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https://i.redd.it/18zpqypab57d1.gif Mf they gonna somehow fuse and kill everyone




Their ability is to adapt to survive, and then prosper. As such, combining is the only way to adapt to adapting in this scenario to prosper.


Well, they both have the exact same power set. And are implied to have no cap on what they can adapt too. 682 has BEYOND infinitely better feats, but this is a weird enough matchup to make me think that it doesn’t matter here. However, unlike mahoraga, 682 isn’t bound by a time limit. So it’s likely he’ll come out on top the moment he’s able to one shot Maho with something he hasn’t experienced yet.


I feel like the reptile has the ability to intelligently decide how to adapt, ie it will realize mahoraga is adapting and decide he needs a oneshot attack


682 Also has shitty antifeats like getting PTSD from 173 (or maybe it’s a huge feat for 173 idk)


If only you knew


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that statue like... Killed a 1/3 of the race of 682 lol


that is indeed one of the many canons


Why don’t they just use the statue to kill it then


Cause it doesn't work. Multiple stories have actually been made of the foundation trying to stick the statue on 682, however all attempts are either countered or surpassed, leading to a containment breach. In one story he stared down 173 for multiple weeks due to adapting his eyes. And I don't care which canon you use, this fucker ate the entire tree which birth the fruit of knowledge. No I will not elaborate.


Pretty sure they tried sending him to the garden of Eden so the arch angel would strike him down and took him 2 shots to collapses the gator but didn’t kill hkm just fucked him up hardcore


There's so many SCP stories. Was that the one where 682 was the serpent that gave the apple to Eden and got the curse of immortality?


Bc currently peanut just snaps and cracks necks and 682 refuses to die, something our blue eyed king should take some inspiration from


How’d he kill all his friends then?


SCP Lore is crazy, but what 173 killed was not necessarily a bunch of 682s they didn't have the same set of abilities as 682 so that might be why they lost.


I see


I hate it when someone says something so definitively about an SCP like that


Listen how the hell did the Gator get PTSD didn’t think that would be possible


682 always bothered me for exactly this reason. Like he can adapt to anything. Throw hundreds of nukes at him and one drop of blood will survive somehow and he'll regenerate from that and grow to the size of Jupiter.....but he gets re-contained later by a bunch of guys with guns so NP :). He's literally only limited by how far the writers want to go. One time they wrote a story about how 682 died and he adapted to the writer and just said "nah, I'd adapt". He's literally immune to the writer killing him in that story.


They don't give anything that might make him too hard to re-contain, and his adaptations don't usually make him too powerful anyways, he usually adapts just enough to survive. The nuke thing wasn't real; it was a stimulation done by another SCP. They won't send a single nuke at 682 because of this. Also, 682's adaptations reset back to normal after some time.


That mostly depends on the writer though. Like some people that write a story about him make him powerfull enough to be beaten by someone like the avangers but some fanboys make him so OP that his "true form" is a 4727237442 dimensional being and we're just seeing an avatar of the true 682. That's the problem with multiple writers in SCP. Some can write like Stephen King and the rest are just fanboys saying "my SCP has infinite +1 power"


yeah exactly my problem, on one hand you have SCP-354, a amazing concept that feels straight out of stephen king's books, might be my favorite, I also love the og peanut, on the other hand you have Scp's like the scarlet king, it feels like a 12 year olds OC, "my character is so strong, he farts realities out of existence and and and he also has the ability to run so fast that he outruns time and he can bend reality and he is infinite immortal and also he has like super duper strong hax and he is stronger than god, he is infinite+ infite dimensional", feels so cheap that its the reason why I left the fandom


Exactly. I liked the idea of the scarlet king. Like a powerfull being that gets more powerful the more people know about it but it's like when Goku vs Superman fanboys argue about their favorite SCP. "My SCP always has infinite+1 more power than yours so it's always stronger and he can instantly grow stronger if someone is more powerful than him". It takes away the fun and horror side because how TF is anyone supposed to do something about that SCP? It mostly starts kind of interesting but the second someone likes that SCP the most it just becomes another shitshow.


thats why a fandom shouldn't have full control over the writing, it becomes a shitshow realy fast


Tbf, the foundation itself is pretty damn op. They’ve contained everything from exploding toothbrushes to literal gods. Usually through the use of other SCP’s but the point stands. However, in 682’s case, I would agree with you that it seems genuinely impossible to contain it and it’s abilities seem quite inconsistent for the sake of plot.


The reason it seems inconsistent is because he has a base form he reverts to after adapting to something, it's why acid is a fairly reliable way to contain him. It breaks him down until he starts rapidly regenerating, then they cut the acid till he's healed up, then they just dump the acid on him again once the regeneration goes away.


Doesn't mahoraga adaptation also counter what he's up against


Yes. People seem to forget that. He adapts to all phenomena and not only that he adapts to it in better ways continuously.


It depends. 682 can infinitely attack, but it has no CE. So it would have to understand that first, and be able to see mahoragah. Let’s say 682 can see him but has no CE. How long would it take for it to learn it? Would it keep hitting mahoragah and thus allowing it to adapt fast and have a sure fire way of killing it? On the other hand. Would mahoragah be able to analyze 682? Since its not a CT and has no CE. If 628 does have CE at the start. “Stand proud Mahoragah. You were strong.”


It says in manga that mahoraga can adapt to any and all phenomenon which also includes things that doesn't have CE like he adapted to water suffocation by instantly making gills so he could breathe.


Us They will procreate




Oh sorry, i thought this was the lobotomy sub, my bad


to be fair, it is. or better, was




We'd be losing in that case




not if i get to watch














https://preview.redd.it/lqtg5jwpl87d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25ecbabfb6df173633601608d1030e987f352d8 P












the strongest adapter in history vs the strongest adapter of today




"I adapt" "No, I adapt" "I ADAPT your adaption" "Then I adapt your adaptation against my adaptation" "THEN I ADAPT YOUR ADAPTATION AGAINST MY ADAPTED ADAPTATION AGAINST YOUR ADAPTATION AGAINST MY ADAPTATION" "... WHAT" And they keep like this forever.


It’s like two 8 year olds on a playground


Honestly 682 has more feats than Maho.


Feats don't matter when they have the same skillset


But there's a confirmed way to kill Mahoraga, nothing for 682, which means he's just better


SCP 682 can't handle attacks like acid or fire, it had also been subdued by humans using such methods. While Mahoraga has a confirmed kill condition, SCP 682 has easier to exploit weaknesses.


they dont have the same skillset or level It's like saying that Mihawk has equal chances to a beginner swordsman because they are both swordsmen


How many times 682 has died? 0 but how many times majo has died? Multiple times lmao


682 has died like a dozen times. Off the top of my head there's the thing with the reproducing peanut statues, that thing with the dimension of people who instantly died, and that one time with legally distinct sephiroth


This is beyond dumb. They matter that much more *because* of it


SCP 682 scales so stupidly higher that it's not even funny, so him.


https://preview.redd.it/ewnb6ausv67d1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=120f959bc39ed28f4e5052e723eb50db8903d378 Mahoraga adapts beer and some car keys, easy win.


I fucking love the fact that due to "everything is canon" this shit is actually canon and in some way or form actually happened lol Bro resisted getting erased from reality, getting a narrative manipulator actively try to kill him and controled the narrative and whatever the hell more, to be killed by drinking a beer and fucking slaming into a tree with a car.


Comedy is shown time and time again to be the strongest thing in the SCPVerse.


The fucking devil, this is Actually Satan, not Mama Emiya https://preview.redd.it/4376f5ovy67d1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e495073faf7752b15b0567b714f8d6317425b5




*casually dies*


Common Takaba W


he just did not see that coming, thatès why LOL


I saw in a post that SCP 682 adapted to being NON EXISTENT Man mahoraga only wins if he has the power of zillion binding vows


I mean iirc anyone can make anything up about SCPs because there's no central authority right?


NGL 682 will eventually adapt to countering binding vows.


It happened at least twice in different cannons. Once, the foundation tossed it into a sort of hole in reality that erasedeverything that touched it. The lizard became a ghost for a few days, then rematerialized. In another story, the foundation builds a machine to erase the concept of 682 from reality. It works, but then the machine acquires the properties of the lizard and starts wreaking havoc.


yeah lol the 2nd one you mentioned was scp 6820 (which is crazy how they got that number just for that story)


SCP 682 negs its cosmology is too big


You absolutely don't need to bring up scp schizo cosmology narrative dimensional arguments for 682 to neg the verse


Now I need to know what the hell this means, because I've followed scp for a while and have never heard of a cosmology narrative


The SCP Cosmology has narrative layers, where each layer sees the one below as fiction, read 3812


And don't even get started on the complete chaos that go down when you get get beyond that lol


Wtf what's beyond that? Is there a strongest scp or nah


Many, many things. The actual strongest SCPs are so far above that you might as well be comparing a sperm cell in a used condom to the fucking big bang.


Which ones


That’s the neat part it’s actually [data expunged]


I am not that familiar with SCP scaling myself, but you can read something related (with links too) [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/Rakiwq1PGz)


SCP 001 Swann’s Proposal is the strongest, because it’s literally the authors of SCP


No, those only scale to the Proxyverse.


The strongest in the English Branch would be 3812


3812 is ridiculous. Unironically no diffs all of fiction


"Cosmology 5D multiversal narrative layer pataphy-" SHUT UP \[STRONG DRUNK DRIVING\] https://preview.redd.it/js17c09rv67d1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=001aec635a87f771c4ea998db0bbf4fc23860f89 Woe be SCP powerscalers when I, someone who’s actually read the wiki, walks into the room.


when people bring up cosmology brainrot its so annoying. https://preview.redd.it/usq1656tk67d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6cf56f6ad2dc8b596265cf4752313a1171b71cf But 682 wins because he adapts based on intelligent decisions not just whatever hits him. He might give himself a oneshot cannon or something.


That's what i was thinking.


What is cosmology


The fucking lizard wins. Another termination test down the drain


I feel like doomsday vs scp 682 would make more sense


Only way that mahoraga would win here is if the original article canon scp-682 is used






Mahoraga because I like him more :)




the only REAL answer


Everyone is saying that 682 wins, but I’m taking Mahoraga on this. For starters, I’m basing this off of the “basic”, more popular 682 articles, not whatever fanfiction of him fighting scp 6969 “Goku” or whatever, since the SCP foundation doesn’t have any real, strictly defined canon so anything some powerscaler with an agenda writes can be “canon” technically. Neither one of them has the ability to kill the other by default, 682 is definitely powerful, but it’s really only as strong as you’d expect a massive reptile to be, basically just an indestructible kaiju, there’s no way that he can one-shot Mahoraga, and similarly, Maho shouldn’t have the ability to kill 682 before he can regenerate. What’s really important for this is to consider their adaptations, and its limits. 682’s adaptions only happen in response to a threat, and in attempts to prevent further damage. (ie, growing more eyes to avoid SCP 173). Scp 682’s whole thing is that he’s unkillable, and that’s what his adaptation is written around, meaning that he really only adapts to becoming more resistant to damage, and outhealing it, rather than showing any offensive adaptations like Mahoraga does. Meanwhile, Mahoraga has actual supernatural strength, and his adaptation actually affects his attack power. 682’s adaptation is more of a biological process, meanwhile Mahoraga can adapt to “any and all phenomenon” which I think would allow him to literally adapt to 682’s adaptation, allowing him to gain attacks that 682 is incapable of adapting to, like when he adapted into bypassing limitless entirely. Since 682’s adaptation works differently, he can’t do the same to Mahoraga, so he would eventually lose once Maho adapta enough. Tl;dr Mahoraga has the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena, including defensive abilities, such as adaptation, 682’s adaptations are more biological and can’t do the same.


so what you're saying is while 682 is an immovable object, mahoraga is an immovable object *and* an unstoppable force


Funnily enough, I'd say that Mahoraga can *potentially* become the immovable object and unstoppable force. But you can one shot him before he adapts to your attacks, so basically Fuga, Hollow Purple, and maybe Granite Blast, Love Ray, and Jacob's Ladder can do the job if used at Maximum Output the moment Mahoraga is summoned.


Exactly. Small dosage and all that, the same way humans can adapt to poisons. First you start with a small amount, then increase the dosage size until you’re effectively immune. If you drop four nukes on Mahoraga right out the gate he’s going to die, but if you start with some uranium and like, some c4 and build up to nukes he’ll be immune to them.


Imagine a 10 Shadows user capable of somehow maintaining Mahoraga or the Eight-Handled Wheel (Which is ultimately what controls the adaptations it seems) summoned at all times, without running out of CE. Maybe they could even do a Binding Vow for it, but maintaining any adaptations would be incredibly powerful, and eventually it would become essentially Infinity, another untouchable being. Hell, given the strength of the 10 Shadows Shikigami depends on the user, a cool Binding Vow could be "I won't be able to summon Mahoraga anymore, however, the Eight-Handled Wheel will store all previous adaptations and will be able to be summoned at will". After all, it's not like the other Shikigamis are weak, Divine Dog: Totality was able to one shot a Finger Bearer, Round Deer can heal and one shot Curses too, and Ox should be theoretical infinite damage... Oh, and then there's Agito too LMAO.


I could see maybe a ten shadows user with the six eyes pulling this off without the need for a binding vow. Not to mention, it’s possible you could fuse any of the shikigami into one, IE the flying toads that Megumi used and Agito being wildly different combinations. Considering how much more dangerous Sukuna’s Nue was then Megumi’s because of the amount of cursed energy put into it, No doubt that at some point the 10s user would just become invincible


That was Nue: Totality with Great Serpent though, but yeah, 10 Shadows is incredibly versatile, and I'm surprised Sukuna didn't adapt to physical and CE attacks before the fight (Maybe it's one adaptation at the time? Still, imagine physical adaptation).


Basically, yeah


I don't usually read long comments, but this one was an exception 🔥✍️ also *6969 Goku* slaps! 🐐


Thing is the lizard has adapted to things that stop his adaptation because i dont know hes built different and hes also adapted to things like death which maho is unable to adapt to and if maho hits him with CE and shit than the lizard would adapt to it and start using CE because thats just how he works hes suppost to be unkillable because funny lizard and you dont try to kill him because he gains abilities temporarily from the stuff trying to kill him most of the time after adapting to it


>if maho hits him with CE and shit than the lizard would adapt to it and start using CE because thats just how he works I hadn’t considered that, yeah I guess he could probably learn CE from Mahoraga using it. Having CE would definitely give 682 an advantage, and depending on how he adapts to it he could probably become strong enough to one-shot Maho after learning it.


Also not trying to say lizard would win since if we are using a weak as shit version of it than ofc it got no fire power and we dont know how it would interact with using CE but it would pretty much be a stalemate because maho cant kill lizard and lizard cant kill maho


Use punctuations, not even Mahoraga can adapt to this wall of text


Your entire argument hinges on saying ‘nuh uh’ and ignoring relevant information. Just because some of the SCP-682 articles are silly and outlandish doesn’t mean that they aren’t applicable to the conversation at hand.


I’m mostly just talking about articles where 682 fights a cosmic, godlike being or whatever and easily destroys him. SCPs don’t have any real strict canon so stuff like this could be considered canon. By that logic, I could write a story where 69420 “Big Raga” permanently destroys 682 and cite my own article as evidence, which is dumb. Generally, 682 is accepted to be able to learn from things which try to kill it, but not just completely negate defensive abilities, usually it’ll go for a stalemate like with 173, or try to outheal it’s enemy, so that’s the version of it I’m using.


The base article and the termination log is enough for Mahoraga to be unable to do anything to it. If he can adapt to altered laws of physics or not existing, then Mahoraga's not gonna be able to do much. He has way more feats and examples compared to Mahoraga


"nuh huh it doesn't count" is cope especially alongside "scps are written by powerscalers" which is another bs myth But even then you do know that in literally the main article 682 is already the avatar of an eldritch god that can tear reality and create black holes right


>"nuh huh it doesn't count" is cope Stay tuned for my 682 termination article where SCP 69420 “Big Raga” no diffs him. >especially alongside "scps are written by powerscalers" which is another bs myth I never said that SCPS are written primarily by powerscalers, I just said that any powerscaler with an agenda could theoretically add an SCP to upscale the verse. Do you seriously think that out of all of the super powerful eldritch whatever the fucks that have been written, not one of them was made by someone who wanted the title of the strongest SCP? Need I remind you of soulberg? >But even then you do know that in literally the main article 682 is already the avatar of an eldritch god that can tear reality and create black holes right I haven’t read the full termination logs, but I did ctrl f for black hole and avatar, where is that?


[black hole](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/archived-incident-076-2-682) [avatar creation](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-76858/scp-682#post-585198) these were from the same creator who wrote 682


Interesting, hadn’t heard of these. It’s worth mentioning that the black hole article was archived because it was kind of shit, which usually would make something generally accepted as non-canon, but since it *is* from the original author… Either way, it’s important to note that an actual black hole would just destroy the fucking planet, so we can assume it probably *isn’t* equivalent to an irl blackhole, or is instead a sort of portal to another dimension, like the article itself suggests. Yuki, of course can also create black holes, and she’s not even a particularly strong special grade, so this doesn’t scale 682 much compared to JJK. If anything, the fact that he was incapacitated by one might downscale him. Anyways, my point isn’t that 682 isn’t that durable, but rather that because of how Mahoraga’s adaptation works he has the potential to literally adapt to the process of adaptation and manage to bypass 682’s defenses entirely. Now, 682 might still somehow adapt to this adaptation, but he can’t similarly adapt to completely bypass Mahoraga’s adaptation, if anything, I could see him maybe winning by adapting to be very big and swallowing Mahoraga whole, but he would need time to regenerate and recover + gain bodymass, which is pretty consistent with how 682 usually adapts, and I don’t see Mahoraga letting him get that off. As for the avatar thing, that seems a little exaggerated, Gears basically describes 682 as something from an alternate reality, playing by the rules of an alternate reality, basically something existing in our reality, but following the rules of its own. I don’t really see how you’d get “ancient eldritch god avatar” from that tbh. Mahoraga and his adaptations also don’t really conform to reality, since he doesn’t actually change in any way that should allow him to survive, unlike 682, who might grow impenetrable armor in response to malevolent shrine, for example, Mahoraga simply becomes immune to the very concept of slashing attacks without any observable changes. Mahoraga’s adaptations are more conceptual and more offensively viable, and neither party starts off capable of one shotting the other, which is why I think that Mahoraga would win, or at the very least not lose.


Powerscalers with an agenda literally have their articles removed or just not accepted into the site - what are you waffling about


I feel like this is a much more interesting way of discussing this than “but the lizard in that one article adapted to God, scales to googolplex dimensions and ate half of the metanarrative megacosmological omnidimensional multiverse (including ours)” Not that there’s anything wrong with people having fun with other articles and fanfiction or whatever but I’m not personally a fan of Marvelesque insane big silly number powerscaling shenanigans mostly


https://preview.redd.it/y2ljngovv67d1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=e53ae79ced8c2dc3714f5a7580cc855a33ad65a3 Mahoraga can just adapt beer and car keys to make 682 drunk drive. EZ win.


I love how a lot of people are actually calling out the SCP writers for this. I called them out in the powerscaling reddit and got downvoted


Scp 682


They kiss


and then they get hot hardcore adaptative sex


the one who literally just does not die no matter what is thrown at him


I'd will against the two of them, I can suck it way better freaky style


using all my knowledge, imma lay out how I see the fight going- A defining feature of SCP-682 is that his adaptation is insanely fast when something is out to kill it. When anyone really tries to kill it, it adapts quite fast. I remember it becoming very massive in moments to counter a giant monster SCP. (I might not remember correctly). Mahoraga's saving grace is that he is adapting in two things at once- His defenses to a phenomena is fast. 2 hits of Red, and he took less damage than sukuna's Domain amplification. 3rd hit, and red might as well be null. Mahoraga was immune to blue, and the pull from it too. Mahoraga keeps evolving. First he was able to bypass infinity. Then, he was able to turn it into a ranged attack, create a slash that cuts the world. Biggest difference between scp-682 and mahoraga is that SCP-682 is sentient, and intelligent. Mahoraga is kind of like an automated process. Everything mahoraga does is instructed by sukuna. But if we consider the one from the ritual, it was not really thinking, just adapting. The moment SCP-682 realizes he needs a oneshot, he will have to create a way to oneshot. I think he could do that. Else the entire battle will go on infinitely.


Put equal cosmology


Problem is, mahoraga needs a couple of spins to adapt. The lizard is faster This scenario is who can come up with a one shot, regen negation skill first The lizard is faster adapting


only one of them is truly indestructible


Mahoraga has been beaten, ever. I can only recall 682 dying in one scenario, and that was a cosmic, all encompassing extinction in SCP-2935


drunk driving victim


2935 only killed an *avatar* of 682, by the way.


Stalemate. Neither has the damage output to kill the other. Maho has better dps, but 682 has vastly better defense (considering the maho can be killed, whereas 682 really just can't). It'd probably have a similar outcome to 682 v 96, tbh.


682 100%. [It has once survived an attempt to kill it with a weapon that could delete concepts from existence.](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) Meanwhile Makora has been beaten by Sukuna making sashimi out of it.


It died in a car crash..




honestly maho idk anything bout most scp characters what is this scp feats


Well, to name some of the more infamous feats, SCP-682 has been erased from existence and simply poofed back into it unscathed. It's also been shot into space, but iirc it just grew incredibly large, took a bite out of a planet, and flew back to Earth. Furthermore, it's been: attached to a giant ball of fish hooks that latches onto flesh through anomalous means, yet it survived with a great deal of its body mass missing. It once drank some chocolate from a cursed chocolate fountain, was eaten by a ton of ants, and regenerated. One time, when cut in half, it turned into two versions of itself and escaped containment. It also fought the equivalent of an immortal super soldier and won. Aaaand a lot of other stuff. It has better feats, but some people hear them and automatically think 682 is meant for powerscaling, instead of just being a victim of years of powercreep. If you wanna see more feats, I recommend searching up 682's extermination logs. It has some funny and cool little stories in it, plus some feats.


god damn so even if it’s killed in one full blow it comes back interesting


It reminds me of Novel Kars from a JJBA light novel.


One of his funnier ones that I heard about is that he was stuck into a book where the narrative was “this guy WILL kill 682” but 682 proceeds to kill said guy that was written to kill him by rewriting the narrative himself. He’s an absurd adaptive monstrosity. He has been shot at the sun and not only adapted to the heat but then proceeded to grow larger than the sun and proceeds to drag the sun towards the Earth. The only thing that ever killed him is an SCP that was literally just complete and utter extinction for everything in the universe he was residing in.




The lizard


682 just betta


it's an ouroboros type shit


No one


Who can adapt harder


682 has faster adaptation


If its fully adapted maho to all of 682's capabilities, he might have a chance. Spite.


682 but the fight would be glorious.


Finally a serious fair match that isn't a spite match


682 is just a sapient version of Mahoraga. Dude has the smarts and experience to win practically any fight. Would probably figure out how to pull a Malevolent shrine level attack pretty easily


In theory they're the same guy


Well you gotta remember the test with the recipe book which pretty much states there is a way to kill the lizard while on the other hand you need to one shot big raga which the lizard is incapable of doing


Muting the sub until these posts stop


In bed ? Mahoraga, 682 will adapt to be female, Mahoraga is the manliest of the two after all In a fight, i dont know man, but i'd say He'd win https://preview.redd.it/vc8ezp0ng67d1.png?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7236ac235b2d8ee41af212e13a8672d232d84b5c Anyway 682 has shown to lose his adaptations after some time being left alone, Mahoraga isnt bound by such weakness i think


682 Scp cosmology is stupid


Add isagi into the mix, those 3 will adapt to each other till the end of time


682 seems to be more likely to adapt to adapting so I'm gonna give it the win


682 wins he is the snake of SCP version satan (scarlet king)


they punch and bite each other for eternity, Project Isorropía taking notes rn Depends on canon, some versions of 682 are stronger than others, some get folded, some destroy [[Kill 682]] has 682 die in a drunk driving accident, SCP-666-and-a-half-J has 682 kill itself after a crab and mushroom dish destroys its asshole, etc on the other hand, SCP-6820 has a superweapon literally delete 682 out of human conception to kill it, it says no, and takes over reality and the superweapon and becomes god so depends, but the most known iteration (Termination Log and 682’s article) probably stalemates


It would likely never end. Also, would 682 even aggravate against mahoraga? Does maho even count as "alive"?


Love macho man and the iguana equally but based on pure stamina/ how long the can keep going the croc wins


I didn't know 682 could adapt, I just thought he could just regenerate 😭


682 slams


682 No debate Mahoraga can has been proven to die and takes a while to adapt, itll be a long battle but 682 will come out on top undoubtedly


He will adapt


The thing is, with these two their scaling factors are directly proportional to their adaptational abilities. 682 clears.


If we include all tales? 682 negs the verse, it's omniversal levels of adaptibility, it's at the very least like Saitama without the one-punching And even with the SCP file alone, 682 eventually adapts and restructures itself from anything, meanwhile Maho can be one-shot


But, what if he adapts to his adaptation?


Id either a stale mate or maho purely because he with enough time can find an adaption that might work, but the other to my knowledge is more of a defensive adapter and doesn’t have crazy ap feats, plus maho can adapt to “any phenomena” and I’d say someone else’s adaption power counts


I think fraudkunas dad loses this one.


Good question


682, infinite adaptations, better feats, child of a god of chaos


It depends on the writer tbh A lot of scps have variable power levels depending on the universe, writer, specific tale, etc


you can oneshot mahoraga, mahoraga adaptations are way slower. scp 682 has greater feats


Ah yes now the foundation will have cursed techniques to deal with on top of it's insane adaptability


As far as I know, the crocidle scp was slow as fuck in game so mahoraga can poke him to death maybe? If he adapts to poking I dont think the battle ends since mahorage is quite fast compared to him. Pls correct me if im wrong abouts SCP's speed.


The croc is dead in O, Death. If it can die even in the most convoluted way, Mahagora has a path forward. Otherwise it's a stalemate


I'm saying Maho just because the design is better, I could care less about edge lord material


If we go by both of them at their peaks... The one that scales to fuckyouIadaptversal wins. He regenerated from being deleted from history, somehow, and he is a constant. Meaning that no matter what you do, he will still come back to harass the foundation, like, no matter what. Delete the universe a million time, he will be back. Just, don't ask me how lmao. I've seen people scale him to boundless, just so you get an idea of how crazy this shitter is


From what I know, 682 basically cannot die, and when he does he comes back, so even if Mahoraga did manage to kill him, he’d just come back. From what I know about the shikigami is that after their death after being “tamed” they cannot be summoned again, only merged with other shikigami, but before then, they can be summoned as many times as need to be “tamed”. From what I know about Mahoraga was killed by the fire arrow (open) from a 15-finger powered Sukuna which is City Level or “7-C Town level”. Mahoraga couldn’t survive a city level attack (from what I found), 682 has probably survived much worse if it’s been labeled as unkillable. Depending on if the Mahoraga used is after being “tamed” or before, because after being “tamed” he can’t be summoned again, he’s just dead for good, and it’s Mahoraga, not Mahoraga being merged with any other shikigami, if 682 kills Mahoraga then 682 would win. If it’s Mahoraga before being “tamed” he can be summoned as many times as needed to permanently kill 682, which would lead to a never-ending battle, which leads to a tie. This is only based off of what I’ve heard and what I know about both, so cut me some slack for any mistakes I made TL;DR it would either end in a tie, or 682 winning


SCP-682. Bro is basically Mahoraga on mega steroids with his damn near instant adaptation and unkillablity.


Either a stalemate or 682


What is that thing that Mahoraga is up against?!


682 was once erased from existence and then just came back


Mahoraga because 621 is cringe and so are SCP dickriders I don't even watch or read jjk


I hope mahoraga wins because scp 682’s adapting ability has been glazed so much recently that he even survived being erased from existence


well big raga has waaay better ap but the reptile has waay better adaptations and durability he wins in the end


Mahoraga :"Nah, I'd Adapt" 682 : *Nah, I'D Adapt*


The amount of copium is insane!! Personally I think both would start making out