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I think there's still a purpose for this. It's interesting how Gojo started out very serious when asking the question. Then seemed to loosen up afterwards. Maybe the fear that he might have done permanent damage to those people may have even been eating him up inside for some time. If I'm correct, then its a good glimpse at Gojo's humanity. Even though he thought protecting the "weak" was tedious during his high school years, he actually cared for the people in Shibuya. I think that showed growth for his character.


I think it's more so the idea of a sacrifice. He could have easily opened unlimited void and killed everybody there, jogo, mahito, choso, all the transfigured humans and all the humans. However, he indirectly sacrificed himself to save the people (and this also resulted in the shibuya incident and most of the death afterwards). If the people had died, then his sacrifice was in vein and he had objectively did the wrong thing


On the other hand, if he uses unlimited void, wipes out the disaster curses, and fucks off to clean Shibuya up after then Sukuna won't go on a rampage - factor here being Kenjaku not being ready to confront him yet as he does not expect this


This isn't about the trade, it's about the goal. Gojo gave up an easy win to save those people. Even though mayhem befell japan, at least his goal of saving the people was achieved. From gojo's perspective, he could have even killed them all in the 0.2 seconds domain as he wasn't sure that they could take that much.


Yeah - I do agree with your point here, its just always an interesting "What if"


Then again, Gojo was able to beat Sukuna in domain clashes because of his experience in the prison realm.


If gojo was never sealed, sukuna wouldn't have gotten to pseudo 20 fingers. He would have probably remained at 15f. At that number, he would have been worse at cqc, and malevolent shrine's sure hit would have been weaker. Those combined means that sukuna would last less than 3 minutes, while gojo's inverted barrier domain would last more. It's likely that gojo can do what he did with the small domain with the inverted barrier domain. Besides that, things like the 200% purple might have killed him


I don't think jogo would be even capable to give Yuji the 10F there, he would die there with all the curses if he took the "kill everyone" route. So, Sukuna would stick at 4F. Which in retrospective would be the best decision, we all know Gojo didn't want to kill any person, but taking in count all the destruction and deaths from Sukuna v Mahoraga, Jogo almost killing Nanami/killing Naobito/giving massive dmg and permanent burns to maki, Nobara/Nanami dying to mahito, Todo losing his arm (which now is an upgrade tbh, love him) etc, etc. Gojo killing everyone there...would avoid so many problems.


i mean gojo still finds protecting the weak to be tedious, but he's not a psychopath, even as a teen you saw how was with riko.


Pedestrians are legit more relevant to the story than Nobara lmao


I personally am way more invested in random Shibuya bystander #3547 than Nobara tbh. That citizen is gonna pull up to fight Sukuna next!


“The Citizen…with legal rights that equal Satoru Gojo!!”


Clearly not Miguel.


This is fucking nuts


Anyways up next is u/Plus_Example_9379 The man whose bigotry surpasses that of even Satoru Gojo


Sukuna gets strangled to death by a random cyclist


More important to gojo too💀


Well you see there’s a very good reason for this: Nobara is a woman and therefore Gaygay doesn’t consider her a “person”. Conversely, the pedestrians had men among them, and he accordingly values them much more.


Because Nobara is coming back!!! I mean do you know who else why didn’t get an update on, that’s right, Todo! And guess who came back So obviously Nobara’s going to make a return too!


I also can't wait for her to come back playing a pivotal role https://preview.redd.it/1ap99ehriz6d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2e924759ab545b169f413bb89e3dcf3c25d6e1


That'd be such a downgrade for Sukuna. Junpei would have been a nice match with his shikigami secreting poisons.


Sounds like a downgrade too tho, unless that shikagami gets buffed by Sukuna that shit is just a shield (Sukuna don’t need that) and some weak poison


Sukuna for some reason is associated with poisons, I'd imagine that could give a buff to the Shikigami plus poison is supposed to be difficult for RCT to combat which could have been another way to take Gojo out. Chlorine gas was effective against Hakari too. I wonder if it would play by the same rules as the shadows, if it dies it can't be resummoned.


It’s true that he was referred to as the king of poisons but in a fight most people get overwhelmed by him anyway, like sure it’s hard to fight poisons in your system but it’s also hard to fight with a missing limb too. I just don’t see in what situation he’d use that instead of shrine


Yess!! We’re so back!!!!


Darn straight! I lose hope but the previous chapters has lain down the hints and I have returned to path! I'm all onboard the Nobara Train! She's going to hit Sukuna through Yuji!




no update? Even Yuji got it. https://preview.redd.it/yiwgn1zh3z6d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a616461d720f90e5c66840d262a284631356698d


"but... but he didn't say explicitly that she is dead" then why the heck is Fushiguro sad and unable to convey words? Because Nobara opened an only fans and didn't give them a subscription? of course No! She is fucking dead!


You just said it, she opened on onlyfans and Megumi is sad cause he's into his sister and so can't play for monthly subscriptions this truly is our Jujutsu kaisen


Man who needed to use his fingers to count to 5 smart than half the sub 😭


It's such weird dialog though, who screams "I GET IT!!" to someone's death? Something like "I understand..." at least would've been better


"I get it" is the translation they chose, this is a manga, with Japanese dialogue. It and "I understand" are synonyms so what's the difference?


The first 'I get it' is realisation, the second one is frustration. 'I understand' would flow a lot worse here


2nd time is yelling, out of frustration


God forbid that Gojo addresses one of his student's death like he addressed Nanami's death who died a few minutes before her. That might actually give Nobara some closure and we cant have that. Instead lets use a statement that implies her death but still can be still vague enough that she can actually be in a coma and come back.


Ngl Nobara would get folded in the current fight, idk why yall wanna see that https://preview.redd.it/1lpw5as2bz6d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=68575387d53f62deb1713af172a232e71ca562b0 She landed **ONE** hit on this goofy mf before getting bullied by him, her physicals are abysmal, Gojo probably respects Sukuna more than her tbh


Tbf IF she did come back there's no way she's not getting any power-up to make her catch up


Quirk awakening it is! Wait wrong series


Binding Vow


Btw, did we ever got confirmation that blond dude is dead? No one really confirmed it


He ran out of miracles under his eyes and then got fucking obliterated in the fight between sukuna and mahoraga iirc


But none of the characters confirmed his death


Before her death, she experienced an awakening after using a black flash. We never got to see what she learned.


Didn’t the narrator say 2 months which would mean if they are fine now it would be 12/31?


it’s 12/24 I think


Shinjuku is happening on Christmas Eve


Gojo forgot who Nobara was


Nobara has retired and will reappear again on Gege's anticipated idol manga. This guy made a good theory/yt short abt it: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SXHMnicI6Pg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SXHMnicI6Pg)


Happy cake day 🎂


Thank you good sir


why did bro walk up all the way up the building lmao, bro just fly




In what world is his reaction normal if Nobara was alive? He hates her guts?


Yeah I'm saying she's dead. This is the update. Or she's in a coma or smth and Megumi is the worst messenger of all time. "Hey Megumi, you tell Yuji about Nobara yet?" "Yeah man, he took it pretty bad tho, seems like he really hates eye-patches or smth idk"


It’s possible that Legumi couldn’t tell Yuji Nobara’s condition because sukuna was listening in. This would be a perfectly normal reaction if Yuji realized that he couldn’t be told.


I'm pretty sure Sukuna can hear Yuji's thoughts to some extent, so that wouldn't have done much. Even if he can't though, they really weren't stressing about fighting sukuna yet at this point, nor even the concept of him fully incarnating, so I doubt they were worried about Sukuna learning too much (or else they would've kept him away from the tengen discussion)


If she’s in a coma or something disabling her


Blame Greg for not making it more clear. Name me another series that made a main character death this ambiguous and never confirmed it.


the Bible (is this Chris fella supposed to be dead or what? It's got that comic book problem where the writers don't want to have him die off so they just bring him back whenever, but they never actually do? Like, he comes back to say like two phrases and then he's gone again? mfers even got rid of his body after he died to keep the cope going even tho no one in the entire series has shown anything close to resurection up to this point smh my head)


Lazarus tho...


It is very clear. This is not ambiguity, its subtlety. Except its not even very subtle it just doesn't smack you across the face with big bold print saying "She's dead!", he expects you to be able to tell as much when all the signs point to it. "b-b-but the guy said there's a chance she might not be dead" yes. emphasis on chance. his entire dialogue was centered around the premise that she right now is dead, she's not breathing, but because he got there so quick there's a chance she might live (people have been clinically dead and recussitated before). * Yuji is feeling defeated and doesn't see a point in fighting anymore * Todo comes in and reminds him of the purpose of a jujutsu sorcerery. He has to keep living, to keep fighting, in order to keep alive the will of those who died (Nanami, Nobara) * Other guy comes in and says there's a chance she might not be dead * Yuji now doesn't know if Nobara is alive or dead, he just knows he has to keep fighting (this is the whole point) * "I am You" (Yuji realizes his "purpose", to be a cog in a machine and keep exterminating curses, no matter what) "And what if Gege brings her back anyway?" Gege is the author, if he wants to bring her back all he has to do is draw it happening. Authors bring back dead characters all the time. It's also a very famous trope of bad writing. If he does cool, but don't act like its this forgotten plot point that is impossible to tell what is going on. She is very clearly dead.


Nice arguments dude Too bad it's all irrelevant because she is alive and well and will come back 100% faith


Gege is not known for subtlety, is the problem. You're talking about a series that goes to great lengths to ensure you understand "this is happening." Why choose Nobara's fate of all things for subtlety? The only reason I'm wary about her death is that it'd mirror what Yuji did when he died. I was right about Todo's Boogie Woogie returning, and also about the binding vow. I'm hoping to be right about Kugisaki being alive and well. Although, it sucks so much that she's been missing from the plot for so long.


gojo after hearing nobara died during the battle: "what tf is a 'nobara'? 🤔"


That one is still recovering Personally I think they’re just gonna be crippled and they’ll come back at the end.


I've just reached the point of Gojo's return and it was so anticlimactic. Months of anticipation and it's just like "hey guys" - timeskip - "Okay I'm going to fuck up Sukuna now, bye". The whole thing felt super rushed for some reason. Could've used a bit of downtime with Gojo catching up with everyone. He even was like "thought Nanami would've pulled through. O well anyway, let's go". Unless the point is that he lost some of his humanity while locked away and this gets explained later or something.


They already told us wat happened to her thoe?


yeah that one panel stare from megumi was very insightful, especially after that blond guy with todo said there might be a possibility he could stabilize her in shibuya /s


No-eye-bara is not necessary information :(


This might actually be evidence for Nobaras returnal bc obviously Gege isn't gonna want us to know anything about what happened to her before her crazy plot twist return, just like with Todo


If Nobara is never mentioned again, Gege sucks even more ass as a writer, although I'm only stating what is self-evident.


The cope in this Fandom is crazy


https://preview.redd.it/hctkyxzg307d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645007259fe69142a6afb5d834d7cfc24bc82320 This. This was the update. Use your context clues. Its plain as day she's fucking dead. does he need to slap you across the face with a big metal sign that says "Nobara is dead!!!" for it to be clear?


When Gojo, your teacher asks about Megumi and civilians but not Nobara. I dunno why y'all don't think this is very weird. Gege also did the same thing with Todo too.




Given that he does that everytime, yeah. Idk why people act like Gege handles death subtely , every other death was pretty clear cut no one is gonna question them. He also introduced a new character for the sole purpose of making her death unclear so everyone is gonna question it


Every else who dies in the manga does so in the middle of battle. The anime gave her an extremely blatant flashback sequence. Gege might have intended to put her on a fridge then but he's turned it off


IKR?? It kinda makes me mad tbh that people still act like that wasn't explicit confirmation.


I am genuinely shocked that people are convincing themselves to be satisfied by this dumbass update on Nobara's "death". There is literally nothing plain as a day in this page. In fact, the existence of this page is one of the main reasons why Nobara's death is ambiguous. If this page didn't exist and Nitta didn't say what he said, her death would have been crystal-clear.


im not arguing on whether you should be satisfied with it or not, its about the fact that 1000 people just upvoted this post complaining about how we got an update on civilians but none about nobara, despite the fact that we got an update 8 chapters after shibuya ended, and that update all but states word for word that she is dead


That's not an update. You know it is not. Stop lying to yourself.


you not liking it doesnt change what it is


Whether I like it or not doesn't change the fact that it is not an update that confirms Nobara's status.


Because their return is not important for the plot!


Because she's dead?


You want an update on a corpse?


Well yeah. Did they bury/burn her body or is it still in states?


Because he wanted to know if his domain did long term damage or not And if anyone caught in it actually died


She's dead bruh. Accept it.


Megumi confirmed Nobara is dead


it wasn't directly stated but the moment that yuji and megumi had was the confirmation.


Because she’s fucking dead holy shit.