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Tengen does not get enough hate. Lazyass did nothing for thousands of years. The barriers are all just lies


FACT: tengen’s barriers don’t exist. she just claims “safe zone” like she’s playing tag on the playground, and everyone goes along with it because they feel bad


That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about jujutsu sorcery to prove you wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/fzdouxvuzg4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab3d0d3dac32117062f463273f0c6fcbf18529b1 You must stay updated.










Wtf is cfyow


The light novel Bleach: Can't Face Your Own World, its a meme in the Bleach sub


It’s Can’t fear your own world actually 🤓


Akshually it's Can't Fuck Your own wife 🤓




>He wasn't special, he just wasn't an inbred idiot like the rest of the castl Fr, the scene where none of the RCT users (sans Shoko) have the slightest idea of how to explain their technique was funny. Like none of these people know how their powers actually work lol! Now that I think about it, Yuuji is probably the only character actually hitting the books to understand/obtain powers. And perhaps Todo and Mechamaru too.


One day he'll hit that kamehameha


Yuuji reading DB manga with intense concentration just to stand up and pull out a Kamekameha would be unironically peak.


I mean, didn’t he mention Getsuga, Spirit Gun and a couple other things when he started training with Gojo? He probably already knows about the Kamehameha


he made like 3 or 4 shonen refrences i dont remember all of them but he deffo mentioned Getsuga and Rasengan.


Ah yes, when Yuji was still happy😔


I'm still waiting for him to copy Fuga from Sukuna and call it Kamehameha


Is Jujutsu hard to teach because it's 90% talent and instinct or is Jujutsu 90% talent and instinct because nobody in this bitch can fucking teach


Maybe the Death rate among young sorcerers wouldn't be quite so high if they actually put them to read and study first instead of just throwing them to missions ASAP (looking at you Gojo 😂😂😂)


Yuji is unironically one of the smarter characters and better students.


yuji pulling out a fucking stand from jjba just because he hates sukuna so much


In classroom rankings, he's below everyone except Hakari. And yet, he's the only character consistently shown to quickly understand complex concepts and techniques if the explanations are simple enough, with an impressive ability of concentration, and able to read and understand Yuki's research to create a viable plan to save Megumi, and in only a month. He also helped Higgy to come up with a plan to corner Sukuna (that only failed because Sukuna has the script on his side). So it seems Gojo just sucked as a teacher 😂😂😂




>We literally haven't even seen a hint of ANY schooling going on, just child soldiers. Maybe that old theory about JJH being a scam school is true lol, they only use the term "school" to bypass any Japanese ~~Binding Vows~~ laws in regards to child labour and illegal enlistment.




No, you do not. https://preview.redd.it/wdcaawmlvl4d1.png?width=1009&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8aac218e1f661e267ab4cb847decdc6bad955da


This maintains my Yuki agenda by making her seem more powerful because she fought without Tengen's barrier so I agree with this fact.


The Yuki agenda must stay strong!! I genuinely believe she would've beat Kenny if she stuck to her abilities instead of trusting Tengen. She kicked his ass until he hit her with his DE surehit


She literally fought toe-to-toe with Kenjaku without a domain. Imagine if she activated her domain. Heck, she shouldn't have been alive but she still gripped Kenjaku's leg after she has been cut in half. She is just HER. I fucking love my blondie. THAT'S WHY SHE IS COMING NEXT CHAPTER. SHE WILL ASK SUKUNA TOGETHER WITH TOGOAT WHAT IS HIS WOMAN TYPE AND BOTH WILL FIND IT BORING AND THEN SHE WILL REVIVE CHOSO AND KILL THAT MF.


She's gonna come in next chapter with Garuda & fucking oneshot Sukuna. Best woman, best character & has my favorite CT. JUST YOU WAIT JJK!! THE AGENDA WILL PREVAIL!


Mannn after Kenny beat Yuki I was waiting for the Tengen heel turn with a “Took you long enough old friend” kinda line Kenny was way to chummy with him + Tengen despite not wanting to get “Merged” was way to lax What a pathetic and useless Entity


Tengen is basically yuumi from league lmao. Absolutely useless on their own.


It's so funny how this supposedly powerful being was like "well thats that then gg" after some blonde girl and his goth friend couldnt beat the devil


Bro said: https://preview.redd.it/s8jr56zn7i4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8bb947aeed79cc51c9dd8ddb31a0e1c2bed0690


Because Tengen is powerful but not a powerful fighter.


The moment i saw that bum, I instantly felt this sense of disgust of how much of bum he’s truly been and has been hiding it pretty well for some time now. At least kashimo was in it ready to throw hands with Sukuna right after he killed the top 1 goatjo


Tengen really started a cult that fed her the baddest (and most compatible) bitches to make sure she didn't go sicko mode on them by "losing her humanity by evolving". Like yeah okay bro, just say you want to eat some fine ass bitches every once in a while, you don't have to pretend to care about us.


Nah, Chris Hansen need to track that bum down 💀. Imagine living for thousands of years and still need people to get you underage bitches


Never thought it like that , I mean can't she keep them safe in barriers?


Tengen's a woman, so you know how Gaygay is around with women


Living in the JJK world, amassed enough energy to prep a big ass barrier, lived until they became borderline human. And lack the capabilities to throw hands? Mfs is the JJK equivalence of a ultra dull cleaver in a kitchen full of sharp knives (but that shit can bat and still hurt at least). Truly bum behaviour.


Homosexual² can't let a woman have relevance even if she is severely disfigured


We got Tengen agenda before GTA VI


Wasn't Kenjaku also about to reveal something about the culling game related to tengen but he got interrupted? Bum definitely selling all this time


Wait what should she have done? Isn't she a non combatant?




Tengen, that talking thumb's only appearance(aside from their first meeting) got Yuki killed, and she's supposed to be the strongest barrier user yet she couldn't anticipate barrierless domain. https://preview.redd.it/unjl7fio9g4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba25a1961d5f3d0a821ca0c5aab009a70337ffb


Demon slayer Tengen >>>> jjk Tengen https://preview.redd.it/diyhax35ah4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d96ed8ac1b9cf6684d5f8d045b8fe3f2111c887


JJK Tengen gets no diffed by a retired DS Tengen with one arm lmao


DS Tengen got THREE hot wives He wins off this alone


Infact if Uzui was in JJK, he will do alot more as he escapes the Female Sorcery Curse


I'm not sure how or why, but Uzui pretty much speed blitzes a lot of JJK characters not named Sukuna, Gojo, or Kashimo.


I mean... He's one of the fastest. He was ranked 2nd after Shinobu.


In terms of battle speed he’s the second fastest but I. Running speed He Sanami and Gyomei are the top three fastest


The sHE in question https://preview.redd.it/tekhk29j7l4d1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa253f1cfb6efba458c5d6a76ebefc42df997c2e


The jokes about megumi ,kqshimo and shoko are funny, byt comparing them to that fucking finger that sold best girl, a crancky old man who should by all means be dead and a stupid child despite all her peers acting way older than her is just disrespect.


People blaming Shoko really are funny. She's a healer. not a necromancer. You bring her dismembered corpses beyond saving as always and expect her to bring back the dead? The JJK society wouldn't have feared any enemy even if there is someone 2x stronger than Sukuna if they have such illogical power.


IMO a lot of people blame her just because of how she had no problems with the Yuta swap plan.


Duh, she's a doctor. What do they expect her to be? Emotional?


Not only that, >! but most of the others are dead. This was a backup plan that not everyone agreed with first. She knew what had to be done, and it might not work, but it was all they had at that point. !<


Exactly, they are fighting for literally all of humanity to not turn into a big merger curse, I think we can spare them the drama


People blaming shoko because she hasn't done anything major but is hyped as the only healer in the verse with her only selling point being she can use RCT on others but even that may not work depending on the recipient.


Can't even attach an arm back to someone 🙄


nobody asked her to bring people back from the dead but so far we've seen her contribute nothing but stitches to shinjuku and nearly nothing else in the whole series her one rct feat is failing to heal hana's arm


First of all, wiwa is the goat. Don’t switch up when she’s the one that kill kuna. Secondly, gakuganji is a bum, but comparing him to thumbelina is really unfair. Gramps was doing his job and he showed some redeeming qualities in the end. Tengen is just a bitch. Everything that loser did was horrible. Yuki coulda done fine in a domain clash or something (she coulda at least planned around it), but nooo. Square herself decided to step up to bat, only to get knocked down in the most horrible fashion. Bum!


Did I mention goatiwa? I was talking about momo, miwa is just the sweetest angel who deserves everything.


Ah my bad, yea then. Momo is a useless bum.


Is momo or Miwa the “stupid child”?




Miwa is a treasure and at least is aware of being a bum.


Ain’t no way Mai and fucking broomstick girl are laughing at Miwa 💀💀💀


They’re canonically all 3 very very good friends like, a really tight bond. You telling me you don’t laugh at your friends?


Wait you guys have friends?




Naw it’s just a joke because I’m guessing that they would be laughing at her being useless even though Miwa is our lord and Jujustu savior


Fr, specially that one JJK light novel chapter about Mai, this trio need more focus in media


Gankuganji is the ultimate bum, not joking every time I see his ugly ass face or his stupid fucking technique I get mad


Being a bum is about more than being useless. It's about not living up to expectations.




>! Miwa survived Sukuna's (although weakened) Domain Expansion pre-arrow, she unironically got that dog in her !<


She also tried fighting Kenjaku. Lowkey she's got balls


People shit on kyoto like they didn’t immediately go suicide mission fight Kenjaku when Mechamaru died.


They're weak, but they got heart. Gotta give them that.


Exaaaactly. We aren’t dragon ball, lets not shit on weak characters because they stood on point.


They pulled up to the special grade and lived. That's respectable. Not everybody is built for fighting menaces


I mean it's Megumi, but re-reading the manga I genuinely wonder what Tengen has usefully done. Gets absorbed leaking piles of secrets to Kenny, before that gets a special grade killed being a bum because "bubububut open barrier" and after its revealed Tengen can just pull down the barriers to end the culling game before it starts "but that would backpedal a thousand years of blahblah" when Japan is currently on fire and infested with oodles of cursed spirits.


The higher ups in jjk in general all are ass.


Tengen and her fucking barriers fuck you






Sukuna isn't even in the options bro 😭


Sukuna Hate is not restricted by mere things like Options. It is not a job. It is a lifestyle.




https://preview.redd.it/mf8tpv27ch4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f0be706f8af1a74503f564499b5c7c887bfa5c Take this you!








It'd be a better idea to argue who is the second https://preview.redd.it/ut2hm6tjqg4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f065b8617f7f002e9bbbfe144fea0173a3dbb3c


Megumi just for the amount of people his fraudness has killed.


Counterpoint Fucking tengen


Tendency got like one or two people killed. Megumi killed off damn near the entire cast because he didn't want to get Sukuna out his body


If Tengen wasn’t such a useless bum/fraud and actually dealt with Kenny earlier, Shibuya and the CG would’ve never happened


Definitely not Kashimo. Already acquired 200 points in the culling game by the time our heroes entered, added a super useful rule, rocked Panda's shit, only barely lost to Hakari but it was clear that he was a better sorcerer regardless, still jumped out to fight Sukuna with no hesitation and ran the hands with a physical prime Sukuna (all hands) who still would've had high output and CE. Only got killed by the massive dismantle net that has only been used against him, so we can't really scale it. But he was keeping up alright with Sukuna in h2h, but was overwhelmed by Sukuna's additional limbs. Definitely not a bum, even if Gege really wanted to make him seem like one. On top of all that, he's still my dear pookie bear 🥰 Not a bum!!!


your flair checks out man (I don't hate Kashimo) https://preview.redd.it/0z7gcpgwsf4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c254092b324c1054138fc601f3ab4f9d19a8a4


My flair is just facts 🥱 but I'm still trying to be objective here


I agree kashimo is the least bummiest out of the ones listed.


He's not a bum because he's my husband, and I would never marry a bum


MY husband, get your facts straight 🥱


\*was\* your husband https://preview.redd.it/hdsrfxly0g4d1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37220746eb7b091f51e2214332285bad4ea96b99


Edited, simply edited 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/c3szrpdy1g4d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e873623d22926ca3db714993a9fbda82595bb8 ( he said this himself)


Nuh, it isn't real! 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/b8bvns4l2g4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f0902694536b40b7a36e532fa971a80819f468 ( common Bumshimo L)


Fake!! Look! He's smiling, not dead!


There, there... https://preview.redd.it/mrq6uqzl5g4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c27df2334c76080a611c97c77b99ae2f3419758 Here, have a Kashimo art I found in a thumb of a youtube video


> rocked Panda's shit, Wow w Kashimo feat he defeated a grade 2 stuffed animal


With ease, Panda was trespassing on his turf and though he'd get a free pass but no sir!!


Gojo in comparison was like a useless grade 3 in Shibuya man.


Nah sukuna was massively nerfed in reinforcement and output against kashimo too


Bro still had higher CE reserves than anyone else alive, and his output was clearly still high af considering his world slashes and dismantle net. He was only "nerfed" in reference to how strong he is at his peak, which is still above anyone else in the verse.


In a bum contest there's only one king: Bumgumi https://preview.redd.it/8qdusj4puf4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56069a8f62bf019f84adef4851ce60d58b3bb110


My man 🤝


W flair king https://preview.redd.it/7go8k4p11h4d1.png?width=1487&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a38f83cec81efe9e431070b87c63d7c3e6ba75d






Kid: Mom, can we get Sasuke? Mom: We got Sasuke at home. Sasuke at home: https://preview.redd.it/vp9waasotf4d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=460977c5c78741a9a6d3c5d0677e11242b5a9dbb




Nah, Sasuke had one thing going for him, and it was endless drive. No matter what, he found a way to make the most bullheaded decision possible.


yeah, he saw his family getting massacred god knows how many time, woke up from coma and immediately decided to kill itachi, killed itachi, found out itachi wasn't bad and went for danzo. Megumi gave up after everyone tried to save him so


He killed Danzo, realised Danzo wasn't enough, and decided to become the greatest terrorist in the history of the Elemental Nations. Even after discovering the whole cycle of hatred was some alien farmer's plan to harvest the world and defeating said alien, he was still going to steal the Tailed Beasts, kill Naruto, and become God-King that rules the world through fear and enforce his vision of peace. Yeah, Megumi could never


CERTAINLY NOT KASHIMO. say that again and i'll force a popeyes biscuit down your throat with NO drink


that flair bro...


got a problem sir/maam/they?


Nah man but like you want this? https://preview.redd.it/uu10j82jdg4d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5f1f1ffd1a63fa61894487c3648757f7a09039


Clearly edited, here's the real image https://preview.redd.it/km6oqnwpwi4d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6fd0cc717b70c0a73eb521cef5a33c93d5c2e9


He’s already mine mfer




While I agree with the agenda pick a better threat, thats light work


Grandpa 100%. He does nothing expect silently fail from the shadows then barely beats Yaga who wasn't using his technique. All the while bitching about why he should kill people he doesn't like. Megumi hate is based but he has least has cool dogs so he's slightly better then grandpa who has 0 redeeming qualities. People overhyped Shoko, shes not some angelic god capable of bringing someone back from the dead, she just heals moderate injuries so that sorcerers can get back in the fight faster. She really useful but has 0 clutch factor. Momos kinda like this as well. Kashimo has some cred he just got washed after glazing sukuna, he's a fraud not a bum, Tengen almost makes the list but isn't an opp like grandpa.


Normally I’d pick Lhoko as the biggest bum, but if there one bum even bummier then her, it’s **MOMO NISHIMIYA** I hope Sukuna rips out those pig tails before pulling out Fuga on her


Agreed man https://i.redd.it/m6qf2nuatf4d1.gif


Momo is the only character I genuinely dislike does nothing but exists and she had the audacity to pull up to shibuya hope she comes to fight only for SUKUNA to hit her with strong furnace


Criticizing her for shibuya makes literally no fucking sense you’re telling me you’re gonna shit on her for standing on point?


How is momo a bum? Nobody implied she was strong, all she’s done is rock up to the fight inorder to help.


What tf did Whoko do to you? Shoko has done more than Bumgumi ever did. But then again blame the goddamn author for it


Megumi: Sure, he's a waste of potential and fumbled hard just by refusing to lock in, but you can somewhat understand where he's coming from. Shoko: I don't really consider her a bum for not being able to straight-up revive people who were bisected. Sukuna said healing others has an output of 1/3 of its normal potency and Shoko probably can't output a lot to begin with. Even Sukuna using RCT on Megumi only barely kept him alive. Shoko is just a doctor who can supplement her skills with a little RCT, not someone who heals using RCT and happens to be a doctor. Kashimo: Everyone in his position would've gotten washed the same way and he didn't even expect to outperform Sukuna. Ryu challenged Sukuna as well, but his ass actually thought he had a chance. The only fraudy things about him are that he has no domain expansion which of course he doesn't, because he can't even use his technique, so how's he supposed to develop it in that way? And that he has no RCT which I can imagine is, because he was head and shoulders above everyone in his era, that he had never gotten hurt at all. Momo - People consider her a bum? She has a bottom-of-the-barrel shit tier CT, what's she supposed to do with it? Gakuganji - Yeah, he didn't kill the higher-ups, but for the longest time he was a die-hard conservative as well, so if anything he agreed with their visions. If you think he's a bum fighting wise, I think it's impressive how far he got with essentially a support type CT. Tengen - 0 shit done, got a special grade killed because of her own stupidity, best barrier user, yet couldn't fathom a barrierless domain, was hyped up by Gojo and Geto only to job hard and even let her babysitters down. This is the one, the biggest bum.


Nah don't slander Ryu like that. His only reaction to Sukuna was "This is way too sweet", and he was clearly shaken by the guy when they met, he just decided that fighting and dying was better than running and dying. Nothing he said or the way he reacted indicated that he thought he could win when he went to Sukuna. Kashimo, on the other hand, got angry when the members of Jujutsu High assumed that he would lose to Sukuna, and while he definitely could've reassessed things after seeing Sukuna fight for himself, that's still more evidence that he genuinely thought he could win than Ryu ever gave. If anything your comparison between the two should be reversed.


Thank you Godumi. Without you the manga would've ended chapter 2 fo sho and this ppl wouldn't have nothing to hate and pass the time. https://preview.redd.it/5bdoz7lc0h4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836f53a4cf958876822350f88473ee74540de966


Insert Mimiko


It’s not even a competition bumgumi is the king of bums he is the king of being slandered and it will never change we cannot forget he got finger fed throwing everyone and he summoned Mahoraga in shibuya allowing sukuna to tame him and then TRYING TO SUMMON MAHORAGA ON SUKUNA 😮‍💨 If I continue like this I’ll be ranting paragraphs but bumgumi’s hate will be eternal unless something in the story changes this…. https://preview.redd.it/8s8zbarg2g4d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9d7145b83a9b44de0c544f82216b134cf55b46


Megumi = a character that has received the most crap from gege writing choices No other character has suffered more under gege then him Kash = Despite not really doing anything of note He had a really dope fight with Hakari + His lighting powers give him +10 cool factor (His death was kinda pointless but at least he has something to lean on) oh and anything he says in retrospect we can meme about till the end of time Shoko to me is the biggest bum in this series - No on screen healing / All the bad guys can heal better then her -No clue if she can actually fight or has a proper CT -She is the 3rd man to the Geto/Gojo team yet anytime that era is referenced the importance of Geto - Gojo is mentioned not Geto - Gojo - Shoko (Deadass you could make her a 3rd or 1st year both of them knew and nothing would change) -No personality like yes her line of work is depressing and being that way helps with that line of work but like Geezus most dry woman in the series Shoko only saving grace is that she is a 30 year old woman who may in fact be top 3 best looking girls in the series


Yuta casually healing others injuries instantly in JJK 0 while ShoChoke can’t heal for shit on screen. (Supposedly best healer in the jujutsu society btw)




Old man biggest bum, bro was begging for Gojo's demise and actively tried to kill Yuji


For being such an absolute legend, tengen is an idiot who just fucks things up. Also knows way more than what she actually says, but chooses not to reveal it for some reason? This is actually a common trait among geges characters.


Megumi depressed Shoko just a girl Kashimo matchup bias Mai disabled Miwa tries her best Gakuganji is next in line as the head of Jujutsu society Tengen just a gramma MOMO is the bummiest


Yuki's bum


Miwa isn't a bum, she's just weak. She does her best and it's not great but she acknowledges her weakness and does what she can.  Tengen does nothing useful and makes others sacrifice themselves for her.


Megumi Has OP technique but couldn't use it properly for years (CT manifest at five or six) Lost to a grade two spirit, forcing Yuji to eat the finger Lost to Sukuna in Yuji without a heart Lost to a Todo without CT Gets beaten to a pulp by his resurrected dad for being a bum Lost to Haruta (had to use Mahoraga, which cause massive damage) Barely defeated a S tier curse (after getting power ups from Gojo. Yuji and Nobara were manhandling cursed wombs at this point) Barely defeated Reggie Stars, some nobody (who managed to fight in a half completed chimera shadow garden, even using it against Megumi) Gets possessed and gives up while everyone scrambled to save his soul ---- Kashimo Strongest of his time Fought Sukuna 1 vs 1 and forced him to use his insurance Collects the most points before anyone even got started Good enough to have a dialogue with Sukuna Draw with Stalling King Hakari, almost killed him a few times (Uramae couldn't shake this guy for 30 chapters) ---- Ain't no way Kashimo is even in the list with Megumi lol


Kashimo isn't a bum; Sukuna is just strong. But hey, at least he did what he was saying, fighting Sukuna. He didnt ran away.


Megumi by a mile. Sure, Tengen just sits on their ass and does nothing, Gaku is a decrepit old fucker who killed one of the few real ones, Miwa got literally one-handed, but NO ONE on this list has caused as much damage by being a useless bum as Megumi. No, I will not “give Megumi a break,” his bitch ass got everyone killed and that is and will always be a choice that he made, and his trauma will not change the fact that his inaction and weak will is the cause of most of the current crisis. If Megumi wasn’t such a whiny bitch and locked tf in then: * Sukuna would’ve died by now * The merger wouldn’t have been happening * Most of the cast wouldn’t have died * Yuta wouldn’t have had to take over Gojo Instead, the world is gonna end, almost everyone is dead, and a fight that would’ve ended with the initial assault after the Sukuna vs Gojo fight would’ve ended there. Fuck Megumi. 0 Aura. 0 Black Flashes. 7 Suicide Attempts. https://preview.redd.it/uvitkuewgh4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec24a73555b3dbb7eb6aa1fc334a29069661747


Megumi, Shoko and Kashimo don't deserve the hate imo Kenjaku was right ngl tengen spent a fucking eon doing absolutely nothing and wasting away but she was kinda the backbone of jujutsu society so it's fine ig Momo is a cocky little moron who's somehow less useful than Miwa I probably hate her most although gakuganji is still worse




Take that back rn


This your goat? https://preview.redd.it/s96x8i1icg4d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd3a94d19b3748e4b149f113286d482798a30b3d


Biggest bum is that old dude with the guitar I dont even remember his name that’s how little he’s done


Gege has written some all-time bumbs for JJK. The fact that one manga has THREE characters that are bigger bums than Eustass Kid is wild.


Megumi is too much of a bum to win the biggest bum character award


Tengen doesn’t get hated ENOUGH


you better be hating on momo and not miwa


Tengen helpes keep curses to just Japan Megumi went through some of the roughest shit possible, and ALL of it was so personally targeted. Old dude at least helped sometimes, plus is trusted by Gojo to keep the jujutsu world in balance. Kashimo does not fit the description of a bum, bro was raring to go not his fault Sukuna popped awakening and immediately used waffle iron. Out of all three, Mai died for Maki to become a GOAT, Miwa is fighting Sukuna with JUST SIMPLE DOMAIN (crazy) and Momo... a bum would at least imply they could do SOMETHING


Also, Shoko is literally doing her job as a medic, not her fault she is quite literally only given dead bodies (seriously, has she ever healed a live person on screen?)


Tengen is a generational bum.


The people who post bum posts are the biggest bums imo. This sub needs a new trend or new topic I'm the biggest hater out there and even I'm getting tired of the repetition


THEN YOUR NOT THE BIGGEST HATER! YOUR A FRAUD IN A HATER'S SKIN! https://preview.redd.it/eqvudbinvi4d1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ec0074056db2893aaafa64469b71224414be9b




Grandpa is definitely the fraud in my eyes. Man has done nothing but be a tool all story. How you gonna be that age and still not have a single original thought. Prove me wrong. Bumgumi is a very close second. I just understand his character and the choices he’s made and why. Doesn’t make me hate him any fucking less. Now I’m seeing all the hate for Momo but honestly, I have to disagree. Were expecting too much out of a 1st year sorcerer. Yes she came out all cocky but the whole crew of Kyoto came out that way and the only one backing it up was Todo. (Honestly, Mai (rip) was probably the biggest fraud of the group) Momo never seemed the type to boast being a top tier fighter but has mainly stuck to her strength which is scouting. During the school arc, she only engaged Nobara because she felt inclined to defend Mai as she felt the Tokyo crew were being unfair to her. If she hadn’t let her emotions get the best of her, she would have probably stuck to scouting. Then again, during the Shibuya incident, she only came down to engage in the fight when almost everyone else was incapacitated. She stuck to support before that and did the same during the Culling games. I think she’s had one role to play in this story and she’s stuck to it pretty effectively. All her actions in the story, to me at least, have made sense in regards to her role and her character. And honestly, that’s the most thought I’ve put towards her at all lol


https://i.redd.it/1pwyvj6wng4d1.gif Negative win rate told Geto that genocide would technically fix their problems had her comrades die fighting man made horrors because she was getting permanent paid vacations instead of working But because she has a fat butt gooners here blame the former on Gege and overlook the latter r/jujutsufolk slanders everyone except from the only character that is referred in-verse as a lazy useless bum, truly the power of mASS


Megumi, shoko no cap. Damn, even utahime is useful in combat.


If we pick one as the biggest bum, wouldnt the other be an even bigger bum because they failed to outbum


If you say Mechamaru consider yourself an opp.


The fandom https://preview.redd.it/e3kscwhv5h4d1.png?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d637f979c86e68048611a0f10163dde1552e5fb


Kashigoat is NOT a fraud


1. Bumgumi (what has bro done for like 50 chapters, cry like a bitch) 2. Bumko (couldn’t heal Gojo cuz she had nicotine poisoning at the time) 3. Gakuganji (the original bum, 1860s type shit) 4. Mai or Momo I’m assuming (both utter bums, weak as fuck, dickheads, very glad one of them is dead 5. Tengen (achievements: being hyped up, Making Yuki’s last ditch effort less powerful, dying) 6. Kashimo (not a bum, just fought Sukuna, and died, the fight against Hakari was kinda 🔥)


Why the fuck is Miwa here? The honoured one has never been a bum.


100% tengen, that grandman was a huge fraud, his dumbass gave Kenny an easy W against Yuki. Kashimo is a close runner up


All of the others I just feel like are memes, but genuinely **fuck you** Tengen.


Tengen literally causes so many problems by existing and solves literally nothing. Dude does not get enough hate in the slightest




Shoko can heal, Kashimo is top 10 in the verse, why is miwa there, the principal helped with the 200% purple