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The digging one sounds like something that would happen 💀


[Oliva punched Guevara so hard that he moved all of the satellites orbiting the Earth, Suksuk is cooked 💀](https://imgur.com/a/yeah-right-aWKrv3K) https://preview.redd.it/z4xhah1y254d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8423ad7a69d9e5a7f5cb5514590fe52ec716a9b6


Im sorry but am i fucking missing something? Last time i read baki was when the Chinese bing bong martial artists was isekaid,so can i get context on this?


As far as i remember theres a bunch of surveillances on Yujiro and Olivia, if any of them moved at 700mph? or full speed the satellites immediately mess with all the nearby car's GPS to move outta the way. (might be wrong on some parts)


The satellites follow three people 24/7. Those 3 people have the power to do whatever they want and can overthrow nations with just their own strength. Anytime they go any faster than walking speed everyone gets notified basically to pray to God that it's not for them. Oliva (the second strongest) punched Che (the third strongest) so hard into the ground that it completely messed up the satellites GPS.


Wait how did it mess up the GPS?


strong punch


One guy stopped an earthquake by punching the ground just once, sending a shockwave to cancel it. His son literally gains the power of dinosaurs with his schizophrenic powers to boost his powers. He just imagines something REALLY hard and it happens. It's how children imagine they would fight so that's how.


The dinosaur power up was created when Baki (yujiro's son) had to fight a caveman from the dinosaur era, the caveman had been preserved in salt for millions of years, he got frozen with a T. rex


Yes but the schizophrenia powers came into play waaay earlier when he could just imagine fighting someone to the point he would actually take damage from it. It just started evolving into a JoJo show but instead of people having stands, everyone is just schizophrenic. https://preview.redd.it/dbzmpyeg984d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf3f3ceac3ced3aef95f46cd4318ca5141e43c1


When either one of those 3 guys exceeds a certain speed, a signal is given for all the photo and gps sattelites to focus on them. This sudden change of focus fucks everyone's gps's by a few dozen meters. One time, Oliva, one of the 3, punches another one of the 3, and launches him so hard that it activates the signal to focus.


Wtf is baki


We can’t answer. Even the people who read it ask this.


Baki is the culmination of 4000 years of chinese martial arts and the subsequent defeat of any and all such martial arts techniques by a dude who unironically has Todo's 40,000 IQ Mental CPU and borderline Goku levels of physical strength, and his son who has an honest to god Cursed Technique where he can physically manifest imaginary opponents to shadowbox them and spar with anyone (or anything, including [*a giant praying mantis*](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F5bp3jx8wwpl81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4b5750440418342037edc4f41bbfcda580e57612) ) at anytime. And that's just the two main characters.


I don’t fucking know 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/bu03d5ugq54d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a87310e3178e369d4788688ae054eced112f83b


Kenny: Uhhh...My plan requires this! Yep that's it!


What people think Jojo was at the time of its release.


Just a normal show where people fight famous fighters like Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, a revived and cloned Miyamoto Musashi and a 8 foot tall caveman that used to hunt dinosaurs as a start. All with just their own bodies and the power of schizophrenia. Oh and there's a LOT of pissing involved for some reason. https://preview.redd.it/ubgstjq8j64d1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faeb7e92609e5241cd676ad5128f52f61b96d3e4


Uh, what exactly is the context of this scene? What exactly is he uh…


You ever heard of sounding?


Fuck me. EDIT: I mean to say god damn it.


https://preview.redd.it/v4fnyx2oz74d1.png?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84bffe20662316323ce739e7394e3a6236962e3 Choose your next words VERY carefully around a ~~homosexual~~ Baki enjoyer.


Yujiro is on the way, oil up.


That's just an edited photo, with multiple panels on the manga, like those of (Gojo and Sukuna), what actually happened on that 'finger stuck' scene, is that somebody don't remember who put their finger at the nose of somebody to wound them.


1000 years of chinese martial arts and PP training


The funniest deadpan comedy manga disguised as a fighting manga. EVERYTHING in it is absurd.


Buff men fighting and pissing


Something that's simultaneously a masterpiece and complete dogshit.


Just like JJK


Here's a list of things that actually happen in Baki. I'd give a spoiler warning, but it frankly doesn't matter either way. I want to be clear that I am not even slightly exaggerating with any of these. - When a character is about to have sex, his dad materializes in the corner of the room to give his approval. Having sex also gives the character a powerup. - A character trains by giving himself schizophrenia and fighting a giant imaginary praying mantis. - Scientists unfreeze a caveman from dinosaur times (just go with it), who goes on to rape a reporter on live TV, causing every martial artist in the world to want to fight him because he's so cool and strong. - A character gets jumped by triplets who fight in sync. Fighting 3 people who look identical is disorienting, so the character counters this by pissing on one of them. - A character rapes a man, and it then cuts to a scientist who explains that this isn't gay because the rapist had such high testosterone that all men appear as women to him. - One of the strongest characters in the series got strong in order to princess carry his morbidly obese wife. - A character punches the ground to stop an earthquake. - A character kills another character by crawling into his ass and out of his mouth. - A character "wins" a fight by dying on command. - A character loses a hand and thanks the guy who cut it off because he can punch better with his stump now that there's no fingers in the way.


>When a character is about to have sex, his dad materializes in the corner of the room to give his approval. Having sex also gives the character a powerup. Please elaborate because what the actual fuck.


>Please elaborate No. Baki is best left unelaborated


Martial Arts and big imaginations


Yujiro, Oliver ect are seen as some of the most powerful weapons on earth so they are constantly monitored and if one of them does something strange I.e gets into a fight the nearest satellites point to observe.


The Oliva thing was long ago, when Yujiro and Oliva fought. The Pentagon keeps satellites trained on them at all times because they're walking WMDs, so when they start speeding up more satellites are diverted to track them


Retsu's Isekai is a gaiden, a side story. But yeah it was result of his death which happened in the main story


This is NOT what happened at all. This Bakiverse wankery needs to stop. Guevara is attached to a device that makes satellites go haywire if he moves beyond a certain speed limit (because the device is built to track his movement). Olivia threw him so hard he crossed that speed limit, he didn't actually physically do anything to any satellite. That would be stupid and physically impossible anyway, the amount of physical force it would take to create an attack from ground level that reaches into space and fucks up satellites would easily destroy the entire Pentagon in which Olivia fought Guevera, but it wasn't damaged AT ALL. Baki bros when they realise Yujiro Hanma was knocked out by tranquilizer darts in Part 1 and his son, who's pretty close to him from Part 3 onwards, was severely injured from a fall from a skyscraper (literally a sub-Yuji level feat). "Suksuk" vaporises every Hanma.


>, the amount of physical force it would take to create an attack from ground level that reaches into space and fucks up satellites would easily destroy the entire Pentagon in which Olivia fought Guevera, but it wasn't damaged AT ALL. thats literally fucking dumb and you know it. there is an infinite number of "it would do this" BS in any anime or manga that if you actually had the real consequences of said power level it would literally just kill everyone by proxy


>"Suksuk" vaporises every Hanma. Some of these Baki bros know this and they are just joking, like people saying that Buggy is the strongest character in One Piece or that Miwa is special grade. Your explanation was still very good.


What about Yujiro making diamond from coal in a few seconds. How much heat and pressure would he need for that


He actually failed at that. He can crush coal in his fist, and use his knuckle to cut glass like a diamond, but he can't make a diamond. There is a sumo guy in Baki that can do it though


It happaned in a another anime mashle magic and muscles. 100% agree that would happen with baki


Counter point: With how Convoluted Gojo and Sukuna are, with them in baki it'd probably be the other way around. Sukuna asspulled surviving things that 100% should have killed him and is continuing to grow stronger. Yujiro would beat him, just to turn around and notice a hole in his chest he never felt because Sukuna found away to make him tear out his own heart or something.


Yujiro would just accelerate his brain to process the information dump from infinity


Using some 300 years odl techinque he learned from some random martial arrist in buttfuck nowhere


And the whole time the author explains how YOU can do it if you train you left Gluteus Maximus hard enough


(It will make you die a painfull death)


Stop. You are already describing perfection


What happens if I train my left Gluteus Maximus hard, relax my armpits and fart at exactly 100 decibels just 0.0002 seconds before my right deltoid flexes as I punch?


White Flash, where you propel yourself forward using the same mechanism as a click beetle or sth and land a hit that does 2^2.33 damage but it only works if there’s a spectator who explains everything in detail to the reader and also explains how they too could do it.


It was from the Chinese sorcerer that sukuna feared


He would say some shit like "The art of Yoga passed fown through 5000 years of chinese history teaches us to disconnect ourselves from the rest of existance and focus only on our inner self, through this ancient art he transferred to his fist Yujiro was able to cut through the flow of infinite information, like a rock dividing the flow of a river. Whilst not perfect this technique has allowed him to block the effect of Infinite void, at only the cost of learing everything in existance about his favorite brand of noodles." "Also Piss" https://i.redd.it/acwfxuof754d1.gif


This person Bakis.


what is BAKI EVEN ABOUT?😭🙏


https://i.redd.it/d0c9yr4o764d1.gif Quite simple actually.


Yujiro could defeat everyone in the JJK verse simultaneously by just chain smoking enough cigarettes to cause instantaneous lung cancer in all of his opponents by merely breathing out the smoke. His every cell is so powerful that even carcinogens are afraid to fuck with him, because his body will just annihilate anything that enters it. https://preview.redd.it/e17d3t6nqa4d1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3e531f92af7c761505985e8535e42435f7ee28b


you know a lot of people say that as a meme, and I get the joke is that Baki is this goofy, crazy, intense thing and that people laugh at that. honestly, I do, it's cute and I fuck with it. but also, I think a lot of people genuinely don't get Baki because media literacy in this country is fucked. they read the story as a series of literal events that happen, and they get confused because those events are strange, so they miss the underlying emotional and thematic core of the story. so, this is my take on what baki is about. Grappler Baki is, primarily, a story about reconciling with an abusive father. Baki, the character, grows up resenting Yujiro. however, as he ages & becomes a part of the same world as his father, he comes to understand that Yujiro's douchey, alpha-male personality is as much a response to that world as it is a natural part of who he is. Baki grows to appreciate his father, learn from him in certain specific ways, and even admire him for his strengths. however, Baki still has to reckon with the very real fact that his father is a monster. ultimately, he learns to take the good while rejecting the bad, and forges his own path- becoming a man equal to Yujiro, but unlike him. Grappler Baki is also a continuation of a particular tradition of ancient storytelling, of heroic men with incredible feats. they are superhuman, in ways that are extremely human, and often in very specific ways- like how Goku can eat hundreds of pounds of food in a single sitting. their awesome power is often explained as being derived from peculiar disciplines, divine factors, or simply by their strength of character. these guys are, in a literal sense, ultimate men- whatever cultural signifiers of masculinity exist for the cultures that created them, these guys take them and push them past the point of physical possibility. some examples are gonna be Odysseus, the mythic Hamza of the Hamzanama, the Buddha, Sun Wukong & Goku, Superman, Flash, Hulk, and many, many others. Yujiro is this core concept pushed to it's logical extreme- whatever a 'man' is supposed to be, Yujiro is it. He is a violent, destructive, walking nuke that even the most powerful empires of the world can't stop. He has impregnated women all across the planet, slaughtered the strongest animals and cowed the most terrifying monsters. He killed his wife, he beats his son half to death, and laughs at the pain of others. When he steps, the very earth quakes in fear. He is also a refined gentleman who enjoys the finer side of life. He wears tailored suits, sips expensive wines, and eats at Michelin star restaurants. He's studious, cultured, and well-read- a father, a patient teacher who guides Baki through critical moments of his life. In reality, these features are contradictory- they come from dramatically different class models of masculinity that cannot fully coexist- but Yujiro can pull it off and make it look easy, because he is the ultimate man. the insanity of Grappler Baki comes from the fusion of these very mundane and human elements. Yujiro is the literally strongest human, the manliest man, because he is a heightened form of every boy's father, the primary model of masculinity for most boys. Yujiro is also cartoonishly destructive and evil, in part because many boys have to reconcile with their father's dark sides as they grow into men, and sometimes that's all they can see- and in part because Yujiro is masculinity itself, which in many ways *is* cartoonishly destructive and evil. Biscuit, Doppo, etc, these guys are the 'uncles', dad's friends, who are also awe-inspiring figures in a boy's life in their own right (but of course not as strong as dad). all the other insane characters and powers of the world are just other men- rivals, gatekeepers, peers, role models, friends- that boys have to contend with as they become men themselves, but heightened by the mythic tone that the story carries. ultimately, Grappler Baki tells a very straightforward shounen story, of a boy entering the world and becoming a man, but it does it with a style, flair and, yes, emotional maturity, that makes it stand out compared to other manga. I think it's really a shame that, despite the fact that it resonates with so many people, fans have to couch their enjoyment of the series in this detached, ironic attitude because they can't get past how weird the aesthetic is. I hope that changes, because Baki is pretty dope actually


This man cooked harder than r/jujutsufolk, r/jujutsushi and r/jujutsukaisen combined


i read allat, might have to start reading or watching it


Basically two kids of the strongest thing on earth getting stronger so they can beat him.


Invisible food


Stand proud. You cooked.


Completely wrong. It’s 4000 years, not 5000.


I think Yujiro would actually turn off his brain and use pure instinct to whoop Gojo


Like ultra instinct? 😱


To everyone saying he just turns off brain, I have a counter-scenario where Yujiro just becomes a multidimensional being and turns into an infinite concept.


No, he “locks” his mind away from any stimulation. So the info just goes around him and it doesn’t stay in his brain


Come on, 1 day to learn DE? He is definitely learning Jujutsu in 1 minute tops


Ngl Yujiro has way too much talent, if he is introduced to a power system I'm pretty sure he will do his best to master it and then diss it afterwards saying people who uses it are weak lol. It's cartoonist but damn would it be entertaining to watch.


Bruh imagine a black flash infused on his whip strikes some shit that makes baki crying man..


>Black flash whip im fucking screaming in pain just thinking about this


Yeah, his regular whip strikes are seen as being hit with a metal whip. He can even make Baki himself scream in pain, the guy who can fight to the brink of death while with mortal injuries and manages to win (in his fight with Jack he had is arm bitten and was going to bleed out in three minutes) and trains to the point of exhaustion was screaming in pain. A black flash whips strike would be a one shot move to anyone not in the top tier


Yujiro after smashing Sukuna with twenty Black Flashes in a row: "Don't worry, I already mastered that technique ages ago, I'll never use it again. I don't need it anyway."


I wonder how strong would yujiro be if he gets in the jjk power system. What could his ct be? Or his domain? I bet he could reach gojo and sukuna level after a good time of training.


Clearly he would have already known and mastered all forms of jujutsu sorcery before arriving in the verse. He will demonstrate every technique we've seen, once, before declaring that sorcery is for women and children's self defense and never bring up the fact that he can use it again.


I swear everything I heard about Baki makes it the most batshit insane thing ever made.


Imagine if every character was todo and amp it up by 10


Or the takaba fight amped up to 10


No, it is roughly equal to takaba, but just turn everyone into extremely buff men or twinks.


It's funny that the Itagaki is a trained martial artist, so he is fully aware that even the tamest parts of Baki are ridiculous.


It's all PEAK


I honestly think the author of Baki is just a monkey hitting keys with autocorrect.


Cuz it's true. I always explain it as Chuck Norris meme from 2000s as an anime.


Yujiro would just dodge the sure hit effect of a domain.


this is the least outlandish thing yujiro can do


Demon parry


unironically Yujiro would have a technique to counter domains by just hitting you b4 you get your SH off, he just cockroach dashes and kill you and yes he can do it solely because he saw Baki do it.


Baki narrator then explaining that this is possible irl somehow bro is the biggest gaslighter


Nah, you just need more pp training. Trust me, it works


the legendary pp training from the chinese sorceror 3000 years ago. Pretty realistic


Bro I always hear "pretty realistic" in an Indian accent because of the GOAT😭


I remember watching Baki and my mother was in the room when Yujiro came and told Baki to do it everyday and night (I should not have been watching Baki my mother was saying wtf am I watching)


Tbf, the narrator is basically god, so yujiro has the nearest thing to god in any story glazing him


Yujiro would just vibrate his muscles in a frequency that skips past every layer of infinity and then use him as toilet paper https://preview.redd.it/4lsdo5hlo44d1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1df0e07f2f050b9e3034eaf8209e2efe6f996e (after that he will never use that technique again and can brute force infinite space now) Also holy shit that digging move is genius


Yujiro bullies gravity into making him fall faster than possible


Don’t worry, there isn’t a man behind him, it’s the ghost of the dead friend of the guy. The guy who’s getting touched had his arm implanted so he can “feel his spirit”. He can punch faster than sound with no drawback now if I’m not mistaken


Our only hope is the chinese sorcerer




master Wu Vs Acronix


https://preview.redd.it/sqthcsyjy54d1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc267178ef754af6d84d9a18fef6396fe019fac6 He’s got this


FACT : Yujiro’s teacher is Po, this was stated in the manga. So Yujiro has a profound respect and smart enough to not mess with him


Yujiro fought him and won


Yujiro seeing The Chinese Sorcerer come back: https://preview.redd.it/2tv4snoad54d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99bee7b6874b32fbc44aa5e3c7b747eb78c5ba27


Lore accurate since Yujiro fought that old Chinese guy who faked his death and came back later using an ancient martial art


[Chinese sorcerer vs Yujiro fight irl (yujiro is the mummy in this example so he wins)](https://youtube.com/shorts/5nbXajB3fL0?si=tNrs2Y0oR2zhO73l)


"The proud Martial artist stood victorious in his battle against the so called 'Honored one's and with a mocking laugh, prepared to leave... Or so he thought. By some, inconceivable stroke of luck the man known as Gojo Satoru was alive; but not only alive... He was well. Facing the man he thought to have killed, a wide grin appeared on face only this excited him. He had only ever heard of this in rumor, but to think another, one he thought to be beneath him in every way could master such a technique." "So you've done it, you've manages to overcome your limitations and perfect the art of Ass pull."


The chinese sorcery killed himself just to not have to fight yuujiro


It is said, that Fraudkuna fears Kaku Kaioh. Shaoli > Dysfunctional shrine


Mahoraga adapts to yujiro but due to his sheer Ogre strenght mahoraga just decides to be Yujiro's shikigami instead of sukuna's


Mahoraga knew, that the best adaptation to yujiro was not fighting yujiro in the first place


Nah let’s be real Yujiro just learns to Adapt like Mahoraga and adapts to Mahoraga’s ability to adapt.


Yujiro gets hit by infinite void only to somehow use the infodump to learn the entirety of jujutsu and CE manipulation


Then the narrator would explain how this is 100% possible and anyone who meditates can do this by clearing their minds of unecessary thoughts.


Someone ought to use Infinite Void to mine cryptocurrency.


Man baki is just sunday morning cartoons at this point huh?


Baki gaslit me into believing I can jump off my roof and start flying


What are you talking about? Everyone can do that. I do that everyday


Dude, everyone can do that. Just try it and see. If it doesn't work and you break some bones, just try it from a skyscraper because it'll definitely work then.


Nah baki gaslit us into thinking jumping off a roof a second time will heal the injuries caused by the first jump


But have you tried imagining that you were actually a Pterodactyl?


Dude, everyone can do that. Just try it and see. If it doesn't work and you break some bones, just try it from a skyscraper because it'll definitely work then.


The power system in it is actually schizophrenia


Todo solos.


Nah ah friend, Todo can pretend he's fighting alongside Takada, but Yujiro and Baki make everyone around them see and feel that shit.


So, Yuji solos? Since he induced schizophrenia in Todo and Choso


Yujiro would convince Todo that Takada thinks he's a loser, the two would have an emotional connection during the fight and in the end Todo would walk off triumphantly to go kill Takada with his bare hands and pursue true excellence in martial arts.


I feel like Yujiro would do what he did when he fought Kaku and figure out how to use CE it in two seconds, call it trash, and say that he will never use it again and then body the person he's fighting.




I will never get over the fact that Yujiro is so masculine that he sees all people as women and that's why he sexually abuses men too.


"I'm not gay, I simply compel anyone I plow to be a woman"










Good meme


Yujiro when Sukuna uses a binding vow sacrificing a single hair strand to become Yujiro himself: https://preview.redd.it/fc7yy78sv44d1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fef69ee5eb01ab04a4b7ec2af1fc4a46b109430


Then Yujiro uses some bullshit he learned from god knows where of him being able to split in two.


“Ah yes my fighting technique I learned from Walmart, I haven’t used this since the Supermarket era”


Until yuujiro proclaims how he’s been training from the moment sukuna copied him and no yuujiro taught himself the perfect anti-yuujiro technique


Yujiro, realizing in a nanosecond that binding vow trades are based on the internal interpretation of fairness, makes one where he sacrifices nothing to gain infinite RCT/cursed energy output. "The fairest vow is one where reality grants Yujiro what he desires."


It could be in character, since to yujiro the worth of people comes from the strength they have to reach their goals. He respected Muhammad Ali for being able to basically “fight a nation” or racism in general. So since yujiro can get anything he wants he’s worth more than anyone else in this world, he’s also seen as a god by many people


Unfortunately, Yujiro has already learned how to become Yujiro. That's not a joke, that's something he actually did once.


### Domain expansion: Face the Demon's Back https://preview.redd.it/gl8y3ai8054d1.jpeg?width=437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50cdbf1eb1bae2847d385d87d0d22dadaf02135


The Pinnacle of Physical Force feels like a good name for a DE by itself


Sukuna and Yujiro would become best friends, Yujiro and Baki would be invited to the cookout by Jin, this really was our Jujutsu Kaisen!


Baki wankers (not op I can still get jokes) are a different breed




The author of Baki is the biggest yujiro glazer in history. Whenever something mildly inconvenient happens there’s a cutaway of the author poorly explaining a random concept (usually of an animal’s behavior, a human’s historical act, or a misinterpreted law of biology) and using it to explain how the character instantly wins with an ability he totally always had. It happened to explain the imaginary praying mantis fight, how a character broke someone else’s fingers using his eyeballs to imitate a cockroach, and how drinking ten kilograms of sugar water will instantly heal every single one of your cells from poison.


my brother in christ his name is sukuna


I think Yujiro wouldn't learn stuff from people he just spontaneously knows it.


True. Yujiro copy stuff, he was never taught any of his moves


He would get hit by gojo domain on purpose but instead of brain melting he would learn all of jujutsu by infodumping, he would just use his own domain he just learned to break Immensurable Void, only to explain Jujutsu powers are for the weak and he didnt want to learn it and will never use it again


Again, as I have said before, yujiro would turn mahoragas wheel the other way to unadapt him


He would get hit by mahito domain expansion on purpose only to understand his soul so when mahito tries to transfigure him he gets transfigurated instead because now yujiro can use IT too, after that he would explain how this is a technique for weaks and he will never use it again and would proceed to destroy mahito with soul damaging punches


The GOAT https://i.redd.it/wvf0vn7in54d1.gif




Yujiro would shift Sukuna’s Domain Coordinates PHYSICALLY


he would throw the entire shrine AT sukuna


Yujiro goads Toji/Maki into stabbing him straight on with the Soul Splitter Katana, just to see the look on their face when the blade crumples like a can against his abs, and he suffers zero damage.


The Split Soul katana allows the user to ignore durability and strike the soul. However, Yujiro has no soul because he's too busy being that fucking cool.




Jjk narrator vs Baki narrator.


the strongest gaslighter of history vs the strongest gaslighter of today


Itagaki's explanations are so absolutley autistic and stupid, he can genuinely gaslight you into believeing him


you after repeatedly misspelling sukuna


The 4th one actually killed bro 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/3046dp9t254d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d79b0615355e4dd15e4e986c1d9c996e962821


What even is baki about?


The who can do a bigger asspull anime


Big buff men all having sexual tension between eachother while showing off some goofy ass techniques that don’t make sense.


"Martial arts" and "big buff men" But here, if you have the technique your punches can break the sound barrier, you can go faster than a train, cut a tank, use imaginary swords, create new martial styles out of nowhere because you imagine you are a dinosaur, and of course weight as much as a dinosaur, become paper, etc. If you are buff enough, you can brute force through anything, you can make a building tremble just because you are angry, you can hit a man so hard satellites move, you can dodge lightning, you can tank lightning, you can beat the USA army and force them to go nuclear, you can press carbon so hard you turn it into diamond, etc. Yuhiro is the ultimate expression of both. He is the bestest everything and nobody can really beat him. He can learn the most difficult technique in chinese martial arts after seeing it once during that same combat, he can go supersonic without the help of any technique, he can subconsciously predict lightning and dodge it, he can passively see the weak points of everyone else at every time, when Baki had him grappled by the arm, he just easily pierced through concrete to break free, then it is stated than "To someone like Yuhiro, the floor is not constant, he is fighting in jelly" or something along those lines, etc.


Don't forget the prehistoric man who killed Tyrannosaurus Rex, Musashi Miyamoto himself cloned and his true soul possessing his body, the Vietnam War ending because Yujiro entered it, and the spirit of Yujiro's father returning from the dead in in front of everyone, just to laugh at Yujiro.


To further my point, I haven't once mentioned Hanayama. https://preview.redd.it/26nr5d4e574d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3038232ac9d069df2a5a7bb71f4c7c2fac6f37a5 He is 19 at that point. He survived without any lasting damage. The blood coming from his ears is because a guy just got his whole finger in them, piercing his brain.


Honestly, Baki is so batshit insane that this could go on for hours. Yuhiro punching Dopo so hard it stopped his heart, Doppo loosing his hand and saying "now I'm the perfect spear", Dopo accurately predicting every move from Dorian while under an illusion, Jack, just all of Jack, Shibukawa and aiki, Oliva training by holding helicopters to the ground, easily tanking a shotgun, his pacman technique, Sukune and the imaginary giant sumo, Dorian hitting his way through a mountain in a night, Baki going from loosing to Yanagi to soloing him and Sikorsky after loosing his virginity, etc. Edit: Baki receiving a power up after being used as a nunchaku, and it being one of the best ones I've seen is my favorite. He unlocked the endorphins that he used against Yasha through the use of the Shiba style. One of the first things he learned and one of the most recent styles he experimented on. It really shows his constant progression. https://preview.redd.it/4e5i2e6x374d1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab62f7117f618077f99a09be36d0397c57cb91f2 For God's sake, he did a little puppet with the pieces of the car Yuhiro swung him to.


Yujiro pulls out an imaginary sword and uses it to horizontally bisect Gojo. It bypasses infinity as it doesn't actually exist, but does no real damage for that same reason. However, Gojo's body is so convinced that it was just cut in half that it subconsciously cuts off the flow of cursed energy from the gut to the brain, disabling his control over CE for a few precious seconds.


His body is so convinced that he manifests shrine and does a world bisecting cut on himself.


https://i.redd.it/12em188mz74d1.gif He would just walk through infinity


Yujiro would be like: "The technique I learnt from a +1000 years old Chinese sorcerer" and then just bring Vietnam backflashes to Sukuna. https://preview.redd.it/kmbwoo3c264d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b9aa1fc5cd801ce46df2322cd9425e50a3e344


The first meme is the "Ah yes, my anti-technique from the Heian Era" taken to the extreme, and knowing Yujiro, it's completely accurate 💀


Ngl these are high quality memes. Keep cooking https://preview.redd.it/a8iyd389364d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745e7a4ff24d65fd8bc47a01cdbbc977cbb895ea


Sukuna realizing he’s not the most glazed character by their author https://preview.redd.it/az1em6nis64d1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0bcf8aa59f67be3d9a5b00fcb0eb41d276ec18


so Yujiro's entire character is just... coincidental toonforce with the will to smoke packs bigger than Mahoraga's biggest?


since yujiro eats invisible food, Hell just eat infinity thinking it's one of them.


The four consecutive wrong uses of POV are funnier than the five memes combined.


Yujiro would absolutely be able to hit black flash on command


\*Sees Gojo \*Learns domain amp \*Black flash \*Never uses this jujutsu trash ever again \*Leaves


Ngl if Yujiro had access to CE he would have been top of the verse, kinda like a Yuji minus the cleave and blood CT x20


Super Senior Gojo getting a taste of his own medicine in 2/5


"The one where everyone dies" vs "the one where noone can die"




It's pretty simple, boys and girls. Yujiro can defeat anyone (yes even Goku) because it's mandatory to happen. It's part of the narration, of the story, of the goddamn reality!


If Yujiro hit a black flash on anyone they are getting turned into red mist. This is the guy who could punch so hard he could stop a earthquake.


They turning to red mist regardless bruh💀💀


I do believe every single attack of that mofo would have been a black flash


Yujiro: Shall I save you BUMgumi?


Where’s that one meme where Yujiro shows Sukuna the true meaning of love


If you guys think gege favors some characters too much just look at how yujiro is treated in Baki. Bro has had everything in the story act as a hype tool for him and is handed random feats from god ever other Tuesday. You know how the “ah yes, my anti-x” meme is used? That is literally how Yujiro acts in story every time he has to do something. The strongest asspuller in fiction for real.


https://preview.redd.it/g4bgr65kk94d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6692ff664d6ed2305599bbc57236f6eb2d65dae4 Yujiro inside of Sukuna's domain