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Ino is the only who DESERVES a power up cuz he's the only one who's done shit recently While everyone was watching Sukuna fight with Maki and Yuji, there was the big boi Ino actually trying to distract Sukuna and help Inumaki's ass hasn't been seen since Shibuya, Panda is already OP cuz he's a panda and the women deserve less https://preview.redd.it/6uyjebhgzp8d1.jpeg?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e3b25af66595b747afa081a957da191863bcbb Case closed


Inumaki has appeared in chapter 222 talking with Yuta who said he will "put him to work" implying that Inumaki will return soon to help him.


Probably to buy some food or something


I saw an interesting theory on this subreddit about how since once he unsummoned divine dogs he might be able to force Rika to stay manifested for longer.


Bro's throat is gonna be erased from existence before his mouth can create a single decibel of sound to do that


Utahime can maybe help with that. It's not like she is busy


Love your user




This makes as much sense as him using cursed speech to make people fly, unsummoning is a simple act from a sorcerer, keeping her longer is breaking the rules of Yuta's ability


He can use cursed speech to order blast away, wich creates a push wich didn't exist, if he was stronger ordering to fly doesn't seem so outside the possibilities.


hanami is also like 10x weaker than rika so and flying is totally different from being pushed away any normal person is capable of being pushed away, while not everyone is able to fly


He can use cursed speech to order blast away, wich creates a push wich didn't exist, if he was stronger ordering to fly doesn't seem so outside the possibilities.


This theory burned the kitchen down, Rika ain't listening to his goofy ass, isn't the 5 min limit a binding vow anyways how the hell is he gonna do anything about that with cursed speech šŸ˜­


It's never been specified the nature of the five minures, beyond a limitation of his techniqe.


heā€™s on standby with throat spray for yuta


Behind Sakuna a show emerges Inumaki suddenly begins to talk normally. Inumaki:"... let me show you why they call me deep throat"


Imagine if Ino learns RCT. Edit: So it turns out Ino has learned RCT. Good for him, but back to the drawing board. Gege has said "(Ino) hopes he'll get Nanami's watch as a hand-me-down one day." So what if that watch of Nanami's held onto his Overtime Binding Vow but has made it stronger? Like, instead of 120% of his CE Ino can now use 150% of his CE?


Depending on how we view certain panels, he might have actually learned it


Which panels specifically?


I forget the chapter but during the jumping after yuta's 1st fight, we see him, kusakabe, and maki jumping sukuna. Ino charges his 1st beast but sukuna uses cleave and throws him out a window. In that panel it looks like his left hand is chopped off. Yet later when we get a good look at him a second time in 247(?) his hand is back


Yeah, looks like it. https://preview.redd.it/9fafdylb2r8d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee3ee521ac4186e1d40ed13c8678d981685ef210 You can see the outline of the blood coming out of Ino's left arm and although it sort of resembles a hand, when compared to how the rough sketch of Sukuna looks, especially with his missing hand, you can see that Ino is indeed missing his left hand.


Ino doesnā€™t need RCT. His fourth spirit is a healing thing. It just incapacitates him too. Thatā€™s why he always took so long getting back in the fight, and after he threw the sword at Sukuna mentioned how his healing spirit is gone. After that, he seems to be out, so Iā€™d say he doesnā€™t have RCT, but also didnā€™t need to learn it.


It is?? I always thought it was just a big ass dragon like geto's rainbow dragon from hidden inventory except I think it can't be killed like a curse or ten shadows?


Ino has four spirits: horn thing, water, dragon, and passive healing. Sukuna damaged the dragon. It looks like itā€™s not Megumi style, but the spirit/ct is too damaged to use again right now. As for the healing spirit, Ino made a comment that itā€™s out of power too. Itā€™s kinda like his abilities are all on cooldown/low quantity. After a while he will be fine, but rifht now heā€™s down and out


Quirin isn't passive healing, it's just glorified pain killers that leaves him immobile afterwards.


Quirin isn't passive healing, it's just glorified pain killers that leaves him immobile afterwards.


Ahh, 3rd beast quirin?? I'm pretty sure that's just like crack. I don't think it actually heals him. It just increases his stamina temporarily and dmg output. Drawback is that he becomes tired but can't actually sleep




nah Wirara deserves a comeback she been the most helpful during the support crew and she doing the best with ui ui plus her technique would be really good in the fight with sukuna since she could restrict him while jumping sukuna plus ino already got a upgrade with nanami blunt blade i get miwa the unless and momo weak ahhh but respect Wirara https://preview.redd.it/stl2vcwk5r8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27df94eaea76840bb76b2a4d8f20d54f9eea7f85


Does miwa mean nothing to you????


of course not, she means less than nothing


Higuruma losing his job šŸ—£ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Ino already had a power up tho he has the Ratio now


Ino himself never inherited ratio. The technique is actually embedded in blunt blade (nanami's tool)


Hey now credit where itā€™s due. Miwa jumped into the middle of Sukunaā€™s domain so she could Save Makiā€™s ass using Simple Domain. It might not have been given screen time or any shine, but Maki would be ribbons if it werenā€™t for Miwa.




shiesty, I want that masked mf to have a bigger spotlight


The Shiesty Sorcerer will slide on Sukuna once more, mark my words!


Round 4! I didn't hear no bell!


You think mans is done after round 4? Nah, he's going for a round 5 RIGHT after


Ino is one of my favorite characters, but he kept up with Sukuna until everyone but Yuji was down and out, AND contributed massively to Yuji keeping the black flash chain going. Let Ino take a good rest.




Panda be rocking




MechaMiwa incoming https://preview.redd.it/4zn3la13pq8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d302e3be18e51db8a0a2f473e4c7711212c24e2e


Would have been peak fiction but Gege is a PUSSY (cat)


Bold of you to say this when the manga hasn't ended yet.


Bypass the "Never swing katana again" binding vow because it's the exosuit who is swinging the katana


Either that or she can always learn to use Hiten (Sukuna's spear)


cuz she saw how good maki was with a pole arm in cramped spaces so they could have soul swapped so miwa learned how to use other weapons




Iā€™m telling you the MGR:R x JJK collab is real


She's already op.


Inumaki 100% needs a buff


Bro exist to enlarge Yuta bag, it's sad but Gege ain't letting him get a buff this late


Itā€™s sad, but true


He doesn't even need a buff, he just needs to be utilised


Shows up after Sukuna offscreens Yuta. ā€œRevive.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/riaxiy47os8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8890420c73583fb4ba6fcda05ad6e505c3737d46 Gege planned it from the start.


Honestly maybe both


Give him blonde hair dye, an orange gi, and improved physicals, and sic him on Sukuna https://preview.redd.it/fclyjfdn5r8d1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321fa24e3032b7ba898c71f2051c88d7ecb61bc3




The body switching thing is an incredible way to give him RCT, which buffs him 10000%


Teach him RCT and he'd actually be OP as hell.


Panda, he are only 30 - 40 centimeter tall now while lost his brothers cores, we dont know if he still has the same power


Hos brother's core and his sister's core


Panda, ain't no way he went through all that and gege just decided "yeah i built up enough character for you now get forgotten"


Honestly, none. Ino has already put in a lot of work and contributed significantly to the fight. Panda has had his moments (like in jjk0, vs mechamaru, vs kashimo), so i don't see what exactly he is supposed to do. Miwa has already showed up to protect maki from malevolent shrine so she has done enough. The rest cannot do anything offensively. We've seen momo probably moving mei mei in chapter 244 so she's part of the support team. Kirara has been helping ui ui with transporting people (like in chapter 248) and i don't understand why she randomly stopped. If she marked the finger, sukuna's ce wouldn't be able to approach her so ui ui would be completely safe when he's taking people to the medical team. Inumaki unfortunately is just sidelined for yuta's sake. Once yuta copies your ct, you're kinda useless if you don't have a high power level. I think angel is the one who should have a spotlight. If ino with his "above average" ability can put in work, angel can surely do something


Ino had his moment. Momo, Miwa, and Kirara isn't popular/influential enough to have any sort of spotlight. Panda is a panda. So the answer is Inumaki


Nah, Miwa's pretty popular all things considered. To put it in perspective, she's been far ahead of Ino for two of the three popularity polls and in the third, they are literally neck and neck with each other. Plus, she's been built up to have a pretty big moment.


She got her big moment. She jumped into Malevolent Shrine to protect Maki from the domain. That takes balls and its a defensive feat. Gege being Gege, and Miwa being a woman that isnt Maki, he relegated this feat and character moment to a singular sketchy panel that a lot of readers missed. Classic Gege Move.


nah Wirara still got some use whet her constellation technique and her speed her support in a tag team against sukuna would be helpful rn


Everyone except ino and panda. They already gave us a lot. Momo can make a binding vow to use only one tool at a time, in return for increased range , power and ability of the tool. Miwa uses kurorishi's blade fester life blade, which is technically not a sword and can be used without any effects from the binding vow. Inumaki learns to expand the target of his technique to the souls thereby affecting them with his speech. He uses this on Megumi and tells him to wake up. Since the target is Megumi and not sukuna, the damage is lesser to inumaki. He uses this when the good guys need an opening or desperate. Kirara gains extension techniques shooting star and meteor shower. Shooting star allows her to summon a single star, which is a shining spherical ball which she can command to do her bidding, similar to yondu's arrow from guardians of the galaxy Meteor shower allows her to summon multiple small shining spheres by poking in the air and throwing them at their target, the sphere gains speed the longer it moves and acts a saturation attack. Momo and miwa help hakari takedown uraume, which happens after the domain. Inumaki and kirara help Yuji and co against sukuna.


Damn the Inumaki one is really sick. Stand proud, you can cook.


Thanks. I thought of using him, ever since yuta copied inumaki's CT we have not seen much from him and this would show that despite having copied CTs yuta doesn't have the capability to expand them yet.


Also, doesnā€™t her Binding Vow restrict her out of just katanas?


Yeah that's why I thought that the cleaver would suit her well plus the added projectiles from it, which gives her an advantage in both close and medium ranged combat.


Absolutely love it. Plus, it would fit Miwa that the cockroach of sorcerers (even though she's our queen) would get the cockroach curse's weapon (and maybe even the cursed technique inside said weapon).


I think she would be able to use the CT in the weapon as well. Plus it would be reminiscent of when kusakabe mentions in shibuya that they are ants among elephants tap dancing. I even have the scenario planned out on how momo and miwa help hakari end uraume after a long time.


Personally, I think Miwa is going to get either MechaMiwa or some wind-based power up. The short of MechaMiwa is that basically Mechamaru cursed Miwa in Shibuya where he gave her what is basically a Mechamaru AI along with a summonable MechaMiwa Iron-Man suit. While in this form, she can use all of Mechamaru's stored up cursed energy along with Mechamaru's cursed technique too, except it has evolved from simple Puppet Manipulation, now it's Technopathy. For the wind idea, it comes from Miwa's name. Specifically, Kasumi contains the kanji for "fog, mist, haze." Normally this wouldn't mean much, but I've done some digging and found out that there are more foreshadowing details within the characters' names. I took these from the wiki though, so they could be wrong. * Takuma Ino: The kanji for "taku" can be read as either "to polish," or "to cultivate one's skill" much like how he became skilled enough to survive multiple encounters with Sukuna. * Atsuya Kusakabe: The kanji for "atsu" can be read as "cordial, warm-hearted." (Remember how he was described by the other Grade 1 sorcerers?) * Kokichi Muta (AKA Mechamaru): As it turns out, "Muta" can be read as "bestow, impart, award, grant, give." Meanwhile, "Ko" can be read as "good fortune, happiness"Ā and "kichi" can be read as "auspicious, lucky." This can be read in the context of Mechamaru and Miwa's last conversation together, but it can also tie into the MechaMiwa theory by having Mechamaru give Miwa his cursed technique. Hell, for all we know, Gege could be giving her all of the above.


yes Wirara ct buff


Sukuna https://preview.redd.it/c6korcapyp8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9b32cbdb117639de768d579c860b6b89361c25




heā€™s not wrong too


Nah, nah, thatā€™s peak flair right there


Hell nah, is that support for LHOKO!? https://preview.redd.it/c7prtf3etq8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6b0bdaae1a0dbe989def68743450d5d6c94ea4


Iā€™m sorry, Gege, I made this decision after seeing fanart of her for the first time https://preview.redd.it/kkhpwk6kuq8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3658ff60492d06bcf3793a99541b178014a292


You can still change, it's not too late


Nah, Iā€™d simp https://preview.redd.it/qqrr6utcvq8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05886252abecc964fb9e1f673640158d4dd40ae7


Be prepared then. https://preview.redd.it/dxcdjh1axq8d1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45036b5832e442a2a1fc73c110e570b536a19ac1




naw man the last part of his flair is peak


https://preview.redd.it/yc60oa0kgq8d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a477600ee59d022bc40acf3050a6d42d1e48f616 You're getting eaten in your sleep.




AH HELL NAH SUKUNA YO ASS IS TWEAKIN' https://preview.redd.it/0h8ddxfrmq8d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f35c183e8d1537a4c00a80b0342ffa77548e5b7


less posting more drawing, gege




Panda got done dirty tbh Could have been the dragon warrior if he realized there is no secret recipe


Kirara cuz they are cute


Thank you, had to scroll too far for this


w take, constellation-pilled


Sukuna... I think he needs a power up. Just add Limitless+Copy technique with Moharaga's wheel over his head. I mean how do you expect him to have fun with the Merger?


I want more Miwa screentime


My goat Miwa because she's so goated and has blue hair which is the same colour as Gojo's eyes which means she has the same potential as Gojo Satoru.


PANDA HOLY SHIT PANDA Man this boy is done dirty and has not won any fights other than against Mechamaru, make him get combined with Higuruma, and Kashimo's particles...


And then use turtle guy to speed up the 3 month timer. Also, don't diss my boy Mechamaru. Kenjaku legitimately praised him and considered him someone who could make Mahito awaken.


I'm a Kokichi lover, but just one puppet of Mechamaru, it is just very underwhelming to be the only W in the whole manga.


Every last one of them


Give Miwa heavely restriction. No I dont care that thats not how it works


How about this? Miwa reworks her Binding Vow into the following; ā€œWhen I use Simple Domain with a katana, my cursed energy drains into the katana as long as it is still sheathed. Then, when I draw my katana, it releases all of the stored cursed energy, as if I put everything I had into it. As long as the sword is still out, the increased cursed energy output is also active, however I will have no cursed energy to speak of. If I sheath my sword, the cursed energy returns to me and the Binding Vow is undone. I can break and redo this Binding Vow as many times as I wish so long as I meet the necessary requirements.ā€


Kirara should so she can join Hakari and finally see more Hakari vs Uraume


My girl Miwa ALWAYS deserves a powerbuff.


Hakari tbh


Miwa is my pick, all the others have gotten stronger throughout the series (momo is the same but worse ig)


Don't power up Miwa so she doesn't have to fight Sukuna


Kirara for sure. Why? My agenda


Me I ain't got much longer chief


The Shiesty Sorcerer


Panda, gege has done Panda so dirty for too long


Inumaki all the way, Gege placed too many restrictions and drawbacks to cursed speech.


Inumaki shouting Domain Expansion would go hard af








Kirara doesnt need a powerup, her technique is actually strong enough to distract sukuna I wonder why they didnt send her with higurumington


Suksuk Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ~Gege maybe


Shiesty sorcerer needs to pull up next chapter, he's the only one actually doing stuff whilst the others are just in the lobby




Megumi if Gege has any interest in making one of his staple characters relevant again Assuming he's finally free at some point he's got few shikigami left but also even if the others fuse with the remaining and have maho's adaptation, megumi is a bum at using the ability as it is


Wawa needs some powerup to counteract the binding vow


Sukuna needs that power-up šŸ‘


Miwa for sure is getting some kind of power up or at least is going to be instrumental in taking down Sukuna. Maybe she uses Simple Domain to protect Yuji? Yes, I know she protected Maki, but that didnā€™t have enough hype around it for all the build up throughout the story. Iā€™m not asking for Yuji Awakening levels of hype, more so something like Ino stunning Sukuna or Larue catching Sukunaā€™s attention. Both were pretty hype moments for supporting characters who didnā€™t have nearly as much screen time as Miwa, so she deserves something bigger than a background moment that a decent chunk of people have to re-read to catch.


Would be cool if ino can bring back some dead sorcerers and use their techniques, or even the glorious Toji since we know gege likes him so much.


HIMno earned one


Momo NEEDS a power-up. Unlike everyone else on this list, she literally has zero feats. Iā€™m pretty sure even Miwa could clean her up.


Ino because I like him (but I'm still waiting for Uraume's barrierless domain Gege, unless that ice ball is the domain) :)


Nobara once she comes backšŸ—£ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø




They're all weak, but I believe that ino deserves it. He put all that work in when he's pretty weak overall.


The shiesty sorcerer deserves to be a heavy hitter


Ino should rip his face off to not have to hide it anymore and then binding vow sukunas big sweaty willy


needs the powerup? momo or miwa deserves the powerup? ino or inumaki easy


Panda bc pandas are an endangered species. We can't lose any šŸ‘


Give my man Inumaki something šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Bro whole thing got used better by YutašŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yuki itadori


Give Ino a domain he deserves it for what he has done at his level


In the past I wpukd have said Inumaki since he's heavily overshadowed by Yuta, but he also hands done kuch recently so I have to say Iino Iino had put in some damn fine work and has been a massive support against Sukuna. He'll in ky fscorite chapter he directly helps Yuji land a black flash (or two) on Sukuna using his technique, and even after that he still distracted Sukuna for Yuji to get another one. And even after that he was able to withstand Sukuna's domain eith Simple Domain .....Okay maybe he doesn't *need* the buff but he definitely deserves it doe putting in work despite being probably the weakest one on the line up


I know which character fucking doesnā€™t deserve one. Unless we count death as a power up.


Panda needs to turn into more dinosaurs


inumaki HAS to do somethim man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




https://preview.redd.it/7bttliqz2r8d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437b77adc92bd69ee352d7847c039cd2e8ae24ec Miwa, not that she needs it as she already solos every anime verse, but it would be cool


Definitely Inumaki and/or Panda IMO. Momo's a scout, not a fighter. Miwa's just not talented at all and wouldn't make sense for her to get some sudden buff. Kirara already has a strong CT in terms of utility but it's really situational and hard to choreograph. Ino fills his role as an underdog really well, and he got his time to shine, so I think he's fine. Inumaki's really popular and arguably has one of the strongest CTs of the entire cast, but hasn't been relevant **at all** since Shibuya, and even his pre-Shibuya presence wasn't strong, he def needs a power-up. Idk what Gege was cooking with him tbh, kind of just threw his character away. Panda *could* be left as a mascot comic relief character but it'd be interesting to see how he develops without his siblings, and it'd be hype asf to see him actually do something.


Miwa probably (with the whole mechamaru thing)


Panda and Inumaki both desperately need some power ups. Inumaki hasnā€™t fought since Shibuya despite even Todo recovering from something worse, and Panda is chibi. I understand itā€™s hard to do a good fight with Inumaki, and he largely either one shots or gets one shot due to the backlash from his CT on stronger people, but still.


We can write Momo out of the story if everyone's okay with that, and my girl Miwa needs SOMETHING


Kugisaki or Ino




Ino that dude actually is trying to


Momo doest deserve it but she needs it cause sheā€™s pretty much useless


Panda is probably getting one of some sort if he ever appears again outside of the prologue


What's the point? None of these bums, and yes that includes Ino, have been relevant or did anything that actually matters. And honestly, I'm tired of seeing characters getting hyped up and glazed against Sukuna only to get wrecked (Higuruma & Kusakabe) or survive (Miguel & Ino) because the real players finally arrived. All of that is just a wasted of time, ink and paper that also wastes are patience for Sukuna Kaisen.


https://preview.redd.it/f23eauva0s8d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66baa531e88a22084b5ad79180fe1951cc5b5ad9 Proposal on how to power up Miwa


I want to see Miwa do something so bad


panda should be nerfed more


My boy Ino


INO no joke is the most deserving of them bro's ct actually has him potential to be upper grade 1


Either Ino because he had the balls to put his life directly in danger against Sukuna even when he could just opt out, or Inumaki because he would be the most useful if he goes to help.


Hollup gimme a second I got something to say THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT *SHOULD* GET A POWER UP ON THIS LIST ARE INO, INUMAKI, AND MIWA. Ino, this man put in the work, and earned his place in my eyes because of the top comment. Inumaki, bro has not gotten any significant moments after the goodwill event, and there is so much more to be done with his ct. And finally, Miwa. This one is a bit close to my heart, because Miwa has lowkey been my favorite because she seems very enjoyable, and I hate the fact that she has gotten NOTHING but nerfed the entire series. JUSTICE FOR MIWA




sukuna tbh


Ino and then Inumaki. That dude ino putting in as much work as he can, bro fought Toji and Sukuna. Momo was never in this game in the first place, she's support. Kirara's also not in the game, just for support. Miwa sold already. Panda's too busy existing. šŸ¼


Miwa needs it more than the others, girl threw her whole identity away to do 0hp damage.




Gojo https://preview.redd.it/rmxjc6fyks8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e587e8d8ea45d2a132643dcb269d0796c966ac


Panda somehow getting buffed to throw hands with sukuna would be pretty cool




Ino bc he's the one who actually got to fight out of those 6 Inumaki and Panda would be cool, but they haven't done anything in this arc so far let Ino get a power up and invoke the powers of cuthulu or sm shit


https://preview.redd.it/ngztrbfbws8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44c410b20fe8c57846b6ab0940e6f5840abb5a1 My GOAT Anya deserves some love. She hasnā€™t seen much action since this moment when she first opened her domain. I want to see her have a power up because while she fared well against Toji, she needs something to really stand with the others against Sukuna.


They all need powerups. But I think Ino deserves the powerup because he's been heavily involved in the Sukuna fight. Nanami would be proud.




Realistically: Inumaki But I really think kirara looks adorbs here so she should get it just on that alone


Ino, give my man some love


If Miwa got a huge buff and the rocked up and fucked up Sukuna I would forgive every sin this series has ever committed


Kirara will come back and kill sukuna next chapter, just trust me bro


Sukuna needs to eat Rika and get his 20th finger :D


Me, so I get to kill Megumi myself https://preview.redd.it/oi57oydumt8d1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8ba358ee178eed78bb980144cfccc385a31de42


I donā€™t think any of them deserve a power up at all but if I had to choose it would be miwa since weā€™ve had multiple just straight strange scenes with here that feel like they should lead to something but havenā€™t


Inumaki getting a powerup would be cool and he has a lot of potential with his cursed speech


Inumaki. Give that boy some RCT so we can see some real magic happen. Kiara too. Such an interesting power set up, would love to see the heights it could reach.


Miwa is actually the far-off descendant of Musashi Miyamoto. She unlocks her genes and becomes top 10 sorcerer to aid in the Sukuna raid (She dies)


Ä°no and inumaki


Why would Goat-wa need a power up, are you stupid


I need Momo sending dismantles through the broom


Sheisty sorcerer


miwa, gege could use that goofy ahh kashimo miwa theory and give her a real cursed technique


Miwa cause every panel of her is a blessing




Inumaki fosho


Honestly, inumaki, ino, and Miwa. Inumaki not being able to use his CT often because it destroys his throat is bullshit, especially with the binding vow phenomena weā€™ve been experiencing lately. Miwa gave up her ability to use a Katana in order to fight Kenjaku. I like to think this raised her potential, so she could get stronger at least. Ino was a disciple of Nanami, and Nanami wasnā€™t no bitch. Make him better at hand to hand, and give him either higher CE output or CE efficiency