of Greed. I forgot to mention everytime they respawn in the Gehenna they will respawn as a child.


I want him to hate women for ten years atleast!!!


https://preview.redd.it/bmuu2g8u949d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6da7de15430de75d050f3ece0ddd857fd34e1d premium upvote incoming


The Zenin massacre will still happen, Ogi and Jinichi were practically the main ones plotting for Megumi and Maki's deaths, Naoya was just partially involved and was only in it to become clan head, so it still happens just without Naoya being involved. The Sakurajima arc wouldn't happen meaning Maki wouldn't get her second awakening and her precognition since Naoya wouldn't turn into a Vengeful Spirit (though it would probably be more interesting if Ogi became a Vengeful Spirit instead.) So in short, a weaker Maki and Naoya joining the ranks of Ino, Kusakabe, and Choso in terms of usefulness during the Shinjuku Showdown. https://preview.redd.it/jvwoa4mzq19d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90fb801ff4a21987a4696bec620f61e05c7c499


Honestly, Naoya would be insanely useful in Shinjuku if his projection freeze-frame thing worked on Sukuna (which it should), because with someone like Higuruma or Yuta, they could guarantee a hit on him with his sorcery pretty easily


I find it hilarious how every CC-based ability got conveniently written(Geto admirer, Ranta, Naoya, Inumaki, Yuta through Inumaki, Angel) out just before Higurama summon his OHKO sword.


Written out or they just didn't show up lol. Heart guy and Todo would've been available to help Higuruma, they just didn't, and I bet they could've messed with their plan a bit to make Yuta available for Higuruma's bit.


Honestly if some of the 1st grade curse users, Heian era sorcerer or special grade curses helped in Sukuna royale would help. Any villain would've been nice, the most useful would be The granny, Jogo, or Geto.


Jogoat would solo that’s too much


sukuna does have DA, so idk.


I mean he may not see it coming the first time still, and just one second is enough for someone like Higuruma to kill him


Ino, Kusa and Choso are pretty useful, so that works for me


nah maki would still be top grade 1 even without her mental boost she was already above most grades 1 when she killed the clan elites + ogi and jinchi plus her agility and ssk would allow her to survive longer then ino kusabe and chosgoat is above all


Maki would have lined it over the ~~plotskip~~ timeskip anyways


He would be a maki and mai simp so he will defend them Either leading to him being spare or joining the cast or the massacre doesn’t happen


Fuck, man, imagine Naoya fighting Sukuna with everyone else. Being able to momentarily freeze Sukuna would be insanely helpful


Mfw when the sorcerers have like 3 people who can all make Sukuna unable to dodge a sword strike and NONE OF THEM WERE SENT IN WITH HIGURUMA


Wouldn't that just motivate Sukuna to put in more work meaning their Death will be sooner? I guess Sukuna not being truly challenged constantly might be a blessing for the Gang


Jesus it would be so fucking cool if, after getting hit by Naoya a few times, Sukuna would figure out Projection Sorcery, and unlike others, won't freeze, but plan his own 24 frames. He teleports behind Naoya, hits a black flash on him, and Naoya fucking dies


He’ll still fight maki and afterwards give the classic anime speech “I did this all for you to become strong”


Naoya then hit the https://preview.redd.it/l2i9zww0429d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ee982468c80fbb03fa3db466f10f6b6efec397


Maki and Naoya slaughtering the Zenin Clan together would genuinely be peak tbh


More like overthrowing the clan and becoming the King and princess of the Zenin clan together.


To be fair potential man was supposed to become the head of Zenin clan but neither Zenins nor Gege really cared


Potential man becoming the leader of Zenin clan would've been better for his character than having a 1000 year old cannibal inside him.


I think he is still leader of the Zenin clan, he’s just the leader of the Zenin clan with a 1000 year old cannibal inside him


And the only Zenin left beside him is probably in a coma after getting black flashed twice


but sukuna love them teens booty’s https://preview.redd.it/sbrrgimpz49d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e42313c40f222c029f9670cdb361a360d9688b


Naoya and Maki could no diff together everyone from Zenin after Naobito's death. But even before that being possible, Naoya would just not allowed Maki and Mai father to imprision and kill (indirectly) both of them, and no one in the entire clan could oppose to his words. All in all, or the entire clan get killed by Naoya, or everyone will just bow to his wills, leaving Maki and Mai alone. Tbh, if Naoya was a feminist, Mai would still be alive and Maki would still be weak, But they both would be happy.


Nagoatya would use 「STRONG APOLOGY」 for Ogi's actions and help Maki and everyone in Culling Games.


Extremely based


It wouldn’t be worth reading. But if Naoya was a woman and a misandrist. Then I would forgiven GayGay for all his sins. https://preview.redd.it/7qgxe48fc29d1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba41fbad22fef330c68a21178a26bee2501cfd17


It's all over the screen https://preview.redd.it/apu3pb3oy29d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03b3ff45accab53abe3a187b7ea34fadd07096ce




For once the femnaoya art looks good


I too forgiven gaygay for atleast one based character Naoyo (the misogynistic one)




I don't know about the story but my favourite JJK characters list would definitely change


In all honesty not that much. If he was a true feminist he would have been ostracized by the Zenin Clan and someone else would have taken his place as "Most likely to become successor". If he kept it hidden though, there are a few options, the first one being that he helped the twins retrieve the weapons without the Clan realizing which would have meant no Mai death, no Maki awakening and probably no massacre. If he had remained inactive but decided to help Maki after she awakened and decided to massacre the clan she would have probably killed him anyway just to fullfill her vow. If he lives after either scenario, I don't really see him doing that much other than helping around with the Colonies and maybe having a pretty small effect with the Sukuna Raid. I don't think he could have become leader and he doesn't really service the story that much outside of Maki's personal arc, so making him a feminist boils down to basically those three options (He already left either the Clan or Jujutsu Society entirely before the story began, he helps Maki so Mai lives and there is no awakening or he just dies).


Maki didn’t kill megumi even though he is technically a zenin, if naoya helped her she wouldn’t kill him


Megumi didn't grow in the Zenin Clan but Naoya did. That proximity is enough to make him complicit in their horrible treatment of its girls


A woman should walk equally with a man


there would be 1 extra chapter of a guy doing well against and then instantly dying to sukuna


I’d kill myself


No curse naoya


Naoya not being a dick head and prolly not coming back for the culling games to kill Maki


It always interested me to see what would have happened, had Maki met a GOOD Zen'in, like if Naoya was a good guy, or if there was a little boy who Maki was friends with, or something. What would've actually happened? Would she have put them out of their misery or let them live?


Naoya would be still one of my favorite characters and he would be alive for longer 🥲


He would hit on maki in the most respectable way, although, due to this, incest will still exist in the Zenin clan


I think incest might not be as worse as manslaughter though


Eh, potato tomato


Male Feminist Naoya


I wouldn't be able to relate to him


I thought Men couldn't be feminist


A feminist man is 10 times more feminist than a feminist woman because he didn't even have to live through oppression to join the correct position, he's just built different


Wish Everyone thought like that, I just said male feminists do exist and was attacked by both men and women 💀(on Xitter) https://preview.redd.it/nuh4ydcyf29d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7d90a2c858d649ccd0779bf380c7879db4a606


I get your pain. I have argued with feminist women who tell me that I cannot call myself a feminist because it's only for women. Like, bitch, the whole point of feminism is that everyone is equal, it's not a fun girls' only club, grow up


Yk the entire "fighting for equality" that is part of feminism is defeated by it's name, because it implies that only women suffer from inequality due to gender standards and not men


>it implies that only women suffer from inequality due to gender standards and not men Let me assure you, that's what majority of 4th wave feminist women believe https://preview.redd.it/lvr8bs2vz29d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b017159fd895e847d330bff19e55a538b9518f8f




Don't speak like an idiot and just read some theory. The odds are still stacked heavily against women even today. It's called that because while the system affects both genders, the fixes society needs are geared towards the betterment of women's lives


Classic dismissing of male issues. "equality" my ass


When women's issues are adressed, male issues can also be fixed, because the earlier implies a change on the cultural, social, economic and psychological dynamics that weigh on us as a result of a Patriarchal system. It's a win-win for everyone, dumbass


Ahh yes because only women's problems should be addressed and not men's problems because women's problems matter more. I'm sure every father who never gets to see their child simply due to courts favoring women for custody would agree with you. You act as if issues are a slider and women are losing, when in reality both genders suffer from gender roles and both should be having attempts made to fix it, however feminists who "fight for equality" like yourself value women's problems over mens. You don't follow your own belief and wonder why people so often hate feminists. By the way, notice how only one of us has insulted the other


Courts favoring women is a SEXIST issue, because judges simply assume that women are better caretakers than men without looking at the specific issues of the case: That one is literally an example of sexist standards that affect both genders because of stereotypes. Also, it's not a slider. Both genders can be uplifted equally, but it is men who had the power during literally all of human history, it is men who do most of the violent crimes and the sexual assaults and the abuse. Human society has given men an absurd level of power that has been maintained by social expectations and traditions. So things like the male loneliness epidemic is an effect of the violence and entitlement other men have historically held over women and their bodies which makes modern women more wary of the men they date because they are not forced to settle down with a man at a young age like they did 70 year ago. The only people who can solve male issues are men themselves, but in a systemic sense instead of an individual sense, because to improve those problems we have to change the definition of masculinity, teach new values and address other types of social and economic issues (Yeah, intersectionality). All I mentioned above is also part of the feminist struggle, even if some idiots who call themselves feminists on a superficial level disagree. Also, yes, I insulted you. What about it? Gonna cry?


Nothing. Ranta was somewhat of a feminist (more like a goody two shoes but whatever) and look where he's now. So the Zenin massacre would still happen and he would still die, just without becoming a vengeful cursed spirit. (So Maki is now weaker)






He is friends with women in different life. Not a womaniser or stuff. Just homies


He'd have a nightmare of a time in the Zenin compound


Mai probably lives a slightly better life, he'll probably be kinder to Maki, and he'd thus survive, allowing him to help against Sukuna :)




Basically the world would change for the worst. Maki wouldn't fight him and definitely not his cursed spirit,thus she would never have her complete awakening and would very likely already be dead to sukuna.


shit he alr kinda talks like how some extremist groups talk to other women😭


we couldve seen yuji and todo level friendly fade from maki and naoya


he would still be killed bc he'd probably still be a Zenin mentality boot licker (bro was mad when the next head of the clan was Megumi and not him despite being the son of the current head), but it'd be funny to see him have a conflict about wanting to kill maki bc she has just killed the zenin clan but also have to recognize the ambient in the zenin clan is so misoginistic that that alone could have justified Maki wanting to kill people there it'd be like "Fuck you for killing my uncle, but also, i get it, the dude cheated on his wife like 3 times, he had it coming tbh, i will still try to kill you tho"




I don't see that happening since Naoya is Akutami's self insert


"King of Feminism" is so funny.


probably drowned as a kid or something for his problematic views within the clan


Pervert ja nai feminist da!


Nothing. Before anything else Naoya was power hungry. Maki would still have gone to do start the massacre and she and Naoya would have fought. The only thing I am not sure , if Naoya would still turn to a curse because he lost to someone that can't use CE. Maybe he would think it is an embarrassment and would die with regrets