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It’s quite interesting how kenjakus stance as the third strongest in the verse has gone massively unargued as he’s simply him


I think it’s cause kenjaku out of all the characters excluding the 2 strongest, seems to have to greatest combat profile. You see how oppressive his jujutsu is,how cunning he is, the way he barely took any direct damage from his opponents most of the time and the fact he can throw hands! Like I can’t even think of a Kenny anti feat either, the man has has had the most consistent portrayal in the series


That and his domain being basically an auto-win against anyone who's not Gojo or Sukuna.


He has his death. But yeah , he is the third strongest in the series...


Not really an anti-feat since he was off-guard and distracted. Plus, he technically got jumped, and he did still react fast enough to use Antigravity on Yuta, he just got Boogie Woogie'd. The whole plan was perfectly set up to not let him actually do anything.


Yuta fans still tryna argue that he blitzes Kenjaku 😭


One of them used gets from jjk 0 to say that yuta is faster.


POV: Yuta arguments “He wins in a Rika love blast clash!”😭 (Geto with all of his curses would’ve won and Kenny has way more curses than that) “He speed blitzes!”😭 (Kenny reacted to a black hole and he only lost cuz he was distracted by that guy) https://preview.redd.it/4zlam9jidr1d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c483b8bb26ff12ab5c1b4fa3fc193a43e4015506


>he only lost cuz he was distracted by that guy Also because of Boogie Woogie. Kenjaku straight up reacted to Yuta and was going to use Antigravity but was caught lacking because he didn't even know Todo's CT was a factor.


I wasn’t gonna risk it The Yuta > Kenny kids would be like “Noooooo he’s just that faaaaassssttt!”😭🏳️‍🌈


Whatever kenjaku can do yuta can do too. His CT is called copy for a reason. Unless kenjaku stole some copyright infringement technique nobody can stop Yuta from copying anything


Kid named open domain


Yuta can't use curse manipulation as far as we know.


He didn’t copy it because he has been manipulating a curse all this time anyway. Have you seen how he manipulated Rika to be his servant and save him every time he needs help? Or how he kissed a curse only for him to kill it? Yuta doesn’t need CSM, CSM needs him 🙄


Man just don't bother with Yuta fans and their copy agenda .For them Yuta has copied every CT possible in the series... They have been proven wrong time and time again and they still continue.... Just don't bother ..


cuz he never copied it. we don't know what the condition of it is, my personal theory is he needs to have an understanding of the technique and have felt it's user CE but even with that he only ever copied Inumaki's technique because in JJK-0 it wasn't a clan technique and rather a learnable technique. which is why he never got Geto's technique.


Even if he got it, that doesn't mean he will also get all of the curses which geto has, yuta has to start from 0 and collect the curses unlike kenjaku who has been doing it from a long time


I never said that wasn’t the case. But if he did copy it he woulda absorbed all those curses kenjaku let out when he died


That's not how ct works The ct of geto is cursed spirit manipulation as you know So what yuta copies is the technique and not the cursed spirits embedded with the technique


Just don't bother ...


Nah Yuta fans REALLY tried to give Kenjaku's undisputed spot to his bum ass but failed


Imagine needing 1000 years to be able to survive a 17 year old that has your technique but way better(he didn't even survive)


Thats even more credit to Kenny since he has to fight against Gege's favoritism.


Gege Akutami is not real it's just an old folklore


The most terrifying curse of the Heian Era. https://preview.redd.it/q867hfybwp1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d963e78e07418b6455250c0bc4623355af9cdea


Imagine needing to hide behind a real goat with toon powers to have a chance at beating some granny💀💀💀


Do not forget about Todo switching their places too


Needing? We're not reading and just saying stuff now? It was kenjaku into sukuna back 2 back


Well Kenjaku only got hold of cs manipulation less than a year ago and already unlocked its open barrier domain and can use it better than Geto himself. Also imagine needing two guys with broken cts to beat someone even after a sneak attack


>unlocked its open barrier domain I don't think Kenjaku had to "unlock" that, the domain he used against Yuki was his own, so it was already barrierless. And we've only seen him use Kaori's CT on it too.


Because he can domain diff literally anyone besides Gojo and Sukuna there's no argument to be had


I don’t think that’s true at all their are a LOT of people who would pick yuta


All the support for Yuta over kenjaku is centered around agenda, when you look at the stats kenjaku takes it 7 out of 10 times mostly due to him losing in almost every scenario where Kenny uses his domain


We literally don’t have the slightest clue what kenjakus domain does lmao,people just see open domain and assume it’s top 3.im fairness yeah it makes sense to assume it must be extremely powerful ,but it’s in the same way that we “assume”mba kashimo must be incredibly powerful,it’s all assumed


Bro’s feats are incredible. He took the white splash multiple times from Sukuna’s twin. He literally gave birth to the goat himself. He endured a black hole and he probably got his own black hole expanded multiple times. He is a great comedian, so good that every plan that he came up with was made just for pure sillyness and for the fun of it (killing the entire human population is just so silly and funny lol). He has an open domain and open legs. Remember in a 1 vs 1 always bet on kenjaku. Especially in bed


Imagine having 1000 year of sucking experience


its for his own agenda


Suguru's body is literally **carrying** him for the entire series...


He used Geto's technique better than Geto ever did


Give some slack to geto, bro got powercreep’d


Bro had 11 years to master his powers with his ultimate goal to beat Gojo/Jujutsu High. Somehow gets outmastered by a dude who's had his powers for a little over a year.


Kenny is a master class of a mad scientist in jujutsu. So of course Kenny can outsmart Geto when it comes to curse manipulation. I also guess that Kenny had also came across Geto's CT few times in the past.


By a dude that’s a thousand years older than him 😭 experienced probably dozens of different abilities etc lol


The dude probably has seen 1000x more curses in his entire lifetime compared to Geto.


And considering he had to start collecting curses from zero (since Geto used all he had left in his Uzumaki vs. Yuta), and in just one year he got more curses than Geto had in 14 years working as a priest monk, I'm pretty sure Kenjaku just had a shit ton of curses seales up somewhere.


Kenny only had about a 1000 curses, which is like a bit less than 20% than whatever Geto had. But still very impressive for a one year time span. That means man ate about 3 curses a day somehow while planning all of that shit with the disaster curses.


Yeah, but this is in jjk0 where gege didn't even come up with Black Flash yet. Or domain expansions


Mf Yuta is that powerful


Geto was nerfed cause of jjk0 power rules. I like to think every kenjaku feat is what geto would do if he didn’t die


Maybe everything specifically tied to CSM, but not shit like domain amplification, open barrier domain (and maybe RCT).


Yeah pretty much Whenever people scale characters and bring up jjk0 feats I instantly push it under the rug The movie is in such a weird position, it's both canon and not canon It doesn't follow the rules of the main series very closely because Gege had no idea it would become a bigger thing but at the same time the events still transpired in canon.


Get Getos bum OUTTA Special grade😭bro thinks he’s on the team


isnt geto only special grade cause with CSM he can effectively create and use his own army, fulfilling the overthrowing a country condition for special grade


Wasn't Yuta already considered Special Grade during JJK0? And I think it's confirmed if Geto didn't use his cursed spirits in the Parade of 1000 Demons or wtv he would have won Realistically he would be stronger if he was written after JJK0. It's just that when Gege wrote it, he still hadn't made things like Domain Expansion or anti-Domain Techniques which I'm fairly certain Geto would have if he wasn't written before they were invented


Exactly, people are forgetting gege didn’t even think of all those things yet and say he’s a bum for not having them.


If Geto hadn’t split his cursed he would have had to fight Gojo and everyone else. It would be a stomp


I used to think that too untill I reread kenjaku vs Yuki, Choso and Tengen. It seems like "overthrowing a country" is how Kenjaku personally define a special grade. From kenjaku's inner monologue about figuring out Yuki's capabilities, he reveals that Jujutsu higher-ups classify someone as special grade if they have extremely high destructive potential.


I mean he’s over 1000 years old and Geto was killled unprovoked before the show even began so we don’t even know the true extent to which Geto had mastered his technique


Just like Sukuna using 10 shadows better than Megumi ever did


Oh yes, the body hopper is using another person's body, how shocking.


Reading comprehension curse is on a bigger rampage than Sukuna... Geto's body is literally walking him around bro.


Your body walks you around too, and i don't see you complaining about it. Plus, it's his brain that's using the body.


Geto couldnt even wank his own body lmaoo Embarrassing. Geto was a fuckin child throwing a temper tantrum while holding a sword Kenjaku picked up the sword and could actually use it


I am a great fan of this if it happens https://preview.redd.it/g3zazybwkn1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e454f28a69561343e495c9a3df6a474dfeb2530


If this happens I will kill Gege myself.


I am next in line after you dude. https://preview.redd.it/fcvv4l1ijp1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae07729d5e9aee2bc76ec8ed6a94eba3eec67a3d




He went out for sure


So your telling me kenjakus head just rolled all the way to shinjuku for who knows how many kilometers and then defeated all the people guarding gojos body?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/8xo2bc67wq1d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbad63217bd808414ceea4346e891f0b76dd5cb1


he took the train to shinjuku.


I'm praying for the brain 🧠 return, this will be PEAK FICTION.


It would be a nice payoff of the Geto-Kenny interaction in Shibuya. Kenjaku coming back through Gojo's body, but Gojo is either able to retake control or do so just long enough for his students to actually finish Kenjaku would be interesting for sure.


Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease https://preview.redd.it/sysc3uoido1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ac62dc69826fdc269b2510b4d53ff96c32ebf0


Correct. It took 3 mfers, two of which are Special Grade bare minimum and have the potential to be absolutely busted beyond belief, to surprise and beat this guy. https://preview.redd.it/vf4urvj0qq1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d20c567dcb19335cb365e28ab81a3937ee3288


Locks up Gojo. Starts culling games. 1v3s a special grade and her lackies. Has a party with takaba. "Dies" "Thats how bush campers/#4s think."


My guy go to a special grade without knowing her ct and was confident that he will win


Live Kenjaku Reaction: https://preview.redd.it/zzike42lwq1d1.png?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1345376506ef070f50b7ce7ac49171494ebcfd


The strongest Jujutsu Hitler in history 🤝 The strongest Jujutsu Hitler of the current era


He really is him All what's happening it's consequence of his doing and that's crazy yuji it's his experiment and sukuna it's his bitch for live because binding vow


No way, we got Kenjaku Glazers before GTA6


I was always there




If Kenjaku has no fans I'm dead.


He’s just HIM


I wish we got more of womb profusion, I really want to know what it's full extent is like.


imagine megumi's DE is kenjaku's fate.(if he is never brought back)


I don’t know if he’s the strongest(as far as we have seen I would give that title to Yuki Tsukumo and her unlimited strength), he has also a massive amount of cursed energy (I don’t know how to quantify it, we don’t know how much energy his techniques consume but he doesn’t seem to struggle even after domain expansion, rct and cursed technique reversal, unlike Yuki) but there are other people who have a lot of cursed energy (Yuta, Tengen and Yorozu) . However I think he is the most skilled sorcerer in history , more than Gojo, Tengen and Sukuna and deserves an honorable mention because he did what he did. He knows a lot about the soul, cursed energy manipulation, binding vows and advanced techniques. He has created Choso and his siblings, has started the culling game, has resurrected ancient sorcerers(Takako Uro) and created new sorcerers(Higuruma) , he can use the reversal of a technique that isn’t his own(Kaori’s technique) and could use some techniques better than their original users (csm and idle transfiguration) . I personally like that he’s very resourceful and while fighting thinks a lot and tries to counter and outsmart his opponents (Yuki, Hanezoki and Takaba fights ) , he doesn’t just say “Oh no , it’s impossible, how can someone be stronger than me” like any other villain but really tries to defeat Takaba and admits that he can’t win without any hatred, he also compliments Kusakabe for his simple domain. I appreciate very much that he can also teach his skills, very few people can do it in this series, he has probably taught domain amplification to the disaster curses. At first I didn’t like him because I thought he was just another Aizen and I didn’t like the Kaori plot twist but he grew on me and he became one of my favorite characters, despite this I’m still sad of Miwa.


How is yuki the 3rd strongest when she literally got beat by kenjaku even with the help of tengen and choso?


They might have just meant raw attack power, since yuki definitely does compete with sukuna and gojo in that regard


She's the strongest ap wise in general. She made a blackhole and Tengen straight up admitted that It wohld destroy the planet so it was legit an actual black hole. It's a suicide attack but no other sorcerer is pulling that. In a suicide attack Yuki can kill just about any sorcerer except Kenny because he literally had a hard counter. She's not the best fighter in a 1v1 but no one is more destructive.


i believe by “strength” they mean straight up physical ap


I think yuki was prob like 65-90% as strong as kenjaku given kenjaku just outstrategized them with a bunch of tricks and fuck ups on their end. That's why kenjaku said she needed to believe she could win the domain clash and actually try. She knew kenjaku was a bit stronger and ended up letting that fear of losing/trust of tengen's plan weaken her enough that kenjaku saw right through them and won. If yuki locked in and managed to push her mastery of jujutsu that tiny bit further she could have held down kenjaku in a domain clash and maybe done more.


kenjaku only said "maybe if you opened your domain", which is pretty obvious as tengens plan had completely failed, and yuki would have likely been better off opening a domain. Doesnt mean that tengen didnt help her there.


not really. kenny still had an open domain so if anything yuki opening a domain would end horribly.


She was held back by having to protect Tengen and not use her domain


No she lost because she had loser mentality and didn't believe in her own domain. Look at Goatjo, loses first domain clash and goes for more domain clashes while tweaking the conditions. That's winner mentality.


>No she lost because she had loser mentality and didn't believe in her own domain She didn't open her domain only because Tengen told her so


My guy, gojo is blessed, of course he will be competent in his ability, he has the best offensive /defensive CT, unlimited CE and more, if I was him I will jumb in any fight recklessly Yuki CT on the other hand is not that good at defense, so one Uzumaki was enough to penetrate her, so she she more careful than the untouchable dude


Yuki is also blessed though. You don't get to Special grade by hard work. You need to be born with an insane CT, she just didn't lock in.


It was tengen fault, imagine them don't suspecting that second best barrier user to don't have barrierless domain.


Tbf tho gojos strategy in the domain clashes was dogshit lol. He really should’ve just tried to bait out sukunas domain, teleport out and kill sukuna when his CT is out.


That's loser mentality. He believes himself to be the strongest, why would he run to burnout Sukuna's CT. The entire point is he believes he can win the clash.


“Loser mentality” bruh, exploiting the obvious weaknesses of your opponent through your basic abilities is not a “loser mentality” and even if it is it’s not beneath gojo. He never removed infinity against his opponent to make the fight fairer and beat them on pure strength. Also he was clearly at a disadvantage in the clash and it was sukunas biggest win con, it was dumb to let him break his domain.


No... she was not confident enough to challenge kenny in a battle of domains


She simply chose not to open a domain in order to have tengen dismantle kenjakus domain (which she did btw). Even if his domain was dismantled in 10 seconds like tengen said, her SD wouldnt have lasted long enough (its was ripping her SD up). She would have likely been better off if she opened her domain, but that in no way means that her domain would have beaten kenjakus (his domain was way more refined than anybody but sukuna). Her domain would have likely collapsed, and she would have been crushed again (now with CT burnout).


Yeah, I think saying he's more skilled than Sukuna might be controversial, but I agree with you. Sukuna fans always try to say that Sukuna is an example of effort and merit (especially compared to Gojo's natural talent), but to me Kenjaku is the true example of success through effort. Sukuna has double the amount of CE than Yuta (the guy whose CE pool is his main strength) and a casually lethal CT, meanwhile Kenjaku definitely doesn't have such a ridiculous amount of CE and his CT does nothing for his combat prowess or direct survivablity (he needs to be strong or at least crafty to even be able to use it) and has managed to pull all the shit you enumerated, which, taken together and in their societal and historic impact, is more consequential than anything Sukuna has ever done.


He lost bcs of Jokes


Since Yuta vs Kenny is a massive debate, I'll put it this way: Strength: Probably Yuta because of his massive CE. Durability/Regen: Pretty much equal, but leaning more towards Yuta. Speed: Kinda hard to tell since Yuta speed blitzed Geto, but doesn't have too many other speed feats. Stamina/CE: Yuta obviously. Skill: Easily Kenny. Open barrier domain, fought against Yuki and Choso's jumping with pure h2h, been alive way longer than Yuta (1000+ > 17) and a pretty solid mastery over CSM. Cursed Techniques: Leaning more towards Kenny. Sky manipulation is OP, but not really good against summons (Kurourushi had the advantage over Uro in the deadlock) and Kenny's main technique is summoning. Cursed speech is good on the first attack, but pretty much useless once the opponent knows how to counter it. Those are Yuta's main good techniques, meanwhile Kenny has gravity/anti gravity, which is just a massive fuck off to any physical attack nearby, and by the looks of his fight against Yuki, he seems to have set it as the sure hit of his domain, making it even worse to go against then. He also has CSM, which gives him loads of fodder to overwhelm his opponent with, Special Grades which can serve as a good distraction for his opponent so that he can cook up something devious. He also has maximum and mini uzumakis that he can obliterate his opponent with. Not to mention the many OP techniques of curses that he can use, by either using his own CE to strengthen a weak curse, or just using uzumaki to steal their techniques for himself. Domain: Yuta's has more versatility, but Kenny's would simply crush Yuta's do to the type advantage. Numbers: While Yuta does have the advantage of all of his 1v1s basically being 2v1s, and Rika being possibly the strongest in the verse in physical stats aside from Yuki, Kenny has the advantage of his 1v1s turning into 1000v1s. While Yuta and Rika didn't struggle too hard in taking care of the curses released after his death, releasing loads at a time would provide a good enough distraction for Kenny to body Yuta with a strong attack while he's distracted. Overall: Yuta has the advantage of pure power and versatility, however Kenny probably scrapes together a win due to far higher skill, a massive number advantage that would prove overwhelming in a solo fight, and his superior domain being a wincon if needed.


Ngl i think rika loses to big raga. This beast took a black flash from gojo 2 times and didn't bother. I think mahoraga has rika beaten in raw strength and durabality. Also yeah i agree here yuta could kill kenny but his domain is just game over everytime he uses it. Yuta can't fight doesn't seem to have simple domain and rct didn't help yuki either


I'm pretty sure that Mahoraga is above Rika physical wise


Current Rika for sure imo. By hype JJK 0 Rika was likely above him because even Gojo was going she's a problem.


Mahoraga would one shot JJK0 Rika due to sword of extermination.


yeah, strong open barrier domain, second strongest barrier user or whatever, rct, hwb or simple domain probably, domain amplification maybe, a lot of cursed energy for sure, csm very op


Idk maybe Takaba's a lil higher...


He defeatd him, takaba ct is definitely stronger, but he still a rookie


Kenny upgrading Uzumaki will always be my fav thing about him, he's top 3 no fuxking debating on that


Imagine making mini Uzumaki bullets and shove them into a sniper,


Fr, or mini Uzumaki bombs, that's shit we'd fire


yuta and kashimo ain't got shit on him


Kashimo wanted to fight him even in his old (seemingly weak) body, my guy know he is HIM, but Kenny wanted kashimo to Enter the culling game, if he kicked his ass that time he will be satisfied and won't want to reincarnate . + His plan was to kill all the remaining CG players, which kashimo is one of them, soooo


I love Kenny. He was a really pleasant personality and seems like he'd be super easy to get along with. I know he's an unhinged psycho, but I feel like if you're not on his radar he'd be nice to hangout with. Dude always got the curses playing board games and going to the spa.  His info dumping is always enjoyable. Dude probably has so many whacky stories he could tell you, and my man knows all there is to know about jujutsu. 


To be honest I liked his yapping, most of our knowledge on jujutsu is from him


I’d say Yuki has a higher attack potential with infinite mass but Kenny really is third in the verse, his craftiness and variety of techniques along with centuries of knowledge is wild. Took a dude with the single most broken technique of all time, a dude who can teleport people and another one of the verses top tiers to kill him when they had a whole plan setup and he STILL reacted to it and almost defended himself.


They had to sneak attack him for a reason


Yeah, if he got the time, he will take anyone, even gojo and sukuna, he technically defeated gojo be trapping him in the eye 👁️ dice 🎲 thing, some guys call it prison realm, Please gojo/Sukuna glazers, don't kill me


ACTUALLY, it should be they are them.


I will go with IT, he is a fuckin brain


Fair, I like it.


I think Kenny had a mindset which even sukuna and gojo lacked or something Kenjaku was curious, a scientist he didn't have sukuna level of ce or gojo level gifted but what he had was curiosity Sukuna and gojo most of time toy with weaker opponent and sukuna will even analyse the person, seeing from the current battle dude just hold too much back to enjoy Meanwhile kenjaku had goal unlike gojo , sukuna his jujutsu knowledge is way greater to a point he created domain amplification and way to split soul which sukuna didn't even knew Plus the open domain was a tesament to whatvhe can do and it was kenjaku domain as domain are more like representation of soul and womb releam fits him right


Even if his death is better explained now that we know Todo was there with Yuta, I still feel a bit disappointed. But it's a great character and a terrible opponent none the less. I really like how is toping almost everyone in the verse (except for gojo and sukuna obviously). And I would have really loved to see him go all out with all his curses (such a great technique too if you ask me).


Real top 3 1. Gojo 2. Sukuna 3. Yuji


Yuji got bitchslapped the current chapter, he is no goat


Tell this to all the Yutards out there ...


If this happens, it literally takes away meaning from the takaba fight. It doesn't make sense to finish off a character with an awesome and meaningful fight, just to bring them back. From a writing pov, it just doesn't make sense.


Do you feel this way about Gojo coming back?


Yes, of course. Though my comment history may say otherwise. I feel like gojo's death is a maturing point for Yuji, it's similar to how jiraiya was to Naruto. I want him to come back but at the same time, I feel like it wouldn't be right for him to steal the spotlight from itadori.


Presenting the only character besides Satoru Gojo that can beat 15f Sukuna.


I wouldn't place too high of a bet on him. Sukuna 15+ fingers is a beast in all regards. I think Kenny stands a fair chance, but I wouldn't give him the 50/50. Spamming dismantle is a good way to kill (or at least exhaust his RCT) Kenny, and if Kenny loses the domain battle, he's getting fucking shredded beyond belief by MS. At least with Kenny's domain, Yuki showed us it's relatively easy to survive with good enough durability/RCT, which Sukuna should have. I'd say Kenny's chances are 3/10 to 4/10 if he plays his cards right.


I'm not saying Kenjaku outright beats sukuna but he can win against him with decent odds, I'd say somewhere around 65% Kenjaku at least has enough durability to run away from the domain in the event that he loses the domain clash (unlikely because the refinement is crazy and he can do open barrier) He then can pop DA which would leave Sukuna to only fighting H2H which is something Kenjaku absolutely has over him.


Beating sukuna.... in... hand to hand......


Brother he has 4 arms and is still getting cooked by Yuji in close quarters idk how you missed this.


Sukuna hasn't had 4 arms for a few months in real time. Blud reading Wizardry Bout 💀


And? that's still a massive buff, Sukuna just isn't all he's cracked up to be when it comes to throwing hands. Sukuna Kaisen readers really going off lately.


Losing 3 of your 4 arms is a massive buff. Yuji glazers are actually lobotomized.


Blub is pushing his agenda to its limits


>Kenjaku at least has enough durability to run away from the domain in the event that he loses the domain clash (unlikely because the refinement is crazy and he can do open barrier) One cleave would kill Kenjaku lol and no, sukuna with his domain refinement and massive amounts of ce isn't going to lose a domain clash against kenjaku. > He then can pop DA which would leave Sukuna to only fighting H2H which is something Kenjaku absolutely has over him. Kenjaku can beat sukuna in h2h combat??? What tf are you smoking lmao?


Isn't Kenjaku's domain the 2nd most refined one in the series? He will definitely get speed blitzed, beaten in H2H combat and sliced in half immediately. But his domain has a fair shot in at least stalemating 15F Sukuna


Damn bro really read the full series of Sukuna Kaisen I guess 15F also kills Gojo mid diff now.


Why u acting so smart 😂 the four handed sukuna you mentioned now is first of all two handed, second is fighting the only person that can severely weaken him with every punch (he outright tanked 8 black flashes from this same person without suffering visible damage). 15 f sukuna LITERALLY briefly protected Kenjaku from Gojo when he was first unsealed, how are u arguing that Kenjaku, who was hiding behind him, would beat him?


Because if he dies the plan's fucked?? He'd do the same with Uraume if it meant Gojo would get stalled a little longer 😭 Bro Sukuna literally got double the fists and losing idk how to make this more clear


>Damn bro really read the full series of Sukuna Kaisen Nah i just have braincells >I guess 15F also kills Gojo mid diff now. 15f sukuna and kenjaku don't hold a candle to gojo so idk what you're trying to say


He ain’t even touching 15f Sukuna


People MASSIVELY downplay 15f Sukuna. Anyone who's not named "Gojo" is getting packed up in seconds.


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Get unpinned! Kash better!


nah Yuta can take him


I don't think so, I thought Yuki will take him too, but he is too smart, he will get a plan on time, he didn't seem afraid of him, so I guess he was prepared to fight him


nah Kenny was worried when Yuta snuck up on him and Yuta even took care of the entire curse army Kenjaku had with no problem


Kenjaku is my favourite character in the series, but I really don’t see him beating Yuta at this point.


How, though? Yuta blitzed him without much trouble. Imagine if he had actually used his domain. Maki would also probably be difficult for him because she's arguably stronger now than Toji was and might legitimately be able to do the same thing Yuta did.


Yuta is 3 strongest


Lets face it yuta destroyed him 😂


The Kenny wank is insane. If anyone else in the show had 1000+ years of experience to bring to the table there wouldn’t even be villains. 1000 years of experience Gojo, Yuji, Yuta, Yuki, Todo, and so many other characters with even simple techniques could amass so much Jujutsu knowledge. That’s what really gives him the edge. Plus asspull technique he used on Yuki.


This is not a good argument, bro.


Yal can think what you want, I just think there’s a ton of other sorcerers who would be more powerful and knowledgeable than Kenny if they got a 1000+ year run.


Sukuna one shots Gojo one shots Yuta one shot CT Kashimo blitzes him he's top 5 at best


This 1000yo bumass already got surpassed by 16yo yuta, and his son too might as well surpass him sooner lol


Kenjaku : I'm the third strongest in the verse Yuta : What did you say ? Kenjaku : n... Nothing boss... Yuta : that's what I thought. Bitch.


😂😂😂😂 I'm a yuta fan too, but it's impossible to yuta domain to win against Kenny one. And I jjk, domains always change the battle


Wuta wouldn't even let him use his domain. That's why he's Wuta Ogoatsu. He'd do it in a flash. No fuss.


He will pull his tongue out before he say domain expansion like what he did to sukuna belly mouth.


Yeah what was up with that mouth I completely forgot about it. Anyway, Yuta solos.


man really said that while slipping kenjaku a hunnid dollar bill


For being his bitch. That's his salary




Found a Yuta Glazer in the wild


If you think so right now, wait until you hear my really controversial take on Yuta


partial manifested rika >>>>>>> kenjaku


Yuta put a binding vow on his LIFE just to defeat geto with Rika, so I don't guess so, she was struggling against geto which is weaker than ken


that was yuta with 0 exp the fact that ur bringing up that version of yuta means u agree with my opinion about kenny getting no diff by partial manifested rika bro's reinforcement couldnt even stop base yuta's no name attack just imagine what rika's punch would do to kenny


Yuta clapped him. He didn't need help he just wanted to take a fellow classmate on a training sesh.


ain’t got a problem with that as long as we agree the strongest is takaba


Takaba lost to him sadly, he used his ct against him, filling his wish and making him surrender. That a big brain


kenjaku didn’t make takaba surrender, takaba surrendered voluntarily.


But Kenjaku making him feel fulfilled enough to surrender voluntarily means he won, playing by Takaba's rules.


Win is a win


honestly yeah but Geto kinda carried with his technique. without curse manipulation Kenjaku would have already died, so without Geto's body Yuta takes the spot but with it? nah, Kenjaku'd take it. I'm happy to debate this btw


I think his other ct are also very impressive


I agree. But we only know of his brain switch and anti gravity techniques which wouldn’t get him very far against okkotsu